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Numerous studies have shown that the antigenic determinants of the ABO blood group system are closely related in biochemical terms to the antigenic determinants of the Hh, P, Lewis and Ii blood group systems. The blood group antigens of each of these systems are formed by the addition of specific sugars to an oligosaccharide precursor chain which may be bound through sphingosine to fatty acids (glycolipid) or through serine or threonine to a peptide chain (glycoproteins). The direct gene products of each of these blood group systems are the glycosyltransferase enzymes which catalyse the addition of the specific sugar thus conferring the specified blood group activity to the glycolipid or glycoprotein molecule. The antigenic determinants of the ABO and Lewis systems in addition to red cells also exist in the body secretions in soluble form when the relevant genes are expressed in the phenotype. The antigens expressed on both the red cells and in the secretions are determined by the interaction of Hh, Sese, ABO and Lele genes.  相似文献   

Abstract The postulated role of infectious agents, genetic susceptibility of the host to infection and their interaction in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis, other spondyloarthropathies, and the associated primary (non-arthritic) diseases are reviewed.
Compared with a local control population there is a significantly increased prevalence of non-secretors amongst different groups of patients with spondyloarthropathy: ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis and psoriatic arthropathy. No differences between secretor and non-secretor patients with respect to serum and salivary IgA levels, the occurrence of eye lesions or peripheral joint disease have been found. There is no evidence that ankylosing spondylitis or other spondyloarthropathies are associated with any particular ABO blood group.
The association between non-secretion and ankylosing spondylitis strengthens the hypothesis that ankylosing spondylitis has an infective aetiology. It also suggests several pathogenetic mechanisms which may be relevant to the initial host-parasite interactions in the spondyloarthropathies.  相似文献   

The ABO histo-blood group system is one of the most clinically important antigen families. As part of our overall goal to prepare the entire set of the A, B and H type I-VI antigens for a range of biochemical investigations, we report herein the synthesis of the type I and II antigens with a 7-octen-1-yl aglycone. This linker was chosen to facilitate not only the future conjugation of the antigens to a protein or solid support but also the synthesis of the H type I and II octyl glycosides for enzyme kinetic studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We investigated the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in a large group of women to determine whether there was an association of current infection status with Lewis blood group antigen A and B phenotype. METHODS: Between November 2000 and November 2001, mothers were recruited after delivery of their offspring at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. The H. pylori infection status of the women was determined by 13C urea breath test. Their Lewis A and Lewis B phenotype was determined using standard laboratory techniques. RESULTS: In total, 22.2% of the 712 women included in the study (mean age 30.7 years) had a current H. pylori infection. The prevalence of infection varied from 15.5% in women of German nationality to 75.0% in women of Turkish nationality (p < .001). Most women (68.1%) had a Le(a-b+) phenotype. The prevalence of H. pylori infection in women with Le(a-b+) phenotypes was lower than in other women (p = .02). In multivariate analysis, the odds ratio (OR) for a current H. pylori infection given Le(a-b+) was 0.56 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.33-0.95] compared to women with Le(a-b-). CONCLUSION: Le(a-b+) blood group phenotype in combination with secretor status may hinder colonization of H. pylori in the population studied.  相似文献   

The ABO blood-group polymorphism is still the most clinically important system in blood transfusion practice. The groups were discovered in 1900 and the genes at the ABO locus were cloned nearly a century later in 1990. To enable this goal to be reached intensive studies were carried out in the intervening years on the serology, genetics, inheritance and biochemistry of the antigens belonging to this system. This article describes biochemical genetic investigations on ABO and the related Lewis antigens starting from the time in the 1940s when serological and classical genetical studies had established the immunological basis and mode of inheritance of the antigens but practically nothing was known about their chemical structure. Essential steps were the definition of H as the product of a genetic system Hh independent of ABO, and the establishment of the precursor–product relationship of H to A and B antigens. Indirect methods gave first indications that the specificity of antigens resided in carbohydrate and revealed the immunodominant sugars in the antigenic structures. Subsequently chemical fragmentation procedures enabled the complete determinant structures to be established. Degradation experiments with glycosidases revealed how loss of one specificity by the removal of a single sugar unit exposed a new specificity and suggested that biosynthesis proceeded by a reversal of this process whereby the oligosaccharide structures were built up by the sequential addition of sugar units. Hence, the primary blood-group gene products were predicted to be glycosyltransferase enzymes that added the last sugar to complete the determinant structures. Identification of these enzymes gave new genetic markers and eventually purification of the blood-group A-gene encoded N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase gave a probe for cloning the ABO locus. Blood-group ABO genotyping by DNA methods has now become a practical possibility.  相似文献   

Abstract In a study of 718 women referred for specialist investigation for recurrent urinary tract infections, 250 (34.8%, P <0.01) were non-secretors. The proportion of non-secretors among the women with renal scars (42.6%) was higher than that found for women with no evidence of renal scars (36.6%). Among 29 patients in whom symptoms began in childhood or adolescence, 51.7% were non-secretors. The proportion of non-secretors among individuals with renal scars in this study (42.6%) and that reported in the accompanying paper for Swedish children (40%) suggests that non-secretion might influence the pathogenic sequelae of these infections. Possible host-parasite interactions underlaying the increased proportion of non-secretors among women with recurrent urinary tract infections and those leading to development of renal scars are discussed.  相似文献   

The accuracy of regular serum methods to detect ABO blood groups can be negatively affected by some factors, such as irregular antibodies, autoantibodies or effects of diseases leading to false or weak agglutination. This study aimed to accurately identify ambiguous ABO blood groups by serological and gene detection methods. The samples were collected in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from December 2018 to December 2019. ABO genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP) method in 20 samples, and ABO exons 6 and 7 or FUT1 and FUT2 genes were sequenced in 5 samples. The genes detected in the 21 specimens included 4 cases of A/B, 2 cases of A205/O01, 3 cases of A/O01, 3 cases of A/O02, 1 case of O01/O01, 1 case of O01/O02, 1 case of B/O01, 1 case of B/O02, 1 case of Bel/O01, 1 case of Cisab01/O01, 1 case of rare B/O04, 1 case of Bombay-like Bmh, 1 case of new gene showing c.261del G of exon 6, c.579 T>C of exon 7 and B new/O01. This study suggests that ABO blood group genotyping technology combined with serological typing can be used for accurately typing ambiguous blood groups.  相似文献   

The serological examination, blood transfusion strategies and the molecular analysis to blood group chimera were conducted to demonstrate existent of chimera in blood group. The blood grouping of ABO or/and RhD, newborn red blood cells separated by capillary centrifugation. Aabsorption tests and DTT treated agglutination erythrocyte tests were implemented in four patients. Further molecular biological research was conducted on one patient''s sample. The results showed that for patient 1: ABO blood group was AB/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhCE chimera gene; Patient 2: Rh blood cells contained the RhD chimera gene; Patient 3: ABO blood group was AB/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhD chimera gene; Patient 4: ABO blood group was O/B chimera, Rh blood cells contained the RhCE chimera gene. The study suggests that the individuals categorized as chimeras are likely to be more common than existing literature reports. According to the serological tests, in the absence of a history of recent blood transfusion or disease to cause reduced antigen, the phenomena of hybrid aggregation of the ABO and Rh blood system were the main feature. In terms of transfusion strategy, the selection of ABO and Rh blood groups should be depended on the group of cells with more antigens.  相似文献   

The ABO histo-blood group antigens are best known for their important roles in solid organ and bone marrow transplantation as well as transfusion medicine. Here we report the synthesis of the ABO type III and IV antigens with a 7-octen-1-yl aglycone. Also described is an NMR study of the ABO type I to VI antigens, which were carried out to probe differences in overall conformation of the molecules. These NMR investigations showed very little difference in the 1H chemical shifts, as well as 1H–1H coupling constants, across all compounds, suggesting that these ABO subtypes adopt nearly identical conformations in solution.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugates of the GI tract are important for microbial interactions. The expression of histo-blood group glycosyltransferases governs both the expression of blood group determinants and in part the structure and size of the glycoconjugates. Using neutral glycolipids isolated from the small intestine of a rare blood group O Le(a-b-) ABH secretor-negative (nonsecretor) individual we were able to map the "default" pathway of the individual lacking ABO, Lewis, and secretor glycosyltransferases. Structures were deduced with combined analysis of mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF and ESI-MS/MS), and 1H NMR (500 and 600 MHz). All structures present at a level >5% were structurally resolved and included two extended structures: Galbeta4(Fucalpha3)GlcNAcbeta3(Galbeta4[Fucalpha3]GlcNAcbeta6)Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer and Galbeta3GlcNAcbeta3(Galbeta4[Fucalpha3]GlcNAcbeta6)Galbeta3GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer. The first, a novel component, is based on a type 2 chain and bears the Lex glycotopes on both its branches. The second, a major component, is based on a type 1 chain, which bears a 3-linked type 1 precursor (Lec) glycotope and a 6-linked Lex glycotope on its branches. This latter structure is identical to that previously isolated from plasma and characterized by MS and GC-MS but not by NMR. Structural resolution of these structures was supported by reanalysis of the blood group H-active decaosylceramides previously isolated from rat small intestine. Other minor linear monofucosylated penta-, hepta-, and difucosylated octaosylceramides, some bearing blood group determinants, were also identified. The cumulative data were used to define a default biosynthesis pathway where it can be seen that carbohydrate chain extension, in the absence of blood group glycosyltransferases, is controlled and regulated by non-blood group fucosylation and branching with type 2 Galbeta4GlcNAc branches.  相似文献   

Class IIa bacteriocins: biosynthesis, structure and activity   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
In the last decade, a variety of ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides or bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria have been identified and characterized. As a result of these studies, insight has been gained into fundamental aspects of biology and biochemistry such as producer self protection, membrane-protein interactions, and protein modification and secretion. Moreover, it has become evident that these peptides may be developed into useful antimicrobial additives. Class IIa bacteriocins can be considered as the major subgroup of bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria, not only because of their large number, but also because of their activities and potential applications. They have first attracted particular attention as listericidal compounds and are now believed to be the next in line if more bacteriocins are to be approved in the future. The present review attempts to provide an insight into general knowledge available for class IIa bacteriocins and discusses common features and recent findings concerning these substances.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to confirm the concordance between the ABO phenotype and genotype in 34 patients undergoing renal transplant before 2010 in Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. The ABO genotyping kit and column agglutination test (CAT) were used to examine the ABO type, and ABO subgroup was checked by sequence analysis of ABO exons 6 and 7. We found that the genotypes of serological A, AB, O, and B patients were A1A1 in 3 patients and A1O1 in 5 patients, A1B, O1O2 in 1 patient and O1O1 in 11 patients, and BB in 6 patients and BO1 in 6 patients, respectively. However, one patient, who was originally reported as serological B in the 2010 medical record and CAT showed Asub B in 2016 and sequence analysis of ABO exons 6 and 7 demonstrated B(A)04/O1.[not clear] The ABO column agglutination testing combined with genotyping may provide additional value in pre-renal transplantation laboratory examinations, and it may be safe to transplant a B/O1 kidney to a B(A)04/O1 recipient since the transplantation has been success for 6 years.  相似文献   

The Lewisb blood group antigen has been implicated as a putative receptor for Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa. Furthermore, an increased prevalence of duodenal ulcer was found in non-secretors and it has been suggested that secretor status may influence bacterial colonisation density. Other investigators have hypothesised that severity of antral gastritis may be related to colonisation density of the bacterium alone, and that a critical bacterial load is necessary for the development of duodenal ulcer. Our objectives were to investigate whether a relationship existed between host Lewis and ABO blood group phenotype and prevalence of H. pylori infection. In addition we investigated whether bacterial colonisation density and the ensuing inflammatory response was influenced by secretor status and ABO blood group phenotype. The Lewis and ABO blood group phenotype of 207 patients undergoing upper endoscopy was determined. Of these, 136 were secretors and 62 were non-secretors. Forty-five percent of patients were infected with H. pylori. No significant association was found between H. pylori infection and expression of Lewisa or Lewisb blood group antigen. The mean histological density of H. pylori was 1.8±0.2 among non-secretors and 1.51±0.13 among secretors (P=0.209), with a mean grade of lymphocytic infiltration significantly greater in H. pylori-infected non-secretors (2.23±0.123 vs 1.8±0.074; P=0.003). In addition, blood group O non-secretors had a significantly higher grade of lymphocyte infiltration of their gastric mucosa compared to non-O non-secretors (2.53±0.133 vs 1.93±0.181, P=0.027). These results suggest that although no in vivo relationship exists between H. pylori and preferential adhesion to the putative Lewisb receptor, bacterial colonisation and the ensuing inflammatory response may be influenced at least in part by host expression of ABO and Lewisa blood group antigens.  相似文献   

The majority of Native Americans nearly exclusively belong to group O of the ABO blood group system. Several hypotheses have been formulated to explain this observation, primarily differing by the presumption that the observed patterns of ABO diversity are due to the processes of the initial peopling of the Americas or due to subsequent events, especially the demographic consequences in the wake of European contact. A promising strategy to reveal possible diachronic ABO frequency changes is the molecular genetic analysis of relevant genetic markers in precontact populations. A previous study by Halverson and Bolnick [Am J Phys Anthropol 137 (2008) 342‐347] already accomplished this for indigenous North American populations. Here we present the first study to analyze ABO blood types from pre‐Columbian individuals from South America using molecular genetic methods and comparing them to several extant South American, North American, and Siberian populations. We tried to determine ABO blood types for 59 individuals from the southern Peruvian highlands dating to ~650 to 1250 AD using a newly developed multiplex PCR/SBE assay coamplifying the fragments relevant for blood type determination and three highly discriminating autosomal STRs. Analysis was successful for 31 individuals and revealed that all are exclusively in the O group, predominantly carrying the O02 (01v) allele. No significant difference could be observed between the ancient and modern Native American populations, while all significantly differed from the extant Siberian populations, supporting the suggestion that low ABO diversity results from founder effects during the initial peopling of the Americas. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:242–249, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Following the discovery of ABO blood group over 100 years ago, a variety of studies sought to determine whether different disease states are influenced by ABO inheritance. As oligosaccharide antigens, ABO blood group antigens are widely expressed on the membrane of red blood cells and tissue cells, as well as in the saliva and body fluid. It is by far the most important blood group system in human immunohematology and transfusion medicine. While, other than determining blood group phenotype, accumulating evidence indicates that ABO blood group is implicated in the development of a number of human diseases. This review mainly focuses on the association between ABO blood group and cardiovascular system risk, corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), affective disorders, allergic diseases, as well as cancers.  相似文献   

Lewis antigens belong to the blood group of antigens and mediate cellular adhesion through interaction with selectins. Invasive trophoblasts use an array of adhesion molecules to facilitate cell–cell and cell–extracellular matrix interactions. Here, we examined immunohistochemically the expression of Sialyl Lewis a (sLea), Sialyl Lewis x (sLex) and Lewis y (Ley) in term placentas obtained from cases of normal, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), preeclamptic (PE) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome (HELLP) pregnancies. We report the expression of sLex in third trimester extravillous trophoblasts (EVT). sLex was significantly decreased in IUGR and moderately decreased in PE compared to normal placentas. sLex was additionally found in syncytiotrophoblast, without however any significant differences in staining intensity between normal and pathological cases. sLea was restricted to amnion epithelium. Finally, Ley was expressed in cytotrophoblasts and villous endothelial cells. Ley expression was significantly upregulated in IUGR and HELLP, whereas there was a trend toward increase in PE compared to normal placentas. The present study suggests that downregulation of sLex in EVT might be associated with IUGR and PE. Furthermore, Ley, which was recently described as a potent angiogenic factor, is upregulated in placental villi in conditions associated with placental malperfusion. U. Jeschke and A. Makrigiannakis have contributed equally.  相似文献   

The selection and use of animals with blood group 0 in the process of transplanting pig organs or tissues into humans can positively contribute to the control of acute immune rejection due to differences in blood groups. Exon-specific PCRs for the porcine blood group A transferase gene against genomic DNA from either blood group A or 0 animals resulted in the amplification failure of the A0 blood group gene exon 8 from blood group 0 animals. To characterize the genetic abnormality in the genome of blood group 0 animals, we screened bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from a Korean native pig BAC library which had the blood group 0 allele, and carried out shotgun sequencing. The analysis showed that the 0 allele has a large deletion between exon 7 of the A0 blood group gene and the neighbouring SURF6. We also showed that the ABO blood group antigens in humans and the A0 blood group antigens in pigs are coded by mutations within the orthologous glycosyltransferase gene. In addition, we developed a multiplex genotyping method for the porcine A0 blood group gene.  相似文献   

Sex ratio of 17,273 blood donors born during the period between 1925 and 1935 was examined according to their month of birth and ABO blood groups in comparison with 5,810 healthy non-blood donors born in the 1900s to 1930s. The sex ratio of the blood donors and the non-blood donors varied similarly according to their month of birth with a prominent peak in summer births and a trough in winter births. This birth season with a high sex ratio was different from that of the general births during the period between 1921 and 1935, in which a maximum sex ratio was found in November. A possible explanation for the difference is the different rate of male and female infant deaths according to birth month. Variation of the sex ratio according to season of birth was not similar among the four ABO blood groups. Sex ratio of the donors with blood group B showed no elevation among the summer births. Non-blood donors with blood group B, on the contrary, showed a higher sex ratio than the others in the summer births. This difference can not be explained by infant or juvenile deaths. A possibility is that a tendency to become a blood donor is modified by the season of one's birth differently according to gender and ABO blood groups.  相似文献   

Upreti RK  Kumar M  Shankar V 《Proteomics》2003,3(4):363-379
Although widely distributed in eukaryotic cells glycoproteins appear to be rare in prokaryotic organisms. The prevalence of the misconception that bacteria do not glycosylate their proteins has been a subject matter of discussion for a long time. Glycoconjugates that are linked to proteins or peptides, generated by the ribosomal translational mechanism have been reported only in the last two to three decades in a few prokaryotic organisms. Most studied prokaryotic glycoproteins are the S-layer glycoproteins of Archeabacteria. Apart from these, membrane-associated, surface-associated, secreted glycoproteins and exoenzymes glycoproteins are also well documented in both, Archea and Eubacteria. From the recent literature, it is now clear that prokaryotes are capable of glycosylating proteins. In general, prokaryotes are deprived of the cellular organelles required for glycosylation. In prokaryotes many different glycoprotein structures have been observed that display much more variation than that observed in eukaryotes. Besides following similar mechanisms in the process of glycosylation, prokaryotes have also been shown to use mechanisms that are different from those found in eukaryotes. The knowledge pertaining to the functional aspects of prokaryotic glycoproteins is rather scarce. This review summarizes developments and understanding relating to characteristics, synthesis, and functions of prokaryotic glycoproteins. An extensive summary of glycosylation that has been reported to occur in bacteria has also been tabulated. Various possible applications of these diverse biomolecules in biotechnology, vaccine development, pharmaceutics and diagnostics are also touched upon.  相似文献   

The sialylated carbohydrate antigens, sialyl-Lewisx and sialyl-Lewisa, are expressed in pancreatic tumour cells and are related to their metastatic potential. While the action of the fucosyltransferases involved in the synthesis of these antigens has already been investigated, no studies have been carried out on the activity and expression of the α 2,3-sialyltransferases in pancreatic tumour cells. We describe the sialyltransferase (ST) activity, mRNA expression, and analysis of the cell carbohydrate structures in four human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines of a wide range of neoplastic differentiation stages and in normal human pancreatic tissues. Total ST activity measured on asialofetuin, employing a CMP fluorescent sialic acid, varied among the pancreatic cell lines and could be correlated to the expression of their cell surface antigens. However, in some of the pancreatic cell lines, no relationship could be established with their ST3Gal III and IV mRNA expression. Human pancreatic tissues also showed ST expression and activity. However, it presented a much higher expression of neutral fucosylated structures than sialylated structures. In conclusion, ST activity levels in pancreatic cells could be correlated to their expression of sialylated epitopes, which indicates their involvement in the formation of the sialyl-Lewis antigens, in addition to fucosyltransferase activities. Published in 2005.  相似文献   

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