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La prise en charge par le biologiste de certaines analyses délocalisées se trouve grandement facilitée par la mise en place d’un système informatique reliant l’analyseur délocalisé et le laboratorie. Elle apporte un niveau de sécurité nécessaire pour la prise de responsabilité du laboratoire dans l’acte de biologie délocalisé. L’architecture réseau de la plupart de h?pitaux permet maintenant de transmettre très facilement et de manière fiable des données entre plusieurs services voire entre établissements. Les analyseurs de gazométrie sanguine permettent cette connexion, de plus en plus d’industriels développent d’autres paramètres en plus des simples gaz du sang comme dernièrement l’urée et la créatinine. Les analyseurs permettant de doser les marqueurs cardiaques, ceux réalisant l’hémostase sont désormais fréquemment connectables. Chaque industriel du diagnostic proposant des analyseurs de glycémie a ou va prochainement commercialiser un modèle connectable. Il en est de même pour les bandelettes urinaires. Il est donc probable, et les biologistes sont les premiers demandeurs, que la connexion informatique d’analyseurs de biologie installés dans les unités de soins, soit un pré-requis pour la gestion des analyses délocalisées par le biologiste, et sa prise de responsabilité dans les résultats biologiques issus de ces analyseurs.  相似文献   

La réussite d’une délocalisation des analyses de biologie médicale est la résultante d’une volonté de coopération entre les trois partenaires que sont le clinicien, le biologiste et les services administratifs. Elle s’appuie sur la répartition clairement définie des responsabilités en termes d’utilisation de résultats et de management, la mise en place de procédures de fonctionnement et un suivi continu de la totalité du processus. Elle ne peut se passer d’une liaison informatique en temps réel avec le laboratoire qui permet de respecter les règles de l’assurance qualité et du GBEA. Bien ma?trisée, et appliquée à bon escient, elle peut représenter une solution pour améliorer la prise en charge du patient.  相似文献   

A ce jour, aucun texte réglementaire ne permet d’obliger le biologiste à mettre en œuvre un système d’assurance qualité adapté à la gestion de la biologie délocalisée. La SFBC a réuni un groupe d’experts afin de formaliser des recommandations dès 1998 [1]. Actuellement, ce sujet est à l’ordre du jour des organismes internationaux, et il est vraisemblable qu’une normalisation interviendra dans le futur, à terme opposable aux biologistes en relation avec un établissement de soins pratiquant une délocalisation des analyses de biologie médicale: une annexe à la future norme ISO/CEN 15189 concernant les recommandations pour la biologie délocalisée est en cours de validation, faisant suite aux recommandations du groupe européen EC4 [2].  相似文献   

Localized prostate cancer is characterized by a tumor confined to the prostate gland at clinical evaluation. Since the onset of PSA screening, the detection of localized prostate cancer has increased. Prognosis factors are clinical stadification, PSA value, PSA doubling time, tumor volume related to needle biopsy pathologic findings (Gleason score, percentage biopsies involved). Treatment depends on tumor prognosis, symptoms and performance status of the patient. Localized prostate cancer can be treated by surgery (radical prostatectomy, high intensity focused ultrasound) or radiotherapy (conformational radiation therapy, brachytherapy). Active follow-up can be proposed to very low risk patients.  相似文献   

Dans le cadre de la gestion des analyses urgentes de biologie, le site d’Argenteuil a mis en place une organisation originale (Filière “urgence” mise en place depuis avril 1998) assurant en particulier rapidité et sécurité dans la production des résultats. Nous avons recueilli le témoignage des acteurs principaux à l’origine de cette mise en place.  相似文献   



Since 1999, a therapeutic device using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology has been marketed in Europe for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Clinical and technical development was designed to provide a minimally invasive alternative for these patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of HIFU therapy for localized prostate cancer and its impact on sexual function.

Material and Methods

HIFU technology is based on a convergent beam of high intensity ultrasound that creates a sudden and sharp increase in temperature (85°C to 100°C) in the tissues at the focal point. This leads to a precise lesion in the tissue, adjustable from 19 to 24 mm in height and 2 mm in diameter. Successive displacements of the focal point are computer-driven, allowing treatment of a defined volume. All patients were treated with the ABLATHERM® device (EDAP SA, France); they were treated using the device prototypes between 1993 to 1999 and then with the marketed machine. The treatment procedure was improved from 2000 onwards with the combination of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) in order to reduce post-treatment catheter time. A nerve-sparing procedure was also tested in 2002. The selected population included 120 patients considered to be potentially curable with clinical stage T1–T2 prostate cancer and an initial PSA < 10 ng/ml (group 1). A larger group of 167 patients with an initial PSA < 30 ng/ml was also considered (group 2). All patients were not candidates for surgery due to their age or comorbidities. In the two groups, clinical failure was defined by the need for administration of an adjuvant prostate cancer treatment (hormone deprivation or external radiation). Disease progression, or biochemical failure, was strictly defined as any evidence of residual cancer on follow-up biopsies (regardless of the PSA level), or 3 successive increases of the PSA level (with negative follow-up biopsies), with a velocity > 0.75 ng/ml/year. Disease-free survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Survival rates were compared using the log-rank test. The impact of HIFU treatment on sexual function was assessed by a questionnaire in 70 patients who underwent standard HIFU treatment and in 28 patients in whom a nerve-sparing procedure was performed.


Patient baseline characteristics (± SD) were, in group 1 and group 2 respectively: mean age: 71.2 (± 5.34) years and 71.8 (± 5.11) years; clinical stage: T1 for 61 patients and T2 for 59 patients in group 1, and T1 for 77 patients, T2 for 85 patients and T3 for 5 patients in group 2; mean initial PSA level: 5.67 (± 2.47) ng/ml and 9.30 (± 6.01) ng/ml; Gleason score: 2–6 for 77 patients and 7–10 for 43 patients in group 1, and 2–6 for 98 patients, 7 for 44 patients, and 8–10 for 25 patients in group 2; mean prostate volume: 33.6 (± 16.5) ml and 34.4 (± 16.7) ml, respectively. Mean follow-up was 27 months (range: 3–96 months) in group 1, and 23 months (range: 3–90 months) in group 2. In group 1, a residual cancer was diagnosed in 17 patients, but only 6 patients needed adjuvant treatment due to a significant rise of the PSA level (hormone deprivation: n=2, external radiation: n=4), leading to a clinical success rate of 95%. Similarly, in group 2, 36 patients presented with positive follow-up biopsies, and 21 of them required adjuvant treatment (hormone deprivation: n=10, external radiation: n=11), leading to a clinical success rate of 87.5%. The disease-free survival rates (previously defined on the combined biopsy and PSA criteria) were 76.9% and 66% in group 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, the disease-free survival rate in group 2 was stratified according to the initial prognosis risk level: 85% in low-risk patients (i.e. patients with clinical stage T1–T2a and PSA < 10 ng/ml and Gleason score < 7), 67.5% in intermediate-risk patients (i.e. clinical stage T2b or PSA 10–20 ng/ml or Gleason score = 7), and 42% in high-risk patients (i.e. clinical stage T2c or PSA > 20 ng/ml or Gleason score > 7). In the overall population, 70 patients had normal sexual function prior to HIFU treatment; 25 patients (36%) still had erections allowing sexual intercourse with penetration after treatment. A nerve-sparing procedure was also performed in 28 potent patients: 43% of these patients had persistent erections allowing sexual intercourse with penetration after treatment, indicating that this nerve-sparing procedure still needs to be improved.


The efficacy results observed after HIFU treatment are similar to those observed after other non-surgical treatments for prostate cancer. After complete HIFU treatment of the gland, more than 1/3 of patients still reported erections allowing sexual intercourse with penetration; these results must be interpreted for an elderly population (mean age: 72 years). A nerve-sparing procedure is currently being perfected and tested.  相似文献   

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