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本文报道了我国祁连山地麻虻属Haematopota 1新种:祁连山麻虻Haematopota qilianshanensis He,Liu et Xu,sp.nov.,并记录了祁连山地虻科4属13种。新种正模和42♀♀副模保存在兰州军区疾病预防控制中心昆虫标本室,10♀♀副模保存在军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。祁连山麻虻Haematopota qilianshanensis He,Liu et Xu,新种(图1~3)主要特征:体灰黑色,体长10~12mm。额灰黑色,侧点半圆形,与复合眼明显分离;额胛亮褐黑色,表面凹凸不平,两端略后突,中部明显后突,形如笔架,两侧与复眼明显分离。触角柄节粗壮,由基部向亚端部明显膨大,长为直径的2.4倍,梗节较小,具大的拇指状背突。足基节灰黑色,转节亮褐色,股节棕黄色,前足胫节基部棕黄色,端部棕黑色,中、后足胫节棕黑色,具2个明显的棕黄环。翅灰色,翅长8~9mm,具云朵状花纹,翅端灰色,第2、3、5或2、3、4、5后缘室具白斑,翅端带单一,波形。本新种接近土麻虻Haematopota turkestanica(Krober),但后者翅端部及后缘具连续白色边緣;触角柄节粗短、圆柱形,背缘近端部具深的凹陷。也与甘肃麻虻Haematopota kansuensis(Krober)相近,但后者额基胛呈穹形带状,中央无突起或突起不明显,两侧与眼略有接触;侧点圆形,与眼相接触;前足股节灰白色,中、后足股节浅棕白色;翅棕色,具白色点状斑纹,翅尖带单一,细波形。正模:♀,祁连山甘肃省肃南县铧尖乡,1991-Ⅵ-24,刘增加。副模:17♀♀,同正模;29♀♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-30,刘增加;5♀♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-25,刘增加;1♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-19,刘增加。  相似文献   

Synthetic and natural attractants in traps are used in many parts of the world to attract female tabanids. Certain attractants in different geographic regions may be ineffective or effective under different environmental conditions for horseflies. One‐octen‐3‐ol, as a compound present in bovine emanations, has a behavioural effect on many horsefly species and together with other phenolic compounds makes very effective attractant for this group of insects. As the attractiveness of the mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution in the proportions 5 : 3 : 2), aged donkey urine, lactic acid and fresh human urine is not yet known, it was studied in Eastern Croatia. The combination of those three chemicals and efficiency of natural attractants offers promising results. Tabanus was the most represented genus with 83% of the total collected tabanids. The chi‐squared analyses of the trapping data for canopy traps revealed that each of the attractants (mixture of three chemicals, aged donkey urine, lactic acid and fresh human urine) significantly increased the number of collected horseflies in comparison to those collected in unbaited canopy traps. Some species differences in relative response to different attractants were noted. Significantly, more specimens of Haematopota pluvialis were collected from canopy traps baited with the mixture of three chemicals when compared with traps baited with other attractants. Canopy traps baited with aged donkey urine collected significantly more Atylotus loewianus females than did traps baited with the mixture. The Ftest analysis of the trapping data for the genus Tabanus showed that there is significant difference between average number of collected specimens between mixture of three chemicals and other used attractants (lactic acid and human urine) except aged donkey urine. Finally, traps baited with the mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution) collected 14.5 times more tabanids than unbaited traps, whereas aged donkey urine, lactic acid, and fresh human urine‐baited traps collected 12, 3.9 and 2.5 times as many tabanids, respectively, than did unbaited traps. The mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution) and aged donkey urine appear to be very effective attractants for tabanids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In a review of the horseflies of the Tabanus mandarinus species group in Korea, six species are recognized. Among them, Tabanus nipponicus is newly recorded from Korea. Keys, annotated check lists of domestic records, collection data, and photographs of T. nipponicus are provided.  相似文献   

Krčmar S 《ZooKeys》2011,(117):73-82
Thirty six species of horse flies (Tabanidae) were previously known from Serbia (Europe). The present faunistic study of horse flies (Tabanidae) has resulted in the recording of the 4 new species Atylotus fulvus (Meigen, 1804); Tabanus miki Brauer in Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1880; Tabanus unifasciatus Loew, 1858; and Heptatoma pellucens (Fabricius, 1776), in the fauna of Serbia. The genus Heptatoma Meigen, 1803 is cited for the first time in the fauna of Serbia. 40 species are currently known from Serbia, belonging to nine genera. The fauna can be considered relatively poorly studied. Most of the species belong to the Boreal-Eurasian type of fauna 23, followed by the South European group with 8 species, the Mediterranean group with 6 species, European group with 2 species and Central European group with 1 species.  相似文献   

Today’s knowledge of worldwide species diversity of 19 families of aquatic Diptera in Continental Waters is presented. Nevertheless, we have to face for certain in most groups a restricted knowledge about distribution, ecology and systematic, particularly in the tropical environments. At the same time we realize a dramatically decline or even lack of specialists being able, having the time or the opportunity to extend or even secure the present information. The respective families with approximate numbers of aquatic species are: Blephariceridae (308), Deuterophlebiidae (14), Nyphomyiidae (7), Psychodidae (∼2.000), Scatopsidae (∼5), Tanyderidae (41), Ptychopteridae (69), Dixidae (173), Corethrellidae (97), Chaoboridae (∼50), Thaumaleidae (∼170), Ceratopogonidae (∼6.000), Stratiomyidae (∼43), Empididae (∼660), Lonchopteridae (2), Syrphidae (∼1.080), Sciomyzidae (∼190), Ephydridae (∼1.500), Muscidae (∼870). Numbers of aquatic species will surely increase with increased ecological and taxonomical efforts. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):315-319
Deer and horse flies, Family Tabanidae, are biological, mechanical, and potential vectors of approximately 27 viral, bacterial, and helminthic pathogens of veterinary and medical importance. Biting fly surveillance was conducted using New Jersey light traps and Mosquito Magnet® traps from May-October during 2015–2018 at eight sites (villages and US military installations and training areas) near/in the Demilitarized Zone and at a US military installation in southern Gyeonggi province, Republic of Korea.A total of 9985 deer and horse flies, comprising 4 genera and 17 species, were collected. The predominant species collected was Chrysops mlokosiewiczi (95.39%), followed by Chrysops suavis (1.48%) and Haematopota koryoensis (1.07%), while the remaining species accounted for only 2.06% of the specimens collected. A bimodal peak was observed for C. mlokosiewiczi in June and late-July, but not for the other two predominant species during the whole of the study period. This study provides and insight into ecological behavior and seasonal abundance of deer and horse flies in Gyeonggi province, Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

杨超  佐佐木均 《昆虫学报》2019,62(10):1212-1227
【目的】利用日本北海道虻类评估和验证外生殖器在分类学上的意义。【方法】将虻类成虫标本浸渍在生理盐水中并置于双目显微镜下通过针和镊子在培养皿中进行解剖并绘图,观察第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器的形态特征。【结果】在日本北海道共记录了虻科(Tabanidae) 3亚科7属38种。我们观察并描述了3亚科其中的6属24种的雌性外生殖器的主要特征。亚科之间存在明显差异;然而在一般情况下属之间很难建立一种方法来确定共同点;种之间只有在斑虻属Chrysops中有相似之处,其他属中则比较多样化。因此,亚科鉴定根据第9背板、第8腹板及受精囊足以进行区分,属及种鉴定需要结合第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器各自的特征组合在一起才能区分开来。我们也制作了虻类外生殖器的检索表。【结论】和许多其他昆虫一样,外生殖器是虻科的重要分类特征,对于促进分类学和系统学的发展具有重要意义。本研究首次对分布在日本北海道的虻科雌性外生殖器进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

Samples were collected from southern, central and eastern regions of Saudi Arabia using Malaise traps and sweep nets. Nine species of Tabanidae were identified, two for the first time from Saudi Arabia, Hybomitra peculiaris (Szilády) and Atylotus pulchellus (Loew).Therefore, the total number of Tabanidae in Saudi Arabia is 31 species. Remarks of the species recorded in this study were given. A key to the genera of Tabanidae occurring in the Arabian Peninsula is also provided. Available literature for Saudi Arabian Tabanidae is summarized and provided. It is concluded that the tabanid fauna of Saudi Arabia is more similar to that of the Palaearctic region than to the Afrotropical region.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes that inhabit freshwater habitats play an important role in the ecological food chain, and many of them are vicious biters and transmitters of human and animal diseases. Relevant information about mosquitoes from various regions of the world are noted, including their morphology, taxonomy, habitats, species diversity, distribution, endemicity, phylogeny, and medical importance. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of horse and deer flies (family Tabanidae) was analyzed using Mosquito Magnet® traps at 5 sites located near/in the demilitarized zone, northern Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea from late April to early October for 4 consecutive years (2010-2013). A total of 2,999 horse and deer flies (tabanids) belonging to 5 genera and 20 species were collected. Chrysops mlokosiewiczi (90.9%) was the most frequently collected, followed by Haematopota koryoensis (4.8%) and C. suavis (1.0%). The remaining 17 species comprised only of 3.3% of all species collected. C. mlokosiewiczi demonstrated bimodal peak populations during mid-June and early August, while H. koryoensis demonstrated a unimodal peak during mid-July. Overall numbers of tabanids collected were influenced by the previous year’s winter temperatures and precipitation. Population abundance was influenced by habitat with most of tabanids collected from habitats near forested areas, followed by rice paddies, and a beef farm.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of Tabanidae from four genera were recorded. Where samples were large enough, the preferred alighting sites were determined for the tabanids, and differences in such sites were found for species in three genera. The lower legs of the bait ox were the preferred alighting site for 61.8% of the flies. In the season of peak fly numbers, the bait ox was under stress from the tabanids.  相似文献   

More than 1,000 Spiroplasma isolates have been obtained from horse flies and deer flies (Diptera:Tabanidae) in the United States and Canada. However, the spiroplasma biota of Central America is poorly known. In August of 1995 and 1998, 13 isolates were obtained in 14 attempts from horse flies of a single species, Poeciloderas quadripunctatus, taken in the Costa Rican highlands (1,100–2,000 m). The majority of the “isolates” proved to be mixtures of two or more Spiroplasma species, but after filter cloning, single strains emerged that were designated as representatives of the 13 accessions. Six distinct spiroplasma serogroups were identified from these isolations. Three of the strains are putative new species with no serological relationship to any other Spiroplasma species. A fourth strain is a putative new species that may be distantly related to S. helicoides, a southeastern U.S. species. These four strains are accorded herein status as representatives of new serogroups: strain BARC 4886 (group XXXV); strain BARC 4900 (group XXXVI); strain BARC 4908 (group XXXVII); and GSU5450 (group XXXVIII). A fifth Spiroplasma species was very closely related to S. lineolae, known previously only from the Georgia (U.S.) coast. The sixth was most closely related to subgroup VIII-3, known from Texas and the southeastern U.S. Discovery of six spiroplasma species in only 13 attempted isolations reflects diversity seldom equaled in southeast Georgia, and never elsewhere in the U.S. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that spiroplasma diversity increases from north (Nova Scotia) to south (Georgia and Costa Rica). The discovery of significant affinity between some spiroplasmas of the southeastern U.S. and the Costa Rican highlands was unexpected, but may reflect a climatically complex Pleistocene history.
Robert F. WhitcombEmail:

Hovering aggregations of male salt marsh greenheads Tabanus nigrovittatusand the sibling species T. conterminuswere observed on marshes in southern New Jersey. T. nigrovittatusmales hovered over expanses of short marsh grasses, while T. conterminushovered over tidal creeks and near other prominent landmarks. T. nigrovittatusexhibited two distinct daily hovering periods. The timing of these periods varied daily but showed a strong negative correlation with ambient temperature. A principal-components analysis identified a combination of ambient temperature, black-body temperature, and light intensity as most predictive of hovering onset. T. conterminushovered during a time period which was generally intermediate to the two hovering periods of T. nigrovittatus.Temporal partitioning of hovering windows may represent a premating isolating mechanism.  相似文献   

云南虻属一新种(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了虻属1新种-景洪虻,模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, fauna and ecology of horse flies (Tabanidae) were intensively studied in Croatia, especially in the Ramsar sites as wetlands of international importance. Different habitat requirements of larvae were recognised and adults of 78 species in 10 genera were recorded. The true aquatic and semiaquatic larvae are represented by several species of the genera Chrysops Meigen, 1803 Hybomitra Enderlein, 1922. Some species from this ecological group are typical inhabitants of saline biotopes. In the Croatian fauna three halophilous species were recorded: Chrysops italicus Meigen, 1804, Hybomitra acuminata (Loew, 1858) and H. expollicata (Pandellé, 1883). The distribution of these species in Croatia covers 7, 17 and 3 UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grids, respectively. Specimens were primarily collected in habitats with brackish water along the Adriatic coast, such as Vransko Lake, the mouth of the River Cetina, the delta of the River Neretva and Mljet Island. Only specimens of H. acuminata were recorded in the continental part of Croatia. They were sporadically collected on localities along the Danube floodplain and on four localities near the river Drava. The distribution of H. acuminata in the continental part indicates otherwise rare saline habitats along the Drava and Danube rivers (1.38% of the total catch of the Hybomitra – species from the floodplain).  相似文献   

We recorded and analyzed the diversity of Phlebotominae and Trichomyiinae in two types of landscape (conserved and anthropized) over the course of three seasons (rainy, cold and dry) in southwestern Puebla, Mexico. A total of 578 specimens belonging to five genera and 10 species were obtained. Phlebotominae was represented by eight species, six of them new records for the state of Puebla, and for Trichomyiinae two species were recorded in the state of Puebla for the first time. There were eight species in the anthropized area and 10 species were recorded in the conservation area. The abundance of both subfamilies was high in the conservation area, representing 83.6% of the total sample, whereas in the anthropized area only 16.4% of the total sample was recorded. Eight species were found during the rainy and dry seasons, and seven species during the cold season. Abundance was highest in the dry season (76.30%), and lowest in the rainy season (5.9%). This kind of information is useful for understanding the transmission patterns of visceral leishmaniasis – endemic to central Mexico – by phlebotomine sand flies.  相似文献   

本文记述瘤忙属1新种--药山瘤虻Hybomitra yaoshanensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院。  相似文献   

The mating system ofHybomitra arpadi was studied at a subarctic, treeline site near Churchill, Manitoba. Males aggregated in linear clearings on a hilltop in spruce-larch forest, hovering at a mean height of 13±1.3 (SE) cm. Hovering occurred only on sunny days (12 °C) for periods of up to 11 h. Males oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aggregation site, independent of wind direction or solar azimuth. Few copulations were seen but there was a high frequency of aborted copulations involving nulliparous and parous, con- and heterospecific females. Males that intercepted females were morphometrically distinguishable from the remainder of the population on the basis of allometric relationships described by principal components. Aggregating males had highly variable quantities of carbohydrate in the crop, with early-hovering males tending to have the largest quantities; carbohydrate concentration was much less variable. Potential hovering durations estimated from crop energy varied from a few minutes to nearly 5 h, but no individual male had sufficient energy reserves to hover for the entire aggregation period on continuously sunny days. Hovering males maintained a mean thoracic temperature of 40.0 °C, as much as 23.5 ° above ambient. Thoracic temperatures were almost invariant across males and over a wide range of ambient temperatures, increasing only slightly with increasing ambient temperature.Deceased 26 May 1993.  相似文献   

Studies on the insect pollinators diversity and their relative abundance in Eruca sativa Mill. (Arugula) and Brassica rapa L. (field mustard) was carried out during spring season from February to April consecutively during all the three years of 2016–18. Insect pollinators observed belonged to four orders i.e. Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera. A total of 20 major species of insect pollinators were recorded. The highest abundance of pollinator species belonged to Hymenoptera. The most prominent insect pollinator species were Apis mellifera followed by other three honey bee species of A. cerana, A. florea, and A. dorsata respectively. Some species of solitary bees were also recorded. From Diptera, four species of syrphid fly and one species from Muscidae family were also recorded. Insect pollinators recorded from order Lepidoptera were Pieris brassicae, Vanessa cardui, and Papilio demoleus. Lady bird beetle Coccinella septempunctata was recorded from Coleoptera order as occasional visitor. It was noticed that E. sativa attracted more insect pollinators than B. rapa which may be attributed to different amount and chemical properties of nectar, with number of pollen grains, and flower canopy of both crops. Further studies are needed to confirm the reasons for higher pollinator visitation to E. sativa than B. rapa through chemical analysis of nectar, amount of pollens, flower physiology and phenology of both crops.  相似文献   

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