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Ca2(+)-sensitive K+ channel in aortic smooth muscle of rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We measured K+ channel activity in inside-out patches of cell membrane from aortic vascular smooth muscle cultured (Passages 1-3) from Wistar, Wistar-Kyoto, and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). With [Ca2+]i between 25 and 100 nm and 150 mm K+ on both sides of the membrane, the conductance of this channel was 55 +/- 7 pS (slope of current-voltage curve through 0 mV) and the current was outwardly rectified. There was no difference in single-channel conductance among the three rat strains. Increasing negative holding voltages or increasing [Ca2+]i, increased the probability of this type channel being open (Npo; P less than 0.01); SHR had a larger NPo (P less than 0.01). Compared with cells from Wistar and Wistar-Kyoto, cells from SHR also had the longest mean open time. The increased NPo and mean open time we observed in this K+ channel of cells from SHR could contribute, at least in part, to the increased membrane K+ permeability, reported previously.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) is a contractile agonist of rat middle cerebral arteries. To determine the mechanism responsible for this component of ONOO(-) bioactivity, the present study examined the effect of ONOO(-) on ionic current and channel activity in rat cerebral arteries. Whole cell recordings of voltage-clamped cells were made under conditions designed to optimize K(+) current. The effects of iberiotoxin, a selective inhibitor of large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels, and ONOO(-) (10-100 microM) were determined. At a pipette potential of +50 mV, ONOO(-) inhibited 39% of iberiotoxin-sensitive current. ONOO(-) was selective for iberiotoxin-sensitive current, whereas decomposed ONOO(-) had no effect. In excised, inside-out membrane patches, channel activity was recorded using symmetrical K(+) solutions. Unitary currents were sensitive to increases in internal Ca(2+) concentration, consistent with activity due to BK channels. Internal ONOO(-) dose dependently inhibited channel activity by decreasing open probability and mean open times. The inhibitory effect of ONOO(-) could be overcome by reduced glutathione. Glutathione, added after ONOO(-), restored whole cell current amplitude to control levels and reverted single-channel gating to control behavior. The inhibitory effect of ONOO(-) on membrane K(+) current is consistent with its contractile effects in isolated cerebral arteries and single myocytes. Taken together, our data suggest that ONOO(-) has the potential to alter cerebral vascular tone by inhibiting BK channel activity.  相似文献   

Although ketamine and Ca2+-activated K+ (KCa) channels have been implicated in the contractile activity regulation of cerebral arteries, no studies have addressed the specific interactions between ketamine and the KCa channels in cerebral arteries. The purpose of this study was to examine the direct effects of ketamine on KCa channel activities using the patch-clamp technique in single-cell preparations of rabbit middle cerebral arterial smooth muscle. We tested the hypothesis that ketamine modulates the KCa channel activity of the cerebral arterial smooth muscle cells of the rabbit. Vascular myocytes were isolated from rabbit middle cerebral arteries using enzymatic dissociation. Single KCa channel activities of smooth muscle cells from rabbit cerebral arteries were recorded using the patch-clamp technique. In the inside-out patches, ketamine in the micromolar range inhibited channel activity with a half-maximal inhibition of the ketamine concentration value of 83.8 +/- 12.9 microM. The Hill coefficient was 1.2 +/- 0.3. The slope conductance of the current-voltage relationship was 320.1 +/- 2.0 pS between 0 and +60 mV in the presence of ketamine and symmetrical 145 mM K+. Ketamine had little effect on either the voltage-dependency or open- and closed-time histograms of KCa channel. The present study clearly demonstrates that ketamine inhibits KCa channel activities in rabbit middle cerebral arterial smooth muscle cells. This inhibition of KCa channels may represent a mechanism for ketamine-induced cerebral vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Significant Ca(2+) release was previously noted with the activation of L-type Ca(2+) current in rat superior cerebral artery smooth muscle cells. Here we examined whether the P(2X) current that is partly carried by Ca(2+) also triggers Ca(2+) release in this preparation. Application of P(2X) agonists evoked membrane currents and concomitant Ca(2+) transients in whole cell voltage-clamped single cells. The expected increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was calculated from the time-integrated P(2X) current by assuming Ca(2+) is the only charge carrier. The measured increase in [Ca(2+)](i) was plotted as a function of the expected increase in [Ca(2+)](i), and Ca(2+)-buffering power was obtained as a reciprocal of the linear fit to this relationship. Both ryanodine, a Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+)-release inhibitor, and cADP ribose, a putative activator of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release, had no significant effects on Ca(2+)-buffering power. These results suggest that Ca(2+) influx through P(2X) receptors does not trigger significant Ca(2+) release. We then examined whether P(2X) responses influence the subsequent P(2Y) response. P(2Y) responses were characterized by measuring the rate of [Ca(2+)](i) increase obtained as the slope of the linear regression to the rising phase of the Ca(2+) transient. During simultaneous application of the P(2X) and P(2Y) agonist, the rate of [Ca(2+)](i) increase was facilitated or suppressed depending on the size of the P(2X) receptor-mediated [Ca(2+)](i) increase. Membrane depolarization close to the Ca(2+) equilibrium potential significantly promoted the rate of [Ca(2+)](i) increase. Our results suggest that the [Ca(2+)](i) increase and membrane depolarization caused by the P(2X) current may regulate the subsequent P(2Y) response.  相似文献   

Single Ca2+ channel and whole cell currents were measured in smooth muscle cells dissociated from resistance-sized (100-microns diameter) rat cerebral arteries. We sought to quantify the magnitude of Ca2+ channel currents and activity under the putative physiological conditions of these cells: 2 mM [Ca2+]o, steady depolarizations to potentials between -50 and -20 mV, and (where possible) without extrinsic channel agonists. Single Ca2+ channel conductance was measured over a broad range of Ca2+ concentrations (0.5-80 mM). The saturating conductance ranged from 1.5 pS at 0.5 mM to 7.8 pS at 80 mM, with a value of 3.5 pS at 2 mM Ca (unitary currents of 0.18 pA at -40 mV). Both single channel and whole cell Ca2+ currents were measured during pulses and at steady holding potentials. Ca2+ channel open probability and the lower limit for the total number of channels per cell were estimated by dividing the whole-cell Ca2+ currents by the single channel current. We estimate that an average cell has at least 5,000 functional channels with open probabilities of 3.4 x 10(-4) and 2 x 10(-3) at -40 and -20 mV, respectively. An average of 1-10 (-40 mV and -20 mV, respectively) Ca2+ channels are thus open at physiological potentials, carrying approximately 0.5 pA steady Ca2+ current at -30 mV. We also observed a very slow reduction in open probability during steady test potentials when compared with peak pulse responses. This 4- 10-fold reduction in activity could not be accounted for by the channel's normal inactivation at our recording potentials between -50 and -20 mV, implying that an additional slow inactivation process may be important in regulating Ca2+ channel activity during steady depolarization.  相似文献   

In smooth muscle cells, localized intracellular Ca2+ transients, termed "Ca2+ sparks," activate several large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (KCa) channels, resulting in a transient KCa current. In some smooth muscle cell types, a significant proportion of Ca2+ sparks do not activate KCa channels. The goal of this study was to explore mechanisms that underlie fractional Ca2+ spark-KCa channel coupling. We investigated whether membrane depolarization or ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release (RyR) channel activation modulates coupling in newborn (1- to 3-day-old) porcine cerebral artery myocytes. At steady membrane potentials of -40, 0, and +40 mV, mean transient KCa current frequency was approximately 0.18, 0.43, and 0.26 Hz and KCa channel activity [number of KCa channels activated by Ca2+ sparksxopen probability of KCa channels at peak of Ca2+ sparks (NPo)] at the transient KCa current peak was approximately 4, 12, and 24, respectively. Depolarization between -40 and +40 mV increased KCa channel sensitivity to Ca2+ sparks and elevated the percentage of Ca2+ sparks that activated a transient KCa current from 59 to 86%. In a Ca2+-free bath solution or in diltiazem, a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blocker, steady membrane depolarization between -40 and +40 mV increased transient KCa current frequency up to approximately 1.6-fold. In contrast, caffeine (10 microM), an RyR channel activator, increased mean transient KCa current frequency but did not alter Ca2+ spark-KCa channel coupling. These data indicate that coupling is increased by mechanisms that elevate KCa channel sensitivity to Ca2+ sparks, but not by RyR channel activation. Overall, KCa channel insensitivity to Ca2+ sparks is a prominent factor underlying fractional Ca2+ spark uncoupling in newborn cerebral artery myocytes.  相似文献   

ATP inhibits smooth muscle Ca2(+)-activated K+ channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There has been much recent interest in the roles played by smooth-muscle K+ channels in protecting cells against ischemic and anoxic insults and in therapeutic vaso- and bronchodilation (Buckingham 1990; Longmore & Weston 1990). A K+ channel, which is uniquely sensitive to cytoplasmic ATP (KATP), has been identified as a likely candidate for mediating these important functions (Standen et al. 1989). We now show, by using electrophysiological techniques in three different types of smooth muscle, that a large-conductance voltage and Ca2(+)-sensitive channel, otherwise indistinguishable from the the large-conductance Ca2(+)-activated K+ channel (BK channel), is also sensitive to cytoplasmic ATP and cromakalim. ATP, in a dose-dependent manner, decreased the probability of channel opening (Po) of rabbit aortic, rabbit tracheal and pig coronary artery BK channels with a Ki of 0.2-0.6 mM. Cromakalim, 10 microM, partially reversed the ATP induced inhibition and increased Po. Our observations raise the possibility that the ubiquitous BK channel may play a role during pathophysiological events.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞是否存在钙库操纵性通道(SOC)。方法:荧光探针Fura-2/AM标记细胞内游离Ca2+后,用荧光分光光度计检测毒胡萝卜素(thapsigargin)和咖啡因(caffeine)耗竭胞内钙库后激活的SOC通道对酶解分离的大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞[Ca2+]i的影响。结果:在无Ca2+缓冲液中,thapsigargin(1μmol/L)以及caf-feine(10 mmol/L)分别使[Ca2+]i由静息时(68.32±3.43)nmol/L升高至(240.85±12.65)nmol/L(、481.25±34.77)nmol/L,继之,向细胞外液中引入两种浓度的Ca2+(1.5 mmol/L和3.0 mmol/L),导致[Ca2+]i进一步升高,分别为(457.55±19.80)nmol/L、(1005.93±54.62)nmol/L;(643.88±34.65)nmol/L、(920.16±43.25)nmol/L。且上述升高效应对维拉帕米(verapamil,5μmol/L)以及KCl引起的细胞膜去极化不敏感,但可被La3+(1 mmol/L)抑制。结论:在酶解分离的大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞上,存在胞内钙库耗竭激活的SOC通道,为支持在电兴奋性细胞上存在库容性Ca2+内流提供了实验和理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of external pH (7.0-8.0) on intracellular Ca(2+) signals (Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves) were examined in smooth muscle cells from intact pressurized arteries from rats. Elevating the external pH from 7.4 to 7.5 increased the frequency of local, Ca(2+) transients, or "Ca(2+) sparks," and, at pH 7.6, significantly increased the frequency of Ca(2+) waves. Alkaline pH-induced Ca(2+) waves were inhibited by blocking Ca(2+) release from ryanodine receptors but were not prevented by inhibitors of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, phospholipase C, or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors. Activating ryanodine receptors with caffeine (5 mM) at pH 7.4 also induced repetitive Ca(2+) waves. Alkalization from pH 7.4 to pH 7.8-8.0 induced a rapid and large vasoconstriction. Approximately 82% of the alkaline pH-induced vasoconstriction was reversed by inhibitors of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels. The remaining constriction was reversed by inhibition of ryanodine receptors. These findings indicate that alkaline pH-induced Ca(2+) waves originate from ryanodine receptors and make a minor, direct contribution to alkaline pH-induced vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP), a potent vasoconstrictor that activatesphospholipase C, shifted Ca2+ signaling from sparks towaves in the smooth muscle cells of rat cerebral arteries. UTPdecreased the frequency of Ca2+ sparks and transientCa2+-activated K+ (KCa) currentsand increased the frequency of Ca2+ waves. The UTP-inducedreduction in Ca2+ spark frequency did not reflect adecrease in global cytoplasmic Ca2+, Ca2+influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC), orCa2+ load of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), since globalCa2+ was elevated, blocking VDCC did not prevent theeffect, and SR Ca2+ load did not decrease. However,blocking protein kinase C (PKC) with bisindolylmaleimide I did preventUTP reduction of Ca2+ sparks and transient KCacurrents. UTP decreased the effectiveness of caffeine, which increasesthe Ca2+ sensitivity of ryanodine-sensitiveCa2+ release (RyR) channels, to activate transientKCa currents. This work supports the concept thatvasoconstrictors shift Ca2+ signaling modalities fromCa2+ sparks to Ca2+ waves through the concertedactions of PKC on the Ca2+ sensitivity of RyR channels,which cause Ca2+ sparks, and of inositol trisphosphate(IP3) on IP3 receptors to generateCa2+ waves.


Freshly dissociated cells from the stomach muscularis of the toad Bufo marinus have been employed to carry out a systematic set of electrophysiological studies on the membrane properties of smooth muscle. The existence of Ca2+-activated K+ channels became apparent during the first studies under current clamp. In subsequent studies under voltage clamp, a Ca2+-activated. TEA-sensitive outward current was evident, and it was more than an order of magnitude larger than any other current observed in the cells. The channel responsible, at least in part, for this large outward current has been identified on the basis of single-channel records, and some of its main characteristics have been studied. It is similar in many respects to the large-conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel seen in other preparations. This channel has now been found in a considerable diversity of smooth muscle types.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) is one of the major neurotransmitters that determine melatonin production in the pineal gland. Although a substantial amount of Ca2+ influx is triggered by NE, the Ca2+ entry pathway and its physiological relevance have not been elucidated adequately. Herein we report that the Ca2+ influx triggered by NE significantly regulates the protein level of serotonin N-acetyltransferase, or arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT), a critical enzyme in melatonin production, and is responsible for maintaining the Ca2+ response after repetitive stimulation. Ca2+ entry evoked by NE was dependent on PLC activation. NE evoked a substantial amount of Ca2+ entry even after cells were treated with 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), an analog of diacylglycerol. To the contrary, further OAG treatment after cells had been exposed to OAG did not evoke additional Ca2+ entry. Moreover, NE failed to induce further Ca2+ entry after the development of Ca2+ entry induced by thapsigargin (Tg), suggesting that the pathway of Ca2+ entry induced by NE might be identical to that of Tg. Interestingly, Ca2+ entry evoked by NE or Tg induced membrane hyperpolarization that was reversed by iberiotoxin (IBTX), a specific inhibitor of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels. Moreover, IBTX-sensitive BK current was observed during application of NE, suggesting that activation of the BK channels was responsible for the hyperpolarization. Furthermore, the activation of BK channels triggered by NE contributed to regulation of the protein level of AANAT. Collectively, these results suggest that NE triggers Ca2+ entry coupled to BK channels and that NE-induced Ca2+ entry is important in the regulation of AANAT. serotonin N-acetyltransferase; pineal gland  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle cells normally do not possess fast Na2+ channels, but inward current is carried through two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Using whole-cell voltage clamp of single smooth muscle cells isolated from the longitudinal layer of 18-day pregnant rat uterus, depolarizing pusles, applied from a holding potential of –90 mV, evoked two types of inward current, fast and slow [8]. The fast inward current decayed within 30 ms, depended on [Na]0, and was inhibited by TTX (K0.5 = 27 nM). The slow inward current decayed slowly, was dependent on [Ca]0, and was inhibited by nifedipine. These results suggest that the fast inward current is a fast Na2+ channel current, and that the slow inward current is a Ca2+ channel current was not evident. Thus, the ion channels which generate inward currents in pregnant rat uterine cells are TTX-sensitive fast Na+ channels and dihudropuridine-sensitive slow Ca2+ channels. The number of fast Na+ channels increased during gestation [9]. The averaged current density increased from 0 on day 5, to 0.19 on day 9, to 0.56 on day 14, to 0.90 on day 18, and to 0.86 pA/pF on day 21. This almost linear increase occurs because of an increase in the fraction of cells which possess fast Na2+ channels, and it suggested that the fast Na+ current may be involved in spread of excitation. The Ca2+ channel current density also was higher during the latter half of gestation. These results indicate that the fast Na+ channels and Ca2+ slow channels in myometrium become more numerous as term approaches, and may facilitate parturition. Isoproterenol (beta-agonist) did not affect either ICa(s) or INa(f), whereas Mg2+ (K0.5 of 12 mM) and nifedipine (K0.5 of 3.3 nM) depressed ICa(s). Oxytocin had no effect on INa(f) and actually depressed ICa(s) to a small extect. Therefore, the tocolytic action of beta-agonists cannot be explained by an inhibition of ICa(s), whereas that of Mg2+ can be so explained. The stimulating action of oxytocin on uterine contractions is not due to stimulation of ICa(s).  相似文献   

The study of Ca2+ sparks has led to extensive new information regarding the gating of the Ca2+ release channels underlying these events in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle cells, as well as the possible roles of these local Ca2+ release events in muscle function. Here we review basic procedures for studying Ca2+sparks in skeletal muscle, primarily from frog, as well as the basic results concerning the properties of these events, their pattern and frequency of occurrence during fiber depolarization and the mechanisms underlying their termination. Finally, we also consider the contribution of different ryanodine receptor (RyR) isoforms to Ca2+ sparks and the number of RyR Ca2+ release channels that may contribute to the generation of a Ca2+ spark. Over the decade since their discovery, Ca2+ sparks have provided a wealth of information concerning the function of Ca2+ release channels within their intracellular environment.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is released in high concentrations into gastric juice, but its direct effect on gastric smooth muscles has not been studied yet. We undertook studies on TRH effect on gastric smooth muscle using contraction and patch clamp methods. TRH was found to inhibit both acetylcholine- and BaCl2-induced contractions of gastric strips. TRH, applied to single cells, inhibited the voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents and activated the whole-cell K+ currents. The TRH-induced changes in K+ currents and membrane potential were effectively abolished by inhibitors of either intracellular Ca2+ release channels or phospholipase C. Neither activators, nor blockers of protein kinase C could affect the action of TRH on K+ currents. In conclusion, TRH activates K+ channels via inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced release of Ca2+ in the direction to the plasma membrane, which in turn leads to stimulation of the Ca2+-sensitive K+ conductance, membrane hyperpolarization and relaxation. The data imply that TRH may act physiologically as a local modulator of gastric smooth muscle tone.  相似文献   

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