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Artificial substrates, consisting of strips of nylon cloth, were used to sample sessile, filter-feeding ciliates at eleven stream sites. These ciliates were common (61 % of samples) and frequently abundant (mean = 95 cm?2). Populations varied widely, even within stream sites, and mean abundance was not related to subjective assessments of the sites. Permanent rural streams and streams below reservoirs, which have relatively stable flow regimes, had a peritrich fauna dominated byVorticella campanula along withCarchesium polypinum andV. striata. Urban and intermittent streams, with less stable flow regimes, showed an increasing number of peritrichs with non-contractile stalks, particularlyEpistylis plicatilis. The commonness and diversity of peritrichs was positively related to aufwuchs stability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pentrich ciliates attached to small stones from the beds of two streams, one large with hard water, the other small with soft water, were enumerated throughout an annual cycle. Throughout the year, Platycola was the dominant peritrich in both streams, except for a brief period during the spring when Vorticella and Carchesium predominated. Vorticella reached peak levels of 89 ciliates cm2 of stone surface, and up to 102 Platycola per cm2 of stone surface were found. Mean volumes of samples of the main species were calculated, and used to estimate the standing stock biomasses. using a standard value of dry weight per unit volume. Published values of the growth rates of representatives of the main genera were used to estimate production values, which totalled about 6.5 g dry weight of peritrich cytoplasm/m2 of stream bed per annum in the large stream (mean annual density = 8.3 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface), and 33 g dry weight/m2 of stream bed per annum in the small stream (mean annual density = 47 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface). Food supply, temperature and predation were the primary factors determining peritrich abundance  相似文献   

Abstract. Free-swimming trophonts of a sessiline peritrich ciliate were discovered in plankton samples from the Rhode River, Maryland, and main-stem Chesapeake Bay. Cultures revealed that the species comprises both free trophonts that swim with their peristomial cilia and sessile trophonts that attach to substrates with a contractile, helically-twisted talk. Trophonts with a short, rigid stalk or no definite stalk also were seen in culture. Binary fission of free-swimming trophonts usually produced a pair of trophonts attached scopula to scopula by a short, rigid stalk. These persisted for some time as distinctive, spinning doublets before their stalks broke and they separated. Binary fission of free-swimming trophonts also yielded trophont-telotroch pairs that stayed together for only a short time. Telotrochs from these pairs were presumably the source of attached trophonts. Conjugation occurred in both free and attached trophonts. Formation of microconjugants involved at least 2 successive divisions of a trophont. Possession of a helically-twisted, contractile stalk placed the peritrich in the family Vorticellidae, but its unique combination of life-cycle stages marks it as a new genus and species, Planeticovorticella, finleyi The morphology and life cycle of P. finleyi raise questions about the present classification of sessiline peritrichs and suggest that it may be at least partly artificial. Stalkless planktonic peritrichs that swim with their oral cilia as do trophonts of P. finleyi may have evolved from sessile ancestors by an alteration in the life cycle that created unstable clusters of trophonts on a single parental stalk. Free-swimming trophonts would originate from breakup of these clusters.  相似文献   

The protozoans attached to the submerged roots of reed (Phragmites australis) in some small waters in Holland were studied during one year. Reed was chosen because it is a very common natural substrate for epiphytically living animals. Marked changes in species abundance and overall population density are reported. Most important quantitatively were the ciliates, especially peritrichs, on which emphasis is laid. Vorticella campanula Ehrenberg, 1831 is found to be the dominant species in spring and summer, other vorticellas being also very numerous. Suctorian populations seem to change strongly within weeks without apparent reason. Small attached flagellates were also common. No stalked Heliozoa or medium-sized flagellates were found. The generalisation of the results and comparisons with the literature are discussed. Zoological Laboratory, University of Amsterdam  相似文献   

The gene encoding 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) was sequenced in the sessiline peritrichs Opisthonecta minima and Opisthonecta matiensis, whose free-swimming, paedomorphic trophonts resemble telotrochs. Using these new sequences, phylogenetic trees were constructed with four different methods to test a previously published association between Opisthonecta henneguyi and members of the families Vorticellidae and Astylozoidae. All trees had similar topologies, with O. minima, O. henneguyi, Vorticella microstoma, and Astylozoon enriquesi forming a well-supported, certainly monophyletic clade. On the basis of genetic evidence, genera of the families Opisthonectidae and Astylozoidae are assigned to the family Vorticellidae, which already includes some species with free-swimming morphotypes. The ssu rRNA sequence of O. matiensis places it in the family Epistylididae; its taxonomic revision will be left to another group of authors. A close association of Ophrydium versatile with members of the family Vorticellidae was confirmed, casting doubt on the validity of the family Ophrydiidae. Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, and Opercularia microdiscum are confirmed as comprising an extremely distinct, monophyletic, but morphologically heterogeneous clade that is basal to other clades of sessiline peritrichs.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and species diversity are expected to covary according to area and isolation, but may not always covary with environmental heterogeneity. In this study, we examined how patterns of genetic and species diversity in stream fishes correspond to local and regional environmental conditions. To do so, we compared population size, genetic diversity and divergence in central stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum) to measures of species diversity and turnover in stream fish assemblages among similarly sized watersheds across an agriculture–forest land-use gradient in the Little Miami River basin (Ohio, USA). Significant correlations were found in many, but not all, pair-wise comparisons. Allelic richness and species richness were strongly correlated, for example, but diversity measures based on allele frequencies and assemblage structure were not. In-stream conditions related to agricultural land use were identified as significant predictors of genetic diversity and species diversity. Comparisons to population size indicate, however, that genetic diversity and species diversity are not necessarily independent and that variation also corresponds to watershed location and glaciation history in the drainage basin. Our findings demonstrate that genetic diversity and species diversity can covary in stream fish assemblages, and illustrate the potential importance of scaling observations to capture responses to hierarchical environmental variation. More comparisons according to life history variation could further improve understanding of conditions that give rise to parallel variation in genetic diversity and species diversity, which in turn could improve diagnosis of anthropogenic influences on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract Fourteen species of ciliates, seven of which are new, were found living in a sample of anoxic water collected from a small lake in Spain. The species belong to all six orders in which anaerobic ciliates have been described and they include the first anaerobic representatives of the order Prostomatida. This surprising diversity is probably sustained because it embraces all ciliate feeding types, and because protozoa are the only important consumers of the diversity of microbes in anoxic habitats. Six of the anaerobic ciliate species have aerobic congeners; this strengthens the contention that anaerobic ciliates evolved independently from aerobes belonging to several taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Participation of nitrilotriacetic acid degrading bacterial strain NTA-1 in the continuous-cultivated mixed culture was studied under different conditions including predation pressure of the ciliate Dexiostoma campyla (STOKES , 1886). From the viewpoint of dispersed/flocculated biomass distribution, significant relationships between NTA-1 and total bacteria ratio, and dispersed and total biomass ratio were proved in the systems without high concentrations of ciliates. The ciliate concentrations reaching 104 ml−1 stabilized flocculated biomass growth without directly affecting NTA-1 portion. Using fluorescently labelled NTA-1 bacteria, filter feeding rates of ciliates were evaluated (maximum individual uptake rate upon NTA-1 bacteria as a number of bacteria per ciliate per hour being 120 h−1 and 260 h−1 under ciliate division rate of 0.3 day−1 and 1 day−1, respectively). Biomass balance showed that dispersed NTA-1 bacteria should not serve as the sole feeding source for these free-swimming ciliates. The role of diversity of mixed bacterial diet in ciliate growth and the role of ciliate predation in stabilizing bacterial assemblage structure was proved.  相似文献   

Based on morphological characters, peritrich ciliates (Class Olygohymenophorea, Subclass Peritrichia) have been subdivided into the Orders Sessilida and Mobilida. Molecular phylogenetic studies on peritrichs have been restricted to members of the Order Sessilida. In order to shed more light into the evolutionary relationships within peritrichs, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) sequences of four mobilid species, Trichodina nobilis, Trichodina heterodentata, Trichodina reticulata, and Trichodinella myakkae were used to construct phylogenetic trees using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and Bayesian analyses. Whatever phylogenetic method used, the peritrichs did not constitute a monophyletic group: mobilid and sessilid species did not cluster together. Similarity in morphology but difference in molecular data led us to suggest that the oral structures of peritrichs are the result of evolutionary convergence. In addition, Trichodina reticulata, a Trichodina species with granules in the center of the adhesive disc, branched separately from its congeners, Trichodina nobilis and Trichodina heterodentata, trichodinids without such granules. This indicates that granules in the adhesive disc might be a phylogenetic character of high importance within the Family Trichodinidae.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the first use of electron microscopy in a comparative investigation of ciliates belonging to the order Thigmotrichida, ultrastructural data were collected on ciliary organelles of the buccal area. Species studied included members of the genera Ancistrum and Boveria. Analysis of the findings suggest close affinities between thigmotrich and peritrich ciliates. Further comparison with studies on hymenostome (sensu lato) ciliates supportes the hypothesis of a common ancestral stock in the phylogenetic history of all 3 of these groups. Structures very likely homologous in species of hymenostomes, thigmotrichs, and peritrichs include: the undulating membrane, the polykineties, the oral ribs, the filamentous reticulum, and a small field of barren kinetosomes.  相似文献   

Denis Lynn (1947–2018) was an outstanding protistologist, applying multiple techniques and data sources and thus pioneering an integrative approach in order to investigate ciliate biology. For example, he recognized the importance of the ultrastructure for inferring ciliate phylogeny, based on which he developed his widely accepted classification scheme for the phylum Ciliophora. In this paper, recent findings regarding the evolution and systematics of both peritrichs and the mainly marine planktonic oligotrichean spirotrichs are discussed and compared with the concepts and hypotheses formulated by Denis Lynn. Additionally, the state of knowledge concerning the diversity of ciliates in bromeliad phytotelmata and amitosis in ciliates is reviewed.  相似文献   

Soluble microbial products (SMP) are organic compounds produced by activated sludge microorganisms as they degrade substrates. They include by-products of microbial activity, death and lysis. The available literature does not reveal how SMP influence microbial community composition. In this regard, we microscopically studied changes in composition of microbial communities, especially protozoa and metazoa, under the influence of increased as well as reduced levels of SMP. The presence of SMP at high level significantly caused changes in microbial community composition. Microbial species shifted from attached ciliates (12-175 microm) to free-swimming and crawling ciliates (35-330 microm) and then invertebrates, which included rotifers (0.2-1 mm) and nematodes (1-50 mm). The shift of small-size microorganisms to large ones was observed as one of the most significant influences of SMP. Attached ciliates reappeared when we removed the SMP that had accumulated in the bioreactors - we have called this as the resurrection phenomenon of microorganisms. Such rapid changes in microbial community composition were not observed in the experiment with low concentration of SMP. Overall, the results suggest that accumulation of SMP is one of the intrinsic regulatory mechanisms that control viability and dormancy of microbial communities in activated sludge.  相似文献   

Peritrich ciliates are commonly found colonizing living substrates. Although this a well known phenomenon, biological aspects of this relationship need to be studied in more detail. Assessment of growth rates in peritrichs has been the subject of very few studies. Only species in the genera Carchesium Ehrenberg, 1830 and Vorticella Linnaeus, 1767 had their growth rates evaluated in the field and in the laboratory. In the present study, growth, colonization (colonies/host), and proliferation (zooids/colony) rates of the peritrich epibiont Zoothamnium intermedium Precht, 1935 attached to the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana 1848 were evaluated in the laboratory in two food regimes: bacteria only, and algal based diet. Results showed that growth, colonization, and proliferation rates were similar for both diets. Maximum growth rates obtained for Z. intermedium was 0.85 and 0.83 per day, for bacteria and algae respectively. Maximum colonization rates were 0.5 per day for both diets, and the maximum proliferation rates were 0.44 and 0.42 per day for bacteria and algae respectively. These results demonstrate that Z. intermedium is able to grow at the same rate of other peritrichs on bacterial and algal based diets.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ciliated protozoa present in ten activated sludge plants at Madrid (Spain) were identified. The abundance of key groups of ciliates was determined at each plant; attached ciliates made up the most abundant and representative group. Multivariate statistical analysis was employed to study relationships between ciliates and both the physico-chemical and operational parameters of the plants. Partial correlation analysis revealed: (1) The indicator value of attached ciliates in assessing management and performance of the activated sludge process, (2) the relationship of swimming ciliates with short-aged sludges and lower quality effluents and (3) the direct association between swimming-crawling ciliates and bad settlement conditions of the sludge. Factor analysis showed the associations of the most frequent species of ciliates with the operational parameters of the plants, suggesting the indicator value of some of the species: Vorticella striata was related with poor quality of effluent; Aspidisca cicada with stable plant conditions, and Litonotus lamella with a deficiently settling sludge.  相似文献   

The marine genus Tetrastemma contains monostiliferous hoplonemertean (phylum Nemertea) species which mostly undergo direct development with no free-swimming stages of larvae. The lack of a pelagic phase, and the fact that many benthic species lay eggs attached to the bottom substrate, are obvious restrictions on dispersal and gene flow. Nevertheless, some of the species, for example T. candidum and T. melanocephalum , are described as ubiquitous and are reported from waters all over the world. We studied genetic variation and evolutionary relationships in order to assess whether they are concordant with external characters in samples of nine morphologically distinct forms formally named as different Tetrastemma species, from different geographical localities. We estimated the phylogeny and species network based on 539 base pairs of the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome oxidase-1 (CO1) for 30 ingroup specimens. From this, we assessed the evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships between these forms. We conclude that in most cases there was no correspondence between evolutionary lineage and morphotype. Our results thus indicate that morphological species delimitation in nemerteans may be questionable, and that this in turn may have a profound effect upon estimates of species diversity within the phylum.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 201–212.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of planktonic protozoa of Esthwaite, a eutrophic lake, was investigated at 7–10 day intervals between February to October 1988. Sarcodine protozoa were of little significance, the plankton was dominated by ciliates and flagellates. Ciliate density peaked in late May to early June with densities reaching 9.2 × 103 1-1. There was considerable variation in spatial distribution and greatest species diversity occurred in March/April. After the establishment of summer stratification the planktonic ciliates were confined to water of >25% oxygen saturation in the water column. Oligotrichs, particularly the genus Strombidium and tintinnids, and peritrichs dominated the ciliate assemblages. There was no correlation between chlorophyll a concentrations and ciliate numbers, but a correlation was apparent between ciliate numbers and flagellate density. There were significant differences between the protozooplankton communities at the different sampling sites in the lake.  相似文献   

克隆得到2种缘毛类纤毛虫——钟形钟虫(Vorticella campanula)和螅状独缩虫(Carchesium polypinum)的胞质Hsp70基因部分序列,长度均为438bp,编码146个氨基酸。以细菌为外类群,利用最大似然法和邻接法构建包括其他5种纤毛虫在内的共26个物种的Hsp70基因氨基酸序列系统发育树,其拓扑结构显示:V.campanula和C.polypinum聚在一起,并与另2种寡膜纲的嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)及草履虫(Paramecium tetraurelia)聚为姊妹枝,提示了缘毛类纤毛虫为单系,且隶属于寡膜纲的系统发育地位。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of marine protistan communities in the presence of organic macroaggregates, formed from natural seawater, was studied in several microcosm experiments. The presence of macroaggregates had two main effects. First, the size of the communities of bacteria, flagellates and ciliates increased, as these communities were three orders of magnitude higher in the aggregates than in the microcosm water. In addition, it brought the diversification on the niches accessible to planktonic microorganisms, as three phases were formed: water, aggregates and aggregate-water interphase. Some of the detected protistan taxa were only found in the water, and therefore they can be considered as truly free-swimming protists. Others quickly colonised the aggregates, and finally, some of them showed a preference for the aggregate-water interphase. We discuss this spatial structuring of the protistan community on the basis of their feeding strategies and structural and behavioural characteristics.  相似文献   

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