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A growing literature describes the structure and regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic heat shock genes. We here report the isolation of several members of a human heat shock protein 70 (hsp 70) multigene family which contains at least 10 different genes and/or pseudogenes exhibiting sequence homology to the hsp70 gene of Drosophila melanogaster. Eight nonoverlapping recombinant lambda phages from a lambda-Charon4A human genomic library were studied by restriction mapping. One lambda clone was sequenced and characterized as a hsp70 pseudogene inserted into a rearranged human HindIII 1.9-kilobase repeated DNA sequence. This pseudogene is probably located on the X chromosome. Its predicted amino acid sequence shows extensive homology to those of Drosophila hsp70, trout hsp70, Xenopus hsp70, yeast hsp70, and some homology to the heat-inducible dnaK gene product of Escherichia coli. Amino acid homology is clustered, suggesting evolutionary conservation of domains critical to the function of this protein in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

To determine whether ribosomes have a role in the postfertilization activation of protein synthesis in sea urchin eggs, we measured the translational activity of ribosomes isolated from unfertilized eggs and embryos of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Numerous previous studies have indicated few if any differences in the activity of such ribosomes. However, by using improved physiological isolation and in vitro conditions, we have found important differences in the activities of egg and embryo ribosomes. Ribosomes obtained from blastula polyribosomes were active in translating reticulocyte mRNA in a ribosome-dependent cell-free translation system, whereas ribosomes obtained from unfertilized eggs became fully active only after a characteristic, reproducible delay of up to 15 min at 26°C. The extent of this delay varied with incubation pH, but not with concentrations of K+, Mg2+, initiation factors, or mRNA. However, at incubation pH between 6.90 and 7.65, the egg ribosomes were always less active than blastula ribosomes.  相似文献   

Lamina-associated polypeptide 2α (LAP2α), one of the alternatively spliced isoforms of the LAP2 gene, is a nucleoplasmic protein which forms oligomers and presumably associates to chromosomes via the LEM- and LEM-like regions. To characterize components of the LAP2α-containing complexes, we have expressed the α-specific C-terminal domain of LAP2α in HeLa cells and, after immunopurification, found that the heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsc70 reproducibly co-purified with this domain. Association between endogenous LAP2α and Hsp70 in non-transfected cells was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The association was not mediated by the retinoblastoma protein.  相似文献   

We examined the role of small Hsp genes (Hsp23 and Hsp40) and heat shock gene Hsr-omega in the thermoadaptation of Drosophila melanogaster inhabiting a highly heterogeneous microsite (Nahal Oren canyon, Carmel massif, Israel). We tested whether interslope differences in Drosophila thermoadaptation, revealed in our previous studies, are associated with the differential expression of these genes. Our results demonstrate an increased expression of the Hsp40 gene in thermotolerant lines subjected to mild heat shock treatment (P < 10(-6), analysis of variance test). A high positive correlation was found between the levels of Hsp40 expression and scores of basal (R = 0.74; P < 0.001, based on the Spearman rank correlation test) and induced thermotolerance (R = 0.78; P < 0.0001), implying a significant contribution of Hsp40 gene in thermoadaptation.  相似文献   

Stress or heat shock proteins (HSPs) are remarkably conserved in all living organisms. Their expression is induced in response to a variety of physiological and environmental insults. In the cytosol these proteins play an essential role as molecular chaperones by assisting the correct folding of nascent and stress-accumulated misfolded proteins, preventing protein aggregation, transport of proteins, and supporting antigen processing and presentation. Following stress, intracellularly located HSPs fulfill protective functions and thus prevent lethal damage. In contrast, membrane-bound or extracellularly located HSPs act as danger signals and elicit immune responses mediated either by the adaptive or innate immune system. Here, HSPs act as carriers for immunogenic peptides, induce cytokine release or provide recognition sites for natural killer (NK) cells. This article will discuss methods for the detection of membrane-bound and extracellular HSPs and methods for determining their immunological functions.  相似文献   

Two general pathways of mRNA decay have been characterized in yeast. Both start with deadenylation. The major pathway then proceeds via cap hydrolysis and 5'-exonucleolytic degradation whereas the minor pathway consists of 3'-exonucleolytic decay followed by hydrolysis of the remaining cap structure. In higher eukaryotes, these pathways of mRNA decay are believed to be conserved but have not been well characterized. We have investigated the decay of the hsp70 mRNA in Drosophila Schneider cells. As shown by the use of reporter constructs, rapid deadenylation of this mRNA is directed by its 3'-untranslated region. The main deadenylase is the CCR4.NOT complex; the PAN nuclease makes a lesser contribution. Heat shock prevents deadenylation not only of the hsp70 but also of bulk mRNA. A completely deadenylated capped hsp70 mRNA decay intermediate accumulates transiently and is degraded via cap hydrolysis and 5'-decay. Thus, decapping is a slow step in the degradation pathway. Cap hydrolysis is also inhibited during heat shock. Degradation of reporter RNAs from the 3'-end became detectable only upon inhibition of 5'-decay and thus represents a minor decay pathway. Because two reporter RNAs and at least two endogenous mRNAs were degraded primarily from the 5'-end with cap hydrolysis as a slow step, this pathway appears to be of general importance for mRNA decay in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Gong WJ  Golic KG 《Genetics》2006,172(1):275-286
The heat-shock response is a programmed change in gene expression carried out by cells in response to environmental stress, such as heat. This response is universal and is characterized by the synthesis of a small group of conserved protein chaperones. In Drosophila melanogaster the Hsp70 chaperone dominates the profile of protein synthesis during the heat-shock response. We recently generated precise deletion alleles of the Hsp70 genes of D. melanogaster and have used those alleles to characterize the phenotypes of Hsp70-deficient flies. Flies with Hsp70 deletions have reduced thermotolerance. We find that Hsp70 is essential to survive a severe heat shock, but is not required to survive a milder heat shock, indicating that a significant degree of thermotolerance remains in the absence of Hsp70. However, flies without Hsp70 have a lengthened heat-shock response and an extended developmental delay after a non-lethal heat shock, indicating Hsp70 has an important role in recovery from stress, even at lower temperatures. Lack of Hsp70 also confers enhanced sensitivity to a temperature-sensitive lethal mutation and to the neurodegenerative effects produced by expression of a human polyglutamine disease protein.  相似文献   

The major heat shock protein of 70,000 Mr in Drosophila melanogaster is encoded by two variant gene types located, respectively, at the chromosomal sites 87A7 and 87C1. We present the DNA sequence of a complete hsp702 gene of the 87A7 type and of the adjacent regions from both variants, extending to 1·2 × 103 bases upstream from the start of the messenger coding region. We find an untranslated region of 250 nucleotides at the 5′ end of the messenger coding sequence in both variants. There is only one open reading frame which allows coding of a 70,000 Mr protein within the 87A7 variant, as found for an 87C1 variant (Ingolia et al., 1980). We observe 4·2% nucleotide divergence between these two variants with complete conservation of the reading frame. There is a conserved sequence of 355 nucleotides in front of each hsp70 gene, which is 85% homologous between the two variants. The presence of the same sequence element in γ, in front of the αβ heat shock genes (R. W. Hackett & J. T. Lis, personal communication) suggests that this element contains the regulatory signals for the coordinate expression of both the hsp70 and the αβ heat shock genes. Finally we find a very A + T-rich sequence of 150 basepairs which is highly conserved (91·8%) 0·6 × 103 bases upstream from two hps70 gene variants.  相似文献   

S. P. Roberts  M. E. Feder 《Oecologia》1999,121(3):323-329
We demonstrate that natural heat stress on wild larval Drosophila melanogaster results in severe developmental defects in >10% of eclosing adults, and that increased copy number of the gene encoding the major inducible heat shock protein of D. melanogaster, Hsp70, is sufficient to reduce the incidence of such abnormalities. Specifically, non-adult D. melanogaster inhabiting necrotic fruit experienced severe, often lethal heat stress in natural settings. Adult flies eclosing from wild larvae that had survived natural heat stress exhibited severe developmental anomalies of wing and abdominal morphology, which should dramatically affect fitness. The frequency of developmental abnormalities varied along two independent natural thermal gradients, exceeding 10% in adults eclosing from larvae developing in warm, sunlit fruit. When exposed to natural heat stress, D. melanogaster larvae with the wild-type number of hsp70 genes (n=10) developed abnormal wings significantly more frequently than a transgenic sister strain with 22 copies of the hsp70 gene. Received: 19 April 1999 / Accepted: 16 July 1999  相似文献   

Exercise increases the 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) in the myocardium, and this exercise-induced increase is associated with significantly improved cardiac recovery following insult. However, while heat shock has been shown to elevate Hsp70 primarily in the cardiac vasculature of the myocardium, the localization following exercise is unknown. Male Sprague-Dawley rats performed continuous treadmill running at 30 m/min for 60 min (2% incline) on either 1 or 5 consecutive days. At 30 min and 24 h following exercise, hearts were extirpated, and the left ventricle was isolated, OCT-cork mounted, and sectioned for immunofluorescent analysis. Whereas immunofluorescent analysis revealed little to no Hsp70 in control hearts and 30 min postexercise, the accumulation of Hsp70 24 h after a single exercise bout or 5 days of training was predominantly located in large blood vessels and, in particular, colocalized with a marker of smooth muscle. Furthermore, higher core temperatures attained during exercise led to more abundant accumulation in smaller vessels and the endothelium. It is concluded that the accumulation of myocardial Hsp70 following acute exercise predominantly occurs in a cell type-specific manner, such that changes in the cardiac vasculature account for much of the increase. This accumulation appears first in the smooth muscle of larger vessels and then increases in smaller vessels and the endothelium, as core temperature attained during exercise increases. This finding supports the observations after heat shock and further suggests that the vasculature is a primary target in exercise-induced cardioprotection.  相似文献   

Preferential translation of Drosophila heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) mRNA requires only the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR). The sequence of this region suggests that it has relatively little secondary structure, which may facilitate efficient protein synthesis initiation. To determine whether minimal 5'-UTR secondary structure is required for preferential translation during heat shock, the effect of introducing stem-loops into the Hsp70 mRNA 5'-UTR was measured. Stem-loops of -11 kcal/mol abolished translation during heat shock, but did not reduce translation in non-heat shocked cells. A -22 kcal/mol stem-loop was required to comparably inhibit translation during growth at normal temperatures. To investigate whether specific sequence elements are also required for efficient preferential translation, deletion and mutation analyses were conducted in a truncated Hsp70 5'-UTR containing only the cap-proximal and AUG-proximal segments. Linker-scanner mutations in the cap-proximal segment (+1 to +37) did not impair translation. Re-ordering the segments reduced mRNA translational efficiency by 50%. Deleting the AUG-proximal segment severely inhibited translation. A 5-extension of the full-length leader specifically impaired heat shock translation. These results indicate that heat shock reduces the capacity to unwind 5-UTR secondary structure, allowing only mRNAs with minimal 5'-UTR secondary structure to be efficiently translated. A function for specific sequences is also suggested.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family of molecular chaperones are highly expressed in tumors. Inhibitors containing a pyridinium-modified benzothiazole, such as JG-98, bind to a conserved, allosteric site in Hsp70, showing promising anti-proliferative activity in cancer cells. When bound to Hsp70, the charged pyridinium makes favorable contacts; however, this moiety also increases the inhibitor’s fluorescence, giving rise to undesirable interference in biochemical and cell-based assays. Here, we explore whether the pyridinium can be replaced with a neutral pyridine. We report that pyridine-modified benzothiazoles, such as compound 17h (JG2-38), have reduced fluorescence, yet retain promising anti-proliferative activity (EC50 values ~0.1 to 0.07 µM) in breast and prostate cancer cell lines. These chemical probes are expected to be useful in exploring the roles of Hsp70s in tumorigenesis and cell survival.  相似文献   

Unmethylated CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs) activate immune responses in a TLR9-dependent manner. In this study, we found that stimulation of mouse macrophages and dendritic cells with B-type CpG ODN (CpG-B ODN) increased the cellular level of heat shock protein (Hsp) 90beta but not Hsp90alpha and prevented apoptosis induced by serum starvation or staurosporine treatment. The CpG-B ODN-induced Hsp90beta expression depended on TLR9, MyD88, and PI3K. Inhibition of Hsp90beta level by expressing small-interfering RNA suppressed not only Hsp90beta expression but also PI3K-dependent phosphorylation of Akt and CpG-B ODN-mediated antiapoptosis. Additional studies demonstrated that as described by other group in mast cells, Hsp90beta but not Hsp90alpha was associated with Bcl-2. Inhibition of Hsp90beta suppressed the CpG-B ODN-induced association of Hsp90beta with Bcl-2 and impaired the inhibitory effect of CpG-B ODN in the release of cytochrome c and activation of caspase-3. This study thus reveals the involvement of Hsp90beta but not Hsp90alpha in CpG-B ODN-mediated antiapoptotic response and that Hsp90beta is distinct from Hsp90alpha in regulation of the cellular function of immune cells.  相似文献   

The organization of the three major histocompatibility complex (Mhc)-linked heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) genesHsp70-1, Hsp70-2, andHsp70-3, and the nucleotide sequences of these genes, are presented for the rat.Hsp70-1 andHsp70-2 gene products are identical at the amino acid level. From the pattern of sequence similarity of the orthologous Mhc-linkedHsp70 genes of rat, human, and mouse, it is concluded that the gene duplications leading to the three-gene cluster occurred before the separation of the primate and rodent lines and that theHsp70-1 andHsp70-2 genes of rat and human might have undergone homogenization of their sequences.  相似文献   

M A Thompson  J W Hawkins  J Piatigorsky 《Gene》1987,56(2-3):173-184
The chicken alpha A-crystallin gene and 2.6 kb of its 5' flanking sequence have been isolated and characterized by electron microscopy and sequencing. The structural gene is 4.5 kb long and contains two introns, each approx. 1 kb in length. The first intron divides codons 63 and 64, and the second intron divides codons 104 and 105, as in rodents. There is little indication that the insert exon of rodents (an alternatively spliced sequence) is present in complete form in the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene; small stretches of similarity to this sequence were found throughout the gene. The 5' flanking sequence of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene shows considerable sequence similarity with other mammalian alpha B-crystallin genes. In addition, one consensus sequence (GCAGCATGCCCTCCTAG) present in the 5' flanking region of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene was found in the 5' flanking region of most reported crystallin genes.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are a group of highly conserved proteins, that are constitutively expressed in most cells under normal physiological conditions. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that neurons in the adult brain exhibit high levels of Hsp90 and Hsc70 mRNA and protein, as well as basal levels of Hsp70 mRNA. We have now investigated the expression of Hsp90, Hsc70, Hsp60 and Hsp70 in neural and non-neural tissues of the rat during postnatal development, a time of extensive cell differentiation. Western blot analysis revealed constitutive expression of these Hsps early in postnatal development. Developmental profiles of these Hsps suggest that they are differentially regulated during postnatal development of the rat. For example, while levels of Hsp90 decrease somewhat in certain developing brain regions, levels of Hsp60 show a developmental increase, and Hsc70 protein is abundant throughout postnatal neural development. Low basal levels of Hsp70 are also observed in the developing and adult brain. A pronounced decrease in Hsp90 and Hsc70 was observed during postnatal development of the kidney while levels of Hsp60 increased. In addition, tissue-specific differences in the relative levels of these Hsps between brain and non-brain regions were found. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated a neuronal localization of Hsp90, Hsc70 and Hsp60 at all stages of postnatal development examined as well as in the adult, suggesting a role for Hsps in both the developing and fully differentiated neuron. The developmental expression of subunit IV of cytochrome oxidase was similar to that of Hsp60, a protein localized predominantly to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta are stress proteins found in various mammals including human, mouse, and rat, which belong to the Hsp105/Hsp110 protein family. To elucidate their physiological functions, we examined here the chaperone activity of these stress proteins. Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta prevented the aggregation of firefly luciferase during thermal denaturation, whereas the thermally denatured luciferase was not reactivated by itself or by rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL). On the other hand, Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta suppressed the reactivation of thermally denatured luciferase by RRL and of chemically denatured luciferase by Hsc70/Hsp40 or RRL. Furthermore, although Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta did not show ATPase activity, the addition of Hsp105alpha or Hsp105beta to Hsc70/Hsp40 enhanced the amount of hydrolysis of ATP greater than that of the Hsp40-stimulated Hsc70 ATPase activity. These findings suggest that Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta are not only chaperones that prevent thermal aggregation of proteins, but also regulators of the Hsc70 chaperone system in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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