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Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio in A7r5 cells is augmented in growth stimulated vs. growth arrested conditions. To determine the impact of changing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio on gap junction function, we have developed A7r5 cell lines that display Cx40:Cx43 ratios of 1:1 (66B5n) and 10:1 (A7r540C3). When Rin43 cells were paired with these coexpressing cells, there was an increasing asymmetry of voltage dependent gating as the Cx40:Cx43 ratio increased in the coexpressing cell. This asymmetry was opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In addition, when Rin43 cells were paired with coexpressing cells there was a shift toward smaller single channel event amplitudes with increasing Cx40:Cx43 ratio in the coexpressing cell. Again, this is opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In dye coupling experiments, 6B5N, A7r5, and A7r540C3 cells displayed charge and size selectivity that increased with increasing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio. These data indicate that although the electrophysiological properties of heteromeric/heterotypic channels are not directly related to the proportions of Cx constituents that comprise the channel, the dye permeability data fit what would be predicted by an increase in Cx40:Cx43 ratio.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicatingformation of functional homomeric/heterotypic gap junction channels byconnexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) raises the question of whetherdata previously interpreted as support for heteromeric channelformation by these connexins might not instead reflect the activity ofhomomeric/heterotypic channels. To address this question and to furthercharacterize the behavior of these channels, we used dual whole cellvoltage-clamp techniques to examine the junctions formed between cellsthat express only Cx40 (Rin40) or Cx43 (Rin43) and compared the results with those obtained when either of these cell types was paired withcells that naturally express both connexins (A7r5 cells). Rin40/Rin43cell pairs formed functional gap junctions that displayed a stronglyasymmetric voltage-dependent gating response. Single-channel eventamplitudes ranged between 34 and 150 pS, with 90- to 130-pS eventspredominating. A7r5/Rin43 and A7r5/Rin40 cell pairs had voltage-dependent gating responses that varied greatly, with most pairsdemonstrating strong asymmetry. These cell pairs exhibited a variety ofsingle-channel events that were not consistent with homomeric/homotypicCx40 or Cx43 channels or homomeric/heterotypic Cx40/Cx43 channels.These data indicate that Cx40 and Cx43 form homomeric/heterotypic aswell as heteromeric/heterotypic channels that display unique gating andconductance properties.


We examined the permeabilities of homotypic and heterotypic gap junction (GJ) channels formed of rodent connexins (Cx) 30.2, 40, 43, and 45, which are expressed in the heart and other tissues, using fluorescent dyes differing in net charge and molecular mass. Combining fluorescent imaging and electrophysiological recordings in the same cell pairs, we evaluated the single-channel permeability (P(gamma)). All homotypic channels were permeable to the anionic monovalent dye Alexa Fluor-350 (AF(350)), but mCx30.2 channels exhibited a significantly lower P(gamma) than the others. The anionic divalent dye Lucifer yellow (LY) remained permeant in Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45 channels, but transfer through mCx30.2 channels was not detected. Heterotypic channels generally exhibited P(gamma) values that were intermediate to the corresponding homotypic channels. P(gamma) values of mCx30.2/Cx40, mCx30.2/Cx43, or mCx30.2/Cx45 heterotypic channels for AF(350) were similar and approximately twofold higher than P(gamma) values of mCx30.2 homotypic channels. Permeabilities for cationic dyes were assessed only qualitatively because of their binding to nucleic acids. All homotypic and heterotypic channel configurations were permeable to ethidium bromide and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Permeability for propidium iodide was limited only for GJ channels that contain at least one mCx30.2 hemichannel. In summary, we have demonstrated that Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45 are permeant to all examined cationic and anionic dyes, whereas mCx30.2 demonstrates permeation restrictions for molecules with molecular mass over approximately 400 Da. The ratio of single-channel conductance to permeability for AF(350) was approximately 40- to 170-fold higher for mCx30.2 than for Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45, suggesting that mCx30.2 GJs are notably more adapted to perform electrical rather than metabolic cell-cell communication.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cxs) 40, 43, and 45 are expressed in many different tissues, but most abundantly in the heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system. We examined formation and gating properties of heterotypic gap junction (GJ) channels assembled between cells expressing wild-type Cx40, Cx43, or Cx45 and their fusion forms tagged with color variants of green fluorescent protein. We show that these Cxs, with exception of Cxs 40 and 43, are compatible to form functional heterotypic GJ channels. Cx40 and Cx43 hemichannels are unable or effectively impaired in their ability to dock and/or assemble into junctional plaques. When cells expressing Cx45 contacted those expressing Cx40 or Cx43 they readily formed junctional plaques with cell-cell coupling characterized by asymmetric junctional conductance dependence on transjunctional voltage, V(j). Cx40/Cx45 heterotypic GJ channels preferentially exhibit V(j)-dependent gating transitions between open and residual states with a conductance of approximately 42 pS; transitions between fully open and closed states with conductance of approximately 52 pS in magnitude occur at substantially lower ( approximately 10-fold) frequency. Cx40/Cx45 junctions demonstrate electrical signal transfer asymmetry that can be modulated between unidirectional and bidirectional by small changes in the difference between holding potentials of the coupled cells. Furthermore, both fast and slow gating mechanisms of Cx40 exhibit a negative gating polarity.  相似文献   

Connexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) are co-expressed in the cardiovascular system, yet their ability to form functional heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions remains controversial. We paired Cx43 or Cx40 stably-transfected N2a cells to examine the formation and biophysical properties of heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junction channels. Dual whole cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated that Cx43 and Cx40 form functional heterotypic gap junctions with asymmetric transjunctional voltage (Vj) dependent gating properties. The heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions exhibited less Vj gating when the Cx40 cell was positive and pronounced gating when negative. Endogenous N2a cell connexin expression levels were 1,000-fold lower than exogenously expressed Cx40 and Cx43 levels, measured by real-time PCR and Western blotting methods, suggestive of heterotypic gap junction formation by exogenous Cx40 and Cx43. Imposing a [KCl] gradient across the heterotypic gap junction modestly diminished the asymmetry of the macroscopic normalized junctional conductance – voltage (Gj-Vj) curve when [KCl] was reduced by 50% on the Cx43 side and greatly exacerbated the Vj gating asymmetries when lowered on the Cx40 side. Pairing wild-type (wt) Cx43 with the Cx40 E9,13K mutant protein produced a nearly symmetrical heterotypic Gj-Vj curve. These studies conclusively demonstrate the ability of Cx40 and Cx43 to form rectifying heterotypic gap junctions, owing primarily to alternate amino-terminal (NT) domain acidic and basic amino acid differences that may play a significant role in the physiology and/or pathology of the cardiovascular tissues including cardiac conduction properties and myoendothelial intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Connexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) are co-expressed in the cardiovascular system, yet their ability to form functional heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions remains controversial. We paired Cx43 or Cx40 stably-transfected N2a cells to examine the formation and biophysical properties of heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junction channels. Dual whole cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated that Cx43 and Cx40 form functional heterotypic gap junctions with asymmetric transjunctional voltage (Vj) dependent gating properties. The heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions exhibited less Vj gating when the Cx40 cell was positive and pronounced gating when negative. Endogenous N2a cell connexin expression levels were 1,000-fold lower than exogenously expressed Cx40 and Cx43 levels, measured by real-time PCR and Western blotting methods, suggestive of heterotypic gap junction formation by exogenous Cx40 and Cx43. Imposing a [KCl] gradient across the heterotypic gap junction modestly diminished the asymmetry of the macroscopic normalized junctional conductance – voltage (Gj-Vj) curve when [KCl] was reduced by 50% on the Cx43 side and greatly exacerbated the Vj gating asymmetries when lowered on the Cx40 side. Pairing wild-type (wt) Cx43 with the Cx40 E9,13K mutant protein produced a nearly symmetrical heterotypic Gj-Vj curve. These studies conclusively demonstrate the ability of Cx40 and Cx43 to form rectifying heterotypic gap junctions, owing primarily to alternate amino-terminal (NT) domain acidic and basic amino acid differences that may play a significant role in the physiology and/or pathology of the cardiovascular tissues including cardiac conduction properties and myoendothelial intercellular communication.  相似文献   

In earlier transmission electron microscopic studies, we have described pentilaminar gap junctional membrane invaginations and annular gap junction vesicles coated with short, electron-dense bristles. The similarity between these electron-dense bristles and the material surrounding clathrin-coated pits led us to suggest that the dense bristles associated with gap junction structures might be clathrin. To confirm that clathrin is indeed associated with annular gap junction vesicles and gap junction plaques, quantum dot immuno-electron microscopic techniques were used. We report here that clathrin associates with both connexin 43 (Cx43) gap junction plaques and pentilaminar gap junction vesicles. An important finding was the preferential localization of clathrin to the cytoplasmic surface of the annular or of the gap junction plaque membrane of one of the two contacting cells. This is consistent with the possibility that the direction of gap junction plaque internalization into one of two contacting cells is regulated by clathrin.  相似文献   

Gap Junction (GJ) channels, including the most common Connexin 43 (Cx43), have fundamental roles in excitable tissues by facilitating rapid transmission of action potentials between adjacent cells. For instance, synchronization during each heartbeat is regulated by these ion channels at the cardiomyocyte cell-cell border. Cx43 protein has a short half-life, and rapid synthesis and timely delivery of those proteins to particular subdomains are crucial for the cellular organization of gap junctions and maintenance of intracellular coupling. Impairment in gap junction trafficking contributes to dangerous complications in diseased hearts such as the arrhythmias of sudden cardiac death. Of recent interest are the protein-protein interactions with the Cx43 carboxy-terminus. These interactions have significant impact on the full length Cx43 lifecycle and also contribute to trafficking of Cx43 as well as possibly other functions. We are learning that many of the known non-canonical roles of Cx43 can be attributed to the recently identified six endogenous Cx43 truncated isoforms which are produced by internal translation. In general, alternative translation is a new leading edge for proteome expansion and therapeutic drug development. This review highlights recent mechanisms identified in the trafficking of gap junction channels, involvement of other proteins contributing to the delivery of channels to the cell-cell border, and understanding of possible roles of the newly discovered alternatively translated isoforms in Cx43 biology. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Gap Junction Proteins edited by Jean Claude Herve.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cx) 40 and 43 are coexpressed by several cell types at ratios that vary as a function of development, aging, and disease. Because these connexins form heteromeric channels, changes in expression ratio might be expected to significantly alter the connexin composition of the gap junction channel population and, therefore, gap junction function. To examine this possibility, we stably transfected A7r5 cells, which naturally coexpress Cx43 and Cx40, with a vector encoding antisense Cx43. Cx43 mRNA continued to be expressed in the antisense transfected clones, although levels were inversely related to the number of copies of antisense DNA incorporated into the genome. Protein levels, quantified in the clones with the highest and lowest Cx43:Cx40 mRNA ratios, were not well predicted by the mRNA levels, although the trends predicted by the Cx43:Cx40 mRNA ratio were preserved. Electrical coupling did not differ significantly between clones, but the clone with elevated Cx43:Cx40 protein expression ratio and unchanged Cx43 banding pattern was significantly better dye coupled than the parental A7r5 cells. These results suggest that as the Cx43:Cx40 ratio increases, provided alterations of Cx43 banding pattern (phosphorylation) have not occurred, permeability to large molecules increases even though electrical coupling remains nearly constant.  相似文献   

Gap junctions serve as intercellular conduits that allow the exchange of small molecular weight molecules (up to 1 kDa) including ions, metabolic precursors and second messengers. Microglia are capable of recognizing peptidoglycan (PGN) derived from the outer cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus, a prevalent CNS pathogen, and respond with the robust elaboration of numerous pro-inflammatory mediators. Based on recent reports demonstrating the ability of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma to induce gap junction coupling in macrophages and microglia, it is possible that pro-inflammatory mediators released from PGN-activated microglia are capable of inducing microglial gap junction communication. In this study, we examined the effects of S. aureus-derived PGN on Cx43, the major connexin in microglial gap junction channels, and functional gap junction communication using single-cell microinjections of Lucifer yellow (LY). Exposure of primary mouse microglia to PGN led to a significant increase in Cx43 mRNA and protein expression. LY microinjection studies revealed that PGN-treated microglia were functionally coupled via gap junctions, the specificity of which was confirmed by the reversal of activation-induced dye coupling by the gap junction blocker 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid. In contrast to PGN-activated microglia, unstimulated cells consistently failed to exhibit LY dye coupling. These results indicate that PGN stimulation can induce the formation of a functional microglial syncytium, suggesting that these cells may be capable of influencing neuro-inflammatory responses in the context of CNS bacterial infections through gap junction intercellular communication.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1423-1429
Gap junctions, composed of proteins from the connexin gene family, are highly dynamic structures that are regulated by kinase-mediated signaling pathways and interactions with other proteins. Phosphorylation of Connexin43 (Cx43) at different sites controls gap junction assembly, gap junction size and gap junction turnover. Here we present a model describing how Akt, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and src kinase coordinate to regulate rapid turnover of gap junctions. Specifically, Akt phosphorylates Cx43 at S373 eliminating interaction with zona occludens-1 (ZO-1) allowing gap junctions to enlarge. Then MAPK and src phosphorylate Cx43 to initiate turnover. We integrate published data with new data to test and refine this model. Finally, we propose that differential coordination of kinase activation and Cx43 phosphorylation controls the specific routes of disassembly, e.g., annular junction formation or gap junctions can potentially “unzip” and be internalized/endocytosed into the cell that produced each connexin.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1193-1204
This review is based in part on a roundtable discussion session: “Physiological roles for heterotypic/heteromeric channels” at the 2013 International Gap Junction Conference (IGJC 2013) in Charleston, South Carolina. It is well recognized that multiple connexins can specifically co-assemble to form mixed gap junction channels with unique properties as a means to regulate intercellular communication. Compatibility determinants for both heteromeric and heterotypic gap junction channel formation have been identified and associated with specific connexin amino acid motifs. Hetero-oligomerization is also a regulated process; differences in connexin quality control and monomer stability are likely to play integral roles to control interactions between compatible connexins. Gap junctions in oligodendrocyte:astrocyte communication and in the cardiovascular system have emerged as key systems where heterotypic and heteromeric channels have unique physiologic roles. There are several methodologies to study heteromeric and heterotypic channels that are best applied to either heterologous expression systems, native tissues or both. There remains a need to use and develop different experimental approaches in order to understand the prevalence and roles for mixed gap junction channels in human physiology.  相似文献   

Gap junctions mediate direct cell-to-cell communication by forming channels that physically couple cells, thereby linking their cytoplasm, permitting the exchange of molecules, ions, and electrical impulses. Gap junctions are assembled from connexin (Cx) proteins, with connexin 43 (Cx43) being the most ubiquitously expressed and best studied. While the molecular events that dictate the Cx43 life cycle have largely been characterized, the unusually short half-life of Cxs of only 1–5 h, resulting in constant endocytosis and biosynthetic replacement of gap junction channels, has remained puzzling. The Cx43 C-terminal (CT) domain serves as the regulatory hub of the protein affecting all aspects of gap junction function. Here, deletion within the Cx43 CT (amino acids 256–289), a region known to encode key residues regulating gap junction turnover, is employed to examine the effects of dysregulated Cx43 gap junction endocytosis using cultured cells (Cx43∆256-289) and a zebrafish model (cx43lh10). We report that this CT deletion causes defective gap junction endocytosis as well as increased gap junction intercellular communication. Increased Cx43 protein content in cx43lh10 zebrafish, specifically in the cardiac tissue, larger gap junction plaques, and longer Cx43 protein half-lives coincide with severely impaired development. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that continuous Cx43 gap junction endocytosis is an essential aspect of gap junction function and, when impaired, gives rise to significant physiological problems as revealed here for cardiovascular development and function.  相似文献   



Gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) is considered to play a role in the regulation of homeostasis because it regulates important processes, such as cell proliferation and cell differentiation. A reduced or lost GJIC capacity has been observed in solid tumors and studies have demonstrated that GJIC restoration in tumor cells contribute to reversion of the transformed phenotype. This observation supports the idea that restoration of the functional channel is essential in this process. However, in the last years, reports have proposed that just the increase in the expression of specific connexins can contribute to reversion of the malign phenotype in some tumor cells. In the present work, we studied the effects of exogenous Connexin 43 (Cx43) expression on the proliferative behavior and phenotype of rat hepatocarcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Homomeric gap junction channels are composed solely of oneconnexin type, whereas heterotypic forms contain two homomeric hemichannels but the six identical connexins of each are different fromeach other. A heteromeric gap junction channel is one that containsdifferent connexins within either or both hemichannels. The existenceof heteromeric forms has been suggested, and many cell types are knownto coexpress connexins. To determine if coexpressed connexins wouldform heteromers, we cotransfected rat connexin43 (rCx43) and humanconnexin37 (hCx37) into a cell line normally devoid of any connexinexpression and used dual whole cell patch clamp to compare the observedgap junction channel activity with that seen in cells transfected onlywith rCx43 or hCx37. We also cocultured cells transfected with hCx37 orrCx43, in which one population was tagged with a fluorescent marker tomonitor heterotypic channel activity. The cotransfected cells possessedchannel types unlike the homotypic forms of rCx43 or hCx37 or theheterotypic forms. In addition, the noninstantaneous transjunctionalconductance-transjunctional voltage(Gj/Vj)relationship for cotransfected cell pairs showed a large range ofvariability that was unlike that of the homotypic or heterotypic form.The heterotypic cell pairs displayed asymmetric voltage dependence. Theresults from the heteromeric cell pairs are inconsistent with summedbehavior of two independent homotypic populations or mixed populationsof homotypic and heterotypic channels types. TheGj/Vjdata imply that the connexin-to-connexin interactions are significantlyaltered in cotransfected cell pairs relative to the homotypic andheterotypic forms. Heteromeric channels are a population of channelswhose characteristics could well impact differently from theirhomotypic counterparts with regard to multicellular coordinatedresponses.


Cardiac remodeling resulting from impairment of myocardial integrity leads to heart failure, through still incompletely understood mechanisms. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) system has been implicated in tissue maintenance, but its role in the adult heart is not well defined. We hypothesized that the FGF system plays a role in the maintenance of cardiac homeostasis, and the impairment of cardiomyocyte FGF signaling leads to pathological cardiac remodeling.  相似文献   

Sarah V. Gerhart 《FEBS letters》2009,583(21):3419-1089
In addition to having a Cx43 ortholog, the zebrafish genome also contains a Cx43-like gene, Cx40.8. Here, we investigate the expression of cx40.8 in zebrafish fins and the function of Cx40.8 in HeLa cells. We find that cx40.8 is present in the same population of dividing cells as cx43. Unlike Cx43, dye coupling assays suggest that Cx40.8 only inefficiently forms functional gap junction channels. However, co-transfection reveals that Cx40.8 can co-localize with Cx43 in gap junction plaques, and that the resulting plaques contain functional gap junction channels. Together, these data suggest the possibility that Cx40.8 may functionally interact with Cx43 to regulate cell proliferation in vivo.

Structured summary

MINT-7266123: cx40.8 (genbank_protein_gi:68354404) and cx43 (uniprotkb:O57474) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)  相似文献   

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