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As interest in ethnics and their entrepreneurial activities has grown in recent years, sociologists have come to emphasize the importance of ethnic social structures as the source of actions propelling business growth. In a sign of convergence with the ‘new economic sociology’, recent literature suggests that embeddedness in ethnic networks and communities leads to cooperative, if not conformist, behaviour among ethnic economic actors. This article looks at the ‘other side’ of embeddedness, through a case‐study of African‐American, Caribbean, Korean and white construction contractors in New York City. I argue that, in construction, the embeddedness of economic behaviour in ongoing social relations among a myriad of social actors impedes access to outsiders. Embeddedness contributes to the liabilities of newness that all neophytes encounter, breeding a preference for established players with track records. However, the convergence of economic and ethnic ties has a further baneful effect, since outsiders also fall outside those networks that define the industrial community. While African‐American, Caribbean and Korean outsiders all experience these barriers in similar ways, they differ in the adaptive strategies that they have pursued. African Americans appear to be most disadvantaged, in part because they have been the most exposed to the social closure that results from the mobilization of white ethnics’ social capital. By contrast, Caribbeans and Koreans entered the labour market in societies where racial domination played little or no role in labour market outcomes ‐ a considerable asset since construction skills are transferable from one society to another. The Koreans appear to be the most embedded in ethnic networks, through which they secure jobs and skilled labour, though class factors play a role here as well and even the Koreans must reach out beyond the ethnic community for a clientele. By contrast, ethnic solidarity operates less powerfully among the black contractors, who are tied to a community where intra‐ethnic diversity and internal competition have grown as a result of immigration. In the absence of an ethnic market, black'entrepreneurs turn to the state, whose requirements and dependence on union labour expose black builders to risks from which their Korean counterparts are sheltered.  相似文献   

Tensions between African American residents and Korean immigrant merchants in inner-city neighborhoods have occurred in several cities, culminating in the 1992 Los Angeles riots and uprising. The media sees this conflict as racial, while black and Korean community leaders explain it in terms of cultural differences. Meanwhile, scholars emphasize economic factors. Each of these explanations fails to uncover the central role of white racism in this conflict and the underlying racial hierarchy in America (white-Asian-black).  相似文献   

Influenced by the revival of white ethnicity, a number of scholars began to re‐examine the historical experience of various white ethnic groups by the late sixties and early seventies. A common theme emerges from their historical analysis ‐ the argument that both white ethnics and Blacks faced similar problems adapting to American life resulting from discrimination by the White Anglo‐Saxon Protestant [WASP] mainstream: Many students of the Black experience took issue with this reinterpretation of American history, arguing that Blacks had a subordinate relationship to white society which produced a unique pattern of discrimination. Although scholars on both sides of this controversy have made their positions clear and have provided some supporting evidence, the controversy nevertheless remains unresolved because of the absence of systematic and comparative historical data on Blacks and white ethnics in the same study. The present study attempts to resolve partially this controversy by examining the political experiences of Blacks and three white ethnic groups ‐ Irish, Jews and Italians ‐ during their period of first entry into politics, a period that can greatly influence group political empowerment. The resources each group possessed, and the context and timing of the group's interaction with dominant political elites provide the focus for analysis. The ‘Black exceptional‐ism’ thesis finds strong support in the study. White ethnics were better endowed with relevant resources and experienced much less resistance from the dominant WASP elites than did Blacks. Of great significance was the fact that Blacks were forced to participate in a continuous politics of seeking basic citizenship rights, while white ethnic groups could take their citizenship rights for granted after the early years of immigration to America. Little support was uncovered for the ‘ethno‐racial umbrella’ thesis, which argues for treating race, religion and nationality as part of the same theoretical and policy universe.  相似文献   

Although researchers have chronicled the high rate of entrepreneurship in Chicago among recent Asian immigrants, especially Koreans, few studies examine groups with low rates of self-employment, such as Mexicans. In this article we analyse a unique survey of business owners operating in an immigrant community to identify circumstances that help and hinder entrepreneurship by comparing the experiences of Mexicans, with those of Koreans. We find that Korean and Mexican business owners draw on thinner ethnic social networks and do not reap similar advantages from co-ethnic business dealings. Until Mexicans consolidate a market niche, their opportunities to benefit from ethnic vertical integration will remain limited.  相似文献   

The growth of Korean immigrant entrepreneurship in Chicago is a product of three interacting factors: employment opportunities in the general labour market, resource mobilization, and business opportunity structures. Because of their language barrier and less transferable education and occupational skills in the American labour market, many Korean immigrants could not find white‐collar occupations for which they had been trained. Disadvantaged, but still strongly motivated for upward economic mobility in the United States, many of them became self‐employed business owners. Korean immigrants’ middle‐class backgrounds and their stable family structures and strong family ties helped them to realize their goal of business ownership. In addition, social networks based on kinship, friendship, church membership, and school ties provided prospective business owners with financial assistance, training, business advice, and information about business opportunities. The first business opportunities for Korean immigrants of Chicago opened in Korean ethnic markets and non‐ethnic minority markets almost simultaneously in the early 1970s. While the demand of Koreans for their cultural products created an economic niche for Korean‐oriented businesses, the export‐import trade linkage between South Korea and the United States has paved the way for the entrance of Korean businesses into minority areas. Because of different economic niches, the two types of Korean businesses developed independently. The interethnic succession of residence, which had occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s also produced vacated business opportunities in Koreatown and black neighbourhoods, enabling Korean immigrants to enter these areas without great resistance from local businesses. After Korean immigrants had accumulated capital and experience in Korean ethnic markets and minority markets, they advanced into more capital‐intensive businesses like garment manufacturing. Korean immigrant professionals began to enter the Korean ethnic economy in the early 1980s when the foundation of the Korean ethnic economy was already established.  相似文献   

Genome-wide SNP arrays have generated unprecedented quantities of data allow the detection of human evolutionary history and dense genome-wide data also enable the identification of distance ancestry among individuals or ethnic groups. To explain wider aspects of the genetic structure of Koreans and the East Asian population, we analyzed 79 individuals from the Korean HapMap project at 555,352 common single-nucleotide polymorphism loci, and compared this data with the worldwide population groups with the 53 ethnic groups from Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP-CEPH). Population differentiation (FST), Principal Component Analyses, STRUCTURE and ADMIXTURE are examined. In general, all the individual samples studies here were classified into subset of ethnic groups according to their geographical origins. Korean HapMap individuals were grouped together with East Asian populations from HGDP panel. Recently, a sub-population structure within Korean population has been reported. Our result, however, revealed the genetic homogeneity of Korean population. The ADMIXTURE analysis showed that, overall the Korean populations derive 79 % of their genomic ancestry from southern Asia and have relatively little northern Asian ancestry (21 %). The present work, therefore, provide the evidence that the male-biased southern-to-northern migration influenced not only for the genetic make up of the Y chromosome in the Korean population but also, its autosomal composition.  相似文献   

The 1970s witnessed the emergence of a protest‐based environmental movement in Australia. We outline here the history of the unstable meeting of environmentalism and Aboriginal interests, before turning to Marcia Langton's recent critique of the progressive ‘green left’ in Australia. 1 We summarise Langton's argument: environmentalists would deny Aboriginal groups the benefits that flow from native title‐related agreements; environmentalists live at luxurious distance from the realities of remote and rural Aboriginal poverty and social problems; environmentalists exalt ‘noble savages’. We critique these claims on the basis that they pay inadequate attention to the structural inequities that underpin the market in native title interests and, further, deny the reality that Aboriginal groups often seek to form strategic alliances with green groups, arguing for conservation of their country on their own—or shared—terms. We argue that any appraisal of the present status of ‘green‐black’ relations needs to consider these factors seriously.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the growing problem posed by the Slav/Polish ethnic minority in Lithuania and attempts to place this conflict in the general context of twentieth‐century East European ethnic conflicts. Particular attention is given to explaining the unique historical circumstances that produced this ethnically transitional area between the Byelorus, Polish and Lithuanian societies where throughout their history, the representatives of these ethnic groups as well as a large Jewish community and many other smaller ethnic groups have cohabited together as an intertwined mixture. However, with the spread of the idea of a single ethnic dominated national state, the transitional area in southwestern Lithuania ‐ as well as similar ethnically transitional areas elsewhere in eastern Europe ‐ were destined to be liquidated. Such areas could be liquidated either through some kind of enforceable dispersal of the now ‘undesirable’ ethnic groups from the region or through a state‐driven programme which would impose a new national identity on the ethnic groups involved. With Lithuania being much too weak a society to enforce the dispersal of its Slav minority, and with its élites determined to transform it into a single ethnic dominated national state, the only remaining option was a state policy of ‘Lithuanization’ of the Slav minority. The Slavs’ resistance to such a policy spurred on the growth of ethnic conflict in Lithuania and threatened to spill over into neighbouring countries. This article explores the regional ramifications of this ethnic conflict.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new understanding of race as an artifact constructed from racist violence and the trauma it engenders. The paper applies Jeffrey Alexander's concept of ‘cultural trauma’, i.e. when ‘members of a collectivity feel they have been subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks on their group consciousness’, to the case of Korean immigrant merchants who were victims of violence during the 1992 L.A. riots/insurrection/saigu in Los Angeles, California, following the acquittal of four white police officers charged with violently assaulting a black motorist. Though the violence was contained to distinct neighbourhoods, the larger society experienced the terror because of the mass media. Over time this media-event led to the construction of a new identity rooted in violence and trauma. Through an examination of various texts, this paper argues that the Korean-American collective consciousness shifted discursively from an identity rooted in nationality to one incorporating race.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities are important indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of vegetational restoration. The ability of soil microbial communities to recover under six types of restoration was examined using Biolog, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Soil samples were collected from eroded loessial soils that had been restored for 30 years on the Loess Plateau with natural grass, black locust, korshinsk peashrub, Chinese pine, and mixed forest of Chinese pine‐indigo and black locust‐indigo. Part of sloped farmland that had not been restored represented pre‐restoration conditions. An 80‐year‐old forest of Chinese arborvitae represented the end point of restoration. Soils that were originally farmed but have been under restoration treatments for the past 30 years had significantly higher average well‐color development, total PLFAs, bacterial PLFAs, fungal PLFAs, and Shannon indices of catabolic diversity, structural diversity, and bacterial phylogenetic diversity. These indicators, though, were lower than those for the native forest. Principal component analysis significantly separated the sloped farmland, Chinese arborvitae, and the six types of restoration. Redundancy analysis indicated that pH, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus were the most important environment factors in affecting soil functional diversity, and C/N ratio and available nutrients were the main properties in determining microbial community structure. Vegetational restoration substantially increased microbial biomass and microbial physiological activity, and shifted microbial community structure, but the community structures and compositions did not recover to the status of the natural forest during the early stage (<30 years) of vegetational restoration.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in religious participation and spirituality among African Americans, Caribbean Blacks (Black Caribbeans) and non-Hispanic Whites. Data are taken from the National Survey of American Life, a nationally representative study of African Americans, Black Caribbeans and non-Hispanic Whites. Selected measures of organizational, nonorganizational and subjective religious participation were examined. African American and Caribbean Blacks were largely similar in their reports of religious involvement; both groups generally indicated higher levels of religious participation than non-Hispanic Whites. African Americans were more likely than Black Caribbeans to be official members of their places of worship, engage in activities (choirs, church clubs) at their place of worship and request prayer from others. Black Caribbeans reported reading religious materials more frequently than African Americans. The discussion notes the importance of examining ethnic differences within the black American population of the United States.  相似文献   

To investigate the origin of Koreans, we examined the 12-locus Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) variation in a sample of 310 unrelated males from three localities (Gochang, Andong and Geoje) in Korea and statistically analyzed the previously published four Y-STR databases (n = 1655) of Korean population. The median joining network of 9-locus Y-STR haplotypes inferred as haplogroup O2b-SRY+465 showed a “star cluster” indicative of a population expansion from a centrally positioned haplotype. The central haplotype in the “star cluster” was the most frequently occurring Y-STR haplotype among the Korean male gene pool (6%, 127 of 1965, 10,14,12,13,14,16,13,13,23, for loci DYS391, DYS389I, DYS439, DYS438, DYS437, DYS19, DYS392, DYS393, and DYS390), which was shared among all seven datasets. Based on the “star cluster” pattern from both our data (41%, 128 of 310) and those previously published (34%, 563 of 1655), we suggest that the most frequent Y-STR haplotype among the Korean male gene pool seems to be the Korean modal (ancestral) haplotype. Further study with additional Y-STR and Y-SNP data of the east Asian populations as well as Korean population are needed to providing a genetic clue for the “star cluster” (O2b-SRY+465) associated with the ethnohistoric events of the Koreans.  相似文献   

Space use in mammals may be influenced not only by their primary foods, but also by localized sources of physiologically critical resources such as sodium‐rich plants. We examined how sodium acquisition influences habitat use in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Rwanda which have increased the amount of time they forage on community land outside of Volcanoes National Park (VNP), where eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) tree bark is their most frequently eaten food. We measured sodium content in samples from 34 main dietary items and quantified sodium intake by 22 gorillas in three social groups over one year. On a dry weight basis, eucalyptus bark contains 3100 mg Na/kg. In contrast, the four herbs most frequently exploited for food inside the park are relatively sodium‐poor (<70 mg/kg each). Further, sodium intake rates were highest when the gorillas were on community land. Of the two groups that fed outside of the park, one obtained 73% and the other one 45% of their sodium in that habitat despite only feeding for minimal amounts of time there. However, one group that did not feed on community land acquired 78% of its sodium in the subalpine and alpine zones through the consumption of pith of giant lobelias and groundsels. Obtaining sodium thus likely creates an incentive for the gorillas to leave the park and make forays into high‐altitude habitat. Both strategies are not without risks: exiting their natural habitat and feeding on crops may increase human‐wildlife conflict and visiting high‐altitude areas may increase the risk of hypothermia.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association of employment status with health-related quality of life in adult Koreans, as well as the gender difference in the relationship, using a large, nationally representative sample. Using data from the Korea Health Panel survey, we examined the relationship between quality of life measured by EQ-5D and work status among Korean adults. We also tested whether and how the relationship between quality of life and work status differed by gender. Quality of life among working adults was better than among non-working adults. The gap between the two groups was larger among male than female participants. Further, the gender differential effect was larger in the 41–60-year-old age group than in the 18–40-year-old and 61-or-older groups. Being employed has a positive relation to quality of life among adults. Work status plays a more important role in quality of life for men than for women, especially for the working elderly men than working elderly women.  相似文献   

If a chi‐squared analysis were to be performed to determine whether preferences were significant in a paired preference test, the appropriate expected frequencies in the analysis would represent those that would occur should the consumers have no preference. One way of determining these ‘no preference’frequencies, for a particular test situation, would be to note the preference responses obtained when the stimuli were putatively identical. Over 2000 consumers were given paired preference tests in which the stimuli were putatively identical. Response conditions and consumer groups were varied and the proportions of preference and no preference responses were noted. In a preliminary experiment, further research was seen to be justified when for putatively identical stimuli, judges did not exclusively express lack of preference; many expressed a preference for one or other of the stimuli. Further experiments were conducted using a written response condition and putatively identical potato chips (potato crisps) as stimuli. Using a single ‘no preference’option, variation in the placement of this option at either first, second or third place on the response sheet had no significant effect on the response frequencies. The proportion of ‘no preference’responses was approximately 30% in all cases. A previously reported 40‐20‐40 distribution was not always confirmed. The experiment was repeated with Korean consumers; these had fewer ‘no preference’responses. Deriving preferences from hedonic scales, rather than having judges respond to preference options, increased the proportion of ‘no preference’responses, with American judges still having more than Korean judges. Yet there are logical objections to extracting preference data from hedonic scales. Increasing the number of ‘no preference’options to two or three, had the effect of increasing the number of ‘no preference’responses up to as much as approximately 60%. Extending the results to Koreans, using two ‘no preference’options, it was seen that only the judges in an anonymous response condition had significantly fewer ‘no preference’responses than Americans. The use of these response frequencies as expected frequencies in chi squared analyses was illustrated, after adjustments for counterbalancing.  相似文献   

The influence of the Japanese superstition that females born in the year of Hinoe-Uma (Elder Fire Horse) possess undesirable characters and should not marry on the fertility of the Korean immigrant population in Japan was examined and compared with the influence of this superstition on the Japanese in Japan and the Korean population in Korea. The year of Hinoe-Uma occurs once in every 60 years according to the ancient Sino-Japanese almanac. For both the Koreans in Japan and the Japanese a remarkable drop in crude birthrates and a sharp increase in stillbirth rates was found for 1966. In contrast, Koreans in Korea showed only a steady decline in the crude birthrate. Clearly, the Japanese folk superstition played an important part in discouraging Koreans in Japan from having a child in 1966. The fact that no such effect was apparent among Koreans living in Korea suggests that this phenomenon is due to either the adoption or the mimicry of cultural practices on the part of the immigrant population.  相似文献   

Western black‐and‐white colobus and Temmink's red colobus are two forest‐dependent African primates with similar ecological requirements, often found in sympatry. Their most striking difference lies in their social system: black‐and‐white colobus live in small groups with mainly male‐mediated dispersal but where females can also disperse, whereas red colobus live in larger groups with males described as philopatric. To investigate whether genetic evidence supports the reported patterns of dispersal based on observational data, we examined eight black‐and‐white and six red colobus social groups from Cantanhez National Park, Guinea‐Bissau. Microsatellite markers revealed a lack of sex‐biased dispersal for black‐and‐white colobus. Gene flow, mainly mediated by females, better explained the genetic patterns found in red colobus, with some evidence for less extensive male dispersal. In contrast to the microsatellite data, low mitochondrial diversity for the black‐and‐white colobus suggests that historical and/or long‐range male‐mediated gene flow might have been favored. In red colobus, the co‐existence of three divergent mitochondrial haplogroups suggests that the Cantanhez population contains a secondary contact zone between divergent lineages that evolved in allopatry. Female‐biased dispersal in this species may be a major factor contributing to the colonization by such differentiated mitochondrial lineages in the region. Overall, we find evidence for a spatio‐temporal change in the dispersal patterns of the colobus monkeys of Cantanhez, with mitochondrial DNA indicating dispersal by mainly a single sex and microsatellite data suggesting that recently both sexes appear to be dispersing within the population. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Married individuals tend to be heavier than those who are unmarried, particularly men, and individuals in different ethnic categories vary in their involvement in marriage and in their body weights. We examined gender and ethnic differences in relationships between marital status and body weight using cross‐sectional data from the 1999–2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for 3,947 women and 4,019 men. The findings revealed that compared to married men in the same ethnic category, white divorced men, black never‐married men, and all Hispanic men except for widows had lower odds of being overweight. Compared to married women in the same ethnic category, white women's weights did not significantly differ by marital status, black separated women had greater odds of being overweight, and Hispanic never‐married women had lower odds of being overweight. Associations of marriage with body weight appear to be at least partly contingent upon gender and ethnicity, which may reflect larger societal patterns of involvement in marriage, commitment to family, and body‐weight norms and expectations.  相似文献   

This article compares ethnic and sub-ethnic attachments in Chinese, Indian, and Korean immigrants in New York City, based on results of a survey. Indian respondents, with much higher levels of education and fluency in English, show a lower level of cultural ethnic attachment than the other two groups. The Chinese show the lowest level of formal ethnic affiliation, mainly due to their much lower level of religious affiliation. All three groups show extremely high levels of informal ethnic networks. However, Chinese and Indian respondents largely limit their close friendships to their sub-ethnic group, based on national origin, religion, regional origin and/or language, while Korean respondents, characterized by group homogeneity, tend to maintain close friendships with all other Koreans. Much larger proportions of Chinese and Indian respondents than Koreans choose the sub-ethnic identity label and they show much lower levels of loyalty to their homeland than Korean respondents.  相似文献   

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