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Spatial distributions of particulate organic matter (POM) and microbes were investigated during the summer of 1989–1990 in the coastal waters of Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica). The elemental (organic carbon and nitrogen) and biochemical (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) composition of organic matter was related to bacterioplankton abundance, and pico-phytoplankton density. The ATP concentrations were also measured to gather information about the relationships between particulate matter composition and microbial distribution in Antarctic waters. Total seston was characterized by little spatial variation and was unrelated to the distance from the coast. Suspended particulate matter included some terrestrial components but was mostly composed of autochthonous material. POM was characterized by a uniform distribution and homogeneous composition (mostly of phytoplanktonic origin), and was associated with a relatively scarce microbial community characterized at the surface by high picophytoplankton density. The increase with depth of the living carbon fraction suggested an increase in the microheterotrophic community in the deeper water layers. A significant positive relationship between total bacterioplankton density, and carbohydrate and RNA concentrations was found. Similar significant relationships between pico-phytoplankton abundance and lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids were observed. On the basis of the close coupling found between microbiological and chemical compartments, it seems that, in Terra Nova Bay, bacterial distribution depends on suspended matter and in particular to the labile fraction of the organic detritus.  相似文献   

The diet of non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated at Stranger Point, King George Island, by scat analysis from February to April 1996. Overall, krill and fish were the most frequent prey, occurring in an average of 97% and 69% of samples (n=128), followed by cephalopods (12%). Myctophids constituted almost 90% of the fish predated, with Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus nicholsi being the most abundant and frequent species consumed. All fish taxa identified were krill-feeding species suggesting that seals foraged primarily on krill and opportunistically on fish species associated with krill swarms. A seasonal change observed in the relative proportions of the different fish prey taxa indicates that fur seals spent more time foraging over the shelf in summer and off the shelf in autumn. During the study period, commercial fishing in the area was not based upon any of the fish identified in this study.  相似文献   

Summary The diets of five breeding seabird species were investigated on Adélie Land in January–February 1982. Stomach contents of Adélie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, were sampled by a water off-loading method and of Procellariiformes by spontaneous regurgitation. Diet compositions by mass were: Adélie penguin (79% euphausiid, 18% fish, 3% squid); Cape pigeon, Daption capense, (64% euphausiid, 29% fish, 7% carrion); Antarctic fulmar, Fulmarus glacialoides, (64% euphausiid, 20% carrion, 16% fish); snow petrel, Pagodroma nivea, (95% fish, 2% euphausiid, 1% carrion) and Wilson's stormpetrel, Oceanites oceanicus, (39% fish, 37% euphausiid, 13% carrion, 12% various crustaceans). The present Adélie penguin diet is consistent with those reported in other studies, given our knowledge of geographical variation in food availability. Differences in the diets of fulmarine petrels appear to relate to differences in foraging areas. The snow petrel is a fish-eating bird associated with pack-ice. Cape pigeon and Antarctic fulmar are mainly krill-eaters and we infer segregation along a neritic/oceanic gradient because of the importance of the neritic Euphausia crystallorophias in the former and the oceanic E. superba in the latter.  相似文献   

Summary We applied two methods to measure bacterio-plankton production, the [3H]-thymidine (TTI) and the [3H]-leucine (LEU) incorporation into cold trichloro-acetic acid precipitate. Both methods gave similar results of the distribution of production in time and space (r 2=0.82, n=66). Using empirically determined conversion factors the TTI gave production values from 21 to 125 mg Cm–2 day–1, which are within the range reported earlier from the Southern Ocean. Highest production rates were associated with the open water in the Confluence area (59°S–60°S) and with the Scotia Sea front. Low production rates were recorded from the ice covered areas in the Weddell Sea and in the open Scotia Sea waters. Good correlation on an areal basis was found between bacterioplankton production and other measures of heterotrophy, including ETS (r2=0.93, n=9) and NH4(r2=0.50, n=21). Good correlation was also found between bacterioplankton and phytoplankton production (r2=0.63, n=19). Bacterioplankton production seems to be driven by products from photosynthesis and heterotrophic processes, most likely grazing, which are tightly coupled to autotrophy. Quantitatively, bacterioplankton production was on an average 11 % of net primary production, which is clearly a lower value than the 30% based on a review from temperate freshwater and marine ecosystems, but is comparable with values reported from the spring period in subarctic ecosystems. In comparison with the measurements of ETS, bacterioplankton contribution to community respiration was also lower than predicted from results from temperate ecosystems. We concluded from these results and the results obtained from microcosm experiments (Bjørnsen and Kuparinen 1991b) that the flux of organic matter to eucaryote heterotrophs via bacterioplankton during spring and early summer periods in the Southern Ocean is of considerable, but not of equivalent importance as in temperate waters.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Composition of the metazoan plankton was studied during R.V. Dmitry Mendeleev cruise 43 (February to April, 1989) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Samples were collected from ten stations at six locations. Four of the locations were in open oceanic waters along the 15° W longitude. Two others were in the Bransfield Strait and in inshore waters near Elephant Island. At three locations at 15° W sampling was conducted twice or thrice. At all stations three different sampling gears were used to collect different size groups of Zooplankton: series of hauls were performed by 2001 water-bottle, mesoplankton net and macroplankton trawl for depths from 200 m to the surface. The average biomass of Zooplankton in open oceanic waters was 20.55 g · m–2 wet weight. Copepoda Calanoida dominated composing 54.8% of the total plankton, followed by Euphausiacea (19.8%), Ctenophora (9.7%) and Copepoda Cyclopoida (7.2%). Biomass of any other taxonomic group was less than 1g·m–2. The relative biomass of Calanoida had a tendency to decrease southward along 15°W from 86.1 to 68.1% in February and from 81.8 to 23.6% in March–April. The relative biomass of Euphausiacea increased in the same manner from 2.3 to 17.8% in February and from 3.7 to 41.6% in March–April. The average biomass of calanoids from February to March–April decreased from 77.3 to 31.2% and that of euphausiids increased from 6.2 to 33.8%. The contribution of copepods and euphausiids to the production of the plankton community in the Antarctic is discussed.  相似文献   

Production parameters for bacterioplankton were assessed during the spring–summer period in the western parts of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, as well as in northwestern Pacific Ocean. The lowest values of bacterial production were observed in early June during the spring phytoplankton bloom (0.08 mg C day–1 m–3), while the maximum values (up to 55 mg C day–1 m–3) occurred in late July?early August, 1.5 to 2 months after the bloom. The concentration of dissolved organic matter, the substrate for bacterioplankton, was assessed using satellite data. The ratio between bacterial and primary production in the surface samples varied from 0.5% at the peak of phytoplankton bloom to 180% at the peak of bacterioplankton development.  相似文献   

The spring to summer transition in a productive English lake is considered with respect to phytoplankton and its environmental conditions. Salient environmental changes include the onset of temperature/density stratification that is usually accompanied by a clear-water phase associated with a maximum of grazing Daphnia and a minimum of phytoplankton in the 0â€5 m zone. Below this zone, as thermal stratification progresses, a deep maximum of phytoplankton can develop under strong thermal/density gradients and enhanced light penetration. Examples are resolved by estimations of chlorophyll-a , beam attenuance in situ and cell counts. Attributed origins are by sedimentation of diatoms, migration of flagellates, and depth-adjusted buoyancy of a gas-vacuolate cyanophyte. The transition period involves a decline of spring-associated diatom populations and a rise of summer-associated species. The generally low algal abundance within the transition phase has at least four origins †prior nutrient (Si) depletion, sedimentation, grazing, and low inoculum levels of successor species. It can be augmented by the re-growth of species abundant in spring, by early extensions of normally summer species, by seasonally characteristic colonial chrysophytes, and by other phytoflagellates of small size that are seasonally less specific (opportunistic) and probably critical for Daphnia grazing with consequent generation of the clear-water phase.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundances of phototrophic picoplankton (PP) and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in Lake Biwa were studied from 1994 to 1998. Seasonal variation in cell volume and biomass of the phototrophic picoplankton were also studied. PP were counted using disposable glass microscopic plates, which gave superior accuracy to sample filtration onto membrane filters. Phycoerythrin-rich rod-shaped cyanobacteria (PEC), one of the major components of the picoplankton community, were sparse (about 104 cells ml –1) in winter and began to increase in April. Several PEC peaks were observed during the period of thermal stratification, and a rapid fall took place after October or November. In the northern basin, PEC peaked during late June and early July in 3 of the 5 years, and in late summer in the remaining years. Phycocyanin-rich rod-shaped cyanobacteria (PCC) were abundant in the southern basin and were present in smaller numbers in the eutrophic nearshore area of the northern basin; they peaked several times during the period from July to October. Seasonal variations of these two kinds of picoplankton were correlated with seasonal changes in water temperature. Phycoerythrin-rich cylinder-shaped cyanobacteria exhibited narrow peaks in July, their abundance declining as the year progressed. The density of heterotrophic nanoflagellates was greatest in early spring. Average cell volume of PEC was largest in winter, then decreased gradually to a minimum in late summer; after the fall, it recovered to the winter cell volume. This change can likely be attributed to the depletion of nitrogen in the warmer seasons.  相似文献   

Scholar in Residence at the Rockefeller Archive Center 1989–1990  相似文献   

This study examined the use of nonhuman primate “actors” (PAs) in promotional trailers for wide-release, English-language CARA-rated films released between 1990 and 2013. A comprehensive list of films featuring PAs was constructed using internet databases and snowball sampling. Changes in the frequency of their use over time were examined. Trailers for each of the films on the list were screened for inclusion of PA footage. Those including PAs were content-analyzed for a list of items including taxa/taxon used; presence or absence of bared-teeth display (BTD, often an expression of fear or submission in nonhuman primates); and presence of clothing, human companion, anthropogenic environment, and/or “human” actions. No statistically significant increase or decrease in the frequency of PA use was detected over the time period examined, although comparison to an earlier study that included pre-1990 films suggests that the use of orangutans (Pongo spp.) has diminished in frequency. The present study found that the most commonly used taxa between 1990 and 2013 were chimpanzees (Pan spp.), capuchins (Cebus and Sapajus spp.), and Cercopithecines (Macaca and Papio spp.). PAs were shown “grinning” (displaying BTDs) for 19% of the time they were onscreen; they were clothed 50% of the time; performing “human” actions 58% of the time; alongside human companions 87% of the time and/or in anthropogenic environments 87% of the time. Apart from concern that the practice compromises the welfare of individual primates, there is some indication that the use of PAs may be indirectly harmful as well; results of several recent studies suggest that their presentation in certain contexts fosters false public understanding about the conservation status of primates and their suitability as human companions or pets. The low but steady frequency with which PAs were used and presented in various anthropocentric contexts suggests that, throughout the time period studied, the film industry remained either uninformed or unconcerned about the potential harmful effects that their choices could have on animal welfare and conservation.  相似文献   

Plant–soil feedbacks affect plant performance and plant community dynamics; however, little is known about their role in ecological restoration. Here, we studied plant–soil feedbacks in restoration of steppe vegetation after agricultural disturbance in northern China. First, we analyzed abiotic and biotic soil properties under mono-dominant plant patches in an old-field restoration site and in a ‘target’ steppe site. Second, we tested plant–soil feedbacks by growing plant species from these two sites on soils from con- and heterospecific origin. Soil properties generally did not differ between the old-field site and steppe site, but there were significant differences among mono-dominant plant patches within the sites. While soil species origin (i.e., the plant species beneath which the soil was collected) affected biomass of individual plant species in the feedback experiment, species-level plant–soil feedbacks were ‘neutral’. Soil site origin (old-field, steppe) significantly affected biomass of old-field and steppe species. For example, old-field species had higher biomass in old-field soils than in steppe soils, indicating a positive land-use legacy. However, soil site origin effects depended on the plant species beneath which the soils were collected. The predictive value of abiotic and biotic soil properties in explaining plant biomass differed between and within groups of old-field and steppe species. We conclude that the occurrence of positive land-use legacies for old-field species may retard successional replacement of old-field species by steppe species. However, high levels of idiosyncrasy in responses of old-field and steppe plant species to con- and heterospecific soils indicate interspecific variation in the extent to which soil legacies and plant–soil feedbacks control successional species replacements in Chinese steppe ecosystems.  相似文献   

Distribution and biomass of salps and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were investigated near the South Shetland Islands during austral summer 1990–1991. Salp biomass ranged between 0 and 556 mgC·m–3 and was greatest at a station in the Bransfield Strait in late December 1990. Salp biomass was lower than that of E. superba. Two species of salps; Salpa thompsoni and Ihlea racovitzai were found, and the former was dominant numerically. Spatial distribution and generation composition of these two species was different. Spatial distributions of salps and E. superba did not overlap particularly so the January–February period. While E. superba was found mainly in the coastal area which showed high-chlorophyll a values, salps exhibited high biomass in the oceanic area with low chlorophyll a concentrations. Predation by salps on small krill and the competitive removal of food by them, are discussed as potential reasons for the relatively low abundance of E. superba at the stations where salps were present in great numbers.  相似文献   

Some studies have suggested that pelagic cnidarians are important components of the Southern Ocean ecosystem due to their high abundance and diversity and their high predatory effects, although little information on these animals is available. Thus, we examined the spatial distribution of pelagic cnidarians from the oceanic to neritic zone off Adélie Land, East Antarctica. Discrete depth sampling was conducted from the surface to 2,000 m depth from late January to early February 2008. In total, 3347 individuals representing 45 species/taxa from eight orders were collected. Cluster analysis revealed three major clusters: (1) an epipelagic group in the oceanic zone composed mainly of Pegantha martagon, the abundance and species diversity of which were very low; (2) a meso- and bathy-pelagic group characterised by high abundance and species diversity with dominance of Dimophyes arctica, Vogtia serrata, and Halicreas minimum; and (3) a neritic group represented by a high abundance of Diphyes antarctica. Cnidarian communities in the epipelagic zone were divided by hydrographic structures such as the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic Slope Front, whereas those in the meso- and bathy-pelagic layers dominated by circumpolar deep water were relatively stable with higher diversity throughout the oceanic zone.  相似文献   

Summary Weeds and among themAmbrosia are probably the most important vascular plants related to pollinosis in Hungary. Sampling was carried out in central (Budapest) and in southern (Paks, Szeged) Hungary. The results of two years (1989–1990) of aerobiological study onAmbrosia airborne pollen are reported. The highest percentage of airborne pollen was found in the mid-August to mid-September period, having a good correlation with clinical data on pollinosis. The implications of these results are considered in the context of forecasting and prevention of seasonal ragweed pollinosis.  相似文献   

Capsule: The population size of Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Scotland was estimated at 1114 individuals with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of 805–1505.

Aim: To produce an updated estimate of Capercaillie population size in Scotland, with improved precision from, but retaining comparability with, previous surveys.

Methods: A random sample of 2?km long line transects was surveyed throughout the current range of the Capercaillie, during winter 2015–16, with sampling in three separate strata. Multi-covariate distance sampling was used to fit detection functions to the Capercaillie data, deriving national, regional and sex-specific estimates of density and abundance.

Results: Across 741 transects, 136 Capercaillie were recorded in 120 separate encounters, giving rise to a population estimate of 1114 individuals (95% CIs: 805–1505). This estimate is 13% lower than that from the previous survey in 2009–10 but the difference is not statistically significant. Most of the population (83%) was estimated to occur in Strathspey, with much smaller numbers in the rest of the range.

Conclusion: The Capercaillie population in Scotland remains at a critically low level. Further evidence of decline in edge of range subpopulations raises serious concern over the viability of Capercaillie in these areas, whereas numbers appear stable in the core of the range in Strathspey. The use of a revised survey design, with greater sampling in the core of the range, improved estimate precision.  相似文献   

Urban growth reduces open space in and around cities, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using land-cover and population data, we examined land consumption and open space loss between 1990 and 2000 for all 274 metropolitan areas in the contiguous United States. Nationally, 1.4 million ha of open space was lost, and the amount lost in a given city was correlated with population growth (r(272) = 0.85, P<0.001). In 2000, cities varied in per capita land consumption by an order of magnitude, from 459 m2/person in New York to 5393 m2/person in Grand Forks, ND. The per capita land consumption (m2/person) of most cities decreased on average over the decade from 1,564 to 1,454 m 2/person, but there was substantial regional variation and some cities even increased. Cities with greater conservation funding or more reform-minded zoning tended to decrease in per capita land consumption more than other cities. The majority of developed area in cities is in low-density neighborhoods housing a small proportion of urban residents, with Gini coefficients that quantify this developed land inequality averaging 0.63. Our results suggest conservation funding and reform-minded zoning decrease per capita open space loss.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address some modelling issues related to biological growth. Our treatment is based on a formulation for growth that was proposed within the context of mixture theory (J Mech Phys Solids 52:1595–1625, 2004). We aim to make this treatment more appropriate for the physics of porous soft tissues, paying particular attention to the nature of fluid transport, and mechanics of fluid and solid phases. The interactions between transport and mechanics have significant implications for growth and swelling. We also reformulate the governing differential equations for reaction-transport of solutes to represent the incompressibility constraint on the fluid phase of the tissue. This revision enables a straightforward implementation of numerical stabilisation for the advection-dominated limit of these equations. A finite element implementation with operator splitting is used to solve the coupled, non-linear partial differential equations that arise from the theory. We carry out a numerical and analytic study of the convergence of the operator splitting scheme subject to strain- and stress-homogenisation of the mechanics of fluid–solid interactions. A few computations are presented to demonstrate aspects of the physical mechanisms, and the numerical performance of the formulation.  相似文献   

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