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Developing seeds accumulate late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, a family of intrinsically disordered and hydrophilic proteins that confer cellular protection upon stress. Many different LEA proteins exist in seeds, but their relative contribution to seed desiccation tolerance or longevity (duration of survival) is not yet investigated. To address this, a reference map of LEA proteins was established by proteomics on a hydrophilic protein fraction from mature Medicago truncatula seeds and identified 35 polypeptides encoded by 16 LEA genes. Spatial and temporal expression profiles of the LEA polypeptides were obtained during the long maturation phase during which desiccation tolerance and longevity are sequentially acquired until pod abscission and final maturation drying occurs. Five LEA polypeptides, representing 6% of the total LEA intensity, accumulated upon acquisition of desiccation tolerance. The gradual 30-fold increase in longevity correlated with the accumulation of four LEA polypeptides, representing 35% of LEA in mature seeds, and with two chaperone-related polypeptides. The majority of LEA polypeptides increased around pod abscission during final maturation drying. The differential accumulation profiles of the LEA polypeptides suggest different roles in seed physiology, with a small subset of LEA and other proteins with chaperone-like functions correlating with desiccation tolerance and longevity.  相似文献   

The molecular genetics of seed maturation in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The maturation phase of seed formation involves coordinated expression of multiple developmental pathways. These processes include abscisic acid regulated responses associated with the arrest of embryo development and induction of anthocyanin synthesis in embryo and aleurone tissues. Studies of the maturation defective vivaparous mutants of maize suggest that one gene, viviparous-1 ( vpl ), regulates both of these pathways in the developing seed. Mutations at vpl reduce the sensitivity of the developing embryo to abscisic acid. In addition, Vpl is required for expression of Cl , a regulatory gene for the anthocyanin pathway. This interaction is consistent with the idea that Vpl and Cl function as part of a regulatory hierarchy controlling seed development. Molecular studies of vpl mutations which separate control of embryo arrest and anthocyanin synthesis suggest that these functions map to discrete domains in the Vpl protein. Therefore, coordinate control of diverse maturation processes may be achieved through expression of a functionally complex regulatory molecule.  相似文献   

Three methods of increasing the productivity of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago sativa L. were investigated. In the basic procedure, somatic embryos were initiated from young petioles and carried through several phases: callus formation, suspension culture, selection of the embryogenic fraction by sieving, development, maturation, desiccation and storage. The suspensions were normally separated into three fractions by sieving. Fraction I (<200 m) containing nonembryogenic cells or cell clusters was discarded. Fraction II (200–500 m) consisting of embryogenic cell clusters was collected for embryo development and maturation. Fraction III (over 500 M) containing the mixture of petiole residues with large pieces of calli and globular somatic embryos was usually discarded. Several methods to scale-up the suspension phase were unsuccessful. Direct subculture of the entire suspension by the addition of fresh liquid medium resulted in the loss of embryogenic capacity by the third subculture. Subculture of fraction II decreased embryogenic cell mass, and hence reduced total productivity. The recycling of fraction III back to fresh B5g liquid medium resulted in high productivity in the first culture but further subculture of this fraction resulted in a rapid decline in the embryogenic capacity.As an alternative, somatic embryos from the first tissue culture cycle were also used as explants for the initiation of secondary embryogenic callus. The embryogenic capacity of these somatic embryo explants declined rapidly as they matured. More than 100 secondary somatic embryos could be induced from embryo explants removed from development medium at 10 days after sieving the suspension, but only 40 somatic embryos were produced from each mature somatic embryo explant, and 13 from desiccated embryos. The secondary somatic embryos were comparable to the primary embryos in quality according to germination tests. The implications of the results to the efficiency of somatic embryo production of Medicago are discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DAS days after sieving - PPF photosynthetic photon flux density - SE somatic embryo  相似文献   

Water stress inhibits germination of chick-pea seeds and produces specific changes in gene expression. some of which are coincident with those induced by the exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA). Three cDNA clones, GAB-8, GAB-9 and GAB-11, were previously identified as under the regulation of ABA and osmotic stress in embryonic axes of germinating chick-pea. Here we try to establish a relationship between the changes in gene expression induced by ABA and stress conditions during germination and those naturally occurring during the desiccation process that leads to seed maturation. Our results show that the germinative capacity of chick-pea is related to the water content of the organ. In vitro translation of the mRNAs from developing seed reveals that in the later stages of seed maturation some polypeptides appear that previously were found to be regulated by ABA and by water deficit in germinating seeds. Hybridization by northern blot of embryogenic mRNAs with GAB-8. GAB-9 and GAB-11 clones shows that the mRNAs corresponding to such clones only appear in the later phases of seed formation, coinciding with seed dehydration, and persisting until seeds became fully mature. The results suggest that these mRNAs are probably related to the response to dehydration that occurs during seed maturation, and that the pattern of expression of these ABA-regulated clones coincides with that of the established late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) genes.  相似文献   

Under defined environmental conditions (20°C, continuous light of 15 klx) development of mustard seeds from artificial pollination to maturity takes about 60 d. After surpassing the period of embryo cell division and histodifferentiation (12–14d after pollination = dap), the seed enters into a maturation period. The time courses of various physiological, biochemical, and structural changes of embryo and testa during seed maturation were analyzed in detail (dry and fresh mass changes, osmotic and water potential changes, respiration, DNA amplification by endomitosis, total ribosome and polysome formation, storage protein synthesis and accumulation, storage lipid accumulation). In addition to the final storage products protein and lipid, embryo and testa accumulate transiently large amounts of starch within the chloroplasts during early maturation. Concomitantly with the subsequent total breakdown of the starch, the plastids lose most of their internal structure and chlorophyll and shrink into proplastids, typical for the mature seed. At about 30 dap the seeds shift from a desiccation-sensitive to a desiccation-tolerant state and are able then to germinate rapidly upon drying and reimbibition. If isolated from the immature fruit and sown directly on water, the seeds demonstrate precocious germination from about 13 dap onwards. Young seeds (isolated ≦ 38 dap) germinate only after surpassing a lag-phase of several days (after-ripening) during which the embryo continues to accumulate storage protein and lipid at the expense of the surrounding seed tissues. We conclude from these results that the maturing seed represents a rather closed developmental system which is able to continue its development up to successful germination without any specific regulatory influence from the mother plant. Immature seeds are able to germinate without a preceding dehydration treatment, which means that partial or full desiccation does not serve as an environmental signal for reprogramming seed development from maturation to germination. Instead, it is argued that the water relations of the seed are a critical element in the control of maturation and germination: during maturation on the mother plant the embryo is subject to a considerable turgor pressure (of the order of 12 bar) accompanied by a low water potential (of the order of ?12 bar). This turgor permits maturation growth but is subcritical for germination growth. However, upon imbibition in water, the low water potential provides a driving force for a burst of water uptake overcoming the critical turgor threshold and thereby inducing germination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Solanaceae seed morphology and physiology have been widely studied but mainly in domesticated crops. The present study aimed to compare the seed morphology and the physiology of germination of Solanum lycocarpum, an important species native to the Brazilian Cerrado, with two species with endospermic seeds, tomato and coffee. METHODS: Morphological parameters of fruits and seeds were determined by microscopy. Germination was monitored for 40 d under different temperature regimes. Endosperm digestion and resistance, with endo-beta-mannanase activity and required force to puncture the endosperm cap as respective markers, were measured during germination in water and in abscisic acid. KEY RESULTS: Fruits of S. lycocarpum contain dormant seeds before natural dispersion. The best germination condition found was a 12-h alternating light/dark and high/low (20/30 degrees C) temperature cycle, which seemed to target properties of the endosperm cap. The endosperm cap contains 7-8 layers of elongated polygonal cells and is predestined to facilitate radicle protrusion. The force required to puncture the endosperm cap decreased in two stages during germination and showed a significant negative correlation with endo-beta-mannanase activity. As a result of the thick endosperm cap, the puncture force was significantly higher in S. lycocarpum than in tomato and coffee. Endo-beta-mannanase activity was detected in the endosperm cap prior to radicle protrusion. Abscisic acid inhibited germination, increase of embryo weight during imbibition, the second stage of weakening of the endosperm cap and of endo-beta-mannanase activity in the endosperm cap. CONCLUSIONS: The germination mechanism of S. lycocarpum bears resemblance to that of tomato and coffee seeds. However, quantitative differences were observed in embryo pressure potential, endo-beta-mannanase activity and endosperm cap resistance that were related to germination rates across the three species.  相似文献   

We analyzed the Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence to detect Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) protein genes, using as reference sequences proteins related to LEAs previously described in cotton or which present similar characteristics. We selected 50 genes representing nine groups. Most of the encoded predicted proteins are small and contain repeated domains that are often specific to a unique LEA group. Comparison of these domains indicates that proteins with classical group 5 motifs are related to group 3 proteins and also gives information on the possible history of these repetitions. Chromosomal gene locations reveal that several LEA genes result from whole genome duplications (WGD) and that 14 are organized in direct tandem repeats. Expression of 45 of these genes was tested in different plant organs, as well as in response to ABA and in mutants (such as abi3, abi5, lec2 and fus3) altered in their response to ABA or in seed maturation. The results demonstrate that several so-called LEA genes are expressed in vegetative tissues in the absence of any abiotic stress, that LEA genes from the same group do not present identical expression profile and, finally, that regulation of LEA genes with apparently similar expression patterns does not systematically involve the same regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of perturbation and excision on net NO-3, uptake, influx and efflux in roots of 8-day-old barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings induced with NO-3 or NO-2 were determined. Perturbation was simulated by mechanically striking the intact roots with a glass rod. Perturbation or excision of roots and subsequent division into small segments had little effect on NO-3 influx, but briefly inhibited net uptake which recovered within a few min. While in perturbed roots net uptake rates recovered to the same level as in control roots, full recovery did not occur in excised roots. Inhibition of net uptake was due to stimulation of NO-3 efflux. The recovery time and level of inhibition of net NO-3 uptake and/or stimulation of efflux were a function of extent of perturbation, or the number of segments following excision, and root NO-3 concentration. NO-3 efflux was further stimulated when roots were perturbed after cytoplasmic NO-3 had been depleted, indicating that both the plasmalemma and tonoplast may be affected. In excised roots both NO-3 influx and efflux decreased with age due to depletion of energy sources. The results indicate that root perturbation and excision had no effect on NO-3 influx but inhibited net uptake by stimulating efflux.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging was used to measure stomatalclosure in response to desiccation of Tradescantia virginianaleaves grown under high (90%) and moderate (55%) relative humidities(RHs), or transferred between these humidities. Stomata in leavesgrown at high RH were less responsive to desiccation than thoseof leaves grown at moderate RH. Stomata of plants transferredfrom moderate RH conditions to high RH showed the same diminishedclosure in response to desiccation as did stomata that developedat high RH. This response was found both when the leaves werefully expanded and when still actively expanding during themoderate RH pre-treatment. Four days of exposure to high RHwas the minimal exposure time to induce the diminished closureresponse. When leaves were grown in high RH prior to a 10 dmoderate RH treatment, the reduced stomatal closure responseto desiccation was only reversed in leaves (regions) which wereactively expanding during moderate RH treatment. This indicatesthat with respect to stomatal responses to desiccation, highRH leaf regions have a limited capacity to adapt to moderateRH conditions. The decrease in responsiveness to desiccationof the stomata, induced by long-term exposure to high RH, wasnot due to osmotic adjustment in the leaves. Within 1 d aftertransferring moderate RH-grown plants to a high RH, the abscisicacid (ABA) concentration of their leaves decreased to the lowlevel of ABA found in high RH-grown leaves. The closure responsein leaves exposed to high RH for 5 d, however, could not befully restored by the application of ABA. Transferring plantsfrom high to moderate RH resulted in increased ABA levels within2 d without a recovery of the stomatal closing response. Itis discussed that the diminished stomatal closure in plantsexposed to high RH could be due to changes in the signallingpathway for ABA-related closure of stomata or to an increasedsequestration of ABA by mesophyll tissue or the symplast inthe epidermis, induced by a longer period (several days) ofa low ABA level. Key words: Abscisic acid, desiccation, PSII efficiency, relative water content, stomatal closure, vapour pressure deficit, water potential Received 8 October 2007; Revised 5 November 2007 Accepted 9 November 2007  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), prechilling, temperature, salt stress and osmotic potential on seed germination and sowing depth on seedling emergence and burial depth on seed viability of hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.), were studied in a series of laboratory, glasshouse and outdoor experiments. The optimal temperature for hoary cress seed germination was 20°C, both in light/dark and darkness regimes. Seed germination of hoary cress at 400 ppm concentration of GA3 in a light/dark regime was maximal. Potassium nitrate concentrations increased the percentage of germination in comparison with the control treatment. Increasing the duration of dry prechilling to 30 and 45 days promoted the seed germination of hoary cress. Germination of hoary cress markedly decreased as salt and drought stress increased. Seed germination of hoary cress occurred at a range of pH from 3 to 11. Seedling emergence significantly decreased as planting depth increased. Total seed viability decreased with increasing burial depth. The maximum increase in mortality occurred in seeds that were buried at 5‐cm depth.  相似文献   

Grubišié, D., Konjevié, R. and Neškovié, M. 1988. The effect of some growth regulators on light-induced germination of Paulownia tomentosa seeds. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 525–528.
The germination of Paulownia tomentosa Steud. (Empress tree) seeds can be induced either by red light (R) or by exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA3). The R induced germination is completely suppressed by far red irradiation, abscisic acid (ABA) or by growth retardants such as ancymidol, tetcyclacis and paclobutrazol, though not by AMO 1618 or chloro-choline chloride (CCC). The inhibition caused by far red light (FR) and growth retardants can be overcome by GA3, while the ABA-induced inhibition can be reversed by fusicoccin (FC), which does not reverse the inhibition caused by FR or growth retardants. It is noteworthy that the germination of light insensitive wheat, corn, alfalfa and mung bean seeds is not inhibited by growth retardants.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene during flooding of Phaseolus vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wilting symptoms in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. bruine Noord-Hollandse were observed after a few hours of flooding. They were well correlated with an accumulation of ethylene. The ethylene level in the leaves started to increase after 2 h of flooding and reached a 3–4 fold rise after 4–6 h. From then on throughout the next two days it gradually returned to control values. On the day when plants were flooded, a positive correlation was found between the ethylene concentration and the degree of wilting. During this day the time course of abscisic acid (ABA) level, diffusion resistance and water potential was measured. The effect of ethylene on stomatal aperture was investigated by spraying Ethrel on the leaves. In control plants, Ethrel treatment had no influence on the diffusion resistance. Spraying plants with ABA resulted in a significant, dose-dependent increase in diffusion resistance. When Ethrel was added to the ABA-containing solutions only 62% of this increase was observed. Ethrel (pre-) treatment of plants that were to be flooded had a similar effect; the increase in diffusion resistance was only 70% of what was observed in untreated flooded plants. It is concluded that ethylene may interfere with the regulation of stomatal aperture by abscisic acid.  相似文献   

In this study of embryo development in Phaseolus vulgaris L., we found that immature embryonic axes placed in culture show a growth lag before germinating. The length of this lag phase varies according to axis age at excision, but is not affected by transfer to fresh medium, alteration of sucrose concentration between 0.5 and 2%, or whether the culture medium is liquid or agar-solidified. The lag phase was shortened by both actinomycin D and cordycepin treatment, and by treatment with 10-5 to 10-6 M benzyladenine. The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) varied with concentration: below a certain level, it had no effect on the lag phase, but above that level it inhibited, germination. This threshold concentration was 10-7 M for 20-d-old axes but increased to 10-5 M by the time the axes were 32 to 34 d old. To determine whether the axes were continuing their embryonic development during the lag phase, we tested them for desiccation-tolerance and for synthesis of phaseolin, a seed storage protein which is specific for embryos of P. vulgaris. The ability to germinate after rapid desiccation was acquired by axes at 26 d past anthesis; when axes younger than this were placed in culture, they developed desiccation-tolerance during the lag phase of growth, indicating that they were continuing embryonic maturation. Phaseolin was present in isolated axes, although at lower levels than in cotyledons. It accumulated during axis development in parallel with total protein, staying at about 1% of total protein content. When isolated immature axes were pulsed with 3H-or 14C-amino acids, they incorporated label into phaseolin, shown by precipitation with anti-phaseolin antibody. Isolated axes from mature seeds, however, did not synthesize detectable amounts of phaseolin. Immature axes cultured in vitro for a period of one to several days continued synthesizing phaseolin until the day prior to visible germination. Treatment of cultured axes with ABA increased the amount of precursor amino acids incorporated into protein, but had a small or no effect on the relative proportion of phaseolin synthesized. We conclude that P. vulgaris axes in culture continue to develop embryonically for a period of time which seems to be under intrinisc control by the axis. This contrasts with precocious germanation, a pattern of embryo behavior seen in many other species. When such embryos are excised from seeds while immature and placed in culture, they switch promptly from embryo development into germination. If ABA or water stress is responsible for preventing precocious germination, it may be that a high level of ABA is maintained or synthesized internally by embryonic axes of Phaseolus, while in other embryos the maternal environment supplies ABA and/or causes water stress.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine  相似文献   

Two abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive seed proteins, ABR17 and ABR18 (ABA-responsive 17000-Mr and 18000-Mr, respectively), previously found to be induced in cultured embryos of pea (Pisum sativum L.) are major components synthesised during normal seed desiccation. The ABR17 and ABR18 proteins showed different patterns of accumulation. The ABR18 protein was abundant in the testa during early seed development but in desiccating seed it was synthesised in the embryo, indicating spacial as well as temporal regulation of expression. The ABR18 protein was undetectable soon after germination but reappeared after adding ABA. The ABR17 protein was not detected in the testa but appeared in the embryo just prior to maximum fresh weight. The ABR17 protein continued to be synthesised during germination and was also present in non-stressed leaves. A high level of endogenous ABA or added ABA increased levels of translatable ABR17 mRNA. The ABR17 and ABR18 proteins were further characterised so as to help determine their structure and function. Neither protein appeared to contain a signal peptide but both proteins appeared to be glycosylated. The proteins had similar amino-acid compositions and limited Nterminal analysis showed 56% sequence identity. Neither protein had any significant N-terminal sequence homology to any of the late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins or dehydrins. Both proteins, however, show striking homology with a pea disease-resistance-response protein and the major birch pollen allergen, indicating that the ABR17 and ABR18 proteins may be members of a distinct group of stress-induced proteins.Abbreviations ABA (±) cis,trans-abscisic acid - ABR17 Mr-17200 ABA-responsive protein - ABR18 Mr-18 100 ABA-responsive protein - FW fresh weight - IgG immunoglobulin G - LEA late embryogenesis-abundant - Mr apparent molecularmass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCA trichloroacetic acid This work was supported by the Agricultural and Food Research Council via grants-in-aid to Long Ashton Research Station.  相似文献   

A combined application of abscisic acid (ABA) and high molecular mass osmoticum, polyethylene glycol (PEG) has become a routine method for stimulating somatic embryo maturation in some genera of Coniferales. The goals of the present study were to clarify how the PEG 4000-attributed low osmotic potential (ψs) of the maturation medium affects the yield and morphology of mature somatic embryos as well as subsequent developmental processes during germination and ex vitro plantlet growth in different genotypes of Picea abies belonging to 3 full sib seed families. Despite high within- and among-family variation, a stimulatory effect of 7.5% PEG (ψs=?0.645 MPa) on somatic embryo maturation was recorded for 13 out of 17 cell lines (F= 2.83, P= 0.1). PEG-treated somatic embryos were more dehydrated than embryos matured in the absence of PEG. Subsequently, embryos were partially desiccated using a high relative humidity treatment (HRH-treatment). The dynamics of embryo water content (WC) during HRH-treatment differed between embryos developed on maturation medium for 5 or 7 weeks. These two patterns remained unchanged irrespective of the ψs of the maturation medium. In 5-week somatic embryos, the WC decreased to the lowest level (in the range 25-35%) within the first 8 days of HRH-treatment and was not further substantially changed. Seven-week embryos also lost water within 8 to 16 days (decrease to 15-25% WC), but this drop was followed by rehydration of embryonic tissues by 24th day of HRH-treatment up to nearly the initial WC. Thus, 7-week embryos experienced both desiccation and slow imbibition in the course of the 24-day HRH-treatment. This could account for their increased germinability compared to 5-week somatic embryos found in the present study. Addition of 7.5% PEG to the maturation medium significantly inhibited somatic embryo germination for the vast majority of genotypes (F= 7.35; P= 0.01). Moreover, even after ex vitro transfer, both radicle elongation and lateral root formation were substantially suppressed (F= 3.8; P= 0.03) in those plantlets produced from PEG-treated somatic embryos. Alterations both in the organization of the root meristem and in the structure of the root cap were found by histomorphological analysis of PEG-treated somatic embryos. All those embryos possessed massive root caps with numerous intercellular spaces in the pericolumn tissue. Cells of the quiescent center exhibited clear symptoms of degradation manifested in shrinkage and collapse of the protoplasm. In addition, PEG-treated embryos were of smaller size compared to embryos matured without osmoticum. When grown in artificial substrate (up to 5 months) the PEG-induced inhibitory post-effect gradually decreased. At this stage, the duration of maturation was the only factor separating plantlets into slow- and fast-growing categories. Somatic embryos matured for 5 weeks produced plantlets twice the size of those produced by 7-week embryos (F= 37.8; P < 0.0001). This trend did not depend on ψs of the maturation medium, nor on the genotype.  相似文献   

  • Diaspore structure has been hypothesised to play a role in seed viability and/or germination of recalcitrant seeds, especially for Swartzia langsdorffii. Thus, this work aims to (i) investigate the in situ contribution of pericarp and aril on seed viability and germination, and (ii) identify morphoanatomical traits of S. langsdorffii diaspores that allow its desiccation‐sensitive seeds to remain viable.
  • The role of the pericarp and aril in seed survival and germination was investigated by placing the whole fruit, whole seeds (arillate seed) and bare seeds (without aril) in soil in the forest understorey, assessing germination, emergence, dead, firm and predated seeds, and water content of pericarps, arils and seeds. Correlation analysis was performed between environmental variables and physiological parameters. Histochemical features of diaspores were also investigated.
  • Pericarp water content fell after several months, while the aril maintained its water content. Seeds did not lose water even without the presence of the pericarp and aril. However, presence of the pericarp promoted seed water content, viability and germination long after dispersal. The embryo had a thickened outer periclinal cell wall.
  • Pericarp and aril are not essential to prevent water loss in seeds, but do help to retain seed moisture, favouring viability maintenance and promoting germination during the rainy season. Morphoanatomical features of seeds are suggested as main factors that reduce water loss. Survival of these desiccation‐sensitive seeds upon dispersal during the dry season appears to be facilitated by multiple diaspore features that prevent viability loss.

Hakman, I. and von Arnold, S. 1988. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from suspension cultures of Picea glauca (White spruce). - Physiol. Plant. 72: 579–587.
Plantlets were regenerated from long-term embryogenic cultures of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. (White spruce). Embryogenic calli, initiated from immature zygotic embryos and maintained by monthly subculture for 16 months, were used to establish suspension cultures. Small somatic embryos were continuously produced in liquid culture medium containing auxin and cytokinin and the cultures showed a sustained regeneration capacity for >6 months. Somatic embryos propagated in the suspension cultures developed further into embryos bearing cotyledons, about 1 month after transfer to solidified medium containing abscisic acid. Electron microscopic examination revealed that storage nutrients, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, accumulated in the somatic embryos during this treatment with abscisic acid (ABA). Upon subculture to medium lacking plant growth regulators such embryos could develop into small green plantlets.  相似文献   

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