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The karyotypes of diploidP. fragilis subsp.villosus (2n = 2x = 14) and tetraploid subsp.secaliformis (2n = 4x = 28) were studied by Giemsa C- and N-banding, and AgNO3 staining and compared with the karyotype of subsp.fragilis (2x). The complements of subsp.villosus and subsp.fragilis were similar, with 8 metacentric and 6 SAT-chromosomes, one metacentric and two submetacentric pairs, with small to minute, polymorphic, heterochromatic satellites. The complement of subsp.secaliformis on the whole agreed with a doubling of the complement of diploidP. fragilis, suggesting autopolyploidy. Only the presence of 12 nucleoli in interphases identified 6 SAT-chromosome pairs. In subsp.villosus one or two extra micronucleoli indicated a chromosome pair with very low nucleolusforming activity, bringing the number of SAT-chromosome pairs to 4. This number may be a characteristc ofPsathyrostachys. Besides very small, inconsistently observed bands, the C-banding pattern consisted of 0–3 small bands per chromosome at intercalary and terminal locations, and at NORs. The level of banding pattern polymorphism was low, but enough to indicate that the taxa are outbreeders. Similarities in chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns identified homology of all chromosomes of subsp.villosus, but for 12 pairs only in subsp.secaliformis. Between plants, reliable identification of homology and homoeology (subsp.secaliformis) was possible only for the SAT-chromosomes and the shortest metacentrics. Chromocentres were very small and the amount of constitutive heterochromatin was low. N-banding stained chromosomes uniformly. The basic karyotypes of theP. fragilis taxa were similar to those ofP. juncea, P. lanuginosa, andP. stoloniformis supporting a close relationship and the presence of a common genome, N. NORs had different nucleolus-forming activities. Meiotic analysis demonstrated a high level of bivalent pairing in the three taxa. A chromosomal rearrangement was suggested in subsp.villosus. The low multivalent frequency in subsp.secaliformis indicates the presence of a pairing regulation mechanism. The majority of chiasmata were interstitial. Pollen grain size discriminated between diploid and tetraploid taxa. The existence of a diploid cytotype of subsp.secaliformis is supported by pollen measurements of herbarium material.  相似文献   

C-banding patterns ofH. brevisubulatum subsp.brevisubulatum (2x) and subsp.turkestanicum (4x) had conspicuous telomeric C-bands in at least one chromosome arm with a minor difference in average band size between subspecies. Other conspicuous bands were few in number as in other taxa of the species complex. The C-banded area of the chromosomes was estimated to be 7 to 8 and 6 per cent, respectively. C-banding- and SAT-chromosome polymorphisms were observed in both subspecies. The latter and previous observations indicate that the number of SAT-chromosomes is a less reliable diagnostic character. Nucleolar organizer region polymorphisms were demonstrated through silver nitrate staining of nucleoli. C-banding patterns corroborated that tetra- and hexaploid cytotypes of subsp.turkestanicum form an autopolyploid series. Reliable identification ofH. brevisubulatum taxa based on cytological criteria should include the simultaneous use of C-banding patterns, and number and morphology of marker chromosomes.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding is applied for the first time inCapsicum, allowing preliminary karyotype differentiation of six diploid species. Comparison of interphase nuclei and heterochromatic C-bands reveals striking differences between taxa and contributes to their taxonomic grouping. Therefore, C-banding appears to be a powerful tool for the cytogenetics and karyosystematics of the genus. Banding patterns are characterized by the omnipresence of centromeric bands and a variable number of smaller to larger distal bands, with the addition of intercalary bands in some cases. Satellites are always C-positive. Relationships between species and possible trends of karyotype evolution are discussed, with special reference to the origin of x = 13 from x = 12 and the increase of heterochromatin, regarded as advanced features.Chromosome studies inCapsicum (Solanaceae), III. For the first and the second part seeMoscone (1990, 1993).  相似文献   

The karyotypes ofElymus dentatus from Kashmir andE. glaucescens from Tierra del Fuego, both carrying genomesS andH, were investigated by C- and N-banding. Both taxa had 2n = 4x = 28. The karyotype ofE. dentatus was symmetrical with large chromosomes. It had 18 metacentric, four submetacentric and six satellited chromosomes. The karyotype ofE. glaucescens resembled that ofE. dentatus, but a satellited chromosome pair was replaced by a morphologically similar, non-satellited pair. The C-banding patterns of both species had from one to five conspicuous and a few inconspicuous bands per chromosome. N-banding differentiated the chromosomes of the constituent genomes by producing bands in theH genome only. TheS genomes of both species were similar with five metacentric and two satellited chromosomes having most conspicuous C-bands at telomeric and distal positions. They resembled theS genome of the genusPseudoroegneria. TheH genomes had four similar metacentric and two submetacentric chromosomes. The seventhH genome chromosome ofE. dentatus was satellited, that ofE. glaucescens nonsatellited, but otherwise morphologically similar. The C-bands were distributed at no preferential positions. TheH genome ofE. dentatus resembles theH genomes of some diploidHordeum taxa.  相似文献   

The somatic karyotypes of six North AmericanAllium species and the EuropeanA. scorzonerifolium have been investigated using a Giemsa C-banding technique. All species have a chromosome number of 2n = 14. InA. scorzonerifolium and the three North American speciesA. dichlamydeum, A. fibrillum andA. unifolium C-bands are restricted to two pairs of nucleolar chromosomes. Each chromosome has a band proximal to the nucleolar constriction and a positively banded satellite. InA. acuminatum, in addition to the bands associated with the nucleolar constrictions, all chromosomes also have pericentromeric bands.A. cernuum exhibits a distinctive banding style: two chromosome pairs with bands adjacent to the nucleolar constrictions and four pairs with telomeric bands on their short arms. In the karyotype ofA. geyeri neither C-bands nor nucleolar chromosomes were found.—A comparison of the banding styles together with other cytological and morphological characters of these species with old world members ofAllium reveals:A. cernuum closely resembles species within subgenusRhizirideum, whereas the other species studies exhibit many similarities with subgenusMolium. Their sectional grouping and their relationships with Old World species are discussed.  相似文献   

The karyotypes ofP. juncea (Elymus junceus) andP. huashanica (both outbreeders) were investigated by Feulgen-staining and by C-, N-, and Agbanding, based on a single plant in cach case. Both species have 2n=2x=14 and large chromosomes, possibly a generic character. The karyotype ofP. juncea has 8 metacentrics and 6 SAT-chromosomes with minute, heterochromatic satellites while that ofP. huashanica has 9 metacentrics and 5 SAT-chromosomes only, 2 of which with small, heterochromatic satellites. The C-banding patterns ofP. juncea chromosomes comprise from one to five, mostly small, bands at distal, and terminal positions, while those ofP. huashanica chromosomes are characterized by large telomeric bands in most arms. Banding patterns and chromosome morphology allow identification of the homologues of the seven chromosome pairs inP. juncea, but of two pairs inP. huashanica only. The patterns of both taxa are polymorphic, supporting that both taxa are outbreeders. The karyotypic characters suggest thatP. juncea is more closely related toP. fragilis than either is toP. huashanica. N-banding stains weakly. Silver nitrate staining demonstrates that nucleolus organizers of both species have different nucleolus forming capacities. The presence of micronucleoli suggests that both species have an extra unidentified chromosome with nucleolus forming capacity.  相似文献   

Detailed C-banded karyotypes of eight diploidArtemisia species from three different sections are reported together with preliminary observations on three additional related diploid species. In the majority, the overall amount of banding is relatively low. Bands are mostly confined to distal chromosome regions; intercalary banding is virtually absent and centromeric heterochromatin is also scarce. With the exception ofA. judaica there is in general great uniformity in karyotype structure but considerable interspecific variation in total karyotype length (and hence DNA content) ranging from 44 µm inA. capillaris (2n = 18) to 99 µm inA. atrata (2n = 18).A. judaica (2n = 16; total karyotype length 97 µm) was distinguished by its karyomorphology, with one large non-banded metacentric chromosome pair and 7 pairs of smaller terminally banded meta- or submetacentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

The widely distributedAllium ericetorum and the local endemic of the Steiner Alps (Slovenia),A. kermesinum, are two closely related species of sect.Rhizirideum, whose main distinguishing character is perianth colour. To obtain further evidence for species separation, karyotype morphology and C-banding patterns were examined in 10 populations. The chromosome number was 2n = 16. In some populations ofA. ericetorum a B-chromosome occurred. Arm and satellite lengths and C-banding patterns were subjected to cluster analysis. Three different karyotype classes were observed and described. Karyotypes did not clearly discriminate between plants with different colours of perianth segments and therefore did not provide evidence for a taxonomic separation ofA. ericetorum and A. kermesinum. There is polymorphism in number and patterns of C-bands within the populations. No correlation between B-chromosomes and particular banding patterns was observed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 15 taxa from Hystrix and the related genera Leymus (NsXm), Elymus (StH), Pseudoroegneria (St), Hordeum (H), Psathyrostachys (Ns), and Thinopyrum (E) were examined by using the Giemsa C-banded karyotype. The Hy. patula C-banding pattern was similar to those of Elymus species, whereas C-banding patterns of the other Hystrix species were similar to those of Leymus species. The results suggest high genetic diversity within Hystrix, and support treating Hy. patula as E. hystrix L., and transferring Hy. coreana, Hy. duthiei ssp. duthiei and Hy. duthiei ssp. longearistata to the genus Leymus. On comparing C-banding patterns of Elymus species with their diploid ancestors (Pseudoroegneria and Hordeum), there are indications that certain chromosomal re-arrangements had previously occurred in the St and H genomes. Furthermore, a comparison of the C-banding patterns of the Hystrix and Leymus species with the potential diploid progenitors (Psathyrostachys and Thinopyrum) suggests that Hy. coreana and some Leymus species are closely related to the Ns genome of Psathyrostachys, whereas Hy. duthiei ssp. duthiei, Hy. duthiei ssp. longearistata and some of the Leymus species have a close relationship with the E genome. The results suggest a multiple origin of the polyploid genera Hystrix and Leymus.  相似文献   

Hybrids between the Chinese endemic speciesPsathyrostachys huashanica Keng and the SW. Asian speciesP. fragilis (Boiss.)Nevski (all 2n = 14) developed normally but were completely sterile. Meiotic analyses revealed a high chiasma frequency indicating that the two species as well asP. juncea (Fisch.)Nevski share the same basic genome (called N). The hybrid nature of the plants was established through karyotype analysis and Giemsa C-banding.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding allows the differentiation of six, otherwise very similar karyotypes from the small genusAnacyclus. Banding style—with stable centromeric and nucleolar bands, and diverse specific banding patterns in distal chromosome segments—contributes significantly to generic demarcation and systematic grouping. The amount of banding corresponds to heterochromatic chromocentres and increases from perennials to annuals. Relationships with other nucleotype parameters and evolutionary mechanisms are discussed.First contribution of a series on Giemsa Banded Karyotypes, Systematics, and Evolution inAnthemideae (Asteraceae).  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding patterns of the grassesFestuca rubra (2n = 6x = 42),Vulpia fasciculata (2n = 4x = 28) and their wild F1 hybrid ×Festulpia hubbardii (2n = 5x = 35) show marked differences between the chromosomes of the two parents that enable unequivocal identification ofFestuca andVulpia chromosomes in the hybrid. Moreover, meiotic banding patterns reveal that both homogenetic (Festuca-Festuca andVulpia-Vulpia) and heterogenetic (Festuca-Vulpia) pairing occurs in the F1. The significance of this in relation to the formation of backcrosses to theFestuca parent and to the evolution of theFestuca polyploid complex in general is discussed.  相似文献   

A crossing programme including 30 species and 40 cytotypes within the genusHordeum was undertaken. Viable hybrids were obtained in 302 combinations, 15 of which were intraspecific. Differences in seed set and in germination were observed in crosses between different groups of species. Obtaining crosses between different taxonomic groups was generally more difficult when diploid material was used. Some species, e.g.,H. lechleri, H. jubatum, andH. brachyantherum showed a higher crossability than others. The chromosome numbers of the hybrids were usually those expected from the parental numbers but aneuploid series around the expected numbers were rather frequent. Three cases of unreduced gametes were found. Selective chromosome elimination was restricted to combinations including eitherH. vulgare orH. bulbosum.—Despite a very diverse morphology, all South American diploid species together with the two North American diploidsH. intercedens andH. pusillum appear to be closely related. The hexaploid American speciesH. procerum, H. lechleri, andH. arizonicum are also related. The two North American tetraploid speciesH. jubatum andH. brachyantherum sometimes form semifertile hybrids. The Asiatic speciesH. roshevitzii appears to be related to both North and South American taxa.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding is utilized for the first time to characterize eight taxa of the genus Serapias . Heterochromatin distribution indicated that the Serapias species form a very homogeneous group. All the species possess chromosome pairs with similar heterochromatin patterns. C-banding showed conspicuous bands located around the centromeres, with some het-erochromatic short arms. There was more heterochromatin in S. apulica and S. nurrika than in the other taxa. Extensive centromeric heterochromatin may indicate recent structural rearrangements in the chromosome complement. Taken altogether, karyomorphology indicates a rather recent origin for the genus Serapias , which might also account for the small amount of interspecific variation observed.  相似文献   

DifferentTriticum araraticum lines were studied by C-banding method. The intraspecific divergence ofT. araraticum was shown to be caused mainly by large chromosomal rearrangements. Two main chromosomal types were distinguished among the studied lines: (1) a karyotype similar to that ofT. timopheevii and (2) different one. The first type includes some lines ofT. araraticum subspp.kurdistanicum andararaticum; the second comprises most lines ofT. araraticum subsp.araraticum. The lines of the first type can give fertile F1 hybrids withT. timopheevii.  相似文献   

宜昌百合根尖染色体C-带分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Giemsa C-带方法对宜昌百合(Lilium leucanthum(Baker) Baker)进行研究。结果表明:宜昌百合(L. leucanthum)的染色体数目为2n=2x=24,单套染色体的条带总数目为21条。其带型公式为:2n=24=6C+2CI+2I+2CI++2CI++4I++2I++2T++2I+S。宜昌百合(L. leucanthum)每条染色体上都显示出显著的特征带,且带纹的深浅差异明显。宜昌百合(L. leucanthum)的强带主要集中在着丝点及附近区域。通过Giemsa C-带方法可以将宜昌百合(L. leucanthum)的每条染色体区分开。  相似文献   

Infraspecific cytogenetical variation was studied in a diverse collection of five non-cultivated and cultivatedCucumis sativus accessions. The individual chromosomes of different accessions could be identified by the C-banding pattern and chromosome measurements. About 40–50% of the genomic area are made up of heterochromatin inC. sativus. The non-cultivated accessions exhibit more heterochromatin and lower chiasma frequencies per pollen mother cell than cultivated accessions. There is infraspecific variation in C-banding pattern, karyomorphology and multinucleolate cells. The use of C-banding in infraspecific classification is discussed.  相似文献   

Seeds of theHordeum patagonicum complex were collected from the field and grown in the greenhouse. The aim was to take a sample of members of the complex, and on the basis of the phenotypic similarities in some morphological and physiological characters, determine whether distinct groups exist. When cluster analyses, to generate hypotheses, and orthodox statistical procedures, for hypotheses obtained a priori, were applied to the reproductive morphology, germination and flowering patterns, onlyH. patagonicum subsp.magellanicum, out of the five recognized taxa, could be distinguished consistently. The remaining four taxa, which overlapped considerably, could be re-formed into three groups whose centroids were different but whose ranges of variation were not distinct from each other. We conclude that the highly cross-compatible members of theH. patagonicum complex, first defined as species and later redefined as subspecies are probably no more than biotypes.  相似文献   

Summary The PMCs of 74 diploid hybrids involving ten H. vulgare varieties and three H. bulbosum lines were analysed at metaphase I and chromosome number and chiasma frequency recorded. There were differences between parental combinations and between plants within those combinations for both chromosome and chiasma number. It is suggested that these characters are controlled by both parents and that differences between plants within families reflect the heterozygosity of the H. bulbosum parents. Chromosomally stable, high pairing lines have been identified for use in a backcrossing programme to introduce H. bulbosum characters to the H. vulgare germplasm.  相似文献   

The evolution and taxonomic relationships in theTriticeae are discussed with the view to highlight aspects of this agronomically important group of plants, which may be of interest to molecular biology. Some of these aspects are addressed in more detail in adjoining papers in which specific genomic loci have been examined at the DNA sequence or isozyme level. Aspects discussed include the systematics and geographic distribution of theTriticeae species, isozyme and chromosome pairing studies on some of the species as well as more recent developments in DNA analyses. A survey of the systematics of theTriticeae indicated that the genomic system ofLöve is probably the most useful starting point for interpreting molecular data even though the system has many problems from a taxonomic point of view. The geographical distribution ofTriticeae species, using both published and unpublished data, suggested that information of this type taken together with the theory of continental drift provides a broad time-span for considering data from DNA sequence studies. The significance, and modes of analyses, of isozyme studies were assessed because they often provide valuable characters in determining relationships between species. The main character underlyingLöve's andDewey's analyses of theTriticeae, namely chromosome pairing, is discussed with particular reference to isozyme studies to show that in some cases, such as species ofHordeum sensu lato, consistent relationships are obtained. Finally, new developments in understanding chromosome structure are considered in relation to the above variables in the taxonomy and evolution of theTriticeae.  相似文献   

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