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There is a growing interest in understanding and forecasting the responses of plant communities to projected changes of environmental conditions. Multi-stage demographic approaches, where plant recruitment is explored across multiple and consecutive stages, are essential to obtain a whole overview of the consequences of increasing aridity on tree recruitment and forest dynamics, but they are still rarely used. In this study, we present the results of an experimental rainfall exclusion aimed to evaluate the impact of projected increasing drought on multiple stage-specific probabilities of recruitment in a key tree species typical of late-successional Mediterranean woodlands (Quercus ilex L.). We calibrated linear and nonlinear likelihood models for the different demographic processes and calculated overall probabilities of recruitment along a wide range of microhabitat conditions. Rainfall exclusion altered Q. ilex recruitment throughout ontogeny. Seed maturation, seedling emergence and survival and, to a lesser extent, post-dispersal seed survival were the most sensitive demographic processes to decreased rainfall. Interestingly, both the identity of the most critical stages for recruitment and their specific sensitivity to rainfall manipulation depended largely on the yearly pattern of precipitation. The microhabitat heterogeneity strongly determined the success of recruitment in the study species. The experimental increase in drought displaced the peak of maximum overall recruitment towards the low end of the light gradient, suggesting that the dependence on shrubs for an effective recruitment in Q. ilex could be intensified under future environmental scenarios. In terms of phenotypic plasticity, Q. ilex seedlings responded more strongly to light availability than to experimentally increased drought, which could reduce its ability to persist under on-going environmental conditions due to climate change. Results from this study provide a full picture of the ecological and functional consequences of the projected rainfall reduction on tree recruitment and forest dynamics in two years of contrasting precipitation.  相似文献   

The leading experts in the development of phylogenetic systematics, Walter Zimmermann and Willi Hennig, formulated their research program in opposition to (neo-) idealistic morphology as expounded by authors such as Wilhelm Troll and Adolf Naef. Idealistic morphology was synonymous with systematic morphology for Naef, who wanted it to be strictly kept separate and independent of phylogenetics. Naef conceded, however, that the natural system researched by systematic morphology is to be causally explained by the theory of descent with modification. Naef went on to compile a dictionary that would regulate the translation of the language of systematic morphology into the language of phylogenetics. The switch from idealistic morphology to phylogenetic morphology is paradigmatically exemplified in the two editions (1859, 1870) of Carl Gegenbaur's Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie. This paper traces the development of phylogenetic systematics from Gegenbaur through the work of Adolf Naef to Walter Zimmermann and Willi Hennig. Hennig added to Naef's systematic morphology the dimension of time, which required an ontological replacement: Naef's natural system, a nested hierarchy of intensionally defined sets subject to the membership relation, was replaced by Hennig's phylogenetic system, an enkaptic hierarchy subject to the part-to-whole relation.  相似文献   

In developing rats, a fucose-labeled glycoprotein (mGP) which is closely associated with myelin has a higher apparent molecular weight in immature myelin in comparison with mature myelin. In order to see whether this developmental difference occurred in other species, we investigated different rodents of the suborder Myomorpha. Glycoproteins were labeled in vivo by injection of [3H]fucose of [14C]fucose, and purified myelin fractions were prepared. Proteins were extracted with SDS and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Using double-labeling techniques, the 3H- and 14C-labeled mGP were compared in different samples. We found the shift in the apparent molecular weight of mGP during development in rats, gerbils, and hamsters, but we were unable to demonstrate it in mice and prairie deer mice. In these latter species, the mGP of smaller apparent molecular weight was already present at the earliest ages at which it was possible to isolate myelin. Although some rodents do not exhibit the developmental change, all showed a common feature: the presence of the same small molecular weight mGP in mature myelin. It may be that the glycoprotein of smaller size is a prerequisite for the normal compaction and maturation of myelin.  相似文献   

Considerable scholarly debate has focused on the nature of demographic change in the Americas before and after 1492. Recent research on human skeletal samples and related archeological materials suggests that morbidity and mortality were increasing throughout much of the Western Hemisphere before 1492 in response to increased population density, increased sedentism, and changing subsistence. The evidence suggests that after 1492 population reduction was caused not by continental pandemics but by localized or regional epidemics augmented by social and economic disruption. The twentieth century has witnessed remarkable Native American population recovery, fueled both by improvements in health care and changing definitions of "being Indian."  相似文献   

Populations of Afro‐Palearctic migrant birds have shown severe declines in recent decades. To identify the causes of these declines, accurate measures of both demographic rates (seasonal productivity, apparent survival, immigration) and environmental parameters will allow conservation and research actions to be targeted effectively. We used detailed observations of marked breeding birds from a ‘stronghold’ population of whinchats Saxicola rubetra in England (stable against the declining European trend) to reveal both on‐site and external mechanisms that contribute to population change. From field data, a population model was developed based on demographic rates from 2011 to 2014. Observed population trends were compared to the predicted population trends to assess model‐accuracy and the influence of outside factors, such as immigration. The sensitivity of the projected population growth rate to relative change in each demographic rate was also explored. Against expectations of high productivity, we identified low seasonal breeding success due to nocturnal predation and low apparent first‐year survival, which led to a projected population growth rate (λ) of 0.818, indicating a declining trend. However, this trend was not reflected in the census counts, suggesting that high immigration was probably responsible for buffering against this decline. Elasticity analysis indicated λ was most sensitive to changes in adult survival but with covariance between demographic rates accounted for, most temporal variation in λ was due to variation in productivity. Our study demonstrates that high quality breeding habitat can buffer against population decline but high immigration and low productivity will expose even such stronghold populations to potential decline or abandonment if either factor is unsustainable. First‐year survival also appeared low, however this result is potentially confounded by high natal dispersal. First‐year survival and/or dispersal remains a significant knowledge gap that potentially undermines local solutions aimed at counteracting low productivity.  相似文献   

While the wealth of projection matrices in plant demography permits comparative studies, variation in matrix dimensions complicates interspecific comparisons. Collapsing matrices to a common dimension may facilitate such comparisons but may also bias the inferred demographic parameters. Here we examine how matrix dimension affects inferred demographic elasticities and how different collapsing criteria perform. We analyzed 13 x 13 matrices representing nine plant species, collapsing these matrices (i) into even 7 x 7, 5 x 5, 4 x 4, and 3 x 3 matrices and (ii) into 5 x 5 matrices using different criteria. Stasis and fecundity elasticities increased when matrix dimension was reduced, whereas those of progression and retrogression decreased. We suggest a collapsing criterion that minimizes dissimilarities between the original- and collapsed-matrix elasticities and apply it to 66 plant species to study how life span and growth form influence the relationship between matrix dimension and elasticities. Our analysis demonstrates that (i) projection matrix dimension has significant effects on inferred demographic parameters, (ii) there are better-performing methods than previously suggested for standardizing matrix dimension, and (iii) herbaceous perennial projection matrices are particularly sensitive to changes in matrix dimensionality. For comparative demographic studies, we recommend normalizing matrices to a common dimension by collapsing higher classes and leaving the first few classes unaltered.  相似文献   

The seasonally determined demographic structure of two semi-arid rodents, both agricultural pest species (the leaf-eared mouse (Phyllotis darwini) in Chile and the multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) in Tanzania), is analysed using capture-mark-recapture (CMR) statistical models and measures for elasticity (the relative change in the growth rate due to a relative unit change in the parameter of concern) derived from projection linear matrix models. We demonstrate that reproduction and survival during the breeding season contribute approximately equally to population growth in the leaf-eared mouse, whereas the multimammate mouse is characterized by a more clearly defined seasonal structure into breeding and non-breeding seasons and that reproduction contributes far more than survival during the breeding season. On this basis, we discuss evolutionary and applied (pest control) issues. Regarding the evolution of life histories (leading to a maximization of the overall net annual growth rate), we suggest that for the leaf-eared mouse, features favouring survival throughout the year will provide selective value, but that during the main breeding season, features favouring reproduction and survival are about equally favourable. For the multimammate mouse, features favouring survival are particularly important outside the breeding season, whereas during the breeding season features favouring reproduction are more important. Regarding pest control (aiming at reducing the overall net annual growth rate), we suggest that (ignoring economic considerations) affecting survival outside the main breeding season is particularly effective for the leaf-eared mouse, a feature that is even more the case for the multimammate mouse. In sum, we demonstrate through this comparative study that much is to be learnt from studying the dynamics of fluctuating small rodents-a focal issue within much of population ecology.  相似文献   

Current theory to explain the adaptive significance of sex change over gonochorism predicts that female-first sex change could be adaptive when relative reproductive success increases at a faster rate with body size for males than for females. A faster rate of reproductive gain with body size can occur if larger males are more effective in controlling females and excluding competitors from fertilizations. The most simple consequence of this theoretical scenario, based on sexual allocation theory, is that natural breeding sex ratios are expected to be female biased in female-first sex changers, because average male fecundity will exceed that of females. A second prediction is that the intensity of sperm competition is expected to be lower in female-first sex-changing species because larger males should be able to more completely monopolize females and therefore reduce male-male competition during spawning. Relative testis size has been shown to be an indicator of the level of sperm competition, so we use this metric to examine evolutionary responses to selection from postcopulatory male-male competition. We used data from 116 comparable female-first sex-changing and nonhermaphroditic (gonochoristic) fish species to test these two predictions. In addition to cross-species analyses we also controlled for potential phylogenetic nonindependence by analyzing independent contrasts. As expected, breeding sex ratios were significantly more female biased in female-first sex-changing than nonhermaphroditic taxa. In addition, males in female-first sex changers had significantly smaller relative testis sizes that were one-fifth the size of those of nonhermaphroditic species, revealing a new evolutionary correlate of female-first sex change. These results, which are based on data from a wide range of taxa and across the same body-size range for either mode of reproduction, provide direct empirical support for current evolutionary theories regarding the benefits of female-first sex change.  相似文献   

Global climate change is recognized as a threat to species survival and the health of natural systems. Scientists worldwide are looking at the ecological and hydrological impacts resulting from climate change. Climate change will make future efforts to restore and manage wetlands more complex. Wetland systems are vulnerable to changes in quantity and quality of their water supply, and it is expected that climate change will have a pronounced effect on wetlands through alterations in hydrological regimes with great global variability. Wetland habitat responses to climate change and the implications for restoration will be realized differently on a regional and mega-watershed level, making it important to recognize that specific restoration and management plans will require examination by habitat. Floodplains, mangroves, seagrasses, saltmarshes, arctic wetlands, peatlands, freshwater marshes and forests are very diverse habitats, with different stressors and hence different management and restoration techniques are needed. The Sundarban (Bangladesh and India), Mekong river delta (Vietnam), and southern Ontario (Canada) are examples of major wetland complexes where the effects of climate change are evolving in different ways. Thus, successful long term restoration and management of these systems will hinge on how we choose to respond to the effects of climate change. How will we choose priorities for restoration and research? Will enough water be available to rehabilitate currently damaged, water-starved wetland ecosystems? This is a policy paper originally produced at the request of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and incorporates opinion, interpretation and scientific-based arguments.  相似文献   

Dianne M. Pinderhughes, RACE AND ETHNICITY IN CHICAGO POLITICS: A REEXAMINATION OF PLURALIST THEORY, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. xix + 319 pp. $29.95

Lawrence J. McCaffrey, Ellen Skerrett, Michael F. Funchion and Charles Fanning, THE IRISH IN CHICAGO, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. xii + 171 pp. $19.95

Stow Persons, ETHNIC STUDIES AT CHICAGO 1905–1945, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. 159 pp. $19.95.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics seeks to determine the effect of landscape features on gene flow and genetic structure. Often, such analyses are intended to inform conservation and management. However, depending on the many factors that influence the time to reach equilibrium, genetic structure may more strongly represent past rather than contemporary landscapes. This well‐known lag between current demographic processes and population genetic structure often makes it challenging to interpret how contemporary landscapes and anthropogenic activity shape gene flow. Here, we review the theoretical framework for factors that influence time lags, summarize approaches to address this temporal disconnect in landscape genetic studies, and evaluate ways to make inferences about landscape change and its effects on species using genetic data alone or in combination with other data. Those approaches include comparing correlation of genetic structure with historical versus contemporary landscapes, using molecular markers with different rates of evolution, contrasting metrics of genetic structure and gene flow that reflect population genetic processes operating at different temporal scales, comparing historical and contemporary samples, combining genetic data with contemporary estimates of species distribution or movement, and controlling for phylogeographic history. We recommend using simulated data sets to explore time lags in genetic structure, and argue that time lags should be explicitly considered both when designing and interpreting landscape genetic studies. We conclude that the time lag problem can be exploited to strengthen inferences about recent landscape changes and to establish conservation baselines, particularly when genetic data are combined with other data.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the role of predation in shaping the dynamics of animal communities is a fundamental issue in ecological research. Nevertheless, the complex nature of predator-prey interactions often prevents researchers from modelling them explicitly. 2. By using periodic Leslie-Usher matrices and a simulation approach together with parameters obtained from long-term field projects, we reconstructed the underlying mechanisms of predator-prey demographic interactions and compared the dynamics of the roe deer-red fox-Eurasian lynx-human harvest system with those of the moose-brown bear-gray wolf-human harvest system in the boreal forest ecosystem of the southern Scandinavian Peninsula. 3. The functional relationship of both roe deer and moose λ to changes in predation rates from the four predators was remarkably different. Lynx had the strongest impact among the four predators, whereas predation rates by wolves, red foxes, or brown bears generated minor variations in prey population λ. Elasticity values of lynx, wolf, fox and bear predation rates were -0·157, -0·056, -0·031 and -0·006, respectively, but varied with both predator and prey densities. 4. Differences in predation impact were only partially related to differences in kill or predation rates, but were rather a result of different distribution of predation events among prey age classes. Therefore, the age composition of killed individuals emerged as the main underlying factor determining the overall per capita impact of predation. 5. Our results confirm the complex nature of predator-prey interactions in large terrestrial mammals, by showing that different carnivores preying on the same prey species can exert a dramatically different demographic impact, even in the same ecological context, as a direct consequence of their predation patterns. Similar applications of this analytical framework in other geographical and ecological contexts are needed, but a more general evaluation of the subject is also required, aimed to assess, on a broader systematic and ecological range, what specific traits of a carnivore are most related to its potential impact on prey species.  相似文献   

Even though human induced habitat changes are a major driver of biodiversity loss worldwide, our understanding of the impact of land use change on ecological communities remains poor. Yet without such information it is difficult to develop management strategies for maintaining biodiversity in the face of anthropogenic change. To address this gap, we explored how land use practices impacted species richness in a mammalian community in northern Tanzania. Using camera traps, we estimated the number of mammalian species inhabiting three land use types subjected to increasing levels of anthropogenic pressure: (1) Tarangire National Park, (2) pastoral grazing areas; and (3) cultivated areas outside the park. Results showed that land use practice is correlated with different levels of species richness. Interestingly, mammal species richness was highest in the grazing areas and lowest in cultivated areas. When we focused our analyses on carnivores, we found little significant difference in species richness between the park and pastoral grazing areas, however, carnivore richness were significantly lower in the cultivated areas. We found no significant link between species body weight and presence in the three areas considered. Altogether, our results show that biodiversity conservation can be achieved outside national parks, with pastoral grazing areas holding a significant proportion of mammal communities; however increasing cultivation of pastoral rangelands may represent a major threat to mammalian communities.  相似文献   

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