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A total of 92 enterococci, isolated from the faeces of minipigs subjected to an in vivo feeding trial, were screened for the production of antimicrobial substances. Bacteriocin production was confirmed for seven strains, of which four were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and three as Enterococcus faecium, on the basis of physiological and biochemical characteristics. The bacteriocins produced by the Ent. faecalis strains showed a narrow spectrum of activity, mainly against other Enterococcus spp., compared with those from the Ent. faecium strains showing a broader spectrum of activity, against indicator strains of Enterococcus spp., Listeria spp., Clostridium spp. and Propionibacterium spp. The bacteriocins of all seven Enterococcus strains were inactivated by alpha-chymotrypsin, proteinase K, trypsin, pronase, pepsin and papain, but not by lipase, lysozyme and catalase. The bacteriocins were heat stable and displayed highest activity at neutral pH. The molecular weight of the bacteriocins, as determined by tricine SDS-PAGE, was approximately 3.4 kDa. Only the strains of Ent. faecalis were found to contain plasmids. PCR detection revealed that the bacteriocins produced by Ent. faecium BFE 1170 and BFE 1228 were similar to enterocin A, whereas those produced by Ent. faecium BFE 1072 displayed homology with enterocin L50A and B.  相似文献   

AIMS: Isolation of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from the Malaysian mould-fermented product tempeh and characterization of the produced bacteriocin(s). METHODS AND RESULTS: LAB were present in high numbers in final products as well as during processing. Isolates, Enterococcus faecium B1 and E. faecium B2 (E. faecium LMG 19827 and E. faecium LMG 19828, respectively) inhibited Gram-positive indicators, including Listeria monocytogenes. Partially purified bacteriocins showed a proteinaceous nature. Activity was stable after heat-treatment except at alkaline pH values. Both strains displayed a bacteriostatic mode of action. Bacteriocin production was associated with late exponential/early stationary growth. Molecular mass, calculated by SDS-PAGE, was 3.4 kDa for B1 bacteriocin, and 3.4 kDa and 5.8 kDa for B2 bacteriocins. PCR screening of enterocin-coding genes revealed three amplified fragments in total genomic DNA that may correspond with PCR signals for enterocin P, enterocin L50A and enterocin L50B. Both B1 and B2 contained a 42-kb plasmid. No differences in bacteriocinogenic capacity were found between wild type strains and plasmid-cured strains. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to isolate bacteriocinogenic E. faecium active against various Gram-positive bacteria from final products of tempeh. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A first step in applying biopreservation to fermented South-east Asian foods is to obtain bacteriocinogenic LAB from this source. Such isolates may also be used for biopreservation of mould-fermented foods in general, including various types of mould-ripened cheese.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of the inoculation of the probiotic and enterocin A-producing strain Enterococcus faecium EK13 on selected parameters of metabolic profile, gut microflora, growth, and health in newborn piglets of Slovak White Improved. Piglets for study were divided into two groups: one group (EK13 group, n=8) received strain EK13 per os once daily for 7 days (2ml per piglet, 10(9)CFU/mL of saline buffer). The control group of piglets (n=7) was given placebo-saline buffer. The experiment lasted 14 days. After 7 days, strain EK13 reached 9.8 log(10) CFU/g in faeces of E. faecium EK13 treated piglets while counts of Escherichia coli were significantly lower (P<0.01) than in piglets of the control group. The concentrations of total serum protein, calcium, haemoglobin, haematocrit, red blood cell count and index of phagocytic activity of leukocytes were significantly higher after application of strain EK13. On the other hand, cholesterol was significantly lower in the EK13 group of animals. On day 14, piglets were killed and samples of intestinal contents were taken. Total counts of bacteria in the intestinal contents (jejunum, ileum, caecum, colon) were not significantly influenced. The pH value was significantly lower (P<0.05) only in duodenum of piglets receiving E. faecium EK13. There was a significant higher concentration of lactic acid (P<0.01) and propionic acid in the colon (P<0.001) of the EK13 group. Application of E. faecium EK13 did not influence the daily body weight gain significantly.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecium EK 13 is a bacteriocin-enterocin A producing strain with probiotic properties. In this study its colonization, stability and effect on microflora in rabbits was studied as well as its influence on zootechnical parameters. Fifty rabbits of both sexes (HYPLUS, 30-day old; after weaning) were divided into control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups. They were fed a standard diet. Moreover, 25 rabbits in EG were fed daily (for 4 weeks) 15 g (separate doses ∼1.6 g) of lyophilized EK13 strain (rifampicin resistant variant — rifR; 109 cfu/g) dissolved in drinking water. After cessation of EK13 (rifR) strain application, the rabbits in both groups were fed a standard diet for the next 2 weeks. Sampling was performed in double on day 0 (at the beginning of experiment), weekly during EK13 (rifR) strain application as well as on week 1 and 2 after cessation of EK13 (rifR) strain application. The counts of EK13 (rifR) strain reached 7.1 ± 2.6 log10 cfu/g after 4 weeks and even on week 2 after its cessation the counts 5.6 ± 2.3 log10 cfu/g were determined. The total counts of enterococci in the rabbits were already increased in EG comparing with CG (p < 0.05); even 2 weeks after EK13 (rifR) strain cessation, their counts in EG were 7.2 ± 2.6 log10 cfu/g (p < 0.001). Enterococci in CG reached at the same time the value 3.7 ± 2.6 log10 cfu/g. The counts of E. coli were significantly reduced in EG during 4 weeks (p < 0.05, p < 0.001). Even 2 weeks after EK13 (rifR) strain cessation significant difference in E. coli counts between CG and EG was detected (p < 0.001). Enterobacteria in EG were significantly reduced (p < 0.001). Average daily gain in EG was 41.0 ± 3.83 in comparison to CG (40.6 ± 3.72); it means almost the same; although rabbits in EG showed higher feed intake per kg of gain than rabbits in CG. Preliminary results demonstrated that EK13 is a perspective probiotic candidate for rabbits. Presented at the Second Probiotic Conference, Košice, 15–19 September 2004, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activity of bacteriocin S760 (enterocin) produced by Enterococcusfaecium strain LWP760 was studied. Bacteriocin S760 is a cationic, hydrophobic, and heat stable peptide with the molecular weight of 5.5 kDa and pl of 9.8. Enterocin S760 is shown to inhibit in vitro the growth both of sensitive and resistant to antibacterials gramnegative and grampositive bacteria of 25 species. MICs of the bacteriocin S760 vary between 0.05-1.6 mg/l for Escherichia coli 0157:H117, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens, that are main food-borne pathogens, and from 0.4-1.6 mg/l for Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Corynebacterium diphteriae. It is also active against antibioticresistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae, Acinetobacter baumannii (with MICs of 0.05-3 mg/l), Klebsiella pneumoniae (with MICs of 6 mg/l), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (with MICs of 0.4-25 mg/1), as well against fungi belonging to species of Candida albicans, Candida krusei and Aspergillus niger (with MICs of 0.1-0.2 mg/l). Enterocin S760 is a novel antimicrobial agents useful in medicine, veterinary and food industry.  相似文献   

Enterocins NKR-5-3A, B, C, and D were purified from the culture supernatant of Enterococcus faecium NKR-5-3 and characterized. Among the four purified peptides, enterocin NKR-5-3A (5242.3 Da) was identical to brochocin A, produced by Brochothrix campestris ATCC 43754, in mature peptides, and its putative synergistic peptide, enterocin NKR-5-3Z, was found to be encoded in ent53Z downstream of ent53A, encoding enterocin NKR-5-3A. Enterocin NKR-5-3B (6316.4 Da) showed a broad antimicrobial spectrum, and enterocin NKR-5-3C (4512.8 Da) showed high activity against Listeria. Enterocin NKR-5-3D (2843.5 Da), showing high homology to an inducing peptide produced by Lactobacillus sakei 5, induced the production of the enterocins. The enterocins showed different antimicrobial spectra and intensities. E. faecium NKR-5-3 concomitantly produced enterocins NKR-5-3A, B, C, and D which probably belong to different classes of bacteriocins. Furthermore, NKR-5-3 production was induced by enterocin NKR-5-3D.  相似文献   

A strain ofEnterococcus faecium isolated from Bulgarian yellow cheese “kashkaval” produced a bacteriocin-like substance named enterococcin A 2000. The antibacterial substance had a low molar mass (<2 kDa), was relatively stable toward heat but was sensitive to selected proteolytic enzymes. It was active against Gram-positive bacteria including enterococci, such asListeria, Bacillus andStreptococcus, and also against Gram-negativeE. coli. Production of enterococcin A 2000 has a maximum near the end of the exponential phase of producer growth. The peptide was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, butanol extraction, followed by cation-exchange chromatography and reversed-phase chromatography. A partial sequence of purified enterococcin A 2000 indicated that this substance does not belong to the class IIa of bacteriocins presenting the consensus anti-Listeria motif YGNGV.  相似文献   

The probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus brevis BG18 and Lb. plantarum BG33, isolated from traditional Turkish Tulum cheese were assessed. These two bacteriocinproducer strains exhibited good probiotic characteristics such as resistance in media containing 0.3% bile salt, pepsin (3 mg mL?1), and pancreatine (1 mg mL?1) as well as acid resistance at pH 2. They were also adhered to Caco-2 epithelial cells in a manner comparable to Escherichia coli LMG3083 (ETEC) and Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344. The strains produced a heat-stable antimicrobial compound that was shown to be proteinaceous in nature, and therefore, referred to as bacteriocins. The bacteriocins were able to inhibit growth of a number grampositive bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. Tricine-SDS-PAGE of the active fraction resulted in single bands with estimated molecular masses of 2.5 kDA and 2.7 kDA for Lb. brevis BG18 and Lb. plantarum BG33 bacteriocins, respectively.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to isolate bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from human intestine. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 111 LAB were isolated from human adult stool and screened for their bacteriocin production. Neutralized cell-free supernatants from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MM19 and Pediococcus acidilactici MM33 showed antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobials in the supernatant from a culture of L. lactis inhibited Enterococcus faecium, various species of Lactobacillus and Staphylococcus aureus; while those in the supernatant from a culture of P. acidilactici inhibited Enterococcus spp., some lactobacilli and various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes. The antimicrobial metabolites were heat-stable and were active over a pH range of 2-10. The antimicrobial activities of the supernatants of both bacteria were inhibited by many proteases but not by catalase. The plate overlay assay allowed an approximation of size between 3.5 and 6 kDa for both antimicrobial substances. CONCLUSIONS: As the antagonistic factor(s) produced by L. lactis MM19 and P. acidilactici MM33 were sensitive to proteolytic enzymes, it could be hypothesized that bacteriocins were involved in the inhibitory activities. Inhibition spectrum and biochemical analysis showed that these bacteria produced two distinct bacteriocins. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We are the first to isolate bacteriocin-producing strains of Pediococcus and Lactococcus from human intestine. These strains might be useful for control of enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin producer strain MC13 was isolated from the gut of Mugil cephalus (grey mullet) and identified as Enterococcus faecium. The bacteriocin of E. faecium MC13 was purified to homogeneity, as confirmed by Tricine sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed a single active fraction eluted at 26 min, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis showed the molecular mass to be 2.148 kDa. The clear zone in native PAGE corresponding to enterocin MC13 band further substantiated its molecular mass. A dialyzed sample (semicrude preparation) of enterocin MC13 was broad spectrum in its action and inhibited important seafood-borne pathogens: Listeria monocytogenes , Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus. This antibacterial substance was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes: trypsin, protease, and chymotrypsin but insensitive to catalase and lipase, confirming that inhibition was due to the proteinaceous molecule, i.e., bacteriocin, and not due to hydrogen peroxide. Enterocin MC13 tolerated heat treatment (up to 90 °C for 20 min). Enterococcus faecium MC13 was effective in bile salt tolerance, acid tolerance, and adhesion to the HT-29 cell line. These properties reveal the potential of E. faecium MC13 to be a probiotic bacterium. Enterococcus faecium MC13 could be used as potential fish probiotic against pathogens such as V. parahaemolyticus, Vibrio harveyi, and Aeromonas hydrophila in fisheries. Also, this could be a valuable seafood biopreservative against L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

AIMS: The antimicrobial activity of two plasmid-borne bacteriocins produced by Enterococcus casseliflavus IM 416K1 and Ent. faecalis IM 388C and their mating transferability were studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: Both bacteriocins showed antibacterial activity against taxonomically related micro-organisms and Listeria monocytogenes but differ for heat sensitivity, antimicrobial titre, molecular size and class of affiliation. The transferability by mating of the antibacterial properties from producers to Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 revealed that the bacteriocin-phenotype was linked in both strains to genes located on a 34 MDa plasmid. This result was confirmed by loss of antibacterial activity and immunity after curing treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Restriction analysis has shown a different profile of the two conjugative plasmids. Enterocin 416K1 and Enterocin 388C could represent natural antilisterial agents to use in food technology. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The transferability of the 34 MDa conjugative plasmids might be considered a possibility for the study of bacteriocins expression in bacterial hosts different from the native strains.  相似文献   

Enterocin A produced by Enterococcus faecium EFM01 displayed a narrow antimicrobial spectrum, mainly directed against Listeria spp. In particular, the bacteriocin was extremely active against 13 Listeria monocytogenes strains. This high specificity of action of enterocin A for Listeria spp. relative to lactic acid bacteria, together with its broad range of activity from pH 4.0 to pH 9.0, are factors which may be of great interest with respect to the potential antilisterial use of this bacteriocin in fermented foods. Assessment of the effect of enterocin A concentration on the extent and kinetics of bactericidal activity on L. monocytogenes Lm 6 (107 cfu ml-1 in culture broth), suggested that viability losses of higher than 5 log10, and time intervals necessary for maximum loss of viability of less than 2 h, could not be obtained. Moreover, it was shown that both parameters are closely dependent on the Listeria strain used. On the other hand, at concentrations inducing destruction of approximately 2 log10 cycles, maximum loss of viability was achieved within time intervals which varied widely from one lactic acid bacteria bacteriocin to another.  相似文献   

AIMS: To screen bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in 52 type and reference strains, which have not previously been studied, with respect to bacteriocins, and to characterize the presence of bacteriocins. METHODS AND RESULTS: Only Enterococcus faecium JCM 5804T showed bacteriocin-like activity. It inhibited the growth of Lactobacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., Clostridium spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE). However, it was not effective against Gram-negative strains, Weisella spp., Leuconostoc spp., Lactococcus spp., or methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The inhibitory activity of Ent. faecium JCM 5804T was inactivated by proteinase K, trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, and papain, but not by lysozyme, lipase, catalase, or beta-glucosidase. The inhibitory activity was stable at 100 degrees C for 30 min, and had a pH range from 2 to 10. The molecular weight of the partially purified bacteriocin(s) was approx. 4.5 kDa, according to tricine-sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing methods identified three different types of bacteriocins produced by Ent. faecium JCM 5804T, enterocin A, enterocin B, and enterocin P-like bacteriocin. CONCLUSION: Enterococcus faecium JCM 5804T produced three different types of bacteriocins, and they inhibited LAB and pathogens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: This is the first report of enterocin A, enterocin B, and enterocin P-like bacteriocin, detected in Ent. faecium JCM 5804T among LAB type and reference strains.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria exhibiting activity against the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis were isolated from rice bran. One of the isolates, identified as Enterococcus faecalis RJ-11, exhibited a wide spectrum of growth inhibition with various gram-positive bacteria. A bacteriocin purified from culture fluid, designated enterocin RJ-11, was heat stable and was not sensitive to acid and alkaline conditions, but it was sensitive to several proteolytic enzymes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that enterocin RJ-11 had a molecular weight of 5,000 in its monomeric form. The amino acid sequence determined for purified enterocin RJ-11 exhibited high levels of similarity to the sequences of enterocins produced by Enterococcus faecium.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this work was to isolate bacteriocins from the environment that would be effective in neutralizing Vibrio vulnificus in seafood. METHODS AND RESULTS: Water samples from Wilmington (NC, USA) were plated to determine total viable counts and to isolate presumptive Vibrio spp. Isolates containing plasmids were checked for antimicrobial activity which was not due to lytic bacteriophage or small, non-specific molecules. Three bacteriocin producers were detected and their inhibitory spectra determined: IW1 inhibited few strains of V. vulnificus; BC1 inhibited several strains of V. vulnificus, V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus and BC2 inhibited all tested Vibrio spp., Plesiomonas shigelloides and Escherichia coli. Loss of inhibitory activity coincided with loss of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid. The bacteriocins were found to be between 1.3 and 9.0 kDa. IW1 was heat labile, while BC1 was moderately stable except at extreme temperatures. BC2 was very stable and maintained its activity when frozen, autoclaved or exposed to extreme pH values. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriocins have been isolated from environmental isolates of V. vulnificus and V. cholerae. BC2, with its broad spectrum and stability, may be useful in neutralizing V. vulnificus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results have significance in relation to reducing the occurrence of food poisoning caused by V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

Chang D  Zhu Y  Zou Y  Fang X  Li T  Wang J  Guo Y  Su L  Xia J  Yang R  Fang C  Liu C 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(13):3556-3557
Enterococcus faecium is an opportunistic human pathogen, found widely in the human gastrointestinal tract, and can also be isolated from a variety of plants, animals, insects, and other environmental sources. Here, we present the fine draft genome sequence of E. faecium LCT-EF90.  相似文献   

Enterococcus species are present in the microbiota of humans and animals and have also been described in the environment. Among the species, Enterococcus faecium is one of the main pathogens associated with nosocomial infections worldwide. Enterococcus faecium isolates resistant to different classes of antimicrobials have been increasingly reported, including multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates in environmental sources, which is worrying. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize E. faecium isolates obtained from soil and water samples regarding antimicrobial resistance and virulence determinants. A total 40 E. faecium isolates were recovered from 171 environmental samples. All isolates were classified as MDR, highlighting the resistance to the fluoroquinolones class, linezolid and vancomycin. Furthermore, high-level aminoglycoside resistance and high-level ciprofloxacin resistance were detected in some isolates. Several clinically relevant antimicrobial resistance genes were found, including vanC1, ermB, ermC, mefAE, tetM, tetL, ant(6′)-Ia, ant(4′)-Ia, aph(3′)-IIIa and aac(6′)-Ie-aph(2″)-Ia. Three virulence genes were detected among the MDR E. faecium isolates, such as esp, gelE and ace. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of MDR E. faecium isolates carrying antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in environmental sources and report for the first time in the world the presence of vanC1-producing E. faecium isolated from soil.  相似文献   

A novel bacteriocin produced by avian duck isolated lactic acid bacterium Enterococcus faecalis DU10 was isolated. This bacteriocin showed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against important food-borne pathogens and was purified by size exclusion chromatography followed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography in a C-18 column. Tricine–SDS PAGE revealed the presence of a band with an estimated molecular mass of 6.3?kDa. The zymogram clearly linked the antimicrobial activity with this band. This result was further confirmed by mass-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, since a sharp peak corresponding to 6.313?kDa was detected and the functional groups were revealed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Bacteriocin DU10 activity was found sensitive to proteinase-K and pepsin and partially affected by trypsin and α-chymotrypsin. The activity of bacteriocin DU10 was partially resistant to heat treatments ranging from 30 to 90°C for 30?min. It also withstood a treatment at 121°C for 10?min. Cytotoxicity of bacteriocin DU10 by methyl-thiazolyl-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay showed that the viability of HT-29 and HeLa cells decreased 60?±?0.7% and 43?±?4.8%, respectively, in the presence of 3,200?AU/mL of bacteriocin. The strain withstood 0.3% w/v of bile oxgall and pH 2 affected the bacterial growth between 2 and 4?hr of incubation. Adhesion properties examined with HT-29 cell line showed 69.85% initial population of strain E. faecalis DU10, which was found to be strongly adhered to this cell line. These results conclude bacteriocin DU10 may be used as a potential biopreservative and E. faecalis DU10 may be used as a potential probiont to control Salmonella infections.  相似文献   

This study aimed at characterizing two novel bacteriocin-producing enterococcal strains isolated from human intestine. A total of 200 lactic acid bacteria were isolated from a woman stool sample. Two of them were selected for characterization due to their high antimicrobial activity against five strains of Listeria monocytogenes. The selected bacteria were identified as two different strains of Enterococcus faecium and designated MT 104 and MT 162. The bacteriocins produced by MT 104 and MT 162 were stable at different pH ranging from 2 to 11 and were active after different treatments such as heat, enzymes, detergents, and γ-irradiation. The two isolated strains exhibited some probiotic properties such as survival in simulated gastric fluid and intestinal fluid, lack of expression of bile salt hydrolase or hemolytic activity, adhesion to Caco-2 cells efficiently, and sensitivity to clinical antimicrobial agents. Thus, the two isolated strains of E. faecium could become new probiotic bacteria and their bacteriocins could be used for controlling L. monocytogenes in combination with irradiation for food preservation.  相似文献   

A new bacteriocin has been isolated from an Enterococcus faecium strain. The bacteriocin, termed enterocin A, was purified to homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and mass spectrometry analysis. By combining the data obtained from amino acid and DNA sequencing, the primary structure of enterocin A was determined. It consists of 47 amino acid residues, and the molecular weight was calculated to be 4,829, assuming that the four cysteine residues form intramolecular disulfide bridges. This molecular weight was confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. The amino acid sequence of enterocin A shared significant homology with a group of bacteriocins (now termed pediocin-like bacteriocins) isolated from a variety of lactic acid-producing bacteria, which include members of the genera Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Leuconostoc, and Carnobacterium. Sequencing of the structural gene of enterocin A, which is located on the bacterial chromosome, revealed an N-terminal leader sequence of 18 amino acid residues, which was removed during the maturation process. The enterocin A leader belongs to the double-glycine leaders which are found among most other small nonlantibiotic bacteriocins, some lantibiotics, and colicin V. Downstream of the enterocin A gene was located a second open reading frame, encoding a putative protein of 103 amino acid residues. This gene may encode the immunity factor of enterocin A, and it shares 40% identity with a similar open reading frame in the operon of leucocin AUL 187, another pediocin-like bacteriocin.  相似文献   

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