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Mature male sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) were measured, tagged and released into a gravel holding pond adjacent to the spawning site, then remeasured when dead for possible changes in shape or size. Body length, depth, snout length and caudal peduncle thickness decreased at the end of life, 1–2 weeks later.  相似文献   

When negatively buoyant, such as by increased pressure or loss of swimbladder gas, kokanee and sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) attempt to swim upward by increased use of the pectoral fins. This response is termed compensatory swimming. Prior to initial filling of the swimbladder, sockeye fry showed no behavioural response to pressures above atmospheric. Following air-gulping at the surface and bladder inflation, kokanee and sockeye fry responded to increased pressure by assuming a more vertical position and by beating the pectoral fins more rapidly. In young sockeye this response occurred over the pressure range of atmospheric to 20 lb/in2, and the effect of this behaviour would be to distribute these fish in the upper 14 m of the lacustrine environment. Fingerling kokanee showed a more gradual increase in compensatory swimming over the range of pressure equivalent to depths of 0–50 m. The behaviour of yearling kokanee would tend to concentrate these fish in the upper 30 m. Sockeye older than 1 year responded to negative buoyancy with increased horizontal swimming whilst planing upward on the pectoral fins. Depth distribution postulated on the basis of pressure-induced compensatory swimming is consistent with the known vertical distribution of kokanee and sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

The interpopulation differentiation of the sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum) from the Olyutorskiy and Karaginskiy districts and from the Kamchatka River basin was examined based on the allelic variation at eight microsatellite loci (Ots107, Oki1a, Oki1b, One104, One109, OtsG68, OtsG85, and Oki6). The genetic diversity of samples from the northern rivers was lower, compared to samples from the Kamchatka River basin. Significant heterogeneity was found in the allele-frequency distribution at microsatellite loci of sockeye salmon from the investigated localities. The degree of genetic similarity of populations corresponded to their geographic closeness. The differences between population groups greatly exceeded the level of interpopulation differentiation. The analyzed samples formed four relatively separate groups: Lake Azabachye, Kamchatka River basin, Karaginskiy area (including the Navyrinvayam River in the south of the Olyutorskiy district), and northern Olyutorskiy area. The identification likelihood estimates of eastern Kamchatkan sockeye salmon in mixed aggregations at the level of population groups were fairly high (67.2–81.8%), greatly exceeding the accuracy of identification of individual populations.  相似文献   

The allelic variations of eight microsatellite loci (Ots107, Oki1a, Oki1b, One104, One109, OtsG68, OtsG85, and Oki6) were examined in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum) populations of eastern Kamchatka. Samples from river basins of the Karaginskiy and Olyutorskiy districts in the northern part of the investigated region are characterized by a smaller number of allelic variants and lower heterozygosity, compared to samples from the Kamchatka River basin. A fit to the Hardy-Weinberg distribution was found at most of the loci that were studied in all samples. The average differentiation between populations (st) over the eight loci was 2.93%, which corresponds to the statistical significance level. The most highly polymorphic loci proved to be the least differentiating between the analyzed samples.  相似文献   

We present the first data on the differences in routine and active metabolic rates for sexually maturing migratory adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) that were intercepted in the ocean and then held in either seawater or freshwater. Routine and active oxygen uptake rates (MO2) were significantly higher (27%-72%) in seawater than in freshwater at all swimming speeds except those approaching critical swimming speed. During a 45-min recovery period, the declining postexercise oxygen uptake remained 58%-73% higher in seawater than in freshwater. When fish performed a second swim test, active metabolic rates again remained 28%-81% higher for fish in seawater except at the critical swimming speed. Despite their differences in metabolic rates, fish in both seawater and freshwater could repeat the swim test and reach a similar maximum oxygen uptake and critical swimming speed as in the first swim test, even without restoring routine metabolic rate between swim tests. Thus, elevated MO2 related to either being in seawater as opposed to freshwater or not being fully recovered from previous exhaustive exercise did not present itself as a metabolic loading that limited either critical swimming performance or maximum MO2. The basis for the difference in metabolic rates of migratory sockeye salmon held in seawater and freshwater is uncertain, but it could include differences in states of nutrition, reproduction, and restlessness, as well as ionic differences. Regardless, this study elucidates some of the metabolic costs involved during the migration of adult salmon from seawater to freshwater, which may have applications for fisheries conservation and management models of energy use.  相似文献   

Expression of 12 olfactory genes was analysed in adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka nearing spawning grounds and O. nerka that had strayed from their natal migration route. Variation was found in six of these genes, all of which were olfc olfactory receptors and had lower expression levels in salmon nearing spawning grounds. The results may reflect decreased sensitivity to natal water olfactory cues as these fish are no longer seeking the correct migratory route. The expression of olfactory genes during the olfactory‐mediated spawning migration of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. is largely unexplored and these findings demonstrate a link between migratory behaviours and olfactory plasticity that provides a basis for future molecular research on salmon homing.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections in 2-year-old salmon smolt (Oncorhynchus nerka) are significantly different from those observed in other teleosts examined to date in that the projections are more extensive. Very noticeable are extensive projections to most of the dorsal thalamus, to all layers of the optic tectum, and into the periaqueductal gray of the torus semicircularis. The salmon smolt has bilateral retinal projections to the diencephalon and pretectum. A small retinal projection to the lateral habenular nucleus has not been described previously. Although these findings suggest striking differences in retinal projections among teleosts, this variation may relate to age differences since the previously studied teleosts were adults.  相似文献   

Brykov VA  Poliakova NE  Podlesnykh AV 《Genetika》2003,39(12):1687-1692
Variability of three PCR-amplified mtDNA regions was examined in five populations of sockeye salmon from Azabach'e Lake. Eighteen haplotypes were detected in 144 fish. Significant differences were found between seasonal races of sockeye salmon spawning in the lake. The short time of independent divergence between the seasonal races indicates that these races formed independently in each spawning region. No difference in mtDNA between lake samples of early sockeye salmon (subisolates) was revealed, which confirms the existence of gene flow between them. A high level of differences between the sockeye salmon spawning in the lake and spawning in the tributaries of the lake, the Bushuev and Lotnaya rivers, suggests that there were no migration between them during many generations and that the nature of spawning grounds (lake or river) is essential for within species differentiation in this species.  相似文献   

Incorporating host-pathogen(s)-environment axes into management and conservation planning is critical to preserving species in a warming climate. However, the role pathogens play in host stress resilience remains largely unexplored in wild animal populations. We experimentally characterized how independent and cumulative stressors (fisheries handling, high water temperature) and natural infections affected the health and longevity of released wild adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in British Columbia, Canada. Returning adults were collected before and after entering the Fraser River, yielding marine- and river-collected groups, respectively (N = 185). Fish were exposed to a mild (seine) or severe (gill net) fishery treatment at collection, and then held in flow-through freshwater tanks for up to four weeks at historical (14°C) or projected migration temperatures (18°C). Using weekly nonlethal gill biopsies and high-throughput qPCR, we quantified loads of up to 46 pathogens with host stress and immune gene expression. Marine-collected fish had less severe infections than river-collected fish, a short migration distance (100 km, 5–7 days) that produced profound infection differences. At 14°C, river-collected fish survived 1–2 weeks less than marine-collected fish. All fish held at 18°C died within 4 weeks unless they experienced minimal handling. Gene expression correlated with infections in river-collected fish, while marine-collected fish were more stressor-responsive. Cumulative stressors were detrimental regardless of infections or collection location, probably due to extreme physiological disturbance. Because river-derived infections correlated with single stressor responses, river entry probably decreases stressor resilience of adult salmon by altering both physiology and pathogen burdens, which redirect host responses toward disease resistance.  相似文献   

In streams tributary to the North Pacific, anadromous sockeye salmon and non-anadromous kokanee, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), occasionally spawn sympatrically and male kokanee may act as 'sneaks’to spawn with the larger female sockeye. Despite this interbreeding, sockeye and kokanee exhibit persistent biochemical genetic differences at several enzyme loci. Genetic differences between forms may be maintained by selection against‘hybrids’due to the different life histories of sockeye and kokanee; sockeye make extensive smolt, oceanic, and spawning migrations while kokanee reside permanently in fresh water. We tested the sustained swimming abilities of juvenile sockeye, kokanee, and sockeye (female) × kokanee (male) hybrids to see if hybrids were inferior to sockeye in a trait that is probably under stronger selection in an anadromous life history. Sockeye had significantly greater mean critical swimming velocities (Ucrit) than kokanee of the same size raised under identical conditions (8.3 v. 7.3 body lengths s?1 respectively). When tested 1 month later the mean Ucrit of sockeye was only marginally greater than that for sockeye × kokanee hybrids (both c. 6.6 body lengths s?1). Sockeye swimming performance was also less variable than that of either kokanee or hybrids. Sockeye tended to have slimmer bodies and longer caudal regions than kokanee or sockeye × kokanee hybrids of the same size. Sockeye also had significantly more vertebrae than kokanee and hybrids, while hybrids had more vertebrae than kokanee. These morphological differences may have contributed to the differences in swimming performance. We concluded: (i) that juvenile sockeye and kokanee have diverged with respect to sustained swimming performance and that reduced performance by kokanee may be due to relaxed selection for sustained swimming performance associated with their non-anadromous life history, (ii) that sockeye × kokanee hybrids appear to have modestly lower swimming capabilities than pure sockeye, and (iii) if the variability in swimming performance is associated with differences in survival in nature, then such differences may promote divergence between sympatric sockeye and kokanee.  相似文献   

To determine if the defences of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) raised in captivity are affected by the rearing temperature or their life-cycle stage, various indices of the humoral and cellular immune functions were measured in fish reared at either 8 or 12 degrees C for their entire life-cycle. Measures of humoral immunity included the commonly used haematological parameters, as well as measurements of complement, and lysozyme activity. Cellular assays quantified the ability of macrophages from the anterior kidney to phagocytise Staphylococcus aureus cells, or the activities of certain bactericidal systems of those cells. The T-dependent antibody response to a recombinant 57 kDa protein of Renibacterium salmoninarum was used to quantify the specific immune response. Fish were sampled during the spring and fall of their second, third and fourth years, corresponding to a period that began just before smolting and ended at sexual maturation. Fish reared at 8 degrees C tended to have a greater percentage of phagocytic kidney macrophages during the first 2 years of sampling than the fish reared at 12 degrees C. During the last half of the study the complement activity of the fish reared at 8 degrees C was greater than that of the 12 degrees C fish. Conversely, a greater proportion of the blood leucocytes were lymphocytes in fish reared at 12 degrees C compared to the fish reared at 8 degrees C. Fish reared at 12 degrees C also produced a greater antibody response than those reared at 8 degrees C. Results suggested that the immune apparatus of sockeye salmon reared at 8 degrees C relied more heavily on the non-specific immune response, while the specific immune response was used to a greater extent when the fish were reared at 12 degrees C. Although a seasonal effect was not detected in any of the indices measured, varying effects were observed in some measurements during sexual maturation of fish in both temperature groups. At that time there were dramatic decreases in complement activity and lymphocyte numbers. This study was unique in its scope because it was the first quantitative assessment of salmon immune functions for an entire life-cycle.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assign individual adult sockeye salmon to their spawning sites using a genotype assignment test. Six primers were selected for use by screening bulked DNA samples for markers missing in fish from one or more of 5 sites in British Columbia or Alaska. Of 73 markers scored, 54 showed variation between or within sites among the sampled fish. Thirty-seven of the variable markers were not detected in any fish from one or more sites; 18 variable markers were detected in all fish from one or more other sites. Thus 25% of markers scored were found in all fish of some sites and in no fish of some other sites. An assignment test placed all 70 fish tested into their correct populations. Principal coordinate analysis of genetic variation produced clusters of fish corresponding to each sampling site. No sex-specific RAPD markers were detected among more than 1300 screened.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the secretory cells of the adenohypophysis of juvenile sockeye salmon was investigated. Pituitary glands were collected from immature fish transferred experimentally to sea water and subsequently returned to fresh water. The rostral pars distalis contained three cell types: ACTH cells, prolactin cells, and non-secretory cells. The prolactin and non-secretory cells were joined together in the form of follicles by desmosomes and they both had cilia and microvilli projecting into the follicle lumen. Various follicular structures such as lumen, multivesicular structures, and peripheral basement membrane are discussed as possible sites of prolactin cell granule release. The columnar ACTH cells were found at the junction of the rostral pars distalis and the neurohypophysis. The cytoplasmic granules in these cells were characteristically separated from their limiting membrane by a clear space. Multivesicular structures were also found in association with this cell type. The caudal pars distalis also contained three cell types: one acidophil (putative somatotrop) and two basophils (putative thyrotrops and gonadotrops), all of which were similar to those described in adult fish. The pars intermedia contained only one cell type. They appeared to be active cells and were characterized by containing membrane-bounded granules similar to those found in the ACTH cells. Changes in ambient salinity had no apparent effect on any cell type described.The work was supported by a grant in aid of research from the National Research Council of Canada. We wish to thank Mr. R. Lindsay, Mr. C. Cooper, and Mr. G. Longworth for their technical assistance. We would also like to thank Mr. S. Killick of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission for his assistance in the collection of fish and Dr. H. Cook for his helpful discussion of the project. This paper is No. 058 in the University of Guelph Migration Series.  相似文献   

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