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Canet, Emmanuel, Jean-Paul Praud, and Michel A. Bureau.Periodic breathing induced on demand in awake newborn lamb. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 607-612, 1997.Spontaneous periodic breathing, although a common feature infullterm and preterm human infants, is scarce in other newborn mammals.The aim of this study was to induce periodic breathing in lambs. Four10-day-old and two <48-h-old awake lambs were instrumented withjugular catheters connected to an extracorporeal membrane lung aimed atcontrolling arterial PCO2(PaCO2). ArterialPO2(PaO2) was set and maintained at thedesired level by changing inspiredO2 fraction and providingO2 through a small catheter intothe "apneic" lung. At a criticalPaO2/PaCO2combination, the four 10-day-old lambs exhibited periodic breathingthat could be initiated, terminated, and reinitiated on demand. In the2-day-old lambs with low chemoreceptor gain, periodic breathing washardly seen, regardless of the trials done to find the criticalPO2/PCO2combination. We conclude that periodic breathing can be induced inlambs and depends on criticalPaO2/PaCO2combinations and maturity of the chemoreceptors.


We assessed the consequences of respiratory unloading associated with tracheostomy breathing (TBr). Three normal and three carotid body-denervated (CBD) ponies were prepared with chronic tracheostomies that at rest reduced physiological dead space (VD) from 483 +/- 60 to 255 +/- 30 ml and lung resistance from 1.5 +/- 0.14 to 0.5 +/- 0.07 cmH2O . l-1 . s. At rest and during steady-state mild-to-heavy exercise arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) was approximately 1 Torr higher during nares breathing (NBr) than during TBr. Pulmonary ventilation and tidal volume (VT) were greater and alveolar ventilation was less during NBr than TBr. Breathing frequency (f) did not differ between NBr and TBr at rest, but f during exercise was greater during TBr than during NBr. These responses did not differ between normal and CBD ponies. We also assessed the consequences of increasing external VD (300 ml) and resistance (R, 0.3 cmH2O . l-1 . s) by breathing through a tube. At rest and during mild exercise tube breathing caused PaCO2 to transiently increase 2-3 Torr, but 3-5 min later PaCO2 usually was within 1 Torr of control. Tube breathing did not cause f to change. When external R was increased 1 cmH2O . l-1 . s by breathing through a conventional air collection system, f did not change at rest, but during exercise f was lower than during unencumbered breathing. These responses did not differ between normal, CBD, and hilar nerve-denervated ponies, and they did not differ when external VD or R were added at either the nares or tracheostomy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We tested to see whether the steady-state hypoxic sensitivity of aortic chemoreceptors was re-set during the first 2-3 weeks of post-natal life. Aortic chemo-receptor activity was recorded from the distal end of the cut aortic branch of the cervical vagus in pentobarbitone - anesthetized, new-born lambs. Two groups were studied, the first aged 1-4 days and the second aged 10-19 days. Chemoreceptor discharge increased as hyperbolic function with increasing isocapnic hypoxia in both groups and we quantified the position and the shape of this response curve. It was shifted to the right significantly in the older group of lambs, the mean vertical asymtote increasing from 10.00 to 27.95 torr PO2. No significant difference was found in the horizontal asymotote or in the 'shaping term' between the two groups. The greatest differences between the stimulus-response curves of the two groups of animals with respect to the mean level of discharge and the slope of the curve occurred when PaO2 was below ca. 50 torr. The aortic chemoreceptors of older lambs were unable to maintain a sustained discharge at arterial PO2 values below ca. 30 torr. In contrast, in the younger group PO2 often had to be reduced below this level before discharge increased significantly. We conclude that, like the carotid chemoreceptors, aortic chemoreceptor sensitivity is re-set over the first few weeks of life. The re-setting may contribute to the increase in the ventilatory response to hypoxia which occurs over this period.  相似文献   

Dynamics of breathing in infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The effect of postnatal development and acute alveolar hypoxia on pulmonary metabolic function was studied in conscious newborn lambs. Measurements of the ability of the lungs of these animals to metabolize [3H]benzoyl-L-phenyl-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-proline ([3H]BPAP; a synthetic substrate for angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE) and to remove 5-hydroxy-[14C]tryptamine (5-[14C]HT) were made by modified indicator-dilution techniques during normoxic and hypoxic (fraction of inspired O2 = 0.10) conditions at 1 day, 1 wk, and 1 mo of age. Six additional sheep (8-23 wk old) were studied acutely as "adult" controls. BPAP metabolism in the 1-day-old group was 48 +/- 3% and increased slowly to 57 +/- 1% (P less than 0.05) at 1 mo of age and to 79 +/- 3% (P less than 0.01) by 23 wk of age. Pulmonary 5-[14C]HT removal was adultlike at birth (69 +/- 2%). Alveolar hypoxia significantly decreased BPAP only in the 1-day-old group (41 +/- 3%; P less than 0.05) and had no significant effect on 5-[14C]HT removal over the range of ages studied. These data demonstrate a selective and gradual postnatal development of pulmonary ACE which could be due to alterations in either the affinity or maximal capacity of pulmonary ACE, or increased endothelial cell surface area secondary to rapid growth of small blood vessels in this period. Alveolar hypoxia does not appear to closely regulate either ACE activity or 5-HT removal in conscious lambs greater than 1 day old when trace amounts of substrate are used.  相似文献   

The effects of spontaneous swallows on breathing before, during, and after solitary swallows were investigated in 13 awake goats. Inspiratory (TI) and expiratory (TE) time and respiratory output were determined from inspiratory airflow [tidal volume (VT)] and peak diaphragmatic activity (Dia(peak)). The onset time for 1,128 swallows was determined from pharyngeal muscle electrical activity. During inspiration, the later the swallowing onset, the greater increase in TI and VT, whereas there was no significant effect on TE and Dia(peak). Swallows in early expiration increased the preceding TI and reduced TE, whereas later in expiration swallows increased TE. After expiratory swallows, TI and VT were reduced whereas minimal changes in Dia(peak) were observed. Phase response analysis revealed a within-breath, phase-dependent effect of swallowing on breathing, resulting in a resetting of the respiratory oscillator. However, the shift in timing in the breaths after a swallow was not parallel, further demonstrating a respiratory phase-dependent effect on breathing. We conclude that, in the awake state, within- and multiple-breath effects on respiratory timing and output are induced and/or required in the coordination of breathing and swallowing.  相似文献   

To determine whether endogenous opioids influence the fetal breathing response to CO2 we have investigated the effect of the opiate antagonist, naloxone on the incidence, rate, and amplitude of breathing movements during hypercapnia in fetal lambs in utero. In 20 experiments in six pregnant sheep (130-145 days gestation) hypercapnia was induced by giving the ewe 4-6% CO2-18% O2 in N2 to breathe for 60 min. After 30 min of hypercapnia either naloxone (13 experiments) or saline (7 experiments) was infused intravenously for the remaining 30 min. During hypercapnia breath amplitude increased from 5.8 +/- 0.5 to 9.1 +/- 1.2 mmHg (P less than 0.001), and infusion of naloxone was associated with a further significant increase to 15.7 +/- 1.2 mmHg (P less than 0.001). Naloxone had no effect on the incidence or rate of breathing movements during hypercapnia. After hypercapnia there was a significant decrease in the incidence of fetal breathing movements in the naloxone group (14.7 +/- 3.2%). Infusion of saline during hypercapnia had no effect on incidence, rate, or amplitude of fetal breathing movements. These results suggest that endogenous opioids act to suppress or limit breath amplitude during hypercapnia but do not affect rate or incidence of breathing movements.  相似文献   

Breathing pattern was studied in six subjects in normoxia (FIO2 = 0.21) and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.12) at rest and during incremental work-rate exercise. Ventilation (V) as well as mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) increased with exercise intensity and were augmented in the hypoxic environment, whereas the ratio between inspiratory (TI) and total (Ttot) breath durations increased with exercise intensity but was unaffected by hypoxia. The relationship of tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory time duration (TI) showed linear, coinciding ranges for the normoxic and hypoxic conditions up to VT/TI values of about 2.5 1.s-1. At higher VT/TI values TI continued to decrease, whereas VT tended to level off, an effect which was more evident in the hypoxic condition. The results suggest that the hypoxic augmentation of exercise hyperpnea is primarily brought about by an enhancement of central inspiratory drive, the timing component being largely unaffected by the hypoxic environment, and that at low to moderate levels of exercise hyperpnea inspiratory off-switch mechanisms are essentially unaffected by moderate hypoxia.  相似文献   

Cerebral vasodilation in hypoxia may involve endothelium-derived relaxing factor-nitric oxide. Methylene blue (MB), an in vitro inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase, was injected intravenously into six adult ewes instrumented chronically with left ventricular, aortic, and sagittal sinus catheters. In normoxia, MB (0.5 mg/kg) did not alter cerebral blood flow (CBF, measured with 15-microns radiolabeled microspheres), cerebral O2 uptake, mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate, cerebral lactate release, or cerebral O2 extraction fraction (OEF). After 1 h of normobaric poikilocapnic hypoxia (arterial PO2 40 Torr, arterial O2 saturation 50%), CBF increased from 51 +/- 5.8 to 142 +/- 18.8 ml.min-1 x 100 g-1, cerebral O2 uptake from 3.5 +/- 0.25 to 4.7 +/- 0.41 ml.min-1 x 100 g-1, cerebral lactate release from 2 +/- 10 to 100 +/- 50 mumol.min- x 100 g-1, and heart rate from 107 +/- 5 to 155 +/- 9 beats/min (P < 0.01). MAP and OEF were unchanged from 91 +/- 3 mmHg and 48 +/- 4%, respectively. In hypoxia, 30 min after MB (0.5 mg/kg), CBF declined to 79.3 +/- 11.7 ml.min-1 x 100 g-1 (P < 0.01), brain O2 uptake (4.3 +/- 0.9 ml.min-1 x 100 g-1) and heart rate (133 +/- 9 beats/min) remained elevated, cerebral lactate release became negative (-155 +/- 60 mumol.min-1 x 100 g-1, P < 0.01), OEF increased to 57 +/- 3% (P < 0.01), and MAP (93 +/- 5 mmHg) was unchanged. The sheep became behaviorally depressed, probably because of global cerebral ischemia. These results may be related to interference with a guanylate cyclase-dependent mechanism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The acute hypoxic pressor response was studied in 22 chronically catheterized awake rats, 13 in whom the pulmonary arterial circulation had been remodeled by 10 days of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. Five of these had their hematocrit lowered to normocytic levels after the chronic hypoxic exposure. Nine were controls. After 24 h in room air the pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) and pulmonary vascular resistance (Rp) of hypoxic-polycythemic rats was at least twice the control value; in the hypoxic-normocytic rats Ppa and Rp were less than that of hypoxic-polycythemic animals and greater than that of controls. Cardiac index, heart rate, and O2 saturation were similar in all groups. In 10% O2 a rise in Ppa and Rp occurred in all groups; in absolute terms the rise was greater in hypoxic rats than in controls and greater in polycythemic than in normocytic animals. In the intact animal the acute hypoxic pressor response can still be elicited in a pulmonary vascular bed structurally altered by chronic hypoxia. When calculated as a percent increase over base line, its intensity was greater than in room air controls and for Ppa was independent of hematocrit.  相似文献   

We studied the changes in breathing and respiratory muscle electromyograms (EMG) during passively induced increases in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) in awake normal (N), hilar nerve-denervated (HND), carotid body-denervated (CBD), and HND + CBD ponies. EELV was increased by applying continuous negative pressure (-10 and -20 cmH2O) around the torso of the standing pony. In all groups, negative pressure produced sustained increases in EELV that were linearly related to the degree of negative pressure. Elevated EELV decreased breathing frequency (f) in N and CBD ponies but increased f in HND and HND + CBD ponies. When EELV was increased, tidal volume was unchanged or above control in N ponies but was below or near control in the other groups. In all groups during elevated EELV, arterial PCO2 initially decreased but then increased relative to control with isocapnia achieved after approximately 1.5 min. In all groups, the elevated EELV was accompanied by increased stimulation of the diaphragm as indicated by increased rate of rise of the integrated EMG (P less than 0.05). During elevated EELV, the duration of diaphragm EMG was reduced, but only in HND ponies was this reduction significant (P less than 0.05). In N ponies, the major effect of elevated EELV on the expiratory transversus abdominis (TA) muscle was an increase (P less than 0.05) in duration of activity and therefore total activity. The work of breathing was thus presumably shifted more to this muscle during elevated EELV. These changes in TA timing were not observed in HND and HND + CBD ponies during elevated EELV. We conclude that elevation of EELV, which presumably places the diaphragm on a less favorable portion of its length-tension relationship, results in compensatory increased stimulation of the diaphragm that is not critically dependent on hilar and carotid chemoreceptor afferents. However, hilar afferents do contribute to the changes in diaphragm and TA duration of activity during elevated EELV.  相似文献   

We determined whether the [CO2] in the upper airways (UA) can influence breathing in ponies and whether UA [CO2] contributes to the attenuation of a thermal tachypnea during periods of elevated inspired CO2. Six ponies were studied 1 mo after chronic tracheostomies were created. For one protocol the ponies were breathing room air through a cuffed endotracheal tube. Another smaller tube was placed in the tracheostomy and directed up the airway. By use of this tube, a pump, and prepared gas mixtures, UA [CO2] was altered without affecting alveolar or arterial PCO2. When the ponies were at a neutral environmental temperature (TA) and breathing frequency (f) was 8 breaths X min-1, increasing UA [CO2] up to 18-20% had no effect on f. However, when TA was increased 20 degrees C to increase f to 50 breaths X min-1, then increasing UA [CO2] to 6% or to 18-20% reduced f by 5 +/- 1.7 (SE) and 12 +/- 1.6 breaths X min-1, respectively (t = 3.3, P less than 0.01). These data suggest that in the pony there exists a UA CO2-H+ sensory mechanism. For a second protocol the ponies were breathing a 6% CO2 gas mixture for 15 min in the normal fashion over the entire airway (nares breathing, NBr) or they were breathing this gas mixture for 15 min through the cuffed endotracheal tube (TBr). At a neutral TA, increasing inspired [CO2] to 6% resulted in a 6-breaths X min-1 increase in f during both NBr and TBr.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study investigates how metabolic rate, as required for thermoregulation, interacts with breathing control during development of the lamb. Fifteen lambs were studied sequentially at 4, 14, 30, 45 and 55 days of age. During each study they were maintained at ambient temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees C for at least 1 h before measurements were made during N-REM sleep. Basal oxygen consumption fell from 16.1 +/- 0.72 (+/- SEM) to 10.1 +/- 0.47 ml/min per kg between 4 and 55 days of age, while breathing frequencies fell from 52.3 +/- 4.4 to 32.4 +/- 1.6 breaths/min over this period. Ventilation increased as oxygen consumption increased on cooling below thermoneutrality. In 4 days-old lambs this was achieved by an increase in breath amplitude, whilst in older lambs breathing frequency also rose. As breathing frequency fell there was a greater incidence of expiratory laryngeal braking at thermoneutrality associated with lengthened expiratory time. The ambient temperature at which these effects occurred, together with panting thresholds, progressively changed with age as the upper and lower critical temperatures fell and the thermoneutral range widened during development. It is concluded that metabolic rate provides a powerful stimulus to breathing in infant lambs. As the metabolic stimulus decreases with age, basal breathing frequency falls and expiratory laryngeal braking becomes important not only to protect lung volume, but also, through airway mechanosensory reflexes, in regulating breath time. This interaction is also particularly apparent as the metabolic and respiratory requirements alter to meet changes in ambient conditions.  相似文献   

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