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In a context where mixed relationships are often seen as a visible indicator of increased tolerance, this paper holds up a lens to the particular experiences of racism negotiated by lone white mothers of mixed-parentage children. Based on qualitative interviews with thirty mothers, this paper illustrates how, through their parenting, racism and racial injustice became more visible to the mothers in the study. It is argued that, as well as experiencing racism directed at their children in a range of contexts (including the extended family, school and the local area), lone white mothers of mixed-parentage children are frequently facing social disapproval themselves. Drawing on the notion of whiteness as a seemingly unmarked and invisible category, this paper argues that mothers' experiences can challenge and complicate dominant conceptualizations of white privilege.  相似文献   

In many respects, recent East European migrants in the UK look like past migrants to the UK: they left poorer parts of the world in search of work and the better life in the UK. But in other respects, they look different: they are white. Their putative whiteness, however, has not exempted them from the effects of racism. But while there is growing evidence of how they have been targets of racism, less attention has been focused on how they are also perpetrators of racism. The purpose of this paper is to compare the ways Hungarians and Romanians wield ‘race’ to assert and defend the relatively privileged position their putative whiteness affords them in the UK's segmented labour market. I argue that these migrants mark, evaluate and rank difference in racialized ways to secure both social-psychological and material benefits.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Oliver C. Cox. RACE RELATIONS: ELEMENTS AND SOCIAL DYNAMICS. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1976, pp. 337, $17.50.

Emerich K. Francis ‐ INTERETHNIC RELATIONS: AN ESSAY IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 1976, New York, Oxford, Amsterdam, £20.00. 432 pp., incl. Selected Bibliography and Index.

Tom G. Svensson, ETHNICITY AND MOBILIZATION IN SAMI POLITICS. Stockholm, University of Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology No. 4, 1976. pp. 279, n.p.

Alphonso Pinkney, RED, BLACK, AND GREEN; BLACK NATIONALISM IN THE UNITED STATES. London, Cambridge University Press, 1976. pp. 270, £7.50.

David H. McKay, HOUSING AND RACE IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. London, Croom Helm, 1977. 193 pp., £7.50.

Gordon Bowker & John Carrier (Eds) RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS: SOCIOLOGICAL READINGS. London, Hutchinson, 1976, pp. 400, £3.95.


Trevor R. Lee ‐ RACE AND RESIDENCE: THE CONCENTRATION AND DISPERSAL OF IMMIGRANTS IN LONDON. Oxford University Press, 1977. pp. 193, £6.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Stephen Cornell, THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE: AMERICAN INDIAN POLITICAL RESURGENCE, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988, 278 pp., $29.95.

Jack D. Forbes, BLACK AFRICANS AND NATIVE AMERICANS: COLOR, RACE AND CASTE IN THE EVOLUTION OF RED‐BLACK PEOPLES, Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988, 334 pp., £35.00.

Maryon McDonald, ’WE ARE NOT FRENCH!’: LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND IDENTITY IN BRITTANY, London: Routledge, 1989, 384 pp., £40.00.

Ronald Grigor Suny, THE MAKING OF THE GEORGIAN NATION, London: I. B. Taurus and Co. Ltd., 1989, ix‐395 pp., £29.50.

Shlomo Deshen, THE MELLAH SOCIETY: JEWISH COMMUNITY LIFE IN SHERIFIAN MOROCCO, translated and revised from the Hebrew by the author. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989, xii + 152 pp., £23.95 and £9.50 (paper).

Roger Waldinger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward and Associates, ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURS: IMMIGRANT BUSINESS IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES, Sage Series on Race and Ethnic Relations, vol. 1., Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990, 226 pp., £29.25 and £13.95 (paper).

Saul Dubow, RACIAL SEGREGATION AND THE ORIGINS OF APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1919–36, St Antony's and Macmillan, London, 1989, xi and 250 pp., £35.00.



Nicole Hahn Rafter (ed.), WHITE TRASH: THE EUGENICS FAMILY STUDIES 1877–1919, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988, 382 pp., £36.00.

Neil R. McMillen, DARK JOURNEY ‐ BLACK MISSISSIPPIANS IN THE AGE OF JIM CROW, Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press, 1989, N.P.L.  相似文献   

The influential special issue and overview essay co-edited and co-authored respectively, by Winddance Twine and Charles Gallagher, set out their interpretation of whiteness studies’ genealogy, development and future. In this essay I identify their arguments and critique them in the light of a further eight years’ work on the racialization of white identities produced by the global academy. Particular attention is paid to the proliferation of micro studies about an ever-increasing array of sites, both in thematic and international terms, and to the corpus’ addressing of power relations. Moreover, I underscore Twine and Gallagher’s prescience on the strand of the work they review that bears on the racial project of recuperating white supremacy in a variety of ways, a project that is enjoying heightened visibility in 2016.  相似文献   

Satnam Virdee’s Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider is a book of great merit. But it contains a remarkable paradox: it argues strongly against racism and nationalism, but it does so in an insular way. Now and then there is mention of other parts of the world, but the book does not as such look beyond England’s boundaries. This implies at least two important challenges for further work. First, it appears that Virdee still remains imprisoned in methodological nationalism (not to be confused with political nationalism). Second, Virdee does not yet offer a structural analysis of working-class racism. An additional point is that Virdee’s analysis lacks an explicit gender perspective. The connection between fragile masculinities and (anti-)racist attitudes is not explored. These marginalia are not intended as objections to Virdee’s work. He has accomplished quite a lot and we can build on his work.  相似文献   

Samples from 200–300 randomly selected spring barley crops were taken annually at growth stage 73–77 (milky ripe) from 1976 to 1980. The number of samples from each region was proportional to the area of barley grown in each region. The percentage of the area of the top two leaves affected by diseases was recorded. Mildew (Erysiphe graminis) was the most widespread and severe disease recorded. Brown rust (Puccinia hordei) and rhynchosporium (Rhyn-chosporium secalis) occurred frequently but at relatively low levels. Yellow rust {Puccinia striiformis) and septoria (Septoria nodorum) were seen on less than 50% of the samples in most years, and halo spot (Selenophoma donacis) and net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) were rarely recorded. There was an association between the severity of rhynchosporium and the number of rain days in May and June. The highest levels of brown rust occurred in the south and east and rhynchosporium was more common in Wales and the south-west than in the east, but there were no differences in the regional distribution of other diseases. Cultivar resistance, sowing date, previous cropping and fungicide usage were all found to be associated with altered disease levels. The proportion of crops treated with a foliar fungicidal spray rose from 26% in 1976 to 47% in 1980. The use of tridemorph declined but that of triadimefon increased reaching 29% of crops treated by 1980. The use of ethirimol as a seed treatment declined from 16% of crops grown from treated seed in 1976 to 7% in 1980. Estimated yield losses between 1976 and 1980 varied between 4% and 9% due to mildew, between 0.3% and 0.8% due to brown rust and between 0.2% and 0.5% due to rhynchosporium.  相似文献   

Samples from 200–400 randomly selected winter barley crops were taken annually at growth stage 71–73 from 1981 to 1991, with the exception of 1984 and 1985. The number of samples from each region was proportional to the area of barley growth in each region. The percentage of the area of the top two leaves affected by diseases and the severity of stem base diseases were recorded. Mildew (Erysiphe graminis) was the most widespread of the foliar diseases and in three years (1982, 1986 and 1991) was also the most severe. Rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) and brown rust (Puc-cinia hordei) were also prevalent in some years. Of the stem base diseases, fusarium was often the most widespread. Eyespot (Pseudocercosporella her-potrichoides) severity varied widely from year to year ranging from 1.2% of stems affected by moderate or severe symptoms in 1982 to 24.1% in 1988. There were regional differences in the severity of mildew, rhynchosporium, brown rust, halo spot (Selenophoma donacis) and eyespot. Cultivar resistance affected disease severity and previous cropping affected eyespot and less frequently mildew, rhynchosporium and net blotch. Eyespot, and to a lesser extent, sharp eyespot, were less severe in late- than in early-sown crops. The percentage of crops treated with a fungicidal spray increased from 72% in 1981 to 95% in 1991. The use of benzimidazole fungicides for the control of eyespot declined in response to the development of resistance, and more recently the use of prochlo-raz also declined. Broad spectrum DMI fungicides were widely used, and the use of morpholines to improve mildew control increased significantly. The proportion of crops grown from seed treated with a non-mercurial fungicidal seed dressing reached a peak of 47% in 1986 but subsequently declined to 22% in 1990 and 1991.  相似文献   

Facilitation is an important process during succession. Legumes often play a significant role as facilitators, particularly in primary succession, enriching the soil with nitrogen (N). The leguminous shrub Lupinus arboreus (Sims) can fix significant N on acidic, nutrient-poor soils. An apparent association between L. arboreus and Urtica dioica (L), which requires high concentrations of soil N and phosphorus (P), suggested that L. arboreus might facilitate colonisation by Urtica of nutrient-poor soils by increasing both soil N and P. I measured significantly higher concentrations of extractable soil P and higher values of soil pH beneath L. arboreus canopy, compared with areas between bushes, occupied by herbaceous vegetation. Litter inputs beneath L. arboreus were more than two and a half times higher in terms of mass of material and P and three times higher in terms of N, than in areas between bushes. This high litter input accounted for the higher soil P concentration and higher pH. It did not lead to higher soil organic matter content however, probably because high nutrient concentration in L. arboreus litter leads to rapid decay. A glasshouse trial showed that Urtica grew poorly on soil collected from areas between bushes of L. arboreus without the addition of supplementary N and P fertiliser, indicting co-limitation, by both N and P. Growth of Urtica on soil from beneath L. arboreus was more than four times higher than on soil from between L. arboreus. Amendment of the latter soil with N significantly increased growth of Urtica, but amendment with P did not, indicating that Urtica growth on this soil was not P limited, even when amended with N. Facilitation of colonisation of this site by Urtica therefore can be attributed to increased soil N and P, derived from litter of L. arboreus. However, in the field Urtica was only found beneath dead and senescent L. arboreus, suggesting a period of inhibition caused by shading, before senescence of L. arboreus allows light penetration to the nutrient-rich soil below.  相似文献   

The growing literature on international migration has a tendency to emphasize homogenous elements such as shared ethnic background, social network and cultural similarities in shaping immigrants' identity. We argue that this underestimates the differences (and sometimes conflicts) of interests between ethnic employers and migrant workers and that class needs to be brought back into the studies of ethnic relationship. Based upon findings from a series of fieldwork in Veneto, Italy and East Midlands, UK, this article contends that class consciousness has co-existed, sometimes uneasily, alongside co-ethnic and cultural relationships among Chinese migrant workers and has played an important part in the making of new Chinese communities. By analysing the perspectives of Chinese migrant workers and their relationship with co-ethnic entrepreneurs, this article illustrates complex factors behind the formation, diffusion and development of class consciousness among Chinese migrant workers.  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic research on Vietnamese migrant workers in Taiwan, I seek to engage with and contribute to the scholarship on migrant networks and social capital. My research demonstrates that migrant networks are central to the social life of Vietnamese workers, offering not only a vital source of material and psychological support but also a platform where relationships are developed, sustained and contested. It reveals both productive and destructive potentials of social capital in situations where the migrant labourer becomes a disenfranchized underclass and their radius of trust is unsettled by physical displacement. Through this research I highlight the complexities and subjectivities in individual experiences of social capital and offer important insights into the various ways in which social networks are reinterpreted and reconfigured at the intersection of mobility, class and ethnicity within the context of Asia.  相似文献   

In Natasha Warikoo’s account, the “diversity bargain” is widespread among white elite American college students. This bargain is tentative support for preferences for underrepresented minorities in college admissions, conditioned on the admitted minority students providing white students with multicultural experiences that signal elite cosmopolitanism. This essay reviews three possible explanations for the pervasiveness of the diversity bargain: campus experiences with the benefits of diversity; socialization into expectations that elites give lip service to the benefits of diversity; and Warikoo’s methodological and analytical choices.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a survey carried out by Rentokil Ltd on the distribution of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis L. and the German cockroach Blattella germanica L. in the United Kingdom. The known ranges of both species are increased considerably by the findings of the survey, with several new vice-county records for Scotland (including the Western Isles), England and Wales. The frequency at which Blatta orientalis was observed in outdoor habitats may indicate that this species sometimes spreads to new areas without human assistance.  相似文献   

In the enclosed fresh-water environmsnt of Hanningfield Reservoir, Essex, England, Anisakis sp. larvae (parasites of marine fish) were found in 55 per cent of 40 brown trout and in 26·2 per cent of 61 rainbow trout. Experimental infection by intubating larvae into the stomach was more successful in brown trout (50·6 per cent recovery rate) than in rainbow trout (27 per cent recovery rate). Some larvae reached the body-cavity as early as 2 h after infection. They penetrated the region between the oesophagus and intestine immediately posterior to the caecal openings. Fewer larvae successfully penetrated the gut wall of brown trout within 24 h at 8°C than at 15 ± 1°C. It appears that the reservoir trout acquired Anisakis by being fed as juveniles on untreated marine fish offal containing live larvae.  相似文献   

英国邱园和外国人在中国的植物采集活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国邱园(Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew)是英国最大的植物标本保藏机构,也是世界顶级植物园之一。截止2012年12月31日,该园共有11 635份采自中国的植物标本,含206科1 102属6 056种植物。它们采自除黑龙江、吉林和天津以外的所有中国省份、直辖市和特别行政区,且90%以上的标本来自云南、四川、湖北、西藏、海南和台湾。绝大部分标本采集于1840-1949年间,也有一小部分集中在1975-2000年间。采集者来自多个国家,其中以爱尔兰人亨瑞(Augustine Henry)、英国人威尔逊(Ernest Henry Wilson)、英国人福利斯特(George Forrest)、法国人戴乐维(Pierre Jean Marie Delavay)和法国人卡瓦勒瑞(Pierre Julien Cavalerie)的贡献最大。邱园中采自中国的植物标本虽然绝大多数来自于西方人对中国植物资源的抢掠,但是对于早期中国植物学的研究以及《中国植物志》的编纂起到了极其重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns about the ecological effects of water abstraction and in the UK, these concerns have been hightened by the 1976, 1984 and 1988-92 droughts. This paper assesses macroinvertebrate and environmental changes induced by surface and groundwater abstractions on 22 streams throughout the UK.The approach involved comparative research to assess differences between reference and impacted sites.Using a database comprising 204 sets of biological and environmental data (89 taxa and 16 environmental variables) a preliminary ordination using principle components analysis clearly differentiated three types of sites: upland, lowland and an intermediate type. At this scale, any effects of abstractions on invertebrate communities are shown to be insignificant relative to regional controls. A simultaneous ordination of the environmental and faunal differences between pairs of sites was undertaken separately for each of the three regional groups. Differences are considered as vectors having both direction and amplitude and the analysis elucidates common patterns in the faunal and environmental data. Important changes were observed in two situations: upland streams affected by major diversions as part of hydro-power schemes in Scotland and lowland rivers impacted by groundwater abstractions.No strong patterns of change (either in amplitude or orientation) were demonstrated within any of the taxonomic groups. However, within the upland type some rheophilous taxa were shown typically to be reduced in abundance at impacted sites. Within the lowland type, a consistent pattern in the dataset is demonstrated by a group of taxa that are reduced in abundance at the impacted sites.  相似文献   

Samples from 300 – 400 randomly selected winter wheat crops were taken annually at growth stage 73 – 75 from 1976 to 1988 with the exception of 1983 and 1984. The number of samples from each region was proportional to the area of wheat grown in each region. The percentage of the area of the top two leaves affected by diseases, the severity of ear and stem base diseases and, in 6 years, the severity of take-all were recorded. Septoria tritici and Septoria nodorum were, on average, the most severe of the foliar diseases and eyespot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) was the most severe of the stem base diseases. Regional differences in levels of S. tritici, brown rust, sharp eyespot and nodal fusarium were significant. Cultivar resistance affected disease severity, and previous cropping patterns particularly affected take-all and eyespot. Eyespot and sharp eyespot were less severe in late- than in early-sown crops. The percentage of crops treated with a fungicidal spray increased from 14% in 1976 to over 90% between 1983 and 1985. Use of benzimidazole fungicides applied at growth stage 31 declined, while use of morpholines from flag leaf emergence onwards increased between 1985 and 1988.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background To enhance the use of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool in business decision-making, a methodology for Social life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is being developed. Social LCA aims at facilitating companies to conduct business in a socially responsible manner by providing information about the potential social impacts on people caused by the activities in the life cycle of their product. The development of the methodology has been guided by a business perspective accepting that companies, on the one hand, have responsibility for the people affected by their business activities, but, on the other hand, must also be able to compete and make profit in order to survive in the marketplace. Methods A combined, bottom-up and top-down approach has been taken in the development of the Social LCIA. Universal consensus documents regarding social issues as well as consideration for the specific business context of companies has guided the determination of damage categories, impact categories and category indicators. Results Discussion, and Conclusion. The main results are the following: (1) Impacts on people are naturally related to the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle rather than to the individual industrial processes, as is the case in Environmental LCA. Inventory analysis is therefore focused on the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle. A consequence of this view is that a key must be determined for relating the social profiles of the companies along the life cycle to the product. This need is not present in Environmental LCA, where we base the connection on the physical link which exists between process and product. (2) Boundaries of the product system are determined with respect to the influence that the product manufacturer exerts over the activities in the product chain. (3) A two-layer Social LCA method with an optional and an obligatory set of impact categories is suggested to ensure both societal and company relevance of the method. The obligatory set of impact categories encompasses the minimum expectations to a company conducting responsible business. (4) A new area of protection, Human dignity and Well-being, is defined and used to guide the modelling of impact chains. (5) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights serves as normative basis for Social LCA, together with local or country norms based on socio-economic development goals of individual countries. The International Labour Organisation's Conventions and Recommendations, and the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, support development of the impact pathway top-down, starting from the normative basis. (6) The obligatory part of Social LCA addresses the main stakeholder groups, employees, local community and society. Recommendations and Outlook Social LCA is still in its infancy and a number of further research tasks within this new area are identified.  相似文献   

Trends in living standards during the Industrial Revolution is a core debate in economic history. Studies using anthropometric records from institutional sources have found downward trends in living standards during the first half of the nineteenth century. This paper contributes to this literature by utilising an overlooked source of middle and upper class anthropometric data: the height and weight of university students. Combined with more traditional anthropometric sources these data give us a snapshot into the range of living standards experienced by different sections of society in the United Kingdom. Our findings suggest that inequality was most pronounced in Ireland, followed by England. Height inequality in Scotland was still substantial, but somewhat lower in comparison.  相似文献   

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