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记述采自中国云南省新小叶蝉属1新种,版纳新小叶蝉Singapora bannaensis sp. nov.及1中国新纪录种,阿氏新小叶蝉Singapora arifi Ghauri,1985。新种区别于属内其它种的特征在于:阳茎端部的刺突很长,其末端已超过阳茎干基部水平;阳茎前腔突基部膨胀,近中部骤细;腹内突长,伸达第7腹节。词源:新种种名取自采集地地名版纳。同时给出该属世界种类检索表,模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

报道了中国展足蛾属5新种和1新纪录种,绘制了新种的外生殖器特科。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

Two blackfly species Simulium (Cerqueirellum) oyapockense Floch & Abonnenc and S. (Hemicnetha) seriatum Knab are recorded from Argentina, representing the most southern register for both species. S. oyapockense is a species epidemiologically very important, as a vector of onchocerciasis in the Amazonian focus. Both species are described and illustrated and their distribution are reported, in similarity to others like S. roraimense Nunes de Mello and S. ganalesense Vargas et al. in reference to S. oyapockense and S. mexicanum Bellardi similar to S. seriatum are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  In this paper, 4 new species, Sarisophora cerussata , S. dactylisana, S. neptigota, S, idonea , are described. The genitalia of both sexes are illustrated. Key is provided for all the known 6 Chinese species.  相似文献   

槐祝蛾属Sarisophora Meyrick,1904是祝蛾亚科中较大的一个属,我国过去已知2种。本文记述4新种,灰白槐祝蛾S.cerussata Wu,指瓣槐祝蛾S.dactylisana Wu,小槐祝蛾S.neptigota Wu和欣槐祝蛾S.idonea Wu,并首次记述了丝槐祝蛾S.serena Gozmány的雌性外生殖器特征。将我国已知的6种均纳入分种检索表。除拟槐祝蛾S.simulatrix Gozmány尚未采到外,其余5种的标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

报道5个中国土壤中齿梗孢属新种:细基齿梗孢Scolecobasidium acutimum、不等齿梗孢S.anisomerum、弯孢齿梗孢S.curvularioides、近球齿梗孢S.spheroideum和浙江齿梗孢S.zhejiangense。对新种与各自相似种的区别进行了讨论。文末附有中国土壤中已知22种齿梗孢属真菌的检索表。新种模式标本(干制培养物)与活菌种保藏于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院真菌标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

刘会梅  张天宇 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):386-388
报道分离自土壤中的齿梗孢属 Scolecobasidium 二新种:椭圆齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium ellipticum 和小孢齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium microsporum。椭圆齿梗孢与亚马逊齿梗孢 S. amazonense、粗腐植齿梗孢 S. crassihumicola 和倒卵齿梗孢 S. obovatum 形态近似,区别在于 S. amazonense 的分生孢子倒卵形,常在分生孢子基部形成一横隔膜,同样 S. crassihumicola 的分生孢子也仅具一横隔膜;S. obovatum 的分生孢子(10-25×4-6μm)明显地较新种的大,且表面光滑,因此容易区分。小孢齿梗孢与嗜粪齿梗孢 S. coprophilum、腐植齿梗孢 S. humicola 和小疣齿梗孢 S. verruculosum 分生孢子形态有些相似,但新种的分生孢子明显小于 S. coprophilum(6-12.5×2.8-4.2μm)和 S. humicola(7-13×2.8-4μm, Matsushima,1971)的,分生孢子梗也明显较后两者的短;此外,新种的分生孢子密生刺突,而 S. verruculosum 分生孢子表面遍生小疣,使它们陪此易于区分。二新种的模式标本(干制培养物)保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

通过对保存在南京地质古生物研究所的弓石燕类模式标本(由葛利普最早研究)的再研究,作者认为,Sinospirifer Grabau,193l仍是一个有效属。它与Cyrtospirfer Nalivkin,1924的主要区别在于腹壳后部强烈加厚、假三角板中央具有肉茎管以及在壳褶及褶间均发育微瘤(whitneyi—subextensus型的微细纹饰)。Tien(1938)指定S.sinensis Grabau,1931作为Sinospirifer的模式种,因为它与S.subextensus(Martelli,1902)有着相同的形态构造,包括壳形、壳率、中槽壳线型式、中央肉茎管、微细纹饰及内部构造等,所以Ssinensis应是S.subextensus(Martelli,1902)的次同义名,Sinospirifer的模式种应更改为S.subextensus。此外,S.archiaciformis,S.wan-gleighi,S.vilis,S.subhavasakai,S.pellizzarii,S.pellizzariformis和S.heterosinosus几个种在外部及内部构造上也与Ssubextensus相同,同样被视作为S.subextensus的次同义名。葛利普文中所列举的所谓几个种之间的区分特征已在湖南中部同一地点同一层位所采集的同一样品的标本中观察到,它们仅仅是种内变异的现象。对于以往不同种的标本被归人同种的情况,作者均作了修订,例如,S.vilis Grabau,1931实际代表几个种标本的混合体,经修订,分别被归于Siplospirifer subextensus,“Sinospirifer”hayasakai,Tenticospirifer supervilis等。S.sub—hayasakai Grabau,1931仅限于正模为代表的特征,被归于Sinospirifer subextensus,而两个副模标本(NIGP 2736和2740)则应归人”Sinospirifer”gortanioides Grabau,1931。  相似文献   

A new species, Scilla merinoi , from Galicia is described and illustrated. The similarities between the new taxon and two related species, S. odorata and S. verna , are discussed. Together with a morphological comparison of the three species, scanning electron micrographs of seeds and a map of the new species' known distribution are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract The monophyletic genus Solonaima , endemic to northern Queensland, is reviewed and six new species are described: S.sullivani sp.n., S.pholetor sp.n., S.stonei sp.n., S.halos sp.n., S.irvini sp.n. and S. baylissa sp.n. The previously known epigean species, S.solonaima Kirkaldy and S.pallesens (Distant) are illustrated and redescribed. The six new species represent four separate independent cave invasions and nearly double the number of known cavernicolous cixiids in the world. This is the first report of a closely related group of cave-dwelling Homoptera showing varying degrees of cave adaptation. One facultative cave species, S.sullivani , shows virtually no modification from surface relatives. Two species, S.pholetor and S.stonei , show some eye, colour, and wing-reduction, but they are still flighted and are considered facultative cave species. S.halos and S. irvini are nearly blind and have reduced, non-functional wings and are considered obligate cave species. S. baylissa , the most remarkable obligate cave species, is highly modified: eyeless, nearly wingless and colourless. The evolutionary trends displayed in cave adaptation are illustrated and discussed. These include reduction in body colour, eyes and wings, alteration of head and thorax shape, and possibly simplification of the male genitalia. The geology of the caves is complex and ranges from greater than 5-million-year-old caves in Silurian-aged metamorphosed limestone to 190,000-year-old lava tubes. The facultative species are generally found in the most open caves, the two intermediate obligate species are found in deeper caves, and the most highly modified species is restricted to damp cave passages with high CO2 levels. There is no correlation between the ages of the caves and the degree of cave adaptation.  相似文献   

The Madagascar! representatives of the genus Sarcostemma are investigated. All Malagasy material studied can be assigned to four taxa. S. viminale ssp. viminale occurs in Madagascar as well as on other islands along the African coast and on the African mainland: the other three species are endemic to Madagascar. All four species occur in the southern, arid part of the island, to which S. decorsei is endemic. S. membranaceum and S. elachistemmoides are new. All species are described and illustrated and a key and distribution maps are presented.  相似文献   

A recently erected species of Saxifraga (section Porphyrion ) endemic to the Picos de Europa (Cordillera Cantábrica) is described and illustrated. S. felineri P. Vargas resembles S. aretioides and S. ferdinandi-coburgi , although the habit and leaf shape are the main characters which support its identity. The taxonomic relationships of the three species are discussed, as well as aspects of the distribution and ecology of S. felineri.  相似文献   

从中国不同地区的土壤中分离获得葡萄穗霉属Stachybotrys 4个新种:阿克苏葡萄穗霉S.aksuensis、两形葡萄穗霉S.biformis、海滨葡萄穗霉S.littoralis和玉树葡萄穗霉S.yushuensis。对新种与各自相似种的区别进行了讨论。文中为中国土壤中已知的24种葡萄穗霉菌提供了检索表。新种模式标本(干制培养物)与活菌种保藏于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

首次报道了采自中国湖南省张家界自然保护区的皿蛛科蚁微蛛属武陵蚁微蛛Solenysa wulingensis的雌性个体.文中详细描述了该种雌性个体的形态特征,并附有特征图.此外,对采自韩国的久摩蚁微蛛Solenysa geumoensis进行了重新描述,对2个姐妹种间的形态学差异进行了详细比较.  相似文献   

Three new species of Selaginella are described from the Guayana Highland of Venezuela: S. cardiophylla, S. hemicardia and S. pruskiana. They are illustrated and the relationships of each are discussed. Another species, provisionally determined as S. terezoana, is reported for the first time from Guyana.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of Stylopoma Levinsen, 1909 are described and illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. S. spongites (Pallas, 1766), the type species, is redescribed from the neotype specimen and included here for completeness. A neotype specimen for S. duboisii (Audouin, 1826) and a lectotype specimen for S. viride (Thornely, 1905) are designated and 14 new species of Stylopoma are described from Indo-West Pacific material in the Recent bryozoan collections of the Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

陈双林  李玉 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):328-335
在前两篇关于中国绒泡粘菌属分类的研究论文中,已经报道了见于东北和新疆的新种和新记录种,本文报告的是散见于河南、山东、福建、陕西、广西和四川六个省区的六个种,金色绒泡菌和紫绒泡菌是中国新记录种,另外四种为新种。膜壁绒泡菌Physarumbadhamioides以囊被上石灰质稀散及孢丝宽扁、少石灰质而有别与其它绒泡菌;迷乱绒泡菌P.confusum则因易与绿绒泡菌P.viride和垂头绒泡菌P.nutans混淆而得名,但以散生的孢囊具短柄、石灰结与囊被同为灰绿色等特征显著不同于后者;畸形绒泡菌P.deformans具有显然不规则的孢囊、炳和孢子,易与其它绒泡菌相区分;草生绒泡菌P.herbaticum发生于活草叶上,淡绿色的联囊体发达,石灰结之间的连线细长而明确,使其与相近的绒泡菌明显可分。所有研究标本都保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

记录狭摇蚊属2新种:海南狭摇蚊Stenochironomus hainanus sp.nov.,尖狭摇蚊S.mucronatus sp.nov.和1中国新纪录种:印拉狭摇蚊S.inalemeus Sasa。模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院。海南狭摇蚊,新种Stenochironomus hainanus sp.nov.(图1 ~3)本种与花翅狭摇蚊S.nublipennis相似。两者的主要区别在于S.hainanus sp.nov.的翅透明,无色斑;S.nublipennis翅具色斑。正模♂,中国海南省昌江县坝王岭自然保护区, 1988-05-10 ,灯诱,王新华采。副模2 ♂♂,同正模。词源:hainanus,地名,为标本采集地名。尖狭摇蚊,新种Stenochironomus mucronatus sp.nov.(图4 ~7)本种与麦氏狭摇蚊S.macateei相似。两者的主要区别在于S.mucronatus sp.nov.腹部背板Ⅰ~Ⅴ浅黄色,腹部背板Ⅵ~Ⅷ浅棕色,生殖节深棕色,肛尖尖状,呈三角形;S.macateei周身浅黄色,肛尖呈棒状。正模♂,中国福建省龙岩市上杭县步云村,1993-05-06 ,灯诱,王新华采。词源:源于拉丁语,mucronatus, "尖状",意指肛尖的形状。印拉狭摇蚊Stenochironomus inalemeus Sasa,2001中国新纪录(图8 ~12)观察标本: 1 ♂,中国福建省永泰县青云山风景区,2002-09-19 ,灯诱,王新浦采; 3 ♂♂,中国广东省封开县黑石顶国家自然保护区,1988-04-20 ,灯诱,王新华采; 2 ♂♂,中国四川省甘孜县雅江,1996-06-14 ,灯诱,王新华采; 1 ♂,中国四川省雅安市周公河, 1996-05-18 ,灯诱,王新华采;1 ♂,中国陕西省周至县, 1994-08-10 ,灯诱,卜文俊采;1 ♂,中国陕西省凤县,1994-08-01 ,灯诱,卜文俊采; 1 ♂,中国陕西省留坝县, 1994-07-29 ,卜文俊灯诱。分布:中国(福建、广东、四川、陕西) ;日本。  相似文献   

Scaphochlamys minutiflora and S. rubescens are described and illustrated. A key to the species of Scaphochlamys occurring in Thailand is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Sageretia Brongn. (Rhamnaceae), S. santapaui Pusalkar & D. K. Singh and S. devendrae Pusalkar, are described and illustrated. Both species are allied to S. thea (Osbeck) M. C. Johnst., but differs in the pubescence of young branches, leaf shape, leaf margins, stipule shape, inflorescence type, length of the inflorescence, number and arrangement of flowers, bracteole number and shape.  相似文献   

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