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植物细胞中钙信号的时空多样性与信号转导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋秀芬  洪剑明 《植物学报》2001,18(4):436-444
近年来,对钙信号的研究,包括对钙信号的产生、传导及最终靶蛋白的研究,越来越受到人们的重视。植物生长发育许多过程的信息传递,包括对各种内外刺激的反应都涉及到钙信号。钙信号的产生及传导是通过胞质自由钙离子的浓度变化来实现的。本文综述了胞质自由钙离子的测定、钙信号的时空多样性及钙信号的靶蛋白如CaM、Ca2+依赖的蛋白激酶、钙调磷酸酶、磷脂酰肌醇_磷脂酶C 等方面的一些最新进展,展望了今后钙信号研究的方向及所用到的一些技术方法等。  相似文献   

植物细胞中钙信号的时空多样性与信号转导   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来,对钙信号的研究,包括对钙信号的产生,传导及最终靶蛋白的研究,越来越受到人们的重视,植物生长发育过程的信息传递,包括对各种内外刺激的反应都涉及到钙信号,钙信号的产生及传导是通过胞质自由钙离子的浓度变化来实现的,本文综述了胞质自由钙离子的测定,钙信号的时空多样性及钙信号的靶蛋白如CaM,Ca^2 依赖的蛋白激酶,钙调磷酸酶,磷脂酰肌醇-磷脂酶C等方面的一些最新进展,展望了今后钙信号研究的方向所用到的一些技术方法等。  相似文献   

概述G蛋白的结构、种类、转导信息的机制,细菌毒素对G蛋白调节的影响及研究G蛋的意义和今后发展的重点。  相似文献   

The relevance toward virulence of a variety of two-component signal transduction systems is reviewed for 16 pathogenic bacteria, together with the wide array of environmental signals or conditions that have been implicated in their regulation. A series of issues is raised, concerning the need to understand the environmental cues that determine their regulation in the infected host and in the environment outside the laboratory, which shall contribute toward the bridging of bacterial pathogenesis and microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is involved in multiple cis- and trans-homophilic interactions (NCAM binding to NCAM) thereby facilitating cell–cell adhesion through the formation of zipper-like NCAM-complexes. NCAM is also involved in heterophilic interactions with a number of proteins and extracellular matrix molecules. Some of these heterophilic interactions are mutually exclusive, and some interfere with or are dependent on homophilic NCAM interactions. Furthermore, both homo- and heterophilic interactions are modulated by posttranslational modifications of NCAM. Heterophilic NCAM-interactions initiate several intracellular signal transduction pathways ultimately leading to biological responses involving cellular differentiation, proliferation, migration and survival. Both homo- and heterophilic NCAM-interactions can be mimicked by synthetic peptides, which can induce NCAM-like signalling, and in vitroand in vivo studies suggest that such NCAM mimetics may be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.Special issue dedicated to Lawrence F. Eng.  相似文献   

Export of biologically active compounds is essential for any living cell. Transport of bioactive molecules through a cellular membrane can be active, or passive, or vesicular. In the past decade, vesicular transduction of intercellular signals has attracted great interest in the scientific community. An extremely important role of the vesicle transduction has been established for almost all processes in a living body. Not only profiles of protein and RNA expression in a cell, but also its secretome change during various pathologies, including cancer development. The enhanced secretion of vesicles by transformed cells is one important factor in creating a special microenvironment that favors tumor progression. At present, a role of exosomes has been demonstrated for such important processes as an epithelial-mesenchymal transition, angiogenesis, metastatic niche formation, chemotherapeutic resistance, and interaction with the immune system. The special biological role of the extracellular vesicles and their basic differences depend on their molecular composition. Therefore, special protein and lipid markers are responsible for a vesicular targeted delivery with information due to the preferable interaction with cells of a definite type. The exosomes of cancer cells can facilitate apoptosis or growth of neighboring malignant cells depending on the exosome composition. These and other special features of the extracellular vesicles make studies of their composition and role especially interesting and attract significant attention from researchers. Despite the rapid progress in this field, there are still many unresolved problems, such as a search for specific markers which allow identification of different types of vesicles or vesicles secreted by distinct cells, as well as screening of vesicular markers of cancers and other diseases that are associated with disorders in a functioning immune system. This review is mainly focused on the role of intercellular vesicular transport of bioorganic molecules in cancer progression. We believe that a successful treatment of oncological diseases is impossible without an understanding of the intercellular communication of both cancer cells between each other and with other systems of an organism and with a concept of an active participation of the cell-secreted vesicles in this process.  相似文献   

The effects of extrinsic and intrinsic factors upon signaling pathways involving protein kinases are reviewed with particular reference to monomeric GTP-binding proteins and MAP kinases. The possible roles of feedback control and interactions between cascades in plant responses are stressed.  相似文献   

Rapid, Blue-Light Induced Transpiration in Avena   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transpiration responses of primary Avena leaves to blue-light pulses were investigated. Only light with wave length shorter than 524 nm can produce the rapid transpiration response. The action spectrum has a maximum around 450 nm. The rapid transpiration response induced by blue-light pulses successively disappeared in long-term experiments if the plant was kept in darkness between the pulses. However, if visible light was given to the plant between the pulses, the rapid response was restored. The magnitude of the rapid transpiration response was investigated under different conditions of background illumination and blue-light exposure. Saturation of the response was obtained with an irradiation level of 1.5–2 mW.cm?2 (5 min pulses) and with a pulse duration of 4 min (pulse irradiance 2 mW.cm?2). A pulse duration of 3 s was sufficient to produce a significant rapid response at an irradiation level of 2 mW.cm?2.  相似文献   

Blue-Light Regulation of Epicotyl Elongation in Pisum sativum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Blue light is known to induce suppression of stem elongation. To avoid the complication of blue-light-induced transformation of phytochrome we have adapted the procedure of measuring blue-light-induced suppression of stem elongation in Pisum sativum L. var Alaska grown under continuous red light. The resulting fluence-response curve for suppression of epicotyl elongation measured twenty-four hours after a blue-light treatment is bell-shaped, with the peak of suppression between 100 and 101 micromoles per square meter, and no suppression at 104 micromoles per square meter. Suppression is first observed 5 and 11 hours after the blue-light treatment for the fourth and third internodes, respectively. No significant differences in elongation rates were noted for the 104 micromoles per square meter treated seedlings throughout the 24 hour period. Reciprocity holds for both third and fourth internodes in response to 101 and 104 micromoles per square meter of blue light over the range of irradiation times tested (100 to 104 seconds, 101 micromoles per square meter; 100 to 103 seconds, 104 micromoles per square meter). In contrast to the bell-shaped fluence-response obtained for epicotyl elongation, measurements of chlorophyll and carotenoid accumulation indicate increasing accumulation with increasing fluence.  相似文献   

Blue-Light Regulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana Cab1 Gene   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Gao J  Kaufman LS 《Plant physiology》1994,104(4):1251-1257

Chlamydomonas reinhardii cells, growing photoautotrophically under air, excreted to the culture medium much higher amounts of NO2 and NH4+ under blue than under red light. Under similar conditions, but with NO2 as the only nitrogen source, the cells consumed NO2 and excreted NH4+ at similar rates under blue and red light. In the presence of NO3 and air with 2% CO2 (v/v), no excretion of NO2 and NH4+ occurred and, moreover, if the bubbling air of the cells that were currently excreting NO2 and NH4+ was enriched with 2% CO2 (v/v), the previously excreted reduced nitrogen ions were rapidly reassimilated. The levels of total nitrate reductase and active nitrate reductase increased several times in the blue-light-irradiated cells growing on NO3 under air. When tungstate replaced molybdate in the medium (conditions that do not allow the formation of functional nitrate reductase), blue light activated most of the preformed inactive enzyme of the cells. Furthermore, nitrate reductase extracted from the cells in its inactive form was readily activated in vitro by blue light. It appears that under high irradiance (90 w m−2) and low CO2 tensions, cells growing on NO3 or NO2 may not have sufficient carbon skeletons to incorporate all the photogenerated NH4+. Because these cells should have high levels of reducing power, they might use NO3 or, in its absence, NO2 as terminal electron acceptors. The excretion of the products of NO2 and NH4+ to the medium may provide a mechanism to control reductant level in the cells. Blue light is suggested as an important regulatory factor of this photorespiratory consumption of NO3 and possibly of the whole nitrogen metabolism in green algae.  相似文献   

The timing of clock gene expression in human leukocytes was investigated following a phase-advancing light stimulus to determine whether the response is wavelength- and/or age-dependent. PERIOD3 (PER3) clock gene expression in leukocytes and plasma melatonin were analyzed before and after monochromatic blue and green light exposure. Significant phase advances were observed in the peak timing of both PER3 expression and melatonin following blue but not green light. The amplitude of the PER3 rhythm at baseline was significantly reduced with age. However, age did not affect the response of the PER3 rhythm to light. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The phototropins phot1 and phot2 are plant blue-light receptors that mediate phototropism, chloroplast movements, stomatal opening, leaf expansion, the rapid Inhibition of hypocotyl growth in etiolated seedlings, and possibly solar tracking by leaves in those species in which It occurs. The phototroplns are plasma membrane-associated hydrophilic proteins with two chromophore domains (designated LOV1 and LOV2 for their resemblance to domains In other signaling proteins that detect light, oxygen, or voltage) in their Nterminal half and a classic serine/threonlne kinase domain in their C-terminal half. Both chromophore domains bind flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and both undergo light-activated formation of a covalent bond between a nearby cystelne and the C(4a) carbon of the FMN to form the signaling state. LOV2-cystelnyl adduct formation leads to the release downstream of a tightly bound amphlpathlc α-helix, a step required for activation of the klnase function. This cysteinyl adduct then slowly decays over a matter of seconds or minutes to return the photoreceptor chromophore modules to their ground state. Functional LOV2 is required for light-activated phosphorylation and for various blue-light responses mediated by the phototroplns. The function of LOV1 is still unknown, although It may serve to modulate the signal generated by LOV2. The LOV domain Is an ancient chromophore module found In a wide range of otherwise unrelated proteins In fungi and prokaryotes, the latter Including cyanobacterla, eubacterla, and archaea. Further general reviews on the phototropins are those by Celaya and Liscum (2005) and Christie and Briggs (2005).  相似文献   

The first mitosis in spores of the fern A. capillus-veneris was observed under a microscope equipped with Nomarski optics with irradiation from a safelight at 900 nm, and under a fluorescent microscope after staining with 4[prime],6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. During imbibition the nucleus remained near one corner of each tetrahedron-shaped dormant spore, and asymmetric cell division occurred upon brief irradiation with red light. This red light-induced mitosis was photoreversibly prevented by subsequent brief exposure to far-red light and was photo-irreversibly prevented by brief irradiation with blue light. However, neither far-red nor blue light affected the germination rate when spores were irradiated after the first mitosis. Therefore, the first mitosis in the spores appears to be the crucial step for photoinduction of spore germination. Furthermore, experiments using a microbeam of red or blue light demonstrated that blue light was effective only when exposed to the nucleus, and no specific intracellular photoreceptive site for red light was found in the spores. Therefore, phytochrome in the far-red absorbing form induces the first mitosis in germinating spores but prevents the subsequent mitosis in protonemata, whereas a blue-light receptor prevents the former but induces the latter.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake of the human immunodeficiency virus TAT protein transduction domain (PTD), or cell-penetrating peptide, has previously been surmised to occur in a manner dependent on the presence of heparan sulfate proteoglycans that are expressed ubiquitously on the cell surface. These acidic polysaccharides form a large pool of negative charge on the cell surface that TAT PTD binds avidly. Additionally, sulfated glycans have been proposed to aid in the interaction of TAT PTD and other arginine-rich PTDs with the cell membrane, perhaps aiding their translocation across the membrane. Surprisingly, however, TAT PTD-mediated induction of macropinocytosis and cellular transduction occurs in the absence of heparan sulfate and sialic acid. Using labeled TAT PTD peptides and fusion proteins, in addition to TAT PTD-Cre recombination-based phenotypic assays, we show that transduction occurs efficiently in mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines deficient in glycosaminoglycans and sialic acids. Similar results were obtained in cells where glycans were enzymatically removed. In contrast, enzymatic removal of proteins from the cell surface completely ablated TAT PTD-mediated transduction. Our findings support the hypothesis that acidic glycans form a pool of charge that TAT PTD binds on the cell surface, but this binding is independent of the PTD-mediated transduction mechanism and the induction of macropinocytotic uptake by TAT PTD.  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子受体的信号转导通路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟利  丁健 《生命的化学》2005,25(2):123-126
血管内皮生长因子受体(VEGFR)是VEGF的特异性受体,由于在刺激血管内皮细胞增殖、迁移、管腔形成,促进肿瘤生长和转移过程中起着重要的作用,而成为抗肿瘤新生血管生成的热点。该主要围绕VEGF及其不同受体的信号转导通路作一综述。  相似文献   

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