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China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, unless specified) is the greatest contributor to the total catch of global marine fisheries. As such, data about the degrees of exploitation and developmental dynamics of its fisheries are essential to evaluate and guide future sustainable seafood production and policy implementation and adjustments. In this study, we summarized the national official statistic data on domestic marine fisheries (including both marine capture fisheries and mariculture) from the earliest available year, 1950, to the latest year, 2014, using on the China Fishery Statistical Yearbooks. We also conducted analyses to understand the historical and current statuses of Chinese marine fisheries and their developmental trends. Domestic marine capture fisheries are declining and will continue to decline because of the current degradation and loss of coastal habitats, mainly due to coastal development and pollution and the over-exploitation of coastal natural resources. In contrast, mariculture has demonstrated promise as an approach to increase seafood production. However, given the wide latitudinal range of domestic seas in China, global climate change may impact China’s marine natural resources. We highlight that effective management measures and long-term monitoring are essential for the sustainability of domestic marine capture fisheries. Moreover, environmentally-friendly practices in mariculture should be enhanced and species introduction carefully monitored to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

Human perceptions of the relationship between pollution and food safety are often haphazard and contradictory, based on a variety of sources of information. Recent media events concerning seafood and coastal pollution have generated concern that an otherwise healthy food— fish and shellfish—has become dangerous. We assess consumer knowledge about seafood safety and coastal pollution using several methods, including tests of cultural consensus. We find that consumers view seafood as far more threatened by pollution than scientific analysis suggests, due in part to their perceptions about the dynamics of the marine environment. Finding variation in perceptions within our population based on income and other factors, we explore the use of the cultural consensus approach in large and heterogeneous populations.  相似文献   

Information on possible effects of pollution on fish life is reviewed with special emphasis to the North Sea. Concentrations of heavy metals are high in onshore waters, sediments and organisms. Offshore regions are considered to be not endangered. In estuaries concentrations of certain heavy metals are often surpassing thresholds, which have been experimentally demonstrated to produce sublethal effects on marine organisms. Also mussel culture areas had to be closed due to excess of cadmium contamination. Mercury in fillets of cod in the southern North Sea sometimes reaches 0.3 ppm representing 1/3 of the legal limit. Reductions of inputs are necessary due to the bioaccumulative and toxic potential of heavy metals. Organochlorine contamination of water, sediments and organisms is higher in the southern than in the northern North Sea. In offshore areas clearly elevated levels of PCB's, which are the dominating organochlorine compound in marine organisms, have been analyzed. At present only a minor fraction of total organochlorine residues accumulated in marine biota is analyzed. Margins between experimentally derived lethal levels and those occurring in marine biota are narrow suggesting that sublethal effects might occur. One of the special concerns in the context of organochlorine contamination has to be seen in the potential of these substances affecting the reproductive capacity of marine organisms. Reduction measures are urgently necessary and should include substances with bioaccumulative and toxicological potential, which are not presently included in Marine Monitoring Programmes. Impact of oil pollution is considered to be a regional problem, although especially in estuaries concentrations in the water column might be high. Input through oil platforms has led to local reductions in benthic communities. Measures have to be taken, to further reduce these inputs also in view to avoid contamination of fish in the vicinity of oil fields. Oxygen depletion in German and Danish coastal waters has been shown to be a severe degradation in coastal water quality resulting in significant impact on fish populations. Indications for large-scale avoidance reactions of low DO-areas and mortalities of fish and benthos organisms have been demonstrated. It is suspected that the low DO-situations are related to increased nutrients input and high phytoplankton production. Improvement of the situation can only be expected, if input of nutrients is reduced. Reasons for the occurrence of toxic plankton blooms are not understood. An intensified research is necessary, to avoid damage to fisheries and mariculture. Although activity of radionucleids in North Sea waters is increased due to input of radioactive material from La Hague and Sellafield reprocessing units, the present levels of activity are not considered to be a threat for marine life. The same holds for thermal pollution, which is, depending on the recipient area, expected to have only local effects. Sewage sludge dumping and discharge of untreated sewage introduce significant amounts of accompanying heavy metals, which can be expected to have a negative influence on the total metal budget of recipient waters. Nutrient input through sewage will exhibit only local effects. Dumping of wastes from titanium dioxide industry are suspected to be causally linked to the occurrence of increased prevalences of certain diseases of dab in the German Bight. Present management strategies should take account of the fact that through dumping of waste from titanium dioxide production significant quantities of heavy metal are introduced into the southern North Sea. Also the incineration of chemical wastes at sea should be reduced due to uncertainties concerning quantities and toxicity of incineration products and their potential impact on marine life. It is concluded that clear evidence exists for pollution impact in estuarine regions. Most of the major estuaries at the North Sea coast show benthos reductions, which can be related to water quality and it has to be assumed that areas of a sublethal effect are located in the vicinity of those areas of well demonstrated effects. They are of unknown size and attempts have to be undertaken to quantify areas of sublethal impact. The occurrence of fish diseases is interpreted as an expression of degraded water quality. Some of the diseases detected can produce mortality, thereby having an as yet unquantified impact on fish populations. The presence of fish diseases also reduces the marketability of catches. It cannot be excluded that changes in species composition of fish populations in German Wadden Sea areas are related to pollution. Concentrations of organochlorine substances in fishes of the southern North Sea give rise to the concern that their reproductive capability might be impaired. Future work has to be directed to this problem. Impact of pollution on populations of marine organisms has so far not been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Recently, the impact of petroleum pollution on marine plankton has been complemented by a great concern. This review summarizes the reports about toxic effects of oil water accommodated fraction (WAF) on marine phytoplankton, zooplankton and early life stage of animal. For the oil WAF, toxicants are mainly composed of the aromatic hydrocarbons, such as the benzene hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with 2–5 rings. The oil WAF, especially the PAHs, can be accumulated in plankton due to their great lipophilic abilities, and thus elicites various deleterious effects. Toxicological tests show that marine plankton is very sensitive to the petroleum WAF, as the order of median effective/lethal concentration is merely μg/L or mg/L. There are species and developmental stages differences of plankton tolerance to petroleum WAF, and the toxicity of different oil WAF is various. Generally, its toxicity enhances with increasing carbonic chain length and benzene ring number. Many studies on the acute and sub-acute toxic effects of oil WAF have been done, however few researches on its chronic toxic effects has been carried out till now. Besides, most reports focused on the levels from molecule to individual, though very little work of petroleum toxic effects has ever been performed on the marine plankton population or community levels. Therefore, it is necessary to continue these studies in future.  相似文献   

Marine pollution has been studied under the following groupings of effects; harm to living resources, hazards to human health, reduction of amenities and interference with other users of the sea. This paper is concerned mainly with the first two categories and their interrelation. Apart from certain seabirds affected by oil, the major stocks of marine animals show no evidence of reduction by pollution. Pollution effects are generally insignificant in relation to other factors governing reproductive success, survival, growth and population size. Even in the North Sea, which has received a greatly increased pollution load during the last three decades, both total production of fish and catch per unit of effort (a measure of abundance) of cod, haddock and plaice increased during the 20 years 1950--69. Very recent decreases have been due to over-exploitation but, except in certain estuaries and immediate coastal waters, direct damage by pollution to marine populations and ecosystems is not evident. Pollution effects can, however, be detected by chemical analysis. The paper examines human health risks arising in the marine environment, particularly from contaminated seafood, especially in relation to sewage pollution, metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead, synthetic organic substances and oil.  相似文献   

海洋溢油污染不仅关系到天然渔业资源、海鸟等生物、海域环境、海岸线生态的破坏,而且对渔业、捕捞业、旅游业都会造成巨大损失,甚至会直接或间接地危害人类的健康。短期来看,一方面石油、燃料油等进入海洋后,对海洋生物资源造成影响;另一方面会危害附近海区的海洋环境,侵害海洋生物以及海鸟赖以生存和栖息的环境。长期来看,持续的海洋污染会导致的生态环境失衡,海洋的生产力也随之下降。溢油事故中的渔业资源损失评估作为追究污染事故责任,尽快恢复海域资源与环境的重要一环需要不断改进创新。为了定量确定海洋溢油事故发生后渔业资源的损失程度,将传统的评估模式与现代科学技术相结合,通过海洋动力学、流体力学、海洋生物学、环境化学等多个学科交叉融合,将流场风场模型、溢油模型、海域调查监测、卫星遥感技术、毒性效应和渔业资源的损失评估方法相结合,形成一种渔业资源损失评估的数值模拟评估模式,以完善溢油事故中渔业资源损失评估体系。在溢油事故现场监测数据的基础上,运用数学计算理论选择相对应的溢油模型,结合具体溢油事故案例的潮流数据和风场数据,模拟海上溢油污染的时空分布情况。采用卫星遥感技术根据不同油品在海水中不同的亮度表现,处理得到溢油油膜信息,与模拟得到的油膜信息进行比对验证,并对模型进行修正,通过模拟得出污染海域油浓度分布与溢油污染范围信息,结合溢油污染对不同海洋生物的毒性效应,得到渔业资源的损失程度,为溢油事故的渔业资源损失评估提供一种思路,为溢油事故发生后的损失评估和事故处理起到一定的参考辅助作用。  相似文献   

Seafood is a highly traded food commodity. Farmed and captured crustaceans contribute a significant proportion with annual production exceeding 10 M metric tonnes with first sale value of $40bn. The sector is dominated by farmed tropical marine shrimp, the fastest growing sector of the global aquaculture industry. It is significant in supporting rural livelihoods and alleviating poverty in producing nations within Asia and Latin America while forming an increasing contribution to aquatic food supply in more developed countries. Nations with marine borders often also support important marine fisheries for crustaceans that are regionally traded as live animals and commodity products. A general separation of net producing and net consuming nations for crustacean seafood has created a truly globalised food industry. Projections for increasing global demand for seafood in the face of level or declining fisheries requires continued expansion and intensification of aquaculture while ensuring best utilisation of captured stocks. Furthermore, continued pressure from consuming nations to ensure safe products for human consumption are being augmented by additional legislative requirements for animals (and their products) to be of low disease status. As a consequence, increasing emphasis is being placed on enforcement of regulations and better governance of the sector; currently this is a challenge in light of a fragmented industry and less stringent regulations associated with animal disease within producer nations. Current estimates predict that up to 40% of tropical shrimp production (>$3bn) is lost annually, mainly due to viral pathogens for which standard preventative measures (e.g. such as vaccination) are not feasible. In light of this problem, new approaches are urgently required to enhance yield by improving broodstock and larval sourcing, promoting best management practices by farmer outreach and supporting cutting-edge research that aims to harness the natural abilities of invertebrates to mitigate assault from pathogens (e.g. the use of RNA interference therapeutics). In terms of fisheries losses associated with disease, key issues are centred on mortality and quality degradation in the post-capture phase, largely due to poor grading and handling by fishers and the industry chain. Occurrence of disease in wild crustaceans is also widely reported, with some indications that climatic changes may be increasing susceptibility to important pathogens (e.g. the parasite Hematodinium). However, despite improvements in field and laboratory diagnostics, defining population-level effects of disease in these fisheries remains elusive. Coordination of disease specialists with fisheries scientists will be required to understand current and future impacts of existing and emergent diseases on wild stocks. Overall, the increasing demand for crustacean seafood in light of these issues signals a clear warning for the future sustainability of this global industry. The linking together of global experts in the culture, capture and trading of crustaceans with pathologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, therapeutics specialists and policy makers in the field of food security will allow these issues to be better identified and addressed.  相似文献   

Microspectrofluorometric measurements are made to determine uptake and distribution of oil in marine organisms after exposure to crude oil. Equipment combining fluorescence microscopy with spectral analysis of the fluorescence emission is described. After contamination with oil, the intestine content ofLumbricillus lineatus, Nereis diversicolor andAnaitides mucosa shows a fluorescence emission at long wavelengths with a maximum at about 550 nm; this is in contrast to the fluorescence emission of these organisms without oil contamination. There is evidence that aromatic hydrocarbons are metabolized in the intestine of the worms studied.  相似文献   

微生物修复作为一种新型环保的生物修复技术,已成为海洋石油污染生物修复的核心技术。对海洋石油降解微生物的种类即细菌、蓝藻、真菌以及藻类进行了总结,对微生物对石油烃的降解途径与降解机理进行了综述。微生物降解烷烃的过程包括末端氧化、烷基氢过氧化物以及环己烷降解3种形式。微生物对芳香烃的降解是通过芳香烃被氧化酶氧化导致苯环开环来实现的。微生物对多环芳烃的降解是在单加氧酶或双加氧酶的催化作用下被最终降解为二氧化碳和水而被分解。并对影响石油烃降解微生物的因素包括温度、营养物质等因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

Microbial communities in oil-contaminated seawater   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Although diverse bacteria capable of degrading petroleum hydrocarbons have been isolated and characterized, the vast majority of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, including anaerobes, could remain undiscovered, as a large fraction of bacteria inhabiting marine environments are uncultivable. Using culture-independent rRNA approaches, changes in the structure of microbial communities have been analyzed in marine environments contaminated by a real oil spill and in micro- or mesocosms that mimic such environments. Alcanivorax and Cycloclasticus of the gamma-Proteobacteria were identified as two key organisms with major roles in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Alcanivorax is responsible for alkane biodegradation, whereas Cycloclasticus degrades various aromatic hydrocarbons. This information will be useful to develop in situ bioremediation strategies for the clean-up of marine oil spills.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that modifications to the global environment such as ocean acidification and increased ultraviolet radiation may interact with anthropogenic pollutants to adversely affect the future marine environment. Despite this, little is known about the nature of the potential risks posed by such interactions. Here, we performed a multifactorial microcosm experiment to assess the impact of ocean acidification, ultraviolet B (UV‐B) radiation and oil hydrocarbon contamination on sediment chemistry, the microbial community (composition and function) and biochemical marker response of selected indicator species. We found that increased ocean acidification and oil contamination in the absence of UV‐B will significantly alter bacterial composition by, among other things, greatly reducing the relative abundance of Desulfobacterales, known to be important oil hydrocarbon degraders. Along with changes in bacterial composition, we identified concomitant shifts in the composition of oil hydrocarbons in the sediment and an increase in oxidative stress effects on our indicator species. Interestingly, our study identifies UV‐B as a critical component in the interaction between these factors, as its presence alleviates harmful effects caused by the combination of reduced pH and oil pollution. The model system used here shows that the interactive effect of reduced pH and oil contamination can adversely affect the structure and functioning of sediment benthic communities, with the potential to exacerbate the toxicity of oil hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Concerns over fishing impacts on marine populations and ecosystems have intensified the need to improve ocean management. One increasingly popular market-based instrument for ecological stewardship is the use of certification and eco-labeling programs to highlight sustainable fisheries with low environmental impacts. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the most prominent of these programs. Despite widespread discussions about the rigor of the MSC standards, no comprehensive analysis of the performance of MSC-certified fish stocks has yet been conducted. We compared status and abundance trends of 45 certified stocks with those of 179 uncertified stocks, finding that 74% of certified fisheries were above biomass levels that would produce maximum sustainable yield, compared with only 44% of uncertified fisheries. On average, the biomass of certified stocks increased by 46% over the past 10 years, whereas uncertified fisheries increased by just 9%. As part of the MSC process, fisheries initially go through a confidential pre-assessment process. When certified fisheries are compared with those that decline to pursue full certification after pre-assessment, certified stocks had much lower mean exploitation rates (67% of the rate producing maximum sustainable yield vs. 92% for those declining to pursue certification), allowing for more sustainable harvesting and in many cases biomass rebuilding. From a consumer's point of view this means that MSC-certified seafood is 3-5 times less likely to be subject to harmful fishing than uncertified seafood. Thus, MSC-certification accurately identifies healthy fish stocks and conveys reliable information on stock status to seafood consumers.  相似文献   

Over the past five or six decades, contamination and pollution of the world’s enclosed seas, coastal waters and the wider open oceans by plastics and other synthetic, non-biodegradable materials (generally known as ‘marine debris’) has been an ever-increasing phenomenon. The sources of these polluting materials are both land- and marine-based, their origins may be local or distant, and the environmental consequences are many and varied. The more widely recognized problems are typically associated with entanglement, ingestion, suffocation and general debilitation, and are often related to stranding events and public perception. Among the less frequently recognized and recorded problems are global hazards to shipping, fisheries and other maritime activities. Today, there are rapidly developing research interests in the biota attracted to freely floating (i.e. pelagic) marine debris, commonly known as ‘hangers-on and hitch-hikers’ as well as material sinking to the sea floor despite being buoyant. Dispersal of aggressive alien and invasive species by these mechanisms leads one to reflect on the possibilities that ensuing invasions could endanger sensitive, or at-risk coastal environments (both marine and terrestrial) far from their native habitats.  相似文献   

Arsenosugars are water-soluble arsenic species predominant in marine algae and other seafood including mussels and oysters. They typically occur at levels ranging from 2 to 50 mg arsenic/kg dry weight. Most of the arsenosugars contain arsenic as a dimethylarsinoyl group (Me2As(O)-), commonly referred to as the oxo forms, but thio analogues have also been identified in marine organisms and as metabolic products of oxo-arsenosugars. So far, no data regarding toxicity and toxicokinetics of thio-arsenosugars are available. This in vitro-based study indicates that thio-dimethylarsenosugar-glycerol exerts neither pronounced cytotoxicity nor genotoxicity even though this arsenical was bioavailable to human hepatic (HepG2) and urothelial (UROtsa) cells. Experiments with the Caco-2 intestinal barrier model mimicking human absorption indicate for the thio-arsenosugar-glycerol higher intestinal bioavailability as compared to the oxo-arsenosugars. Nevertheless, absorption estimates were much lower in comparison to other arsenicals including arsenite and arsenic-containing hydrocarbons. Arsenic speciation in cell lysates revealed that HepG2 cells are able to metabolise the thio-arsenosugar-glycerol to some extent to dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). These first in vitro data cannot fully exclude risks to human health related to the presence of thio-arsenosugars in food.  相似文献   

Marine environments accommodating diverse assortments of life constitute a great pool of differentiated natural resources. The cumulative need to remedy unpropitious effects of anthropogenic activities on estuaries and coastal marine ecosystems has propelled the development of effective bioremediation strategies. Marine bacteria producing biosurfactants are promising agents for bio-remediating oil pollution in marine environments, making them prospective candidates for enhancing oil recovery. Molecular omics technologies are considered an emerging field of research in ecological and diversity assessment owing to their utility in environmental surveillance and bioremediation of polluted sites. A thorough literature review was undertaken to understand the applicability of different omic techniques used for bioremediation assessment using marine bacteria. This review further establishes that for bioremediation of environmental pollutants (i.e. heavy metals, hydrocarbons, xenobiotic and numerous recalcitrant compounds), organisms isolated from marine environments can be better used for their removal. The literature survey shows that omics approaches can provide exemplary knowledge about microbial communities and their role in the bioremediation of environmental pollutants. This review centres on applications of marine bacteria in enhanced bioremediation, using the omics approaches that can be a vital biological contrivance in environmental monitoring to tackle environmental degradation. The paper aims to identify the gaps in investigations involving marine bacteria to help researchers, ecologists and decision-makers to develop a holistic understanding regarding their utility in bioremediation assessment.  相似文献   

Petroleum (or crude oil) is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. Annually, millions of tons of crude petroleum oil enter the marine environment from either natural or anthropogenic sources. Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (HDB) are able to assimilate and metabolize hydrocarbons present in petroleum. Crude oil pollution constitutes a temporary condition of carbon excess coupled to a limited availability of nitrogen that prompts marine oil-degrading bacteria to accumulate storage compounds. Storage lipid compounds such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), triacylglycerols (TAGs), or wax esters (WEs) constitute the main accumulated lipophilic substances by bacteria under such unbalanced growth conditions. The importance of these compounds as end-products or precursors to produce interesting biotechnologically relevant chemicals has already been recognized. In this review, we analyze the occurrence and accumulation of lipid storage in marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria. We further discuss briefly the production and export of lipophilic compounds by bacteria belonging to the Alcanivorax genus, which became a model strain of an unusual group of obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (OHCB) and discuss the possibility to produce neutral lipids using A. borkumensis SK2.  相似文献   

Thousands of man-made synthetic chemicals are released to oceans and compose the anthropogenic dissolved organic carbon (ADOC). Little is known about the effects of this chronic pollution on marine microbiome activities. In this study, we measured the pollution level at three sites in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific Ocean (NESAP) and investigated how mixtures of three model families of ADOC at different environmentally relevant concentrations affected naturally occurring marine bacterioplankton communities' structure and metabolic functioning. The offshore northernmost site (North) had the lowest concentrations of hydrocarbons, as well as organophosphate ester plasticizers, contrasting with the two other continental shelf sites, the southern coastal site (South) being the most contaminated. At North, ADOC stimulated bacterial growth and promoted an increase in the contribution of some Gammaproteobacteria groups (e.g. Alteromonadales) to the 16 rRNA pool. These groups are described as fast responders after oil spills. In contrast, minor changes in South microbiome activities were observed. Gene expression profiles at Central showed the coexistence of ADOC degradation and stress-response strategies to cope with ADOC toxicities. These results show that marine microbial communities at three distinct domains in NESAP are influenced by background concentrations of ADOC, expanding previous assessments for polar and temperate waters.  相似文献   

Major sources of arsenic exposure for humans are foods, particularly aquatic organisms, which are called seafood in this report. Although seafood contains a variety of arsenicals, including inorganic arsenic, which is toxic and carcinogenic, and arsenobetaine, which is considered nontoxic, the arsenic content of seafood commonly is reported only as total arsenic. A goal of this literature survey is to determine if generalizable values can be derived for the percentage of total arsenic in seafood that is inorganic arsenic. Generalizable values for percent inorganic arsenic are needed for use as default values in U.S. human health risk assessments of seafood from arsenic-contaminated sites. Data from the worldwide literature indicate the percent of inorganic arsenic in marine/estuarine finfish does not exceed 7.3% and in shellfish can reach 25% in organisms from presumably uncontaminated areas, with few data available for freshwater organisms. However, percentages can be much higher in organisms from contaminated areas and in seaweed. U.S. site-specific data for marine/estuarine finfish and shellfish are similar to the worldwide data, and for freshwater finfish indicate that the average percent inorganic arsenic is generally < 10%, but ranges up to nearly 30%. Derivation of nationwide defaults for percent inorganic arsenic in fish, shellfish, and seaweed collected from arsenic-contaminated areas in the United States is not supported by the surveyed literature.  相似文献   

An appreciation of the potential applications of molecular biology is of growing importance in many areas of life sciences, including marine biology. During the past two decades, the development of sophisticated molecular technologies and instruments for biomedical research has resulted in significant advances in the biological sciences. However, the value of molecular techniques for addressing problems in marine biology has only recently begun to be cherished. It has been proven that the exploitation of molecular biological techniques will allow difficult research questions about marine organisms and ocean processes to be addressed. Marine molecular biology is a discipline, which strives to define and solve the problems regarding the sustainable exploration of marine life for human health and welfare, through the cooperation between scientists working in marine biology, molecular biology, microbiology and chemistry disciplines. Several success stories of the applications of molecular techniques in the field of marine biology are guiding further research in this area. In this review different molecular techniques are discussed, which have application in marine microbiology, marine invertebrate biology, marine ecology, marine natural products, material sciences, fisheries, conservation and bio-invasion etc. In summary, if marine biologists and molecular biologists continue to work towards strong partnership during the next decade and recognize intellectual and technological advantages and benefits of such partnership, an exciting new frontier of marine molecular biology will emerge in the future.  相似文献   

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