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The effect that climate change in the Lake Baikal region has on the state of the lake plankton is discussed. The increase in water temperature in the photic layer and chlorophyll a content during direct stratification is demonstrated with the use of a database containing the results of plankton observations from 1951 to 2000. The number of small-cell algae belonging to the summer complex seems to increase, while the number of endemic large cell algae developing under the ice is characterized by negative trends.  相似文献   

Light climate and phytoplankton photosynthesis in maritime Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(1):69-79
The responses of phytoplankton populations to seasonal changes in radiation flux in two Antarctic lakes with extensive winter ice-cover are described. A phytoplankton capable of photosynthesis was found throughout the year in both systems. During winter, low incident radiation combined with thick layers of snow and ice prevented in situ photosynthesis becoming detectable. The beginning of spring was marked by a reduction in snow cover which resulted in a considerable increase in surface penetrating radiation. Planktonic algae rapidly adapted to utilise these increased levels efficiently, though they still showed characteristics of strong shade adaptation.Loss of ice cover at the start of the short open water period further increased the radiation levels and a summer population developed which was much less shade adapted. Saturation and photoinhibition effects were widespread during this period as the algae proved unable to utilise high radiation levels efficiently. They were however effective at the radiation fluxes prevalent in the lower part of the rapidly circulating water columns.  相似文献   

The Forsmark Biotest Basin is a shallow coastal ecosystem that receives brackish cooling-water discharge from a nuclear power plant. The effects of the discharge on epilithic algal communities were investigated by analysing samples taken every third week throughout one year at 11 sites differentially affected by temperature and/or flow rate enhancement. Community variation was summarized in a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of species abundances as a function of site and date. The temperature increase favoured blue-green algae at the expense of red and brown algae. Blue-green algae were however abundant in summer in stagnant water, whether heated or not, and some red and brown algae became abundant in winter in heated sites with flowing water. Green algae and diatoms increased in biomass in the heated sites, but not in relative cover-abundance. The absence of ice and snow cover at sites with heated and/or flowing water caused autumn species to persist into winter, because of the higher light intensity (compared with natural conditions) and the absence of the mechanical abrasion by ice. The thermal discharge lowered species diversity (Shannon-Weaver index) both in summer and winter at sites with flowing water, but not at sites with quiescent or stagnant water. CCA showed alternate periods of stability and rapid change within the seasonal cycle. Individual species were placed according to their optimum; red and brown algae in winter/spring, green algae in spring/summer, blue-green algae in summer, and diatoms at various times. Exceptions to this pattern were species endo- or epiphytic on species of a different group. Analysis of the effects of temperature, flow rate and ice cover on the seasonal pattern of particular species showed that different species respond in individualistic ways to different combinations of these environmental variables.  相似文献   

Biological entities and gradients of selected chemicals within the seemingly barren ice layers covering Lake Baikal were investigated. Ice cores 40-68 cm long were obtained from in shore and offshore sites of Southern Lake Baikal during the cold period of a year (March-April) in 2007 and 2008. In microscopic observations of the melted ice, both algae and bacteria were found in considerable numbers (>10(3) cells/L and >10(4) cells/ml, respectively). Among all organisms found, diatom was generally the most predominant taxon in the ice. Interestingly, both planktonic and benthic algae were present in considerable numbers (2-4×10(4) cells/L). Dominant phototrophic picoplankton were comprised of small green algae of various taxa and cyanobacteria of Synechococcus and Cyanobium. The bacterial community consisted mostly of short rod and cocci cells, either free-living or aggregated. Large numbers of yeast-like cells and actinomycete mycelium were also observed. Concentrations of silica, phosphorus, and nitrate were low by an order of magnitude where biota was abundant. The profile of the ice could be interpreted as vertical stratification of nutrients and biomass due to biological activities. Therefore, the organisms in the ice were regarded to maintain high activity while thriving under freezing conditions. Based on the results, it was concluded that the freshwater ice covering the surface of Lake Baikal is considerably populated by extremophilic microorganisms that actively metabolize and form a detritus food chain in the unique large freshwater ecosystem of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Seasonal succession of ciliates in lake constance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We found a recurrent seasonal pattern in abundance and composition of planktonic ciliates in Lake Constance, FRG, over a three-year period. Abundance peaks occurred in early spring and summer/autumn, while ciliate numbers were low in late spring (clear-water phase) and winter. Prostomatida and Oligotrichida dominated in early spring. They responded immediately to the phytoplankton spring bloom, while Haptorida, Peritrichida, and large Scuticociliatida (Histiobalantium) were delayed by 1 to 2 weeks. The spring community broke down at the onset of the clear-water phase.Pelagohalteria viridis containing symbiontic algae appeared shortly after this event. A highly diverse community was recorded in summer/autumn. Peritrichida, small Oligotrichida, and large Scuticociliatida reached their maxima during this season. Small Scuticociliatida were rare throughout the year and contributed moderately to total ciliate numbers only during the cold season. The observed seasonal sequence of pelagic ciliates in Lake Constance is discussed in relation to simultaneously collected data on potential food organisms and grazers.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton samples were collected from three mesotrophic lakes: Piaseczno, Rogóźno and Krasne during winter seasons (from January to March). The samples were analyzed for species analysis and abundance of planktonic algae in relation to different depths of water column (0–7 m). Selected water physical-chemical parameters were also measured. Abundance of phytoplankton depended strongly on the thickness of snow and ice cover or mixing conditions. The maximal phytoplankton total number reached about 5 × 106 ind. L−1 beneath the clear ice in the Krasne Lake, minimal numbers were recorded under the thick snow and ice layers in the Piaseczno Lake (2 × 103 ind. L−1). The winter phytoplankton communities were dominated by flagellates principally cryptomonads (Cryptomonas spp. Rhodomonas minuta), euglenophytes (Trachelomonas volvocina, T. volvocinopsis), dinoflagellates (Peridinium bipes, Gymnodinium helveticum) and chrysophytes (Mallomonas elongata, M. akrokomos, Dinobryon sociale) or non-motile small species of blue-green algae (e.g. Rhabdoderma lineare, Limnothrix redekei), diatoms (Stephanodiscus spp., Asterionella formosa), and green algae (e.g. Scenedesmus spp., Monoraphidium spp.). Phytoplankton abundance and structure showed differentiation during the winter season and along the water column as well.  相似文献   

A major impediment to understanding the biology of microorganisms inhabiting Antarctic environments is the logistical constraint of conducting field work primarily during the summer season. However, organisms that persist throughout the year encounter severe environmental changes between seasons. In an attempt to bridge this gap, we collected ice core samples from Pony Lake in early November 2004 when the lake was frozen solid to its base, providing an archive for the biological and chemical processes that occurred during winter freezeup. The ice contained bacteria and virus-like particles, while flagellated algae and ciliates over-wintered in the form of inactive cysts and spores. Both bacteria and algae were metabolically active in the ice core melt water. Bacterial production ranged from 1.8 to 37.9 μg CL(-1) day(-1). Upon encountering favorable growth conditions in the melt water, primary production ranged from 51 to 931 μg CL(-1) day(-1). Because of the strong H(2) S odor and the presence of closely related anaerobic organisms assigned to Pony Lake bacterial 16S rRNA gene clones, we hypothesize that the microbial assemblage was strongly affected by oxygen gradients, which ultimately restricted the majority of phylotypes to distinct strata within the ice column. This study provides evidence that the microbial community over-winters in the ice column of Pony Lake and returns to a highly active metabolic state when spring melt is initiated.  相似文献   

Winter ice cover is a fundamental feature of north temperate aquatic systems and is associated with the least productive months of the year. Here we describe a previously unknown freshwater habitat for algal and microbial communities in the ice cover of the freshwater St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada. Sampling performed during winter 2005 revealed the presence of viable algal cells, such as Aulacoseira islandica (O. Müll.) Simonsen (Bacillariophyceae), and microbial assemblage growing in the ice and at the ice–water interface. Vertical channels (1–5 mm wide) containing algae were also observed. Concentrations of chl a ranged between 0.5 and 169 μg · L?1 of melted ice, with maximal concentrations found in the lower part of the ice cores. These algae have the potential to survive when ice breakup occurs and reproduce rapidly in spring/summer conditions. Freshwater ice algae can thus contribute to in situ primary production, biodiversity, and annual carbon budget in various habitats of riverine communities.  相似文献   

The water bloom‐forming cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault (Nos‐tocales, Cyanophyceae) appeared in Lake Biwa and Lake Yogo in 1999 for the first time. The morphological characteristics were described using natural samples. In contrast to the other water bloom‐forming cyanobacteria such as Microcystis and Anabaena in Lake Biwa and Lake Yogo, the small summer population of A. flos‐aquae is apt to grow in winter, suggesting the low temperature preference or tolerance of this species. In order to clarify the effect of temperature on the growth, culture experiments were conducted using an axenic strain isolated from Lake Biwa. The strain could grow at above 8°C with an optimum temperature ranging from 23 to 29°C, and survived even at 5°C for at least 25days under low light conditions. Although these results confirmed the ability of the bloom formation during late autumn and winter, it is still unclear why the Aphanizomenon bloom occurred at temperatures of ca 10°C in December and not immediately after the disappearance of Microcystis and/or Anabaena bloom during autumn.  相似文献   

The association of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba with the under-ice habitat was investigated in the Lazarev Sea (Southern Ocean) during austral summer, autumn and winter. Data were obtained using novel Surface and Under Ice Trawls (SUIT), which sampled the 0-2 m surface layer both under sea ice and in open water. Average surface layer densities ranged between 0.8 individuals m(-2) in summer and autumn, and 2.7 individuals m(-2) in winter. In summer, under-ice densities of Antarctic krill were significantly higher than in open waters. In autumn, the opposite pattern was observed. Under winter sea ice, densities were often low, but repeatedly far exceeded summer and autumn maxima. Statistical models showed that during summer high densities of Antarctic krill in the 0-2 m layer were associated with high ice coverage and shallow mixed layer depths, among other factors. In autumn and winter, density was related to hydrographical parameters. Average under-ice densities from the 0-2 m layer were higher than corresponding values from the 0-200 m layer collected with Rectangular Midwater Trawls (RMT) in summer. In winter, under-ice densities far surpassed maximum 0-200 m densities on several occasions. This indicates that the importance of the ice-water interface layer may be under-estimated by the pelagic nets and sonars commonly used to estimate the population size of Antarctic krill for management purposes, due to their limited ability to sample this habitat. Our results provide evidence for an almost year-round association of Antarctic krill with the under-ice habitat, hundreds of kilometres into the ice-covered area of the Lazarev Sea. Local concentrations of postlarval Antarctic krill under winter sea ice suggest that sea ice biota are important for their winter survival. These findings emphasise the susceptibility of an ecological key species to changing sea ice habitats, suggesting potential ramifications on Antarctic ecosystems induced by climate change.  相似文献   

2009年4月至2010年1月,对西藏南部羊卓雍错的水鸟资源状况进行了调查。采用定点观察的方法,沿湖选择了24个观察点,分别在繁殖前期、中期和后期,以及秋季和冬季进行了6次调查。采用核密度分析(Kernel analysis)的方法,对两只卫星跟踪斑头雁(Anser indicus)的活动区进行了分析。调查期间,记录到水鸟32种31044只,隶属于6目10科。雁鸭类和鸥类分别占水鸟总数73.9%和19.1%,主要是斑头雁、赤嘴潜鸭(Rhodonessa rufina)、赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)、棕头鸥(Larus brunnicephalus)等。水鸟多样性较高的季节是春秋迁徙季节。羊卓雍错夏季主要的繁殖种群是斑头雁和棕头鸥,也有少量黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的繁殖个体;冬季主要物种是赤嘴潜鸭,经常聚集在融化的冰面上。春季斑头雁的数量增加趋势较为明显;进入繁殖期后,斑头雁处于孵卵阶段,繁殖种群的数量达到2000余只;繁殖后期,斑头雁换羽结束,成鸟带领幼鸟在鸟岛附近的湖边取食,此时观察到斑头雁的数量又有明显的增加;秋季斑头雁的南迁致使种群数量呈下降趋势;冬季许多斑头雁从北方如青海湖等地迁来越冬使得种群数量有所增加,多分布于湖西浪卡子县城附近的沼泽湿地和湖南部的绒波臧布河流的入口处。卫星跟踪结果表明,羊卓雍错是青海湖繁殖的斑头雁重要的越冬地之一,湖西部沼泽湿地和湖南部的河流入口处是其主要活动区域,而且该湖与雅鲁藏布江河谷之间通过斑头雁的往来移动存在着联系,因而是西藏南部禽流感监测的重要地点。  相似文献   

Periphyton biomass, nutrient dynamics in the biomass, and species composition were studied in two Florida Everglades sloughs from August 1991 to August 1992. Periphyton biomass on macrophytes was strongly season-dependent. Maximum biomasses, 1180, 161, and 59 g dry mass.m?2 on Eleocharis vivipara, E. cellulosa, and Nymphaea odorata, respectively, occurred in summer and early autumn; winter and spring periphyton biomass was very low (practically not measurable). Periphyton was dominated by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) during the summer and autumn; diatoms dominated during the winter and spring. Green algae occurred mostly during the summer and autumn, but their growth was sparse and did not contribute significantly to periphyton biomass. Nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios in the periphyton were very high (59–121:1), suggesting phosphorus limitation of periphyton growth. The periphyton contained large concentrations of calcium (up to 22.3% on dry mass basis) especially in late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

为了探究保安湖水体细菌群落结构时空变化特征及驱动因子,研究于2019年春、夏、秋、冬四季采集保安湖水样,使用宏基因组测序技术对保安湖水体细菌群落的组成及多样性变化进行了研究。结果表明:(1)保安湖不同湖区细菌群落组成无显著差异(P>0.05);夏、秋季细菌丰富度、均匀度、香农及辛普森多样性指数均显著高于春、冬季(P<0.05),夏、秋季优势类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobactetiota)、蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria),而春、冬季变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobactetiota)占主导地位;(2)温度、透明度、pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、叶绿素a及总磷等因素是保安湖水体细菌群落结构变化的重要驱动因子;(3)保安湖细菌群落构建过程在春、夏、秋季由随机性过程主导,在冬季由确定性过程主导;(4)保安湖细菌网络互作具有明显的季节特征,从春季到冬季,保安湖细菌种间相互作用逐渐紧密复杂。综上所述,保安湖水体细菌群落结构具有明显的季节变化特征,温度、透明度、pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数等因素具有驱动水体细...  相似文献   

Feng J  Wang F  Xie S L 《农业工程》2011,31(6):310-316
The structure and dynamics of periphytic algae in Jinyang Lake, the largest man-made lake in Taiyuan, Shanxi, have been studied by examining the periphytic algae samples collected from four sampling stations, during March 2006 to February 2007. In total, 227 species of periphytic algae (including varieties), belonging to three divisions, 27 families, 62 genera, have been identified. Diatoms were the dominant periphytic algae group. Taken the Shannon–Weaver, Margalef and Simpson diversity index together, it showed obvious temporal and spatial dynamics among different seasons and different sampling stations. The highest periphytic community structure evenness appeared at sampling station I in spring, summer and autumn, while at sampling station III in winter. The average biomass of periphytic algae varied from seasons. Our data showed that major factors affecting the periphytic algae in Jinyang Lake was water temperature, nutrient levels as well as human activities. In addition, the main effect caused by thermal power plant has been discussed.  相似文献   

1. Stocking of lakes with rainbow trout is a common practice that presents a potential conflict for lake managers who must balance the interests of anglers with those concerned that zooplanktivory by trout may trigger a trophic cascade and result in decreased water clarity. 2. This study examined how the timing of trout stocking (autumn versus spring) in a Minnesota (U.S.A.) lake affected (i) the population dynamics of their zooplankton food supply (Daphnia pulicaria), (ii) phytoplankton biomass and water clarity and (iii) trout survival. Sizes of both Daphnia and trout populations were estimated acoustically with high‐frequency (192 kHz) sonar. 3. Daphnia were nearly eliminated from the lake during winters after trout were stocked in autumn. In both of these years (1996 and 1997), the Daphnia population was small in the spring, and grew during the summer and into the autumn as the trout population diminished. 4. The lake was then stocked in spring for 2 years (1998 and 1999). This fisheries manipulation alleviated predation over the winter, but increased predation on D. pulicaria during the spring, summer and autumn. However, the high mortality caused by the spring‐stocked trout was offset by even higher rates of reproduction by the relatively large populations of fecund Daphnia that survived the winter in 1998 and 1999. 5. Grazing by these dense populations of Daphnia produced clear‐water phases during May and June that were inhibited in autumn stocking years. In addition, the large Daphnia populations present during the spring and early summer of 1998 and 1999 provided abundant forage for trout. 6. This fisheries manipulation achieved seemingly mutually exclusive management objectives: a robust planktivorous sport fishery, and clear water for other forms of recreation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) document changes in partial, reverse diel vertical migrations (DVM) patterns of cisco Coregonus artedi in Ten Mile Lake, MN, U.S.A., throughout the year and (2) evaluate the mechanisms that may cause shifts in migration behaviour. Results indicated that C. artedi vertical distributions remained deep in the water column during the day and night of the spring and autumn, which was related to a low risk, low reward strategy. During summer, a partial migration occurred where a portion of the population remained deeper according to the low risk, low reward strategy, while the other portion performed a more extensive high risk, high reward reverse DVM. In winter, C. artedi did not migrate because there were only low risk, low reward conditions present at all depths. The extensive partial, reverse DVM during summer probably increased the growth potential of C. artedi, helping individuals survive in a lake with low zooplankton prey resources.  相似文献   

Summary The feeding ecology of adult desert snails (Sphincterochila zonata), inhabiting a loess plain in the Negev Desert, was studied during a 7-year period. Energy flow and soil turnover determinations were made at the individual and population level on the basis of field observations and data derived from laboratory simulations. Sphincterochila zonata were only active on 8–27 winter days annually, otherwise they were dormant. The snails fed exclusively on algae that grew on the soil surface following rain. The mean annual dry-weight biomass of algae was 197.4(±118.1) gr·m-2. The dry weight biomass of snails ranged from 0.02–0.14 gr·m-2. Annual production in the food chain varied substantially from year to year (1–1539 Kj·m-2), but the net annual energy balance of the snails was always positive. Soil crust turnover, resulting from grazing of snails on algae, was estimated at 142 kg·hectare-1 during the study period.The annual magnitude of energy flow and soil turnover is determined by the soil surface moisture regime which in turn, is a function of rainfall patterns. Sphincterochila zonata may serve an important role in Negev ecosystems by dispersing soil algae and altering soil structure. The snails are not subject to substanding predation by rodents but may occasionally serve as an important food source for migrating birds.  相似文献   

Diatoms in Lake Baikal exhibit significant spatial variation, related to prevailing climate, lake morphology and fluvial input into the lake. Here we have assessed the threats to endemic planktonic diatom species (through the development of empirical models), which form a major component of primary production within the lake. Multivariate techniques employed include redundancy analysis (RDA) and Huisman–Olff–Fresco (HOF) models. Our analyses suggest that eight environmental variables were significant in explaining diatom distribution across the lake, and in order of importance these are snow thickness on the ice, water depth, duration of days with white ice, suspended matter in the lake, days of total ice duration, temperature of the water surface in July, concentration of zooplankton and suspended organic matter. Impacts on dominant phytoplankton diatom species are highlighted using t‐value biplots. Predictions of future climate change on Lake Baikal are likely to result in shorter periods of ice cover, decreased snow cover across the lake in spring, increased fluvial input into the lake, and an increase in the intensification of surface water stratification during summer months. All these factors are likely to impact negatively on the slow‐growing, cold‐water endemics such as Aulacoseira baicalensis and Cyclotella minuta, which currently dominate diatom assemblages. Instead, taxa that are only intermittently abundant, at present, in offshore areas (e.g. Stephanodiscus meyerii) are likely to become more frequent. However, given the climatic gradient across the lake, the timing and extent of changes in community structure are likely to vary. Moreover, palaeolimnological records show that Lake Baikal diatom assemblages have been dynamic throughout the Holocene, with both endemic and cosmopolitan species exhibiting periods of dominance. Effects of climate change on the entire lake ecosystem may yet be profound as the structure of the pelagic food web may change from one based on endemic diatom taxa to one dominated by nondiatom picoplankton, and as limnological functioning (e.g. stratification and mixing) affects deepwater oxygen availability, nutrient cycling and trophic linkages.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton ecology in an Antarctic lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY. The ecology of the phytoplankton of Heywood Lake, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica was investigated during 1969–72. The lake, which is ice-covered for 8–10 months per year, is moderately eutrophic due to enrichment by seal excreta.
The annual cycle of the phytoplankton is described. During the winter (approximately May-September), very few algal cells could be detected in the water column and 14C fixation was below measurable limits. In spring (October-November), a rapidly-growing population of algae caused a large increase in the chlorophyll- a concentration (maximum value 170 mg m−2) but carbon fixation remained low, with values <500 mg C m−2 day−1. The algae contributing to this peak were mainly small chlorophytes and chrysophytes. The summer open-water period (December-March) was characterized by a different phytoplankton population dominated by cryptophytes. Chlorophyll levels were lower ( c . 40 mg m−2) but 14C fixation rates >3 g C m−2 day−1 were measured on bright days. Values for Assimilation Number were very high (maximum value 10.5 mg C h−1 mg−1 (chlorophyll- a ) in January (1971) though temperatures never exceeded 8°C. In autumn, the phytoplankton regressed to winter levels. Both spring and summer algal populations probably overwinter as resting stages.  相似文献   

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