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Background: The accurate duplication and packaging of the genome is an absolute prerequisite to the segregation of chromosomes in mitosis. To understand the process of cell-cycle chromosome dynamics further, we have performed the first detailed characterization of a mutation affecting mitotic chromosome condensation in a metazoan. Our combined genetic and cytological approaches in Drosophila complement and extend existing work employing yeast genetics and Xenopus in vitro extract systems to characterize higher-order chromosome structure and function.Results: Two alleles of the ORC2 gene were found to cause death late in larval development, with defects in cell-cycle progression (delays in S-phase entry and metaphase exit) and chromosome condensation in mitosis. During S-phase progression in wild-type cells, euchromatin replicates early and heterochromatin replicates late. Both alleles disrupted the normal pattern of chromosomal replication, with some euchromatic regions replicating even later than heterochromatin. Mitotic chromosomes were irregularly condensed, with the abnormally late replicating regions of euchromatin exhibiting the greatest problems in mitotic condensation.Conclusions: The results not only reveal novel functions for ORC2 in chromosome architecture in metazoans, they also suggest that the correct timing of DNA replication may be essential for the assembly of chromatin that is fully competent to undergo mitotic condensation.  相似文献   

A Drosophila gene encoding a protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) has been sequenced, and lethal mutations in this locus (87B) analysed. Two mutants (ck19e211 and ck19hs46), which disrupt mitosis, lack the 87B isoenzyme and express only approximately 20% of wild type PP1 activity. The promoter region of the gene is deleted in the ck19e211 mutant. A third mutant (ck19e078), which shows suppression of position effect variegation, but has little effect on mitosis, possesses approximately 35% of wild type PP1 activity. The results indicate that the PP1 87B isoenzyme is involved in regulation of chromosome condensation at interphase as well as mitosis.  相似文献   

Calvi BR  Byrnes BA  Kolpakas AJ 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1291-1301
There is much interest in how DNA replication origins are regulated so that the genome is completely duplicated each cell division cycle and in how the division of cells is spatially and temporally integrated with development. In the Drosophila melanogaster ovary, the cell cycle of somatic follicle cells is modified at precise times in oogenesis. Follicle cells first proliferate via a canonical mitotic division cycle and then enter an endocycle, resulting in their polyploidization. They subsequently enter a specialized amplification phase during which only a few, select origins repeatedly initiate DNA replication, resulting in gene copy number increases at several loci important for eggshell synthesis. Here we investigate the importance of these modified cell cycles for oogenesis by determining whether they have been conserved in evolution. We find that their developmental timing has been strictly conserved among Drosophila species that have been separate for approximately 40 million years of evolution and provide evidence that additional gene loci may be amplified in some species. Further, we find that the acetylation of nucleosomes and Orc2 protein binding at active amplification origins is conserved. Conservation of DNA subsequences within amplification origins from the 12 recently sequenced Drosophila species genomes implicates members of a Myb protein complex in recruiting acetylases to the origin. Our findings suggest that conserved developmental mechanisms integrate egg chamber morphogenesis with cell cycle modifications and the epigenetic regulation of origins.  相似文献   

At metaphase, DNA in a human chromosome is estimated to be compacted at least 10,000 fold in length. However, the higher order mechanisms by which the chromosomes are organized in interphase and subsequently further condensed in mitosis have largely remained elusive. One generally overlooked participant in chromosome condensation is DNA replication. Many early studies of eukaryotic chromosome organization and cell fusions have suggested that DNA replication plays a role in chromosome compaction. Recent phenotypic analysis of Drosophila DNA replication mutants has revitalized this old idea. In this review, the role of DNA replication in chromosome condensation will be examined.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant, designated ts85, was isolated from a mouse mammary carcinoma cell line, FM3A. The ts85 cells grew at 33 °C (permissive temperature) with a doubling time of 18 h, which was almost the same as with wild-type cells, whereas the cell number scarcely increased at all at 39 °C (non-permissive temperature). When the ts85 cells were shifted from 33 to 39 °C, their DNA synthesis fell to below 1% of the initial value in 14 h. RNA or protein synthesis, however, was maintained at the initial levels for at least 14 h at 39 °C. Cytofluorometric analysis of asynchronous cultures and studies with synchronous cultures suggested that the bulk of the cells cultured at 39 °C for 12–18 h were arrested in late S and G2 phases. Electron microscopic observations revealed that chromatin was abnormally condensed into fragmented and compact forms, particularly around nucleoli, in about 80% of cells of an asynchronous culture incubated at 39 °C for 16 h. Cells in mitosis were not detected in such cultures and nuclear membrane and nucleoli were still intact. Such abnormal chromosome condensation was not observed in the ts85 cells at 33 °C or in wild-type cells at either temperature. Since these findings suggest that a ts gene product of ts85 cells is necessary for chromosome condensation, ts85 cells may represent a useful tool for establishing the mechanisms of chromosome condensation. The interrelationship between abnormal chromosome condensation and reduction in DNA synthesis of the ts85 cells is discussed.  相似文献   

ORC binding to TRF2 stimulates OriP replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In higher eukaryotes, the origin recognition complex (ORC) lacks sequence-specific DNA binding, and it remains unclear what other factors specify an origin of DNA replication. The Epstein-Barr virus origin of plasmid replication (OriP) recruits ORC, but the precise mechanism of ORC recruitment and origin activation is not clear. We now show that ORC is recruited selectively to the dyad symmetry (DS) region of OriP as a consequence of direct interactions with telomere repeat factor 2 (TRF2) and ORC1. TRF-binding sites within DS stimulate replication initiation and facilitate ORC recruitment in vitro and in vivo. TRF2, but not TRF1 or hRap1, recruits ORC from nuclear extracts. The amino-terminal domain of TRF2 associated with a specific region of ORC1 and was necessary for stimulation of DNA replication. These results support a model in which TRF2 stimulates OriP replication activity by direct binding with ORC subunits.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activities present in flies of six mutant strains of the dunce gene and in the parent wild-type strains are characterized. All of the mutants exhibit aberrant cyclic AMP metabolism. The mutant strains dunceM14, dunceM11, and dunceML appear to be amorphic, because they completely lack the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase normally present in adult flies. These strains exhibit extremely high levels of cAMP. The mutant strains dunce1, dunce2, and dunceCK are hypomorphic and exhibit reduced levels of the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase. These strains exhibit less marked increases in cAMP content compared with the three amorphic strains. The dunce2 strain possesses a residual enzyme activity that exhibits anomalous kinetics compared with those of the normal enzyme. The possibility that the dunce locus is the structural gene for the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase is discussed.  相似文献   

In mammals, dosage compensation is achieved by X chromosome inactivation in female cells. Xist is required and sufficient for X inactivation, and Xist gene deletions result in completely skewed X inactivation. In this work, we analyzed skewing of X inactivation in mice with an Xist deletion encompassing sequence 5 KB upstream of the promoter through exon 3. We found that this mutation results in primary nonrandom X inactivation in which the wild-type X chromosome is always chosen for inactivation. To understand the molecular mechanisms that affect choice, we analyzed the role of replication timing in X inactivation choice. We found that the two Xist alleles and all regions tested on the X chromosome replicate asynchronously before the start of X inactivation. However, analysis of replication timing in cell lines with skewed X inactivation showed no preference for one of the two Xist alleles to replicate early in S-phase before the onset of X inactivation, indicating that asynchronous replication timing does not play a role in skewing of X inactivation.  相似文献   

IHF (integration host factor) mutants exhibit asynchronous initiation of chromosome replication from oriC as determined from flow cytometric analysis of cultures where RNA synthesis was inhibited with rifampicin. However, the run-out kinetics of chromosome replication in ihf mutants shows that they continue to produce oriCs for some time in the absence of RNA synthesis resulting in a twofold increase in the oriC per mass ratio. An ihf dnaA double mutant did not exhibit this continued increase of the oriC per mass ratio. This indicates that ihf mutants can initiate replication from oriC in a rifampicin-resistant initiation mode but requires fully functional DnaA protein. The origin per mass ratio, determined by a quantitative Southern blotting technique, showed that the ihf mutants had an origin per mass ratio that was 60% of the wild type although it had a normal DnaA protein concentration. This shows that the initiation mass was substantially higher in the ihf mutants. The oriC per terminus ratio, which was also determined by Southern blotting, was very low in the ihf mutant, although it grew with the same doubling times as the wild-type strain. This indicates that cells lacking IHF replicate their chromosome(s) very fast.  相似文献   

Vasa (Vas) is a conserved DEAD-box RNA helicase expressed in germline cells that localizes to a characteristic perinuclear structure called nuage. Previous studies have shown that Vas has diverse functions, with roles in regulating mRNA translation, germline differentiation, pole plasm assembly, and piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA)-mediated transposon silencing. Although vas has also been implicated in the regulation of germline proliferation in Drosophila and mice, little is known about whether Vas plays a role during the mitotic cell cycle. Here, we report a translation-independent function of vas in regulating mitotic chromosome condensation in the Drosophila germline. During mitosis, Vas facilitates robust chromosomal localization of the condensin I components Barren (Barr) and CAP-D2. Vas specifically associates with Barr and CAP-D2, but not with CAP-D3 (a condensin II component). The mitotic function of Vas is mediated by the formation of perichromosomal Vas bodies during mitosis, which requires the piRNA pathway components aubergine and spindle-E. Our results suggest that Vas functions during mitosis and may link the piRNA pathway to mitotic chromosome condensation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Two fission yeast temperature-sensitive mutants, cut6 and lsd1, show a defect in nuclear division. The daughter nuclei differ dramatically in size (the phenotype designated lsd, large and small daughter). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that sister chromatids were separated in the lsd cells, but appeared highly compact in one of the two daughter nuclei. EM showed asymmetric nuclear elongation followed by unequal separation of nonchromosomal nuclear structures in these mutant nuclei. The small nuclei lacked electron- dense nuclear materials and contained highly compacted chromatin. The cut6+ and lsd1+ genes are essential for viability and encode, respectively, acetyl CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase, the key enzymes for fatty acid synthesis. Gene disruption of lsd1+ led to the lsd phenotype. Palmitate in medium fully suppressed the phenotypes of lsd1. Cerulenin, an inhibitor for fatty acid synthesis, produced the lsd phenotype in wild type. The drug caused cell inviability during mitosis but not during the G2-arrest induced by the cdc25 mutation. A reduced level of fatty acid thus led to impaired separation of non- chromosomal nuclear components. We propose that fatty acid is directly or indirectly required for separating the mother nucleus into two equal daughters.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, blocks to DNA replication elongation trigger the intra-S phase checkpoint that leads to the activation of the Cds1 kinase. Cds1 is required to both prevent premature entry into mitosis and to stabilize paused replication forks. Interestingly, although Cds1 is essential to maintain the viability of mutants defective in DNA replication elongation, mutants defective in DNA replication initiation require the Chk1 kinase. This suggests that defects in DNA replication initiation can lead to activation of the DNA damage checkpoint independent of the intra-S phase checkpoint. This might result from reduced origin firing that leads to an increase in replication fork stalling or replication fork collapse that activates the G2 DNA damage checkpoint. We refer to the Chk1-dependent, Cds1-independent phenotype as the rid phenotype (for replication initiation defective). Chk1 is active in rid mutants, and rid mutant viability is dependent on the DNA damage checkpoint, and surprisingly Mrc1, a protein required for activation of Cds1. Mutations in Mrc1 that prevent activation of Cds1 have no effect on its ability to support rid mutant viability, suggesting that Mrc1 has a checkpoint-independent role in maintaining the viability of mutants defective in DNA replication initiation.  相似文献   

Organismal aging entails a gradual decline of normal physiological functions and a major contributor to this decline is withdrawal of the cell cycle, known as senescence. Senescence can result from telomere diminution leading to a finite number of population doublings, known as replicative senescence (RS), or from oncogene overexpression, as a protective mechanism against cancer. Senescence is associated with large-scale chromatin re-organization and changes in gene expression. Replication stress is a complex phenomenon, defined as the slowing or stalling of replication fork progression and/or DNA synthesis, which has serious implications for genome stability, and consequently in human diseases. Aberrant replication fork structures activate the replication stress response leading to the activation of dormant origins, which is thought to be a safeguard mechanism to complete DNA replication on time. However, the relationship between replicative stress and the changes in the spatiotemporal program of DNA replication in senescence progression remains unclear.

Here, we studied the DNA replication program during senescence progression in proliferative and pre-senescent cells from donors of various ages by single DNA fiber combing of replicated DNA, origin mapping by sequencing short nascent strands and genome-wide profiling of replication timing (TRT).

We demonstrate that, progression into RS leads to reduced replication fork rates and activation of dormant origins, which are the hallmarks of replication stress. However, with the exception of a delay in RT of the CREB5 gene in all pre-senescent cells, RT was globally unaffected by replication stress during entry into either oncogene-induced or RS. Consequently, we conclude that RT alterations associated with physiological and accelerated aging, do not result from senescence progression. Our results clarify the interplay between senescence, aging and replication programs and demonstrate that RT is largely resistant to replication stress.  相似文献   

Completion of chromosome condensation is required before segregation during the mitotic cell cycle to ensure the transmission of genetic material with high fidelity in a timely fashion. In many eukaryotes this condensation is regulated by phosphorylation of histone H3 on Ser 10 (H3S10). This phosphorylation normally begins in the late-replicating pericentric heterochromatin and then spreads to the earlier replicating euchromatin. Here, we show that these phases of condensation are genetically separable in that the absence of Drosophila Myb causes cells to arrest with H3S10 phosphorylation of heterochromatin but not euchromatin. In addition, we used mosaic analysis to demonstrate that although the Myb protein can be removed in a single cell cycle, the failure of chromosome condensation occurs only after many cell divisions in the absence of Myb protein. The Myb protein is normally located in euchromatic but not heterochromatic regions of the nucleus, suggesting that Myb may be essential for a modification of euchromatin that is required for the efficient spread of chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

Five Y chromosome nucleolar organizer (Y-NO) mutants were analyzed with respect to their rRNA gene numbers, phenotypes and additivity tests with other NO mutants. Four of these are indicative of a class of mutants in which most of the rRNA genes are transcribing functional rRNA. The other mutant has 80 genes, however, lethality and additivity tests suggests that many if not all of these rRNA genes are non-functional. The basis for the observed suppression of rRNA genes of the Y-NO region is discussed.  相似文献   

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