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The basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium produces two glycoside hydrolase family 1 intracellular beta-glucosidases, BGL1A and BGL1B, during the course of cellulose degradation. In order to clarify the catalytic difference between two enzymes, in spite of their high similarity in amino acid sequences (65%), five amino acids around the catalytic site of BGL1A were individually mutated to those of BGL1B (V173C, M177L, D229N, H231D, and K253A), and the effects of the mutations on cellobiose hydrolysis were evaluated. When the kinetic parameters (K(m) and k(cat)) were compared at the optimum pH for the wild-type enzyme, the kinetic efficiency was decreased in the cases of D229N, H231D, and K253A, but not V173C or M177L. The pH dependence of cellobiose hydrolysis showed a significantly more acidic pH profile for the D229N mutant, compared with the wild-type enzyme. Since D229 is located between K253 and the putative acid/base catalyst E170, we prepared the double mutant D229N/K253A, and found that its hydrolytic activity at neutral pH was restored to that of the wild-type enzyme. Our results indicate that the interaction between D229 and K253 is critical for the pH dependence and catalytic activity of BGL1A. Biotechnol. Bioeng.  相似文献   

Kumar V 《Bioinformation》2011,6(2):61-63
A bioinformatics analysis of sequences of enzymes of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) 13 family members such as α-amylase, cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase), branching enzyme and cyclomaltodextrinase has been carried out in order to find out the sequence motifs that govern the reactions specificities of these enzymes by using hidden Markov model (HMM) profile. This analysis suggests the existence of such sequence motifs and residues of these motifs constituting the -1 to +3 catalytic subsites of the enzyme. Hence, by introducing mutations in the residues of these four subsites, one can change the reaction specificities of the enzymes. In general it has been observed that α -amylase sequence motif have low sequence conservation than rest of the motifs of the GH13 family members.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated how activity and oligomeric state are related in a purified GH1 β‐glucosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sfβgly). Gel filtration chromatography coupled to a multiple angle light scattering detector allowed separation of the homodimer and monomer states and determination of the dimer dissociation constant (KD), which was in the micromolar range. Enzyme kinetic parameters showed that the dimer is on average 2.5‐fold more active. Later, we evaluated the kinetics of homodimerization, scanning the changes in the Sfβgly intrinsic fluorescence over time when the dimer dissociates into the monomer after a large dilution. We described how the rate constant of monomerization (koff) is affected by temperature, revealing the enthalpic and entropic contributions to the process. We also evaluated how the rate constant (kobs) by which equilibrium is reached after dimer dilution behaves when varying the initial Sfβgly concentration. These data indicated that Sfβgly dimerizes through the conformational selection mechanism, in which the monomer undergoes a conformational exchange and then binds to a similar monomer, forming a more active homodimer. Finally, we noted that conformational selection reports and experiments usually rely on a ligand whose concentration is in excess, but for homodimerization, this approach does not hold. Hence, since our approach overcomes this limitation, this study not only is a new contribution to the comprehension of GH1 β‐glucosidases, but it can also help to elucidate protein interaction pathways.  相似文献   

Xylanases are of widespread importance in several food and non-food biotechnological applications. They degrade heteroxylans, a structurally heterogeneous group of plant cell wall polysaccharides, and other important components in various industrial processes. Because of the highly complex structures of heteroxylans, efficient utilization of xylanases in these processes requires an in-depth knowledge of their substrate specificity. A significant number of studies on the three-dimensional structures of xylanases from different glycoside hydrolase (GH) families in complex with the substrate provided insight into the different mechanisms and strategies by which xylanases bind and hydrolyze structurally different heteroxylans and xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS). Combined with reports on the hydrolytic activities of xylanases on decorated XOS and heteroxylans, major advances have been made in our understanding of the link between the three-dimensional structures and the substrate specificities of these enzymes. In this review, authors gave a concise overview of the structure–function relationship of xylanases from GH5, 8, 10, and 11. The structural basis for inter- and intrafamily variation in xylanase substrate specificity was discussed as are the implications for heteroxylan degradation.  相似文献   

李兵  刘柳  单婷婷  郭顺星 《菌物学报》2021,40(6):1369-1379
蜜环菌是一种兼性腐生和寄生的真菌,通过降解伴栽基质并为药用植物(天麻)或菌物(猪苓)提供营养物质,而糖苷水解酶是这一过程的主要酶类.本研究从蜜环菌Armillaria mellea 541菌株转录数据库中共获得糖苷水解酶家族基因170个,分布于39个亚家族.进一步分析发现,这些家族基因编码的糖苷水解酶家族蛋白(glyc...  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and a comparative characterisation of the kinetic parameters, pH dependency of activity and thermal stability of mutant and wild-type enzymes have been used in association with crystallographic analysis to delineate the functions of several active site residues in a novel glycoside hydrolase family 8 xylanase. Each of the residues investigated plays an essential role in this enzyme: E78 as the general acid, D281 as the general base and in orientating the nucleophilic water molecule, Y203 in maintaining the position of the nucleophilic water molecule and in structural integrity and D144 in sugar ring distortion and transition state stabilization. Interestingly, although crystal structure analyses and the pH-activity profiles clearly identify the functions of E78 and D281, substitution of these residues with their amide derivatives results in only a 250-fold and 700-fold reduction in their apparent k(cat) values, respectively. This, in addition to the observation that the proposed general base is not conserved in all glycoside hydrolase family 8 enzymes, indicates that the mechanistic architecture in this family of inverting enzymes is more complex than is conventionally believed and points to a diversity in the identity of the mechanistically important residues as well as in the arrangement of the intricate microenvironment of the active site among members of this family.  相似文献   

纤维素酶的分子改造是其催化性能改进及催化效率提升的重要手段。近年来,组学技术与结构测定技术的迅速发展,人们已建立了包括糖苷水解酶(Glycoside hydrolase,GH)在内的碳水化合物活性酶组分数据库。通过对同一蛋白家族进行序列比对、分子进化分析与祖先基因重构,以结构模建分析为指导的纤维素酶分子改造,可以明显缩小序列或结构的搜索空间,加快酶分子改造的速度,增大理性设计成功的概率;同时针对催化中心活性架构的分析可以进一步阐明纤维素酶的催化机理与酶分子持续性降解机制。文中主要对纤维素酶家族及其催化结构域的分子改造取得的最新进展作了综述。在后基因组时代基于蛋白质家族中的海量数据分析,以其保守结构信息为指导的理性设计,将会成为纤维素酶分子改造的重要方向,从而推动生物质转化工艺的快速发展。  相似文献   

Xylan is the most common hemicellulose in plant cell walls, though the structure of xylan polymers differs between plant species. Here, to gain a better understanding of fungal xylan degradation systems, which can enhance enzymatic saccharification of plant cell walls in industrial processes, we conducted a comparative study of two glycoside hydrolase family 3 (GH3) β-xylosidases (Bxls), one from the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcBxl3), and the other from the ascomycete Trichoderma reesei (TrXyl3A). A comparison of the crystal structures of the two enzymes, both with saccharide bound at the catalytic center, provided insight into the basis of substrate binding at each subsite. PcBxl3 has a substrate-binding pocket at subsite -1, while TrXyl3A has an extra loop that contains additional binding subsites. Furthermore, kinetic experiments revealed that PcBxl3 degraded xylooligosaccharides faster than TrXyl3A, while the KM values of TrXyl3A were lower than those of PcBxl3. The relationship between substrate specificity and degree of polymerization of substrates suggested that PcBxl3 preferentially degrades xylobiose (X2), while TrXyl3A degrades longer xylooligosaccharides. Moreover, docking simulation supported the existence of extended positive subsites of TrXyl3A in the extra loop located at the N-terminus of the protein. Finally, phylogenetic analysis suggests that wood-decaying basidiomycetes use Bxls such as PcBxl3 that act efficiently on xylan structures from woody plants, whereas molds use instead Bxls that efficiently degrade xylan from grass. Our results provide added insights into fungal efficient xylan degradation systems.  相似文献   

Glycoside hydrolase family 57 glycogen branching enzymes (GH57GBE) catalyze the formation of an α-1,6 glycosidic bond between α-1,4 linked glucooliogosaccharides. As an atypical family, a limited number of GH57GBEs have been biochemically characterized so far. This study aimed at acquiring a better understanding of the GH57GBE family by a systematic sequence-based bioinformatics analysis of almost 2500 gene sequences and determining the branching activity of several native and mutant GH57GBEs. A correlation was found in a very low or even no branching activity with the absence of a flexible loop, a tyrosine at the loop tip, and two β-strands.  相似文献   

1,4-beta-D-Xylan is the major component of plant cell-wall hemicelluloses. beta-D-Xylosidases are involved in the breakdown of xylans into xylose and belong to families 3, 39, 43, 52, and 54 of glycoside hydrolases. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a member of family 39 glycoside hydrolase, i.e. beta-D-xylosidase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum strain B6A-RI. This study also represents the first structure of any beta-xylosidase of the above five glycoside hydrolase families. Each monomer of T. saccharolyticum beta-xylosidase comprises three distinct domains; a catalytic domain of the canonical (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold, a beta-sandwich domain, and a small alpha-helical domain. We have determined the structure in two forms: D-xylose-bound enzyme and a covalent 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-alpha-D-xylosyl-enzyme intermediate complex, thus providing two snapshots in the reaction pathway. This study provides structural evidence for the proposed double displacement mechanism that involves a covalent intermediate. Furthermore, it reveals possible functional roles for His228 as the auxiliary acid/base and Glu323 as a key residue in substrate recognition.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment separates members of glycoside hydrolase Family 6 into eight subfamilies: one of mainly actinobacterial endoglucanases (EGs), one of ascomycotal EGs, one of chytridiomycotal EGs and cellobiohydrolases (CBHs), one of actinobacterial and proteobacterial CBHs, one of chytridiomycotal CBHs, two of ascomycotal CBHs, and one of basidiomycotal CBHs. Each also has some proteins of unknown function. Multiple sequence alignment also extends to all of Family 6 the observation that lengths of loops that form the active-site tunnel in CBHs vary among subfamilies, and along with loop conformations, determine enzyme function.  相似文献   

NagZ is an exo‐N‐acetyl‐β‐glucosaminidase, found within Gram‐negative bacteria, that acts in the peptidoglycan recycling pathway to cleave N‐acetylglucosamine residues off peptidoglycan fragments. This activity is required for resistance to cephalosporins mediated by inducible AmpC β‐lactamase. NagZ uses a catalytic mechanism involving a covalent glycosyl enzyme intermediate, unlike that of the human exo‐N‐acetyl‐β‐glucosaminidases: O‐GlcNAcase and the β‐hexosaminidase isoenzymes. These latter enzymes, which remove GlcNAc from glycoconjugates, use a neighboring‐group catalytic mechanism that proceeds through an oxazoline intermediate. Exploiting these mechanistic differences we previously developed 2‐N‐acyl derivatives of O‐(2‐acetamido‐2‐deoxy‐D ‐glucopyranosylidene)amino‐N‐phenylcarbamate (PUGNAc), which selectively inhibits NagZ over the functionally related human enzymes and attenuate antibiotic resistance in Gram‐negatives that harbor inducible AmpC. To understand the structural basis for the selectivity of these inhibitors for NagZ, we have determined its crystallographic structure in complex with N‐valeryl‐PUGNAc, the most selective known inhibitor of NagZ over both the human β‐hexosaminidases and O‐GlcNAcase. The selectivity stems from the five‐carbon acyl chain of N‐valeryl‐PUGNAc, which we found ordered within the enzyme active site. In contrast, a structure determination of a human O‐GlcNAcase homologue bound to a related inhibitor N‐butyryl‐PUGNAc, which bears a four‐carbon chain and is selective for both NagZ and O‐GlcNAcase over the human β‐hexosamnidases, reveals that this inhibitor induces several conformational changes in the active site of this O‐GlcNAcase homologue. A comparison of these complexes, and with the human β‐hexosaminidases, reveals how selectivity for NagZ can be engineered by altering the 2‐N‐acyl substituent of PUGNAc to develop inhibitors that repress AmpC mediated β‐lactam resistance.  相似文献   

Rational design is an important tool for sculpting functional and stability properties of proteins and its potential can be much magnified when combined with in vitro and natural evolutionary diversity. Herein, we report the structure-guided design of a xylose-releasing exo-β-1,4-xylanase from an inactive member of glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43). Structural analysis revealed a nonconserved substitution (Lys247) that results in the disruption of the hydrogen bond network that supports catalysis. The mutation of this residue to a conserved serine restored the catalytic activity and crystal structure elucidation of the mutant confirmed the recovery of the proper orientation of the catalytically relevant histidine. Interestingly, the tailored enzyme can cleave both xylooligosaccharides and xylan, releasing xylose as the main product, being the first xylose-releasing exo-β-1,4-xylanase reported in the GH43 family. This enzyme presents a unique active-site topology when compared with closely related β-xylosidases, which is the absence of a hydrophobic barrier at the positive-subsite region, allowing the accommodation of long substrates. Therefore, the combination of rational design for catalytic activation along with naturally occurring differences in the substrate binding interface led to the discovery of a novel activity within the GH43 family. In addition, these results demonstrate the importance of solvation of the β-propeller hollow for GH43 catalytic function and expand our mechanistic understanding about the diverse modes of action of GH43 members, a key and polyspecific carbohydrate-active enzyme family abundant in most plant cell-wall-degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   

Branching enzymes (BEs) catalyze the formation of branch points in glycogen and amylopectin by cleavage of α-1,4 glycosidic bonds and subsequent transfer to a new α-1,6 position. BEs generally belong to glycoside hydrolase family 13 (GH13); however TK1436, isolated from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, is the first GH57 member, which possesses BE activity. To date, the only BE structure that had been determined is a GH13-type from Escherichia coli. Herein, we have determined the crystal structure of TK1436 in the native state and in complex with glucose and substrate mimetics that permitted mapping of the substrate-binding channel and identification of key residues for glucanotransferase activity. Its structure encompasses a distorted (β/α)(7)-barrel juxtaposed to a C-terminal α-helical domain, which also participates in the formation of the active-site cleft. The active site comprises two acidic catalytic residues (Glu183 and Asp354), the polarizer His10, aromatic gate-keepers (Trp28, Trp270, Trp407, and Trp416) and the residue Tyr233, which is fully conserved among GH13- and GH57-type BEs. Despite TK1436 displaying a completely different fold and domain organization when compared to E. coli BE, they share the same structural determinants for BE activity. Structural comparison with AmyC, a GH57 α-amylase devoid of BE activity, revealed that the catalytic loop involved in substrate recognition and binding, is shortened in AmyC structure and it has been addressed as a key feature for its inability for glucanotransferase activity. The oligomerization has also been pointed out as a possible determinant for functional differentiation among GH57 members.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize the duel activities of a glycosyl hydrolase family 3 β‐glucosidase/xylosidase from rumen bacterial metagenome and to investigate the capabilities of its β‐d ‐xylosidase activities for saccharification of hemicellulosic xylans. Methods and Results: A β‐glucosidase/xylosidase gene RuBGX1 was cloned from yak (Bos grunniens) rumen using the metagenomic technology. Recombinant RuBGX1, expressed in Escherichia coli, demonstrated high hydrolytic activities on both p‐nitrophenyl‐β‐d ‐glucopyranoside (pNP‐Glc) and p‐nitrophenyl‐β‐d ‐xylopyranoside (pNP‐Xyl) substrates. Analysis of the kinetic properties indicated that RuBGX1 had a lower affinity for pNP‐Glc substrate as the Km was 0·164 mmol l?1 for pNP‐Glc and 0·03 mmol l?1 for pNP‐Xyl at pH 6·0 and 50°C, respectively. The capabilities of RuBGX1 β‐xylosidase for hydrolysis of xylooligosaccharide substrates were further investigated using an endoxylanase‐coupled assay. Hydrolysis time courses illustrated that a significant increase (about 50%) in the reducing sugars, including xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose, was achieved by supplementing endoxylanase with RuBGX1. Enzymatic product analysis using high‐performance anion‐exchange chromatography‐pulsed amperometric detection showed that RuBGX1 could release xyloses from intermediate xylooligosaccharides produced by endoxylanase. Conclusions: The RuBGX1 shows β‐glucosidase activity in hydrolysis of cello‐oligosaccharides; meanwhile, it has β‐xylosidase activity and functions synergistically with endoxylanase to promote the degradation of hemicellulosic xylans. Significance and Impact of the study: This was the first to report the β‐xylosidase activity of family 3 β‐glucosidase/xylosidase functioned in the degradation of hemicellulosic xylans. The bifunctional β‐glucosidase/xylosidase property of RuBGX1 can be used in simultaneous saccharification of cellulose and xylan into fermentable glucose and xylose.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide utilization locus in Bacteroides plebeius that confers the ability to catabolize porphyran contains a putative GH50 β‐agarase (BACPLE_01683, BpGH50). BpGH50 did not show any clear activity on agarose or on the related algal galactans porphyran and carrageenan. However, the 1.4 Å resolution X‐ray crystal structure of BpGH50 confirmed its possession of the core (α/β)8 barrel fold found in GH50 enzymes as well as the structural conservation of the catalytic residues and some substrate binding residues. Examination of the structure supports assignment of this protein as a β‐galactosidase but suggests that it may utilize a different, possibly hybrid, algal galactan substrate. Proteins 2016; 85:182–187. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although both the alpha-amylase super-family, i.e. the glycoside hydrolase (GH) clan GH-H (the GH families 13, 70 and 77), and family GH31 share some characteristics, their different catalytic machinery prevents classification of GH31 in clan GH-H. A significant but remote evolutionary relatedness is, however, proposed for clan GH-H with GH31. A sequence alignment, based on the idea that residues equivalent in the primordial catalytic GH-H/GH31 (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel may not be found in the present-day GH-H and GH31 structures at strictly equivalent positions, shows remote sequence homologies covering beta3, beta4, beta7 and beta8 of the GH-H and GH31 (beta/alpha)(8)-barrels. Structure comparison of GH13 alpha-amylase and GH31 alpha-xylosidase guided alignment of GH-H and GH31 members for construction of evolutionary trees. The closest sequence relationship displayed by GH31 is to GH77 of clan GH-H.  相似文献   

Fructooligosaccharides and their anhydrides are widely used as health-promoting foods and prebiotics. Various enzymes acting on β-D-fructofuranosyl linkages of natural fructan polymers have been used to produce functional compounds. However, enzymes that hydrolyze and form α-D-fructofuranosyl linkages have been less studied. Here, we identified the BBDE_2040 gene product from Bifidobacterium dentium (α-D-fructofuranosidase and difructose dianhydride I synthase/hydrolase from Bifidobacterium dentium [αFFase1]) as an enzyme with α-D-fructofuranosidase and α-D-arabinofuranosidase activities and an anomer-retaining manner. αFFase1 is not homologous with any known enzymes, suggesting that it is a member of a novel glycoside hydrolase family. When caramelized fructose sugar was incubated with αFFase1, conversions of β-D-Frup-(2→1)-α-D-Fruf to α-D-Fruf-1,2′:2,1′-β-D-Frup (diheterolevulosan II) and β-D-Fruf-(2→1)-α-D-Fruf (inulobiose) to α-D-Fruf-1,2′:2,1′-β-D-Fruf (difructose dianhydride I [DFA I]) were observed. The reaction equilibrium between inulobiose and DFA I was biased toward the latter (1:9) to promote the intramolecular dehydrating condensation reaction. Thus, we named this enzyme DFA I synthase/hydrolase. The crystal structures of αFFase1 in complex with β-D-Fruf and β-D-Araf were determined at the resolutions of up to 1.76 Å. Modeling of a DFA I molecule in the active site and mutational analysis also identified critical residues for catalysis and substrate binding. The hexameric structure of αFFase1 revealed the connection of the catalytic pocket to a large internal cavity via a channel. Molecular dynamics analysis implied stable binding of DFA I and inulobiose to the active site with surrounding water molecules. Taken together, these results establish DFA I synthase/hydrolase as a member of a new glycoside hydrolase family (GH172).  相似文献   

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