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The blood of seven Antarctic nototheniid species and representatives from three other families contained low haemoglobin concentrations compared with non-polar marine teleosts. Haematocrit values were slightly lower than values from other teleosts, while haemoglobin and erythrocyte counts were substantially reduced by comparison. Interspecific variation in haemoglobin concentration seemed to be a function of activity level. Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration of all Antarctic species was strikingly low by comparison with species from lower latitudes and was not correlated with the habits of the species. Haemoglobin componentry was compared using celluslose-acetate electrophoresis and, unlike many temperate species, only one major haemoprotein was isolated from each benthic species, but four components were evident in the pelagic species Trematomus borchgrevinki . The possible functional significance of these findings was discussed in relation to the ecology of each species.  相似文献   

2,4-Fluorodinitrobenzene and 2,3-butanedione, which irreversibly inactivate the glucose transfer system of erythrocytes, have been used as probes to determine whether the substrate site and inner and outer sites for reversible inhibitors are located in the same or different regions of the carrier. Inhibitors bound at an inhibition site exposed in the inward-facing but not the outwardfacing form of the carrier (cytochalasin B, androstendione and androstandione) protect the transport system against inactivation by 2,4-fluorodinitrobenzene. Inhibitors bound at an external inhibition site (phloretin) and substrates bound at the transfer site do not protect. In contrast inactivation by 2,3-butanedione is slightly accelerated by internally bound inhibitors, while substrates and substrate analogs bound at the transfer site protect the system. It is shown that fluorodinitrobenzene reacts in the inner inhibition site and butanedione in the substrate site; and further that these sites may be separate binding areas in the carrier linked by allosteric interaction. The consequence of this linkage is that binding of a ligand at the substrate site precludes binding of another ligand at the internal or external inhibition site.  相似文献   

A comparison of the erythrocyte (RBC) antioxidant metabolites and enzymes in nine marsupial and two monotreme species was carried out. Reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations were comparable with those reported for other marsupial and eutherian species. An important finding was that the erythrocytes of the southern hairy nosed wombat regenerated GSH faster than the erythrocytes from its close relative, the common wombat. The activities of glutathione-S-transferase, NADH-methaemoglobin reductase, Superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), showed similar levels and extents of variation as those observed in other marsupial and eutherian species. Catalase activities in the marsupials were lower than those measured in the two monotreme species and much lower than those reported in eutherian species. A negative correlation, significant at P < 0.05, was observed between GSH-Px and catalase activities in the RBC of the marsupials. Since both these enzymes “detoxify” H2O2, there appears to be a reciprocal relationship between the activities of these enzymes in marsupial RBC  相似文献   

M Donner  J F Stoltz 《Biorheology》1985,22(5):385-397
Important cellular functions, such as rheological properties of cells are presumably related to the membrane lipid fluidity which may be approached by the use of fluorescence polarization method. However, biological membranes represent very heterogeneous media and the knowledge of the fluidity of membrane compartments requires the use of different probes. Two fluorescent probes, DPH and its cationic derivative, TMA-DPH, have been employed to probe the lipid fluidity of human platelets and red cell membranes. The results show that the informations given by DPH and TMA-DPH can present important differences, suggesting that DPH and TMA-DPH are localized in different regions of cell membranes. In an attempt to investigate relations between lipid fluidity and rheological properties of red cells, the behavior of probes was studied in a "Couette" viscometer with a device for studying the emissive properties of probes when red cell membranes are under shear conditions.  相似文献   

L Chiarantini  J Johnson  J R Deloach 《Blood cells》1991,17(3):607-17; discussion 618-22
Carrier mouse erythrocytes prepared by a hypotonic dialysis technique and reinjected into mice have a 24 hour survival of approximately 50%. Twenty-four hour survival can be improved substantially to 74% by removing the more fragile erythrocytes by a hypotonic wash treatment. The mean cell volume of the carriers prepared by this modification is significantly (p less than 0.01) different from cells prepared by the standard method with a isotonic wash treatment. Carriers prepared by the hypotonic treatment wash modification exhibit a different 50% hemolytic value (15% difference) from isotonically prepared carriers, and normal erythrocytes. Carrier-erythrocytes removed from mice 24 hour post-injection exhibit an osmotic profile that is independent of the treatment. Carriers were also prepared by another modification of the encapsulation procedure and held in a permeable state overnight before resealing and annealing. Carriers prepared in this manner showed a much lower 24 hour survival (13%).  相似文献   

Interaction of carboplatin with carrier human erythrocytes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antineoplastic drug Carboplatin (CBDCA) was encapsulated in human erythrocytes by means of transient hypotonic hemolysis, followed by isotonic resealing. Up to 5 mg/ml of packed cells could be entrapped, with about 70% cell recovery. In vitro incubation of the CBDCA-loaded erythrocytes in autologous plasma caused a very slow release of the drug from the cells (12% approximately in 3 h). The encapsulation conditions, performed at a low hematocrit, in order to obtain high amounts of the drug inside the carriers, impaired the metabolic properties of the loaded erythrocytes significantly. In particular, an almost complete disappearance of GSH was observed. Analysis of the intraerythrocytic metabolism of CBDCA showed that, in spite of its relatively high stability in aqueous solutions, in hemolysates and in the loaded erythrocytes a significant percentage of CBDCA is rapidly converted to other species that still retain an antiproliferative activity in vitro. This fast conversion could be extensively inhibited by previous conversion of oxyhemoglobin to methemoglobin or carbomonoxyhemoglobin, suggesting an important role of heme iron in this process. Encapsulation of CBDCA in selectively targeted human erythrocytes may represent a therapeutic strategy for increasing the drug concentration in specific organs, notably liver.  相似文献   

Carrier-red blood cells (C-RBC) can be administered by intraperitoneal injection (IP) in mice, and C-RBC survive in circulation as well as cells administered by intravenous injection (IV). There was no difference in the 24 hr post-injection organ distribution of normal RBC and C-RBC, an indication of the normalcy of C-RBC. Approximately 25% of the C-RBC remain in circulation 14 days post-injection indicating a 20-day half-life for C-RBC in mice. This alternate injection method for RBC also allows for extravascular targeting of RBC to peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

We have undertaken comparative studies of the number and phenotypes of erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of red crucian carp (RCC), blunt snout bream (BSB), and their hybrids, including triploids, tetraploids, and pentaploids. The results indicate that the mean nuclear volume of erythrocytes in peripheral blood increases regularly with increasing ploidy. Furthermore, many more mature erythrocytes have a dumbbell nucleus in the peripheral blood of polyploid hybrids compared with their diploid parents. With the increase in ploidy level, the percentage of such erythrocytes increases. The polyploid hybrids also have a large number of erythrocytes with abnormal shapes. For example, round and tear-shaped erythrocytes have been observed in the peripheral blood of polyploid hybrids. Since the erythrocytes in polyploid hybrids with their larger volume and lower specific surface area are unfavorable for the conveyance of oxygen, morphological variations of erythrocytes might improve defective blood circulation. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (grant no. 30725028), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 30330480 and 30571444), National Basic Research Program (grant no. 2007CB109206), and Key Project of Hunan Province (grant no. 2006NK2008).  相似文献   

The L-lactate/proton symport system of the red blood cell membrane was studied under conditions of alternative-substrate inhibition by glycolate. At constant pH of the medium glycolate caused competitive inhibition of L-lactate transport. In Lineweaver-Burk plots of 1/v against 1/[H], on the other hand, glycolate caused an uncompetitive inhibition. These observations indicate, that the monocarboxylate carrier exhibits ordered substrate binding, with the proton binding first.  相似文献   

Bovine erythrocyte exposure to isometamidium chloride causes increased osmotic fragility. Control cells tolerated up to 1 mg/ml drug with no effects. Carrier erythrocytes were highly susceptible to drug, with increased osmotic fragility and decreased encapsulation potential of sucrose and inulin. Scanning electron micrographs of control and carrier erythrocytes exposed to drug revealed the formation of enkephalocytes with carrier erythrocytes. Control erythrocytes showed greater tolerance to the drug. Apparently, access of the drug to the interior of the erythrocyte membrane allows the drug to be more interactive with the membrane.  相似文献   

Three parallel pathways of L-lactate transport across the membrane of human red blood cells can be discriminated: (a) by nonionic diffusion; (b) via the band 3 anion exchange protein; and (c) via a specific monocarboxylate carrier system. Influx of lactate via the latter system leads to alkalinization of the medium, suggesting lactate-proton symport. Kinetic analysis of initial lactate influx via the monocarboxylate carrier indicates a symport system with ordered binding of the two ligands, in the sense that a proton binds first to the translocator, followed by lactate binding to the protonated carrier. The influence of varying trans-pH under conditions of net (zero-trans) flux with constant cis-pH indicates that the monocarboxylate translocator should be considered as a mobile carrier, with the ligand-binding sites exposed alternatively to the outside and the inside of the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium tetrathionate reacts with the glucose carrier of human erythrocytes at a rate which is greatly altered in the presence of competitive inhibitors of glucose transport. Inhibitors bound to the carrier on the outer surface of the membrane, either at the substrate site (maltose) or at the external inhibition site (phloretin and phlorizin), more than double the reaction rate. Inhibitors bound at the internal inhibition site (cytochalasin B and androstenedione), protect the system against tetrathionate. After treatment with tetrathionate, the maximum transport rate falls to less than one-third, and the properties of the binding sites are modified in unexpected ways. The affinity of externally bound inhibitors rises: phloretin is bound up to seven times more strongly and phlorizin and maltose twice as strongly. The affinity of cytochalasin B, bound at the internal inhibition site, falls to half while that of androstenedione is little changed. The affinity of external glucose falls slightly. Androstenedione prevents both the fall in transport activity and the increase in phloretin affinity produced by tetrathionate. An inhibitor of anion transport has no effect on the reaction. The observations support the following conclusions: (1) Tetrathionate produces its effects on the glucose transport system by reacting with the carrier on the outer surface of the membrane. (2) The carrier assumes distinct inward-facing and outward-facing conformations, and tetrathionate reacts with only the outward-facing form. (3) The thiol group with which tetrathionate is presumed to react is not present in either the substrate site or the internal or external inhibitor site. (4) In binding asymmetrically to the carrier, a reversible inhibitor shifts the carrier partition between inner and outer forms and thereby raises or lowers the rate of tetrathionate reaction with the system. (5) Reaction with tetrathionate converts the carrier to an altered state in which the conformation at all three binding sites is changed and the rate of carrier reorientation is reduced.  相似文献   

A method is described, based on the kinetics of transport, for determining the equilibrium distribution of the carrier site on the inner and outer surfaces of the cell membrane, and this method is applied to the choline carrier of human erythrocytes. This method depends on measurement of flux ratios for both entry and exit, i.e., the transport rates of a low concentration of labeled substrate into a solution which contains either no substrate or a saturating concentration of unlabeled substrate. The concentrations of inward-facing and outward-facing carrier are found to be nearly equal, and therefore the 5-fold difference in choline affinity on the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane cannot be explained by an unequal carrier distribution. It is also shown that both reorientation and dissociation of the carrier-substrate complex are far more rapid than reorientation of the free carrier.  相似文献   

The relationships between structure, affinity and transport activity in the choline transport system of erythrocytes have been investigated in order to (i) explore the nature of the carrier site and its surroundings, and (ii) determine the dependence of the carrier reorientation process on binding energies and steric restraints due to the substrate molecule. Affinity constants and maximum transport rates for a series of trialkyl derivatives of ethanolamine were obtained by a method that involves measuring the trans effect of unlabeled analogs upon the movement of radioactive choline. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) An analysis of transport kinetics shows that the affinity constants determined experimentally differ from the actual dissociation constants in a predictable way. The better the substrate, the higher the apparent affinity relative to the true value, whereas the affinity of non-transported inhibitors is underestimated by a constant factor. (2) The carrier-choline complex undergoes far more rapid reorientation (translocation) than the free carrier. (3) The carrier imposes a strict upper limit upon the size of a substrate molecule that can participate in the carrier reorientation process; this limit corresponds to the choline structure. A smaller substrate such as tetramethylammonium, despite relatively weak binding forces, is unhindered in its translocation, suggesting that a carrier conformational change, dependent upon substrate binding energy, is not required for transport. (4) Small increases in the size of the quaternary ammonium head, as in triethylcholine, sharply lower affinity, consistent with a high degree of specificity for the trimethylammonium group. (5) Lengthening the alkyl substituent in derivatives of dimethyl- and diethylaminoethanol causes a regular increase in affinity, suggestive of unspecific hydrophobic bonding in a region very near the substrate site.  相似文献   

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