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The Neuregulin family of ligands and their receptors, the Erbb tyrosine kinases, have important roles in epidermal and mammary gland development as well as during carcinogenesis. Previously, we demonstrated that Neuregulin3 (Nrg3) is a specification signal for mammary placode formation in mice. Nrg3 is a growth factor, which binds and activates Erbb4, a receptor tyrosine kinase that regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. To understand the role of Neuregulin3 in epidermal morphogenesis, we have developed a transgenic mouse model that expresses Nrg3 throughout the basal layer (progenitor/stem cell compartment) of mouse epidermis and the outer root sheath of developing hair follicles.  相似文献   

Prior reports have demonstrated that both parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and the type I PTH/PTHrP receptor are necessary for the proper development of the embryonic mammary gland in mice. Using a combination of loss-of-function and gain-of-function models, we now report that PTHrP regulates a series of cell fate decisions that are central to the survival and morphogenesis of the mammary epithelium and the formation of the nipple. PTHrP is made in the epithelial cells of the mammary bud and, during embryonic mammary development, it interacts with the surrounding mesenchymal cells to induce the formation of the dense mammary mesenchyme. In response, these mammary-specific mesenchymal cells support the maintenance of mammary epithelial cell fate, trigger epithelial morphogenesis and induce the overlying epidermis to form the nipple. In the absence of PTHrP signaling, the mammary epithelial cells revert to an epidermal fate, no mammary ducts are formed and the nipple does not form. In the presence of diffuse epidermal PTHrP signaling, the ventral dermis is transformed into mammary mesenchyme and the entire ventral epidermis becomes nipple skin. These alterations in cell fate require that PTHrP be expressed during development and they require the presence of the PTH/PTHrP receptor. Finally, PTHrP signaling regulates the epidermal and mesenchymal expression of LEF1 and (&bgr;)-catenin, suggesting that these changes in cell fate involve an interaction between the PTHrP and Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Luminal and myoepithelial cells have been separated from normal adult human breast epithelium using fluorescence activated cell sorting. Their isolation was based on the exclusive expression of two surface antigens, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and the common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia antigen (CALLA/CD10/neutral endopeptidase 24.11). Sorted luminal and myoepithelial cells displayed distinctively different morphologies when maintained in monolayer culture, differences which were enhanced by the addition of hydrocortisone, insulin and cholera toxin to the culture medium. The EMA-positive cells formed an attenuated monolayer with indistinct cell boundaries while CALLA-positive cells, by contrast, formed tightly packed arrays of refractile cells. The distribution of the cell type-specific markers cytokeratin 18 (luminal cells) and smooth muscle alpha-actin (myoepithelial cells) indicated that the sorted populations were approximately 98% pure. However, a significant minority (approximately 15%) of sorted luminal cells consistently expressed the basal-cell marker cytokeratin 14 in culture. A marked difference was noted in the proliferative behaviour of the two types of sorted cells, with myoepithelial cells dividing rapidly in response to the humoural additives, in contrast to the luminal cells which proliferated slowly. Both types of sorted cells could be cloned in the presence of feeder layers of mouse fibroblasts. Clones of luminal and myoepithelial cells were also distinctive; all "spread" luminal clones were similar in appearance to each other, although some cellular heterogeneity, including squamous metaplasia, was observed in "compact" myoepithelial clones. Both types were shown to have retained their original surface markers and to exhibit different cytoskeletal antigenic phenotypes when they were re-analysed after a 3-week growth period. Both spread and compact phenotypes were obtained when separately isolated ducts and alveoli were cloned. This detailed characterization of cells isolated from the human breast epithelium by flow cytometry provides the basis for further studies of luminalmyoepithelial interactions and growth responses of purified cell types in vitro.  相似文献   

Several signaling pathways control blood cell (hemocyte) development in the Drosophila lymph gland. Mechanisms that modulate and integrate these signals are poorly understood. Here we report that mutation in a conserved endocytic protein Asrij affects signal transmission and causes aberrant lymph gland hematopoiesis. Mammalian Asrij (Ociad1) is expressed in stem cells of the blood vascular system and is implicated in several cancers. We found that Drosophila Asrij is a pan-hemocyte marker and localizes to a subset of endocytic vesicles. Loss of asrij causes hyperproliferation of lymph gland lobes coupled with increased hemocyte differentiation, thereby depleting the pool of quiescent hemocyte precursors. This co-relates with fewer Col+ cells in the hematopoietic stem cell niche of asrij mutants. Asrij null mutants also show excess specification of crystal cells that express the RUNX factor Lozenge (Lz), a target of Notch signaling. Asrij mutant lymph glands show increased N in sorting endosomes suggesting aberrant trafficking. In vitro assays also show impaired traffic of fluorescent probes in asrij null hemocytes. Taken together our data suggest a role for Asrij in causing increased Notch signaling thereby affecting hemocyte differentiation. Thus, conserved endocytic functions may control blood cell progenitor quiescence and differentiation.  相似文献   

Background: Transport of l-carnitine, essential cofactor of fatty acid metabolism, into breast milk is critical for the normal growth and development of the suckling infant. Objective: To increase understanding of developmental expression of carnitine/organic cation (Octn) transporter family at different stages of murine breast development for carnitine delivery. Methods: We applied our transporter-specific antibodies to mOctn1, mOctn2 and mOctn3 to sections of mammary glands of virginal non-lactating, pregnant, late lactating and post-lactating C3H females. Results: We demonstrated differential expression of mOctn1, -2 and -3 in epithelial ducts, specialized myoepithelial cells and fatty stroma. There was notable upregulation of all three Octns and mRNA by RT-PCR concurrent with an increase in epithelial ducts in breasts of pregnant (15 days gestation) and lactating mice (15-days post-partum) compared to virginal 6 week old females, and notable downregulation in expression of Octns 15 days after cessation of lactation. In lactating murine mammary gland at 15 days post-partum, there was a marked increase of fat globules in epithelial ducts. Octn1 and Octn2 had similar expression patterns in lactating gland cells which formed fat globules that were exocytosed into the lumen of alveoli along with transporters Octn1 and Octn2. Octn3 was primarily localized to myoepithelial cells surrounding the ducts at all stages of breast development. Conclusions: There is a dynamic upregulation of the Octn family in pregnant and lactating breasts which likely provides the suckling infant with adequate carnitine for the rapid postnatal upregulation of fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis critical for cerebral energy metabolism during fasting hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor-alpha positive (ER+) breast cancers comprise the majority of human breast cancers, but molecular mechanisms underlying this subtype of breast cancers remain poorly understood. Here, we show that ER+ mammary luminal tumors arising in Tip30−/−MMTV-Neu mice exhibited increased enrichment of luminal progenitor gene signature. Deletion of the Tip30 gene increased proportion of mammary stem and progenitor cell populations, and raised susceptibility to ER+ mammary luminal tumors in female Balb/c mice. Moreover, Tip30−/− luminal progenitors displayed increases in propensity to differentiate to mature ER+ luminal cells and FoxA1 expression. Knockdown of FoxA1 expression in Tip30−/− progenitors by shRNA specific for FoxA1 reduced their differentiation toward ER+ mature luminal cells. Taken together, our results suggest that TIP30 is a key regulator for maintaining ER+ and ERluminal pools in the mammary luminal lineage, and loss of it promotes expansion of ER+ luminal progenitors and mature cells and ER+ mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Substrata upon which epithelial cells are cultured modulate their morphology,growth, and ability to differentiate. Mouse mammary epithelial cells cannot be induced to synthesize caseins, a marker of cell differentiation, when grown on a plastic surface. An analysis was made of the effect of time within a collagen matrix on the ability of normal mammary epithelial cells to be induced to synthesize caseins and that response was compared to mammary gland development in vivo. Primary cultures of mammary cells from unprimed virgin BALB/c mice were embedded in rat-tail collagen gel mixtures and maintained in growth medium. Induction medium containing lactogenic hormones was added at various times. The cells were monitored every 3-7 days over a period of 8 weeks for cell growth, casein synthesis, and ability to grow in vivo in cleared mammary fat pads. Casein accumulation was assayed quantitatively by an ELISA competition assay and qualitatively by the immunoblot procedure using specific antisera prepared against purified mouse caseins. No marked differences in cell numbers and transplantability potential were observed among cells cultured for various times in collagen. Mammary cells grown in collagen for up to 8 weeks retained the capacity to grow in vivo as normal ductal outgrowths. The duration of culture within collagen prior to hormonal stimulation did influence the kinetics of casein synthesis. Cells cultured for 1 week in growth medium did not accumulate detectable levels of casein until after 3 weeks of induction, whereas cells cultured for 2 or 4 weeks responded by accumulating caseins after 2 weeks and 3 days of induction, respectively. While the levels of total caseins that accumulated under optimal conditions of induction in culture approached levels found during lactation in vivo, the relative proportion of specific casein polypeptides synthesized in culture was altered from alpha casein (43K) in favor of the beta casein (30K) species. These results suggest that a period of culture within collagen is required to permit mammary epithelial cells to become responsive for hormone-induced differentiation. It is possible that during growth within the collagen the cells synthesize and deposit extracellular matrix components important in modulating gene expression.  相似文献   

The cancer stem cell hypothesis posits that tumors are derived from a single cancer-initiating cell with stem cell properties. The task of identifying and characterizing cancer-initiating cells with stem cell properties at the single cell level has proven technically difficult because of the scarcity of the cancer stem cells in the tissue of origin and the lack of specific markers for cancer stem cells. Here we show that a single LA7 cell, derived from rat mammary adenocarcinoma has: the ability to serially re-generate mammospheres in long-term non-adherent cultures, the differentiation potential to generate all the cell lineages of the mammary gland and branched duct-like structures that recapitulate morphologically and functionally the ductal–alveolar-like architecture of the mammary tree. The properties of self-renewal, extensive capacity for proliferation, multi-lineage differentiation and the tubular-like structure formation potential suggest that LA7 cells is a cancer stem model system to study the dynamics of tumor formation at the single cell level. Cinzia Cocola, Sveva Sanzone and Simonetta Astigiano have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We show that myoepithelial cell basement membrane derived E3 and E8 domains of laminin-1 are capable of polarizing luminal epithelial cells with regard to epithelial membrane antigen localization. This event is dependent on the alpha6 integrin and results in aggregation and phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues of the focal adhesion kinase complex. We also demonstrate that uncultured normal luminal epithelial cells synthesize normal levels of beta and gamma laminin chains and reduced levels of alpha chains mRNA in common with malignant epithelial cells. In contrast normal myoepithelial cells synthesize all three constituent chains of laminin-1. Therefore in breast cancer the absence of myoepithelial cells could result in a lack of laminin alpha chains which may contribute to loss of polarity of malignant epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The identity of mammary stem and progenitor cells remains poorly understood, mainly as a result of the lack of robust markers. The Notch signaling pathway has been implicated in mammary gland development as well as in tumorigenesis in this tissue. Elevated expression of the Notch3 receptor has been correlated to the highly aggressive “triple negative” human breast cancer. However, the specific cells expressing this Notch paralogue in the mammary gland remain unknown. Using a conditionally inducible Notch3-CreERT2SAT transgenic mouse, we genetically marked Notch3-expressing cells throughout mammary gland development and followed their lineage in vivo. We demonstrate that Notch3 is expressed in a highly clonogenic and transiently quiescent luminal progenitor population that gives rise to a ductal lineage. These cells are capable of surviving multiple successive pregnancies, suggesting a capacity to self-renew. Our results also uncover a role for the Notch3 receptor in restricting the proliferation and consequent clonal expansion of these cells.  相似文献   

The presence of the carbohydrate receptor for PNL has been used to identify the previously described morphological types of epithelial cell produced as the stem cell line rat mammary 25 (Rama 25) differentiates to casein secretory alveolar-like cells in vitro. Thus when cultures of the epithelial stem cell line Rama 25 are treated with neuraminidase, fluorescently-conjugated PNL fails to stain cuboidal cells, stains weakly grey cells, and stains strongly the surface of dark cells. When superconfluent cultures of Rama 25 are treated with dimethyl sulfoxide or retinoic acid and prolactin, estradiol, hydrocortisone, and insulin to induce differentiation to alveolar cells, PNL stains strongly the untreated surfaces of droplet cells and casein-secreting vacuolated cells. PNL-staining of the derivative cell lines with truncated cellular pathways, and quantitative binding of [125I]-labeled PNL to the cultured cells are consistent with this cellular staining pattern. The presence of the carbohydrate receptor for peanut lectin (PNL) has also been used to identify specific epithelial cell types in different mammary structures of the developing rat mammary gland, as they differentiate to casein secretory alveolar cells in vivo. Thus when different structures of the developing rat mammary gland are treated with neuraminidase, peroxidase-conjugated PNL fails to stain histochemically the majority of epithelial cells in ducts, stains the cytoplasm of the majority of epithelial cells in terminal end-buds (TEBs), and stains strongly the luminal surfaces of the majority of epithelial cells in alveolar buds (ABs). PNL also stains the untreated luminal surfaces of alveolar cells, whether or not the cells can be stained with a monoclonal antibody to rat beta-casein. Stimulation of mammary differentiation by an analogue of ethyl retinoate or by perphenazine causes cells in end-buds to bind PNL without the necessity for their desialylation similar to that seen in casein secretory alveoli of lactating rats. In conclusion the different interconverting cell types of Rama 25 which form a pathway to casein-secretory cells in vitro are thus equated with recognisable epithelial cell types in vivo. These results suggest that casein-secretory cells in vivo are generated by similar successive interconversions between the major epithelial cell types present in the different mammary structures in the order: ducts, TEBs, ABs, alveoli, and secretory alveoli.  相似文献   

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