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France's Afro‐Caribbean population forms a distinctive element in postwar migrant labour recruitment: of French nationality, with an equal balance of men and women, and strongly concentrated in public sector employment, especially in the Paris region. State policy strongly influenced the migration flow from the Caribbean islands, especially from the early 1960s. This article looks at aspects of the migrants’ housing experience, using aggregate statistics to establish general tenure patterns and interviews to recreate biographical histories. Afro‐Caribbean migrants avoided for the most part the worst excesses of the housing crisis of the 1960s and 1970s, though housing conditions ‐ especially for newly‐arriving migrants ‐ were frequently poor. Access to the public housing sector is shown to be crucial, though the role of the state was less direct (specifically aimed at the Caribbean population through the migration agency) than indirect (through the role of employers and the general involvement of the state in housing provision).  相似文献   

Variable socio‐cultural influences developed in the colonial Caribbean as a result of competing European hegemonic rule. In this study, we examine how colonial regulations regarding social hierarchies and mate choice worked to influence the genetic landscape of contemporary African Caribbean populations. To this end, 420 individuals from Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Jamaica, and Trinidad were genotyped for 105 autosomal ancestry informative markers. Based on these data, population substructure and admixture were assessed using an exact test, a model‐based clustering method, and principal components analysis. On average, individual admixture estimates of the pooled African Caribbean sample were 77% (SD ± 18%) West African, 15% (SD ± 15%) European, and 7.7% (SD ± 8%) Native American. In general, ancestry estimates were significantly different between Dominica and all other islands. Genetic structure analyses indicated subdivision into two subpopulations on most islands. Finally, unlike all of the other Caribbean populations that clustered adjacent to African populations, the Dominican population was more intermediate between the three parental groups in the principal components plot. As a result of the significant French influence throughout Dominican history, Dominica did not have the same cultural influences that typified other Anglophone colonies. Consequently, there were different social hierarchies and resulting mate choices on Dominica compared with the other considered islands. This study highlights the complex socio‐cultural history of a broad region of the Caribbean and attests to the interplay between social and biological factors in shaping the genetic diversity present in present‐day communities. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:135–143, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

J. S. Furnivall's characterization of Java in the last half‐century of colonial rule as a ‘plural society’ has largely been taken for granted by most scholars who have supported or opposed the applicability of the concept in a Caribbean or African context. In the ‘plural society’ of colonial Java, according to Furnivall, Europeans, Chinese and natives each held by their own religion, their own culture and language, meeting as individuals only in the market place. This article re‐examines the case of colonial Java, which first prompted Furnivall to use the concept, paying particular attention to the Chinese. It argues that at the time he invented the term, he exaggerated the ‘pluralistic’ features of colonial society, and that, when applied to the situation at the turn of the century, the concept was quite misleading. Rather, it is suggested, colonial society in the urban centres of Java at that time might in many respects just as well be characterized as a ‘mestizo society’.  相似文献   

Conversion of tropical forests is among the primary causes of global environmental change. The loss of their important environmental services has prompted calls to integrate ecosystem services (ES) in addition to socio‐economic objectives in decision‐making. To test the effect of accounting for both ES and socio‐economic objectives in land‐use decisions, we develop a new dynamic approach to model deforestation scenarios for tropical mountain forests. We integrate multi‐objective optimization of land allocation with an innovative approach to consider uncertainty spaces for each objective. These uncertainty spaces account for potential variability among decision‐makers, who may have different expectations about the future. When optimizing only socio‐economic objectives, the model continues the past trend in deforestation (1975–2015) in the projected land‐use allocation (2015–2070). Based on indicators for biomass production, carbon storage, climate and water regulation, and soil quality, we show that considering multiple ES in addition to the socio‐economic objectives has heterogeneous effects on land‐use allocation. It saves some natural forest if the natural forest share is below 38%, and can stop deforestation once the natural forest share drops below 10%. For landscapes with high shares of forest (38%–80% in our study), accounting for multiple ES under high uncertainty of their indicators may, however, accelerate deforestation. For such multifunctional landscapes, two main effects prevail: (a) accelerated expansion of diversified non‐natural areas to elevate the levels of the indicators and (b) increased landscape diversification to maintain multiple ES, reducing the proportion of natural forest. Only when accounting for vascular plant species richness as an explicit objective in the optimization, deforestation was consistently reduced. Aiming for multifunctional landscapes may therefore conflict with the aim of reducing deforestation, which we can quantify here for the first time. Our findings are relevant for identifying types of landscapes where this conflict may arise and to better align respective policies.  相似文献   

Indian and Chinese seafarers hold an important place in the history of the migration of people of Asian origin to Scotland. As transient labour with a disadvantaged politico‐legal status, these seafarers constituted a highly exploitable workforce and their appearance in Glasgow from the late 1850s bears testimony to the city's close links to the colonial system. Responses to the group shifted in the early‐twentieth century as missionizing impulses were supplanted by fears of economic competition. These fears were chiefly voiced in the racialized economistic policies of the white seamen's unions. As regards their broader legacy, the seafarers not only form a link into postwar migration and permanent settlement from the Indian subcontinent and South‐east Asia, but their experiences in Glasgow are also indicative of the negative ideological complex that confronted postwar migrants.  相似文献   


Migrants often have lower mortality than natives in spite of relatively unfavorable social and economic characteristics. Although migrants have a short‐run advantage due to the selective migration of healthy workers, persistent health and mortality differences between migrants and natives may be long‐run effects of different experiences in childhood. We made use of a natural experiment resulting from rural‐to‐urban migration in the mid‐19th century. Mortality was much higher in urban areas, especially in rapidly growing industrial cities. Migrants usually came from healthier rural origins as young adults. Data used in this study is available from 19th‐century Belgian population registers describing two sites: a rapidly growing industrial city and a small town that became an industrial suburb. We found evidence of three processes that lead to differences between the mortality of migrants and natives. First, recent migrants had lower mortality than natives, because they were self‐selected for good health when they arrived. This advantage decreased with time spent in the destination. Second, migrants from rural backgrounds had a disadvantage in epidemic years, because they had less experience with these diseases. Third, migrants from rural areas had lower mortality at older (but not younger) ages, even if they had migrated more than 10 years earlier. We interpret this as a long‐run consequence of less exposure to disease in childhood.  相似文献   

In this study we provide the first comprehensive assessment of the environmental and anthropogenic factors driving bryophyte invasions worldwide. We compiled data of alien bryophyte distributions from 82 regions on five continents and oceanic islands and region specific variables. For each species, we collected data on its region‐specific invasion stage, i.e. casual (ephemeral) vs naturalized (persistent) occurrences, and we differentiated between known aliens and those which are likely to be alien (cryptogenic). We used these data to test how species attributes, environmental and socio‐economic conditions of the study areas as well as introduction effort affect invasion probabilities at different invasion stages and of known alien vs cryptogenic species. We collected information on species’ attributes (native range size and location, niche breadth, habitat affiliation), and calculated variables characterising the environmental, biogeographic and socio‐economic features of the native and recepient regions. Subsequently, we related the probability of alien occurrence across different invasion stages with these species‐ and region‐wise predictor variables using generalized linear mixed effects models. Greater native range size raised the likelihood that a species becomes alien or cryptogenic. Islands are more invaded by alien (and cryptogenic) bryophytes than continental regions. Native range size and socio‐economic activity increase the likelihood that a species becomes alien or cryptogenic elsewhere. Interestingly, among alien bryophytes naturalizations occur more frequently in regions of the complementary hemisphere than in regions of their native hemisphere. In general, regions in the Southern Hemisphere have higher numbers of naturalized bryophytes. We conclude that there is a conspicuous change in factors determining bryophyte invasions at different invasion stages. Whereas alien and cryptogenic bryophyte species occurrences are more frequent on islands and depend on native range size, and hence probably propagule pressure, naturalized bryophytes are more frequent in areas which are biogeographically separated but climatically similar to the native ranges.  相似文献   

Trans‐equatorial long‐distance migrations of high‐latitude breeding animals have been attributed to narrow ecological niche widths. We suggest an alternative hypothesis postulating that trans‐equatorial migrations result from a possible increase in the rate at which body stores to fuel migration are deposited with absolute latitude; that is, longer, migrations away from the breeding grounds surpassing the equator may actually enhance fueling rates on the nonbreeding grounds and therewith the chance of a successful, speedy and timely migration back to the breeding grounds. To this end, we first sought to confirm the existence of a latitudinal trend in fuel deposition rate in a global data set of free‐living migratory shorebirds and investigated the potential factors causing this trend. We next tested two predictions on how this trend is expected to impact the migratory itineraries on northward migration under the time‐minimization hypothesis, using 56 tracks of high‐latitude breeding shorebirds migrating along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. We found a strong positive effect of latitude on fuel deposition rate, which most likely relates to latitudinal variations in primary productivity and available daily foraging time. We next confirmed the resulting predictions that (1) when flying from a stopover site toward the equator, migrants use long jumps that will take them to an equivalent or higher latitude at the opposite hemisphere; and (2) that from here onward, migrants will use small steps, basically fueling only enough to make it to the next suitable staging site. These findings may explain why migrants migrate “the extra mile” across the equator during the nonbreeding season in search of better fueling conditions, ultimately providing secure and fast return migrations to the breeding grounds in the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the changes occurring in households in the indigenous Rana Tharus community. I discuss the household not in terms of physical structure but instead on the social aspects: how people relate to each other through the lens of the household context. I argue that the fluid nature of households makes its flexible to different ecological environments and socio‐economic scenarios. My ethnography of Rana households clearly illustrated that the formation, structure and management of Rana households was fundamentally linked to people's livelihoods. Before 1950s, abundant land resources allowed Ranas to live in joint‐type households. This particular household arrangement not only fulfilled labour needs but also secured the mutual security for every household member. Gradually, undivided and big households (known in Rana as Badaghar) became the ideal model for Ranas as soon as such establishments did not become divided or separated. This household structure also served as an important safety net for most Ranas and fundamental to other social relationships especially Mukhiya (household head system) and Kurmaa (patrilineal kin). However, since the 1950s, new socio‐economic landscapes have significantly challenged the maintenance of traditional Rana households. Within the lifetime of most Ranas, they first experienced household fission and the disappearance of the Mukhiya system. The dynamic relationships between Rana household and new ecological, social and economic landscapes are explored here. It is concluded that the household is a critical institution allowing anthropologists to better understand the long‐term social impacts caused by state policies and ecological changes. This is because people often practice their new household relations in their everyday life as a response to environmental and livelihood changes.  相似文献   

For much of its colonial history, the Netherlands experienced little contact with its island possessions in the Caribbean. Subsequent Dutch policy was formulated in the shadow of the Netherlands primary concern with its prosperous colony of Indonesia. The 1985 closing of the oil refineries in Aruba and Curacao, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba’s “status aparte” in 1986 triggered a mass migration from those Dutch “overseas countries” to the Netherlands. These recent migrations of thousands of Dutch post-colonial citizens have added to the Dutch reevaluation of its colonial past and debates about its multicultural democratic future.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that drive the global distribution of alien species is a pivotal issue in invasion biology. Here, we used data on naturalized conifers (Pinaceae, Cupressaceae) from sixty temperate and subtropical regions and five continents to test how environmental and socio‐economic conditions of recipient areas as well as introduction efforts affect naturalization probabilities. We collated 18 predictor variables for each region describing environmental, biogeographic and socio‐economic conditions as well as a measure of the macro‐climatic match with the species' native ranges, and the extent to which alien conifers are used in commercial forestry. Naturalization probabilities across all species and regions were then related to these predictor variables by means of generalized linear mixed models. For both Pinaceae and Cupressaceae, naturalization probabilities were generally higher in the Southern Hemisphere, and increased with indicators of habitat diversity of the recipient region. The match in macro‐climatic conditions between the native and introduced regions was a significant predictor of conifer naturalization, but socio‐economic variables were less powerful predictors. Only for Cupressaceae did a socio‐economic variable (human population density) affect naturalization probabilities. Key attributes facilitating naturalization were related to introduction effort. Moreover, usage in commercial forestry generally fostered naturalization, although the actual size of alien conifer plantations in a region was only correlated with the naturalization of Pinaceae. Our results suggest that climate matching, habitat diversity and introduction effort co‐determine the probability of naturalization, which additionally, is modulated by biogeographic features of the recipient area, such as incidence of natural enemies or competitors. To date, the most widely used tools for invasive plant risk assessment only account for climate match and rarely factor in other attributes of the recipient environment. Future tools should additionally consider biotic environment and introduction effort if risk assessment is to be effective.  相似文献   

Whilst high‐resolution spatial variables contribute to a good fit of spatially explicit deforestation models, socio‐economic processes are often beyond the scope of these models. Such a low level of interest in the socio‐economic dimension of deforestation limits the relevancy of these models for decision‐making and may be the cause of their failure to accurately predict observed deforestation trends in the medium term. This study aims to propose a flexible methodology for taking into account multiple drivers of deforestation in tropical forested areas, where the intensity of deforestation is explicitly predicted based on socio‐economic variables. By coupling a model of deforestation location based on spatial environmental variables with several sub‐models of deforestation intensity based on socio‐economic variables, we were able to create a map of predicted deforestation over the period 2001–2014 in French Guiana. This map was compared to a reference map for accuracy assessment, not only at the pixel scale but also over cells ranging from 1 to approximately 600 sq. km. Highly significant relationships were explicitly established between deforestation intensity and several socio‐economic variables: population growth, the amount of agricultural subsidies, gold and wood production. Such a precise characterization of socio‐economic processes allows to avoid overestimation biases in high deforestation areas, suggesting a better integration of socio‐economic processes in the models. Whilst considering deforestation as a purely geographical process contributes to the creation of conservative models unable to effectively assess changes in the socio‐economic and political contexts influencing deforestation trends, this explicit characterization of the socio‐economic dimension of deforestation is critical for the creation of deforestation scenarios in REDD+ projects.  相似文献   

Long distance migrations by ungulate species often surpass the boundaries of preservation areas where conflicts with various publics lead to management actions that can threaten populations. We chose the partially migratory bison (Bison bison) population in Yellowstone National Park as an example of integrating science into management policies to better conserve migratory ungulates. Approximately 60% of these bison have been exposed to bovine brucellosis and thousands of migrants exiting the park boundary have been culled during the past two decades to reduce the risk of disease transmission to cattle. Data were assimilated using models representing competing hypotheses of bison migration during 1990-2009 in a hierarchal bayesian framework. Migration differed at the scale of herds, but a single unifying logistic model was useful for predicting migrations by both herds. Migration beyond the northern park boundary was affected by herd size, accumulated snow water equivalent, and aboveground dried biomass. Migration beyond the western park boundary was less influenced by these predictors and process model performance suggested an important control on recent migrations was excluded. Simulations of migrations over the next decade suggest that allowing increased numbers of bison beyond park boundaries during severe climate conditions may be the only means of avoiding episodic, large-scale reductions to the Yellowstone bison population in the foreseeable future. This research is an example of how long distance migration dynamics can be incorporated into improved management policies.  相似文献   

Increased deployment of renewable energy can contribute towards mitigating climate change and improving air quality, wealth and development. However, renewable energy technologies are not free of environmental impacts; thus, it is important to identify opportunities and potential threats from the expansion of renewable energy deployment. Currently, there is no cross‐national comprehensive analysis linking renewable energy potential simultaneously to socio‐economic and political factors and biodiversity priority locations. Here, we quantify the relationship between the fraction of land‐based renewable energy (including solar photovoltaic, wind and bioenergy) potential available outside the top biodiversity areas (i.e. outside the highest ranked 30% priority areas for biodiversity conservation) within each country, with selected socio‐economic and geopolitical factors as well as biodiversity assets. We do so for two scenarios that identify priority areas for biodiversity conservation alternatively in a globally coordinated manner vs. separately for individual countries. We show that very different opportunities and challenges emerge if the priority areas for biodiversity protection are identified globally or designated nationally. In the former scenario, potential for solar, wind and bioenergy outside the top biodiversity areas is highest in developing countries, in sparsely populated countries and in countries of low biodiversity potential but with high air pollution mortality. Conversely, when priority areas for biodiversity protection are designated nationally, renewable energy potential outside the top biodiversity areas is highest in countries with good governance but also in countries with high biodiversity potential and population density. Overall, these results identify both clear opportunities but also risks that should be considered carefully when making decisions about renewable energy policies.  相似文献   

Aim Although bats of the Caribbean have been studied extensively, previous work is largely restricted to zoogeography, phylogeography or the effects of island characteristics on species richness. Variation among islands in species composition that is related to geographical or environmental variation remains poorly understood for much of the Caribbean. Location Caribbean islands, including the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Methods Using presence–absence data, we assessed the extent to which island area, maximum island elevation, inter‐island distance and hurricane‐induced disturbance affected patterns of composition and nestedness for bats in the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Analyses were conducted for all species, as well as for two broadly defined guilds: carnivores and herbivores. Results For the Bahamas, only inter‐island distance accounted for variation in species composition between islands. For the Greater and Lesser Antilles, differences in island area and inter‐island distance accounted for differences in species composition between islands. Variation in species composition was not related significantly to differences in elevation or hurricane‐related disturbance. In general, results of analyses restricted to a particular broad guild (i.e. carnivores or herbivores) mirrored those for all bats. Bat species composition was nested significantly in each island group. Nestedness was stronger in the Greater Antilles and in the Lesser Antilles than in the Bahamas. Carnivore assemblages were nested significantly in the Greater and in the Lesser Antilles, but not in the Bahamas. In contrast, herbivore assemblages were nested significantly in each island group. Main conclusions Inter‐island distance had a greater effect on compositional similarity of Caribbean bat assemblages than did island area, elevation or disturbance related to hurricanes. Differential immigration and hierarchical habitat distributions associated with elevational relief are likely to be primary causes for nestedness of Caribbean bat assemblages.  相似文献   


Migrant workers from Latin America are an essential source of economic development in the US agricultural industry. A majority of migrants are from Mexico and are undocumented and they represent a vulnerable and marginalized group in American society. There is a growing concern for HIV disease in the migrant community. The HIV prevalence rate among migrants is higher than the average rates in USA and in countries of Latin America. There are many behavioural, social, cultural, and health care risk factors and barriers that place migrants at increased risk for HIV infection. Many migrant workers contract HIV while working and living in the USA, which has contributed to rising HIV infection rates in Mexico. In order to prevent an increasing epidemic of HIV disease in Latino migrant workers, there is an urgent call for new and improved health care policies at the international, federal, state, and local levels.  相似文献   

Concepts of development are inevitably loaded with value judgements concerning what constitutes ‘proper’ social and economic organisation. Focusing on the cultural politics of development on Siquijor, an island in the Central Visayas region of the Philippines, this paper explores these often tacit ideals. It considers one of the key idioms Siquijodnon use in explaining how development is brought about—cooperation—and some of its locally perceived opposites—‘crab mentality’, politicking and corruption—which contain powerful moral critiques of self and society. On Siquijor, local discourses of development have it that widespread poverty in the Philippines demonstrates a failing of Filipinos to live up to supposedly universal norms of ethical socio‐economic conduct. However, I argue that attention to local norms of moral economy reveal the ambivalence underlying these notions of development, particularly in relation to the roles of individualism and reciprocity in socio‐economic organisation.  相似文献   

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