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Simon MC 《Cell metabolism》2006,3(3):150-151
Hypoxic cells induce glycolytic enzymes; this HIF-1-mediated metabolic adaptation increases glucose flux to pyruvate and produces glycolytic ATP. Two papers in this issue of Cell Metabolism (Kim et al., 2006; Papandreou et al., 2006) demonstrate that HIF-1 also influences mitochondrial function, suppressing both the TCA cycle and respiration by inducing pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1). PDK1 regulation in hypoxic cells promotes cell survival.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that acetylcholine-induced hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha protects cardiomyocytes from hypoxia; however, the downstream factors reducing hypoxic stress are unknown. We identified apoptosis inhibitor (AI) gene as being differentially expressed between von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein-positive cells with high levels of GRP78 expression and VHL-negative cells with lower GRP levels, using cDNA subtraction. AI decreased GRP78 level, suppressed mitochondrial function, reduced oxygen consumption and, ultimately, suppressed hypoxia-induced apoptosis. By contrast, knockdown of the AI gene increased mitochondrial function. Hypoxic cardiomyocytes and ischemic myocardium showed increased AI mRNA expression. These findings suggest that AI is involved in suppressing mitochondrial function, thereby leading to cellular stress eradication and consequently to protection during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Defining the mechanisms underlying the control of mitochondrial fusion and fission is critical to understanding cellular adaptation to diverse physiological conditions. Here we demonstrate that hypoxia induces fission of mitochondrial membranes, dependent on availability of the mitochondrial scaffolding protein AKAP121. AKAP121 controls mitochondria dynamics through PKA-dependent inhibitory phosphorylation of Drp1 and PKA-independent inhibition of Drp1-Fis1 interaction. Reduced availability of AKAP121 by the ubiquitin ligase Siah2 relieves Drp1 inhibition by PKA and increases its interaction with Fis1, resulting in mitochondrial fission. High AKAP121 levels, seen in cells lacking Siah2, attenuate fission and reduce apoptosis of cardiomyocytes under simulated ischemia. Infarct size and degree of cell death were reduced in Siah2(-/-) mice subjected to myocardial infarction. Inhibition of Siah2 or Drp1 in hatching C.?elegans reduces their life span. Through modulating Fis1/Drp1 complex availability, our studies identify Siah2 as a key regulator of hypoxia-induced mitochondrial fission and its physiological significance in ischemic injury and nematode life span.  相似文献   

Activation of glycolytic genes by HIF-1 is considered critical for metabolic adaptation to hypoxia through increased conversion of glucose to pyruvate and subsequently to lactate. We found that HIF-1 also actively suppresses metabolism through the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) by directly trans-activating the gene encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1). PDK1 inactivates the TCA cycle enzyme, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), which converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Forced PDK1 expression in hypoxic HIF-1alpha null cells increases ATP levels, attenuates hypoxic ROS generation, and rescues these cells from hypoxia-induced apoptosis. These studies reveal a hypoxia-induced metabolic switch that shunts glucose metabolites from the mitochondria to glycolysis to maintain ATP production and to prevent toxic ROS production.  相似文献   

The activity of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is primarily determined by stability regulation of its alpha subunit, which is stabilized under hypoxia but degraded during normoxia. Hydroxylation of HIF-1alpha by prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) recruits the von Hippel-Lindau (pVHL) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex to initiate proteolytic destruction of the alpha subunit. Hypoxic stabilization of HIF-1alpha has been reported to be antagonized by nitric oxide (NO). By using a HIF-1alpha-pVHL binding assay, we show that NO released from DETA-NO restored prolyl hydroxylase activity under hypoxia. Destabilization of HIF-1alpha by DETA-NO was reversed by free radical scavengers such as NAC and Tiron, thus pointing to the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Therefore, we examined the effects of ROS on HIF-1alpha stabilization. Treatment of cells under hypoxia with low concentrations of the superoxide generator 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone lowered HIF-1alpha protein stabilization. In vitro HIF-1alpha-pVHL interaction assays demonstrated that low-level ROS formation increased prolyl hydroxylase activity, an effect antagonized by ROS scavengers. While determining intracellular ROS formation we noticed that reduced ROS production under hypoxia was restored by the addition of DETA-NO. We propose that an increase in ROS formation contributes to HIF-1alpha destabilization by NO donors under hypoxia via modulation of PHD activity.  相似文献   

Cell surface oxygen consumption by mitochondrial gene knockout cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mitochondrial gene knockout (rho(0)) cells that depend on glycolysis for their energy requirements show an increased ability to reduce cell-impermeable tetrazolium dyes by electron transport across the plasma membrane. In this report, we show for the first time, that oxygen functions as a terminal electron acceptor for trans-plasma membrane electron transport (tPMET) in HL60rho(0) cells, and that this cell surface oxygen consumption is associated with oxygen-dependent cell growth in the absence of mitochondrial electron transport function. Non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption by HL60rho(0) cells was extensively inhibited by extracellular NADH and NADPH, but not by NAD(+), localizing this process at the cell surface. Mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors and the uncoupler, FCCP, did not affect oxygen consumption by HL60rho(0) cells. Inhibitors of glucose uptake and glycolysis, the ubiquinone redox cycle inhibitors, capsaicin and resiniferatoxin, the flavin centre inhibitor, diphenyleneiodonium, and the NQO1 inhibitor, dicoumarol, all inhibited oxygen consumption by HL60rho(0) cells. Similarities in inhibition profiles between non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption and reduction of the cell-impermeable tetrazolium dye, WST-1, suggest that both systems may share a common tPMET pathway. This is supported by the finding that terminal electron acceptors from both pathways compete for electrons from intracellular NADH.  相似文献   

HIF-1 and mechanisms of hypoxia sensing   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  

The molecular mechanisms by which cells detect hypoxia (1.5% O2), resulting in the stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha) protein remain unclear. One model proposes that mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species is required to stabilize HIF-1alpha protein. Primary evidence for this model comes from the observation that cells treated with complex I inhibitors, such as rotenone, or cells that lack mitochondrial DNA (rho(0)-cells) fail to generate reactive oxygen species or stabilize HIF-1alpha protein in response to hypoxia. In the present study, we investigated the role of mitochondria in regulating HIF-1alpha protein stabilization under anoxia (0% O2). Wild-type A549 and HT1080 cells stabilized HIF-1alpha protein in response to hypoxia and anoxia. The rho(0)-A549 cells and rho(0)-HT1080 cells failed to accumulate HIF-1alpha protein in response to hypoxia. However, both rho(0)-A549 and rho(0)-HT1080 were able to stabilize HIF-1alpha protein levels in response to anoxia. Rotenone inhibited hypoxic, but not anoxic, stabilization of HIF-1alpha protein. These results indicate that a functional electron transport chain is required for hypoxic but not anoxic stabilization of HIF-1alpha protein.  相似文献   

Influence of hypoxia on a human organism was studied with the help of hypoxic gas mixtures (HGM) in the first series with 14 % content of oxygen in nitrogen (n = 6), in the second one--with 12 % (n = 10) in the third one--with 8 % (n = 14). Hypoxic exposition in all the series was 25 min. In 6 subjects engaged in all the 3 series, physical working capacity was assessed in two-step test on a veloergometer. In all the 3 series, oxygen consumption by the organism some time after the start of the hypoxic action exceeded the background normnoxic level. Maximal value of this excess on the average was the highest in HGM-12 series--40 +/- 12 %. Maximal increase of the respiration and central blood circulation velocity was the highest in HGM-8 series, 90 +/- 24 and 25 +/- 16 % respectively. Analysis of the EEG parameters, oxygen saturation and rheoencephalographic data indicates the probability of the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen during hypoxia to beein normal (in most subjects) and even increased (in some subjects). In 3 subjects of 6, whose physical working capacity was assessed, maximal increase of oxygen consumption was observed in HGM-8 series--105 +/- 34 %. Their physical working capacity was higher than of those subjects, who showed maximal increase of oxygen consumption in HGM-12 series. Analysis of increase in oxygen consumption (paradoxical under hypoxic conditions) doesn't allow to ascribe it wholly to an increase of the respiration and central blood circulation. Obviously, the increase of oxygen and energy expenditures for biochemical adaptation to hypoxia, which has common features with adaptation to physical activity plays an important role under hypoxia.  相似文献   

This work investigates if human mitochondrial variants influence on maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2max)). With this purpose we recruited, as a uniform population in term of nutritional habits and life style, 114 healthy male Spanish subjects that practiced fitness exercises 3-4 times a week. Once mtDNA haplogroups were determined, we found that J presents with lower VO(2max) (P=0.02) than nonJ variants. J has been related with a lower efficiency of electron transport chain (ETC), diminished ATP and ROS production. Thus, the difficult to compensate the mitochondrial energetic deficiency could explain the accumulation of J haplogroup in LHON and multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, the lower ROS production associated to J could also account for the accrual of this variant in elderly people consequent to a decreased oxidative damage.  相似文献   

In vivo EPR was used to investigate liver oxygenation in a hemodynamic model of septic shock in mice. Oxygen-sensitive material was introduced either (i) as a slurry of fine particles which localized at the liver sinusoids (pO2 = 44.39 +/- 5.13 mmHg) or (ii) as larger particles implanted directly into liver tissue to measure average pO2 across the lobule (pO2 = 4.56 +/- 1.28 mmHg). Endotoxin caused decreases in pO2 at both sites early (5-15 min) and at late time points (6 h after endotoxin; sinusoid = 11.22 +/- 2.48 mmHg; lobule = 1.16 +/- 0.42 mmHg). The overall pO2 changes observed were similar (74.56% versus 74.72%, respectively). Blood pressures decreased transiently between 5 and 15 min (12.88 +/- 8% decrease) and severely at 6 h (59 +/- 9% decrease) following endotoxin, despite volume replacement with saline. Liver and circulatory nitric oxide was elevated at these times. Liver oxygen extraction decreased from 44% in controls to only 15% following endotoxin, despite severe liver hypoxia. Arterial oxygen saturation, blood flow (hepatic artery), and cardiac output were unaffected. Pretreatment with l-NMMA failed to improve endotoxin-induced oxygen defects at either site, whereas interleukin-13 preserved oxygenation. These site-specific measurements of pO2 provide in vivo evidence that the principal cause of liver hypoxia during hypodynamic sepsis is reduced oxygen supply to the sinusoid and can be alleviated by maintaining sinusoidal perfusion.  相似文献   

Induction of HIF-1alpha in response to hypoxia is instantaneous.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

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