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The connector protein of bacteriophage T3, p8, has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Purification of the oligomers built by several copies of p8 reveals a mixed population of dodecamers and tridecamers. The percentages of these two types of oligomers differ in every culture growth, indicating that assembly of this protein depends upon the conditions of the expression system. Those cultures that generated a majority of dodecamers allowed, after purification of the connectors, the two-dimensional crystallization of the dodecamers in a tetragonal arrangement, while the tridecamers did not form crystals. The processing and averaging of several images of frozen-hydrated crystals and their internal phase comparison shows that the crystals are arranged in a P42(1)2 space group, with cell unit dimensions of 165 x 165 A. The three-dimensional reconstruction generated with images of crystals ranging from 0 degrees to 60 degrees tilt reveals a wide domain surrounded by 12 protrusions and a narrow domain that serves to interact with the tail of the bacteriophage. A channel runs along the connector wide enough to allow the translocation of a double-stranded DNA molecule into the prohead. The general structure of the T3 connector is very similar to those obtained for other nonrelated bacteriophages and strongly suggests that the shape of this important viral structure is intimately related to its function.  相似文献   

Rotavirus is one of the leading agents of gastroenteritis worldwide. During infection, viral factories (viroplasms) are formed. The rotavirus nonstructural proteins NSP5 and NSP2 are the major building blocks of viroplasms; however, NSP5 function and organisation remain elusive. In this report, we present a structural characterisation of NSP5. Multi-angle laser light scattering, sedimentation velocity and equilibrium sedimentation experiments demonstrate that recombinant full-length NSP5 forms a decamer in solution. Far-Western, pull-down and multi-angle laser light scattering experiments show that NSP5 has two oligomerisation regions. The first region, residues 103-146, is involved in NSP5 dimerisation, whereas the second region, residues 189-198, is responsible for NSP5 decamerisation. Circular dichroism analyses of full-length and truncated forms of NSP5 reveal that the decamerisation region is helical, whereas the dimerisation region involves β-sheets. From these circular dichroism experiments, we also show that the NSP5 protomers contain two α-helices, a disordered N-terminal half and a C-terminal half that is primarily composed of β-sheet folds. This extensive structural characterisation of NSP5 led us to propose a model for its quaternary organisation. Finally, co-expression of NSP5 fragments and NSP2 in uninfected cells shows that the NSP5 decamerisation region is required for viroplasm-like structure formation. However, in vitro, the NSP5 decamerisation region partially inhibits the NSP2-NSP5 interaction. Our NSP5 model suggests that steric hindrance prevents NSP2 from binding to all NSP5 protomers. Some protomers may thus be free to interact with other NSP5 binding partners, such as viral RNAs and the viral polymerase VP1, to perform functions other than viroplasm organisation.  相似文献   

The quantitative prediction of the biological effects of radiation is one of the actual tasks of radiobiology. The experimental study may be impossible under certain conditions (low doses, complex radiation fields, etc). The development of theoretical tools is required to predict biological and medical consequence of the irradiation of cell and organism. The effect under the consideration in the present paper is chromosome aberrations (CA) induced by low and high LET radiation. One of the most uncertain factors in CA prediction is the impact of chromosomal and nuclear architecture. In the present study the quantitative evaluation of the mechanisms of CA induction are discussed in the framework of the biophysical modelling technique taking into account interphase chromosomes structure in the nucleus of living (human) cell. We show that the surface contacts mechanism of interchromosomal aberrations (interchange) formation does not explain the observed ratio of simple/complex interchanges induced by both low and high LET radiation. The chromatin structure repositioning following irradiation is proposed as a possible mechanism involved in the formation of the complex aberrations.  相似文献   

The diffusional freedom of human erythrocyte band 3 (anion exchanger 1) has been measured in membranes from normacytic and ovalocytic erythrocytes. A dramatic reorganisation of band 3 in the ovalocyte membranes is indicated by a markedly restricted rotational mobility. Extraction of spectrin from erythrocyte membranes had no effect on normocyte band 3 mobility, but partially relieved the restrictions on ovalocyte band 3 mobility. Further removal of ankyrin and band 4.2 resulted in an increase in the rotational mobility of both ovalocyte and normocyte band 3 to similar levels. The results suggest that the molecular basis of the unusual shape and decreased deformability of ovalocytes resides in an altered interaction of band 3 with one or more of the peripheral proteins. We present a model which illustrates a possible role for band 3 aggregation in controlling erythrocyte deformability.  相似文献   

Successful mitosis depends on the stable, yet regulated attachment of chromosomes to spindle microtubules. The kinetochore, a large macromolecular structure assembled at sites of centromeric heterochromatin, is responsible for generating and regulating these essential attachments. Over the last several years, concerted experimental efforts have brought the structural view of the kinetochore-microtubule interface more clearly into focus. Here, we review important recent advancements and discuss several unresolved questions regarding how kinetochores dynamically bridge mitotic chromosomes to spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens achieve the internalization of a multitude of virulence factors into eukaryotic cells. Some secrete extracellular toxins which bring about their own entry, usually by hijacking cell surface receptors and endocytic pathways. Others possess specialized secretion and translocation systems to directly inject bacterial proteins into the host cytosol. Recent advances in the structural biology of these virulence factors has begun to reveal at the molecular level how these bacterial proteins are delivered and modulate host activities ranging from cytoskeletal structure to cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

We have crystallised three mutants of the barnase-barstar complex in which interactions across the interface have been deleted by simultaneous mutation of both residues involved in the interaction. Each mutant deletes a different type of interaction at the interface: the first complex bnHis102-->Ala-bsTyr29-->Phe (bn, barnase; bs, barstar), deletes a van der Waals packing interaction; the second complex, bnLys27-->Ala-bsThr42-->Ala, deletes a hydrogen bond; the third, bnLys27-->Ala-bsAsp35-->Ala, deletes a long-range charge-charge interaction. The contribution of each of these side-chains to the stability of the complex is known; the coupling energy between the deleted side-chains is also known. Despite each of the double mutants being significantly destabilised compared with the wild-type, the effects of mutation are local. Only small movements in the main-chain surrounding the sites of mutation and some larger movements of neighbouring side-chains are observed in the mutant complexes. The exact response to mutation is context-dependent and for the same mutant can vary depending upon the environment within the crystal. In some double mutant complexes, interfacial pockets, which are accessible to bulk solvent are formed, whereas interfacial cavities which are isolated from bulk solvent, are formed in others. In all double mutants, water molecules fill the created pockets and cavities. These water molecules mimic the deleted side-chains by occupying positions close to the non-carbon atoms of truncated side-chains and re-making many hydrogen bonds made by the truncated side-chains in the wild-type. It remains extremely difficult, however, to correlate energetic and structural responses to mutation because of unknown changes in entropy and entropy-enthalpy compensation.  相似文献   

The bacterial injectisome is a specialized protein-export system utilized by many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria for the delivery of virulence proteins into the hosts they infect. This needle-like molecular nanomachine comprises >20 proteins creating a continuous passage from bacterial to host cytoplasm. The last few years have witnessed significant progress in our understanding of the structure of the injectisome with important contributions from X-ray crystallography, NMR and EM. This review will present the current state of the structure of the injectisome with particular focus on the molecular structures of individual components and how these assemble together in a functioning T3SS.  相似文献   

The three dimensional model of cold-adapted Alaskan psychrotroph Pseudomonas species (Strain B11-1) lipase has been constructed by homology modeling based on the crystal structure of acetyl esterase from Rhodococcus species and refined by molecular dynamics methods. Our model locates the substrate-binding cavity and further suggests that Ser-155, Asp-250, and His-280 are the members of the catalytic triad. Substrate specificity of the modeled lipase has been examined by docking experiments, which indicates that the ester of C(6) fatty acid has the highest affinity for the enzyme. Our model also identifies the oxyanion hole that plays an important role in the stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate during catalysis. Comparison of this cold-adapted lipase with the crystal structure of a thermophilic Bacillus stearothermophilus P1 lipase supported the assumption that cold-adapted enzymes have a more flexible three-dimensional structure than their thermophilic counterparts. The conformational flexibility of this modeled cold-adapted lipase at low temperature probably originates from a combination of factors compared to its thermophilic counterpart, i.e., lower number of salt bridges and cation-pi interactions, increase in the non-polar surface area exposed to solvent. Our study may help in understanding the structural features of a cold-adapted lipase and can further be used in engineering lipase that can function at or near extreme temperatures with considerable biotechnological potential.  相似文献   



Filoviruses, including Ebola virus, are unusual in being filamentous animal viruses. Structural data on the arrangement, stoichiometry and organisation of the component molecules of filoviruses has until now been lacking, partially due to the need to work under level 4 biological containment. The present study provides unique insights into the structure of this deadly pathogen.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We have investigated the structure of Ebola virus using a combination of cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, sub-tomogram averaging, and single particle image processing. Here we report the three-dimensional structure and architecture of Ebola virus and establish that multiple copies of the RNA genome can be packaged to produce polyploid virus particles, through an extreme degree of length polymorphism. We show that the helical Ebola virus inner nucleocapsid containing RNA and nucleoprotein is stabilized by an outer layer of VP24-VP35 bridges. Elucidation of the structure of the membrane-associated glycoprotein in its native state indicates that the putative receptor-binding site is occluded within the molecule, while a major neutralizing epitope is exposed on its surface proximal to the viral envelope. The matrix protein VP40 forms a regular lattice within the envelope, although its contacts with the nucleocapsid are irregular.


The results of this study demonstrate a modular organization in Ebola virus that accommodates a well-ordered, symmetrical nucleocapsid within a flexible, tubular membrane envelope.  相似文献   

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Modelling the bacterial growth/no growth interface   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A logistic regression model is proposed which enables one to model the boundary between growth and no growth for bacterial strains in the presence of one or more growth controlling factors such as temperature, pH and additives such as salt and sodium nitrite. The form of the expression containing the growth limiting factors may be suggested by a kinetic model, while the response at a given combination of factors may either be presence/absence (i.e. growth/no growth) or probabilistic (i.e. r successes in n trials). The approach described represents an integration of the probability and kinetic aspects of predictive microbiology, and a unification of predictive microbiology and the hurdle concept. The model is illustrated using data for Shigella flexneri.  相似文献   

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