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ARB1 is an essential yeast protein closely related to members of a subclass of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of proteins that are known to interact with ribosomes and function in protein synthesis or ribosome biogenesis. We show that depletion of ARB1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells leads to a deficit in 18S rRNA and 40S subunits that can be attributed to slower cleavage at the A0, A1, and A2 processing sites in 35S pre-rRNA, delayed processing of 20S rRNA to mature 18S rRNA, and a possible defect in nuclear export of pre-40S subunits. Depletion of ARB1 also delays rRNA processing events in the 60S biogenesis pathway. We further demonstrate that ARB1 shuttles from nucleus to cytoplasm, cosediments with 40S, 60S, and 80S/90S ribosomal species, and is physically associated in vivo with TIF6, LSG1, and other proteins implicated previously in different aspects of 60S or 40S biogenesis. Mutations of conserved ARB1 residues expected to function in ATP hydrolysis were lethal. We propose that ARB1 functions as a mechanochemical ATPase to stimulate multiple steps in the 40S and 60S ribosomal biogenesis pathways.  相似文献   

We previously cloned RRP14/YKL082c, whose product exhibits two-hybrid interaction with Ebp2p, a regulatory factor of assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. Depletion of Rrp14p results in shortage of 60S ribosomal subunits and retardation of processing from 27S pre-rRNA to 25S rRNA. Furthermore, 35S pre-rRNA synthesis appears to decline in Rrp14p-depleted cells. Rrp14p interacts with regulatory factors of 60S subunit assembly and also with Utp11p and Faf1p, which are regulatory factors required for assembly of 40S ribosomal subunits. We propose that Rrp14p is involved in ribosome synthesis from the beginning of 35S pre-rRNA synthesis to assembly of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Disruption of RRP14 causes an extremely slow growth rate of the cell, a severe defect in ribosome synthesis, and a depolarized localization of cortical actin patches throughout the cell cycle. These results suggest that Rrp14p has dual functions in ribosome synthesis and polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

The step-wise assembly of a functional nucleolus, which occurs over the first few cell cycles during preimplantation development, is poorly understood. In this study, we examined the function of the evolutionary conserved nucleolar protein SURF6 in preimplantation mouse embryo development. Immunocytochemical analyses revealed that the localization of SURF6 was similar but not identical to those of fibrillarin and B23/nucleophosmin 1, which are involved in rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis in mammalian somatic cells. Surf6 mRNA, which is expressed in oocytes and maternally inherited in the zygote, reached a peak level of expression during the 8-cell stage of embryo development, at which time rDNA is highly transcribed. Knock-down of Surf6 mRNA by RNAi led to a decrease in both the mRNA and protein levels, and resulted in developmental arrest at the 8-cell/morula stage, as well as a decrease in the level of 18S rRNA. These results suggest that Surf6 is essential for mouse preimplantation development, presumably by regulating ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is a fundamental process required for cell proliferation. Although evolutionally conserved, the mammalian ribosome assembly system is more complex than in yeasts. BCCIP was originally identified as a BRCA2 and p21 interacting protein. A partial loss of BCCIP function was sufficient to trigger genomic instability and tumorigenesis. However, a complete deletion of BCCIP arrested cell growth and was lethal in mice. Here, we report that a fraction of mammalian BCCIP localizes in the nucleolus and regulates 60S ribosome biogenesis. Both abrogation of BCCIP nucleolar localization and impaired BCCIP–eIF6 interaction can compromise eIF6 recruitment to the nucleolus and 60S ribosome biogenesis. BCCIP is vital for a pre-rRNA processing step that produces 12S pre-rRNA, a precursor to the 5.8S rRNA. However, a heterozygous Bccip loss was insufficient to impair 60S biogenesis in mouse embryo fibroblasts, but a profound reduction of BCCIP was required to abrogate its function in 60S biogenesis. These results suggest that BCCIP is a critical factor for mammalian pre-rRNA processing and 60S generation and offer an explanation as to why a subtle dysfunction of BCCIP can be tumorigenic but a complete depletion of BCCIP is lethal.  相似文献   

Bop1 is a novel nucleolar protein involved in rRNA processing and ribosome assembly. We have previously shown that expression of Bop1Delta, an amino-terminally truncated Bop1 that acts as a dominant negative mutant in mouse cells, results in inhibition of 28S and 5.8S rRNA formation and deficiency of newly synthesized 60S ribosomal subunits (Z. Strezoska, D. G. Pestov, and L. F. Lau, Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:5516-5528, 2000). Perturbation of Bop1 activities by Bop1Delta also induces a powerful yet reversible cell cycle arrest in 3T3 fibroblasts. In the present study, we show that asynchronously growing cells are arrested by Bop1Delta in a highly concerted fashion in the G(1) phase. Kinase activities of the G(1)-specific Cdk2 and Cdk4 complexes were downregulated in cells expressing Bop1Delta, whereas levels of the Cdk inhibitors p21 and p27 were concomitantly increased. The cells also displayed lack of hyperphosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and decreased expression of cyclin A, indicating their inability to progress through the restriction point. Inactivation of functional p53 abrogated this Bop1Delta-induced cell cycle arrest but did not restore normal rRNA processing. These findings show that deficiencies in ribosome synthesis can be uncoupled from cell cycle arrest and reveal a new role for the p53 pathway as a mediator of the signaling link between ribosome biogenesis and the cell cycle. We propose that aberrant rRNA processing and/or ribosome biogenesis may cause "nucleolar stress," leading to cell cycle arrest in a p53-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Shi DQ  Liu J  Xiang YH  Ye D  Sundaresan V  Yang WC 《The Plant cell》2005,17(8):2340-2354
The progression of mitotic division cycles and synchronous development between and within the male and female reproductive organs are essential for plant sexual reproduction. Little is known about the genetic control of the progression of mitotic cycles of the haploid genome during gametogenesis in higher plants. Here, we report the phenotypic and molecular characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, slow walker1 (swa1), in which the progression of the mitotic division cycles of the female gametophyte was disrupted. Confocal microscopy revealed that megagametophyte development was asynchronous in swa1, causing embryo sacs to arrest at two-, four-, or eight-nucleate stages within the same pistil. A delayed pollination experiment showed that a small fraction of the swa1 embryo sacs were able to develop into functional female gametophytes. The swa1 mutation also showed a slight reduction in penetrance through the male gametophyte, although the pollen grains were morphologically normal. Molecular analysis indicates that SWA1 encodes a protein with six WD40 repeats that is localized in the nucleolus in interphase cells. The SWA1 gene is expressed in cells undergoing active cell divisions, including functional megaspores and the female gametophytic cells. RNA interference results indicated that knockout of SWA1 inhibited root growth significantly and led to the accumulation of unprocessed 18S pre-rRNA. These data suggest that SWA1 most likely plays a role in rRNA biogenesis that is essential for the progression of the mitotic division cycles during gametogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor ARF induces a p53-dependent and -independent cell cycle arrest. Unlike the nucleoplasmic MDM2 and p53, ARF localizes in the nucleolus. The role of ARF in the nucleolus, the molecular target, and the mechanism of its p53-independent function remains unclear. Here we show that ARF interacts with B23, a multifunctional nucleolar protein involved in ribosome biogenesis, and promotes its polyubiquitination and degradation. Overexpression of B23 induces a cell cycle arrest in normal fibroblasts, whereas in cells lacking p53 it promotes S phase entry. Conversely, knocking down B23 inhibits the processing of preribosomal RNA and induces cell death. Further, oncogenic Ras induces B23 only in ARF null cells, but not in cells that retain wild-type ARF. Together, our results reveal a molecular mechanism of ARF in regulating ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation via inhibiting B23, and suggest a nucleolar role of ARF in surveillance of oncogenic insults.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of mammalian ribosome biogenesis remain largely unexplored. Here we develop a series of transposon-derived dominant mutants of Pes1, the mouse homolog of the zebrafish Pescadillo and yeast Nop7p implicated in ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation control. Six Pes1 mutants selected by their ability to reversibly arrest the cell cycle also impair maturation of the 28S and 5.8S rRNAs in mouse cells. We show that Pes1 physically interacts with the nucleolar protein Bop1, and both proteins direct common pre-rRNA processing steps. Interaction with Bop1 is essential for the efficient incorporation of Pes1 into nucleolar preribosomal complexes. Pes1 mutants defective for the interaction with Bop1 lose the ability to affect rRNA maturation and the cell cycle. These data show that coordinated action of Pes1 and Bop1 is necessary for the biogenesis of 60S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   



In flowering plants, gametogenesis generates multicellular male and female gametophytes. In the model system Arabidopsis, the male gametophyte or pollen grain contains two sperm cells and a vegetative cell. The female gametophyte or embryo sac contains seven cells, namely one egg, two synergids, one central cell and three antipodal cells. Double fertilization of the central cell and egg produces respectively a triploid endosperm and a diploid zygote that develops further into an embryo. The genetic control of the early embryo patterning, especially the initiation of the first zygotic division and the positioning of the cell plate, is largely unknown.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis involves a large ensemble of trans‐acting factors, which catalyse rRNA processing, ribosomal protein association and ribosomal subunit assembly. The circularly permuted GTPase Lsg1 is such a ribosome biogenesis factor, which is involved in maturation of the pre‐60S ribosomal subunit in yeast. We identified two orthologues of Lsg1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Both proteins differ in their C‐terminus, which is highly charged in atLSG1‐2 but missing in atLSG1‐1. This C‐terminus of atLSG1‐2 contains a functional nuclear localization signal in a part of the protein that also targets atLSG1‐2 to the nucleolus. Furthermore, only atLSG1‐2 is physically associated with ribosomes suggesting its function in ribosome biogenesis. Homozygous T‐DNA insertion lines are viable for both LSG1 orthologues. In plants lacking atLSG1‐2 18S rRNA precursors accumulate and a 20S pre‐rRNA is detected, while the amount of pre‐rRNAs that lead to the 25S and 5.8S rRNA is not changed. Thus, our results suggest that pre‐60S subunit maturation is important for the final steps of pre‐40S maturation in plants. In addition, the lsg1‐2 mutants show severe developmental defects, including triple cotyledons and upward curled leaves, which link ribosome biogenesis to early plant and leaf development.  相似文献   

Proteomics analyses of human nucleoli provided molecular bases for an understanding of the multiple functions fulfilled by these nuclear domains. However, the biological roles of about 100 of the identified proteins are unpredictable. The present study describes the functional characterization of one of these proteins, ISG20L2. We demonstrate that ISG20L2 is a 3' to 5' exoribonuclease involved in ribosome biogenesis at the level of 5.8 S rRNA maturation, more specifically in the processing of the 12 S precursor rRNA. The use of truncated forms of ISG20L2 demonstrated that its N-terminal half promotes the nucleolar localization and suggested that its C-terminal half bears the exoribonuclease activity. Identification of the binding partners of ISG20L2 confirmed its involvement in the biogenesis of the large ribosomal subunit. These results strongly support the notion that, in human, as it was demonstrated in yeast, 5.8 S rRNA maturation requires several proteins in addition to the exosome complex. Furthermore this observation greatly sustains the idea that the extremely conserved need for correctly processed rRNAs in vertebrates and yeast is achieved by close but different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bop1 is a conserved nucleolar protein involved in rRNA processing and ribosome assembly in eukaryotes. Expression of its dominant-negative mutant Bop1 Delta in mouse cells blocks rRNA maturation and synthesis of large ribosomal subunits and induces a reversible, p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. In this study, we have conducted a deletion analysis of Bop1 and identified a new mutant, Bop1N2, that also acts as a potent inhibitor of cell cycle progression. Bop1N2 and Bop1 Delta are C-terminal and N-terminal deletion mutants, respectively, and share only 72 amino acid residues. Both mutant proteins are localized to the nucleolus and strongly inhibit rRNA processing, suggesting that activation of a cell cycle checkpoint by Bop1 mutants is linked to their inhibitory effects on rRNA and ribosome synthesis. By using these dominant-negative mutants as well as antisense oligonucleotides to interfere with endogenous Bop1, we identified specific rRNA processing steps that require Bop1 function in mammalian cells. Our data demonstrate that Bop1 is required for proper processing at four distinct sites located within the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 and the 3' external spacer. We propose a model in which Bop1 serves as an essential factor in ribosome formation that coordinates processing of the spacer regions in pre-rRNA.  相似文献   

Expression of many microbial genes required for the utilisation of less favoured carbon sources is carbon catabolite repressed in the presence of a preferred carbon source such as D-glucose. In Aspergillus nidulans, creC mutants show derepression in the presence of D-glucose of some, but not all, systems normally subject to carbon catabolite repression. These mutants also fail to grow on some carbon sources, and show minor morphological impairment and altered sensitivity to toxic compounds including molybdate and acriflavin. The pleiotropic nature of the phenotype suggests a role for the creC gene product in the carbon regulatory cascade. The creC gene was cloned and found to encode a protein which contains five WD40 motifs. The sequence changes in three mutant alleles were found to lead to production of truncated proteins which lack one or more of the WD40 repeats. The similarity of the phenotypes conferred by these alleles implies that these alleles represent loss of function alleles. Deletion analysis also showed that at least the most C-terminal WD40 motif is required for function. The CreC protein is highly conserved relative to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein Yde3 – whose function is unknown – and human and mouse DMR-N9, which may be associated with myotonic dystrophy. Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

To identify new gene products that participate in ribosome biogenesis, we carried out a screen for mutations that result in lethality in combination with mutations in DRS1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolar DEAD-box protein required for synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. We identified the gene NOP7that encodes an essential protein. The temperature-sensitive nop7-1 mutation or metabolic depletion of Nop7p results in a deficiency of 60S ribosomal subunits and accumulation of halfmer polyribosomes. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing indicates that nop7 mutants exhibit a delay in processing of 27S pre-rRNA to mature 25S rRNA and decreased accumulation of 25S rRNA. Thus Nop7p, like Drs1p, is required for essential steps leading to synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. In addition, inactivation or depletion of Nop7p also affects processing at the A0, A1, and A2 sites, which may result from the association of Nop7p with 35S pre-rRNA in 90S pre-rRNPs. Nop7p is localized primarily in the nucleolus, where most steps in ribosome assembly occur. Nop7p is homologous to the zebrafish pescadillo protein necessary for embryonic development. The Nop7 protein contains the BRCT motif, a protein-protein interaction domain through which, for example, the human BRCA1 protein interacts with RNA helicase A.  相似文献   

Although the nucleolus is involved in ribosome biogenesis, the functions of numerous nucleolus-localized proteins remain unclear. In this study, we genetically isolated Arabidopsis thaliana salt hypersensitive mutant 1 (sahy1), which exhibits slow growth, short roots, pointed leaves, and sterility. SAHY1 encodes an uncharacterized protein that is predominantly expressed in root tips, early developing seeds, and mature pollen grains and is mainly restricted to the nucleolus. Dysfunction of SAHY1 primarily causes the accumulation of 32S, 18S-A3, and 27SB pre-rRNA intermediates. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments further revealed the interaction of SAHY1 with ribosome proteins and ribosome biogenesis factors. Moreover, sahy1 mutants are less sensitive to protein translation inhibitors and show altered expression of structural constituents of ribosomal genes and ribosome subunit profiles, reflecting the involvement of SAHY1 in ribosome composition and ribosome biogenesis. Analyses of ploidy, S-phase cell cycle progression, and auxin transport and signaling indicated the impairment of mitotic activity, translation of auxin transport carrier proteins, and expression of the auxin-responsive marker DR5::GFP in the root tips or embryos of sahy1 plants. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SAHY1, a nucleolar protein involved in ribosome biogenesis, plays critical roles in normal plant growth in association with auxin transport and signaling.

SALT-HYPERSENSITIVE MUTANT 1, a nucleolar protein involved in ribosome biogenesis, regulates the auxin-mediated development of vegetative and reproductive tissues.  相似文献   

During ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes, nascent subunits are exported to the cytoplasm in a functionally inactive state. 60S subunits are activated through a series of cytoplasmic maturation events. The last known events in the cytoplasm are the release of Tif6 by Efl1 and Sdo1 and the release of the export adapter, Nmd3, by the GTPase Lsg1. Here, we have used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the 60S subunit bound by Nmd3, Lsg1, and Tif6. We find that a central domain of Nmd3 mimics the translation elongation factor eIF5A, inserting into the E site of the ribosome and pulling the L1 stalk into a closed position. Additional domains occupy the P site and extend toward the sarcin–ricin loop to interact with Tif6. Nmd3 and Lsg1 together embrace helix 69 of the B2a intersubunit bridge, inducing base flipping that we suggest may activate the GTPase activity of Lsg1.  相似文献   

The assembly of cytosolic and nuclear iron-sulfur (Fe/S) proteins in yeast is dependent on the iron-sulfur cluster assembly and export machineries in mitochondria and three recently identified extramitochondrial proteins, the P-loop NTPases Cfd1 and Nbp35 and the hydrogenase-like Nar1. However, the molecular mechanism of Fe/S protein assembly in the cytosol is far from being understood, and more components are anticipated to take part in this process. Here, we have identified and functionally characterized a novel WD40 repeat protein, designated Cia1, as an essential component required for Fe/S cluster assembly in vivo on cytosolic and nuclear, but not mitochondrial, Fe/S proteins. Surprisingly, Nbp35 and Nar1, themselves Fe/S proteins, could assemble their Fe/S clusters in the absence of Cia1, demonstrating that these components act before Cia1. Consequently, Cia1 is involved in a late step of Fe/S cluster incorporation into target proteins. Coimmunoprecipitation assays demonstrated a specific interaction between Cia1 and Nar1. In contrast to the mostly cytosolic Nar1, Cia1 is preferentially localized to the nucleus, suggesting an additional function of Cia1. Taken together, our results indicate that Cia1 is a new member of the cytosolic Fe/S protein assembly (CIA) machinery participating in a step after Nbp35 and Nar1.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae temperature-sensitive (ts) allele nip7-1 exhibits phenotypes associated with defects in the translation apparatus, including hypersensitivity to paromomycin and accumulation of halfmer polysomes. The cloned NIP7+ gene complemented the nip7-1 ts growth defect, the paromomycin hypersensitivity, and the halfmer defect. NIP7 encodes a 181-amino-acid protein (21 kDa) with homology to predicted products of open reading frames from humans, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Arabidopsis thaliana, indicating that Nip7p function is evolutionarily conserved. Gene disruption analysis demonstrated that NIP7 is essential for growth. A fraction of Nip7p cosedimented through sucrose gradients with free 60S ribosomal subunits but not with 80S monosomes or polysomal ribosomes, indicating that it is not a ribosomal protein. Nip7p was found evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus by indirect immunofluorescence; however, in vivo localization of a Nip7p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein revealed that a significant amount of Nip7p is present inside the nucleus, most probably in the nucleolus. Depletion of Nip7-1p resulted in a decrease in protein synthesis rates, accumulation of halfmers, reduced levels of 60S subunits, and, ultimately, cessation of growth. Nip7-1p-depleted cells showed defective pre-rRNA processing, including accumulation of the 35S rRNA precursor, presence of a 23S aberrant precursor, decreased 20S pre-rRNA levels, and accumulation of 27S pre-rRNA. Delayed processing of 27S pre-rRNA appeared to be the cause of reduced synthesis of 25S rRNA relative to 18S rRNA, which may be responsible for the deficit of 60S subunits in these cells.  相似文献   

A previously uncharacterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, FAL1, was found by sequence comparison as a homolog of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A). Fal1p has 55% identity and 73% similarity on the amino acid level to yeast eIF4A, the prototype of ATP-dependent RNA helicases of the DEAD-box protein family. Although clearly grouped in the eIF4A subfamily, the essential Fal1p displays a different subcellular function and localization. An HA epitope-tagged Fal1p is localized predominantly in the nucleolus. Polysome analyses in a temperature-sensitive fal1-1 mutant and a Fal1p-depleted strain reveal a decrease in the number of 40S ribosomal subunits. Furthermore, these strains are hypersensitive to the aminoglycoside antibiotics paromomycin and neomycin. Pulse-chase labeling of pre-rRNA and steady-state-level analysis of pre-rRNAs and mature rRNAs by Northern hybridization and primer extension in the Fal1p-depleted strain show that Fal1p is required for pre-rRNA processing at sites A0, A1, and A2. Consequently, depletion of Fal1p leads to decreased 18S rRNA levels and to an overall deficit in 40S ribosomal subunits. Together, these results implicate Fal1p in the 18S rRNA maturation pathway rather than in translation initiation.  相似文献   

The assembly of ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes is a complex, multistep process so far mostly studied in yeast. In S. cerevisiae, more than 200 factors including ribosomal proteins and trans-acting factors are required for the ordered assembly of 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits. To date, only few human homologs of these yeast ribosome synthesis factors have been characterized. Here, we used a systematic RNA interference (RNAi) approach to analyze the contribution of 464 candidate factors to ribosomal subunit biogenesis in human cells. The screen was based on visual readouts, using inducible, fluorescent ribosomal proteins as reporters. By performing computer-based image analysis utilizing supervised machine-learning techniques, we obtained evidence for a functional link of 153 human proteins to ribosome synthesis. Our data show that core features of ribosome assembly are conserved from yeast to human, but differences exist for instance with respect to 60S subunit export. Unexpectedly, our RNAi screen uncovered a requirement for the export receptor Exportin 5 (Exp5) in nuclear export of 60S subunits in human cells. We show that Exp5, like the known 60S exportin Crm1, binds to pre-60S particles in a RanGTP-dependent manner. Interference with either Exp5 or Crm1 function blocks 60S export in both human cells and frog oocytes, whereas 40S export is compromised only upon inhibition of Crm1. Thus, 60S subunit export is dependent on at least two RanGTP-binding exportins in vertebrate cells.  相似文献   

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