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We assessed the speed of the ventilatory response to square-wave changes in alveolar P(CO2) and the relative gains of the steady-state ventilatory response to CO2 of the central chemoreceptors vs. the carotid body chemoreceptors in intact, unanesthetized dogs. We used extracorporeal perfusion of the reversibly isolated carotid sinus to maintain normal tonic activity of the carotid body chemoreceptor while preventing it from sensing systemic changes in CO2, thereby allowing us to determine the response of the central chemoreceptors alone. We found the following. 1) The ventilatory response of the central chemoreceptors alone is 11.2 (SD = 3.6) s slower than when carotid bodies are allowed to sense CO2 changes. 2) On average, the central chemoreceptors contribute approximately 63% of the gain to steady-state increases in CO2. There was wide dog-to-dog variability in the relative contributions of central vs. carotid body chemoreceptors; the central exceeded the carotid body gain in four of six dogs, but in two dogs carotid body gain exceeded central CO2 gain. If humans respond similarly to dogs, we propose that the slower response of the central chemoreceptors vs. the carotid chemoreceptors prevents the central chemoreceptors from contributing significantly to ventilatory responses to rapid, transient changes in arterial P(CO2) such as those after periods of hypoventilation or hyperventilation ("ventilatory undershoots or overshoots") observed during sleep-disordered breathing. However, the greater average responsiveness of the central chemoreceptors to brain hypercapnia in the steady-state suggests that these receptors may contribute significantly to ventilatory overshoots once unstable/periodic breathing is fully established.  相似文献   

In normal pentobarbitalized Wistar rats, simultaneous section of Hering nerves and resection of superior cervical sympathetic chain, suppress chemosensibility, in 50% cases: ventilatory responses to cyanide and to hypoxia are completely suppressed by the surgical denervation. Vagotomy completes loss of chemosensibility in a few animals, indicating the presence of intrathoracic chemoreceptors of minor importance. Local anaesthesia with lidoca?ne of extra craniobasal unidentified structures, is as effective as surgical chemodenervation for suppressing ventilatory responses. This technic is not suitable for experimental purposes in long duration assays.  相似文献   

Central chemoreceptors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When all peripheral chemoreceptors are denervated, animals continue to show increased ventilation when made to breathe CO2, indicating that receptors within the brain ("central chemoreceptors") are excited by acidity or changes in CO2. No cells have been identified within the brain that are indisputedly chemoreceptors for CO2 or H+, but there is abundant evidence that respiration can be affected by chemical, electrical, and thermal stimuli applied locally to the ventral surface of the medulla. Furthermore, the actions of traditional central chemical respiratory stimuli can be blunted or abolished after inhibition of neural function within this ventrolateral medullary shell (VMS). The VMS is an integrative region for cardiovascular and respiratory function and may be involved in nociception. The distinction between the former two is not always clear, but recent studies using microinjection techniques seem promising for identifying the respiratory substrates. The many recent advances elucidating anatomic connections between the VMS and other brain regions are important but do not directly address the question of the site of central respiratory chemosensitivity. Knowledge of such connections, however, should provide more definitive opportunities for addressing this question.  相似文献   

As interactions between peripheral chemoreceptors stimulation (PCS) and pulmonary vasomotor tone remain controversial, experiments were made in rats in order to clear up the effects of PCS on pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP). Different stimulations varying in intensities were used, in rats nervously intact (IR-rats), after vagotomy (XT-rats), after chemodenervation obtained without vagotomy (CDN not XT-rats) or with XT (CDN + XT) and finally after alpha 1-receptors blockade (P-rats = pretreated rats). The observed variations were analysed in view of disentangling reflex part of PCS from a direct activity on the pulmonary vascular bed. Ventilation, PAP and systemic blood pressure (BP) were studied in anaesthetized rats. N2 test, NaCN test, 20 s of 5% O2 inhalation and almitrine bismesylate (ALM) were used as PCS, ranged in the order of their relative intensities, from the ventilatory responses observed in IR-rats. In IR-rats, N2-and CN test produced a similar transient increase of PAP, slightly more extended than the hyperventilation. After XT, the responses were prolonged, but amplified only in CN test. Ventilatory responses disappear after CDN, but as far as pulmonary hypertension is concerned, CDN + XT is more potent than CDN without XT to reduce or even suppress them. This fact is particularly evident with ALM who is the strongest PCS used. Similar reduction of PAP rise was also produced in P-rats in which ventilatory responses remain unchanged. Prolonged hypoxic inhalation induced a progressive fall of systolic BP and of PAP. The return to normal air breathing is followed by BP restoration and a long-lasting PAP increase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Progesterone receptors and ventilatory stimulation by progestin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Progestin is thought to be a ventilatory stimulant but its effectiveness in raising ventilation is variable in humans and other species. We hypothesized that the level of progesterone receptors was an important determinant of the ventilatory response to progestin. Since estradiol induces progesterone receptor formation, we compared the ventilatory effect of the synthetic progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) given in combination with estradiol with the effects of estradiol alone, MPA alone, or vehicle (saline) in ovariectomized rats. Animals receiving MPA alone had low numbers of progesterone receptors (2.43 pmol/g uterine wt) and had no change in ventilation, arterial Pco2, or Po2. MPA administration raised ventilation 23 +/- 5%, lowered arterial Pco2 3.2 +/- 0.9 Torr (both P less than 0.01) and tended to raise arterial Po2 when given in combination with estradiol to animals with increased numbers of progesterone receptors (4.85 pmol/g uterine wt). Estradiol alone produced the highest number of progesterone receptors (12.3 pmol/g uterine wt) but had no effect on ventilation or arterial Pco2 and decreased arterial Po2. Combined estradiol plus MPA treatment produced a greater fall in arterial Pco2 than did treatment with MPA alone, estradiol, or saline (all P less than 0.05). These results suggest that both an elevation in progestin levels and progesterone receptor numbers are required to stimulate ventilation.  相似文献   

Krivan V  Lánský P  Rospars JP 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):121-128
In natural conditions odorants released continuously by animals and plants are broken in discontinuous clumps and filaments. In the case of flying insects these discontinuities are perceived as periodic variations in the concentration of the stimulus. This periodicity has been shown to be essential to orientation and location of mate and food. We study analytically and numerically a model of the receptor-ligand interaction that takes place in the receptor neurons. We show that this model can account quantitatively for the range of optimum stimulus frequencies measured experimentally in the sex-pheromone system of moths. The results obtained suggest that the rate constants characterising the pheromone-receptor interaction are optimally adapted to the temporal characteristics of the signal it perceives.  相似文献   

The effects of hyperoxic hypercapnia on cardiovascular and ventilatory variables and blood gas and acid/base parameters were examined in conscious and anesthetized spontaneously breathing (ASB) channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. These separate experiments were designed to determine: (1) if channel catfish show a ventilatory response to hypercapnic acidosis when blood O(2) content is maintained in conscious animals; and (2) whether branchial receptors innervated by cranial nerves IX and X mediate this response. The combination of high O(2) and CO(2) tensions allowed the cardioventilatory effects of hypercapnic acidosis to be assessed independently of Root or Bohr mediated changes in blood O(2) content. In the absence of significant changes in dorsal or ventral aorta O(2) content, hyperoxic hypercapnia significantly stimulated ventilation, relative to hyperoxic exposure. Hypercapnic acidosis, however, had no significant effects on blood pressure or heart rate. Branchial denervation in ASB fish abolished the ventilatory response to hypercapnic acidosis. The results indicate that hypercapnic acidosis independently stimulates ventilation in channel catfish. This response is mediated by CO(2)/pH-sensitive branchial receptors innervated by cranial nerves IX and X.  相似文献   

We examined the role of the carotid chemoreceptors in the ventilatory response to changes in venous CO2 load in 12 awake sheep using a venovenous extracorporeal perfusion circuit and two carbon dioxide membrane lungs (CDML). Three of the sheep had undergone surgical denervation of the carotid bodies (CBD). In the nine intact sheep, as CO2 was removed from or added to the peripheral venous blood through the CDML under normoxic conditions, there was a linear relationship between the rate of pulmonary CO2 excretion (VCO2) and the resulting rate of ventilation over a VCO2 range of 0--800% of control, so that arterial PCO2 remained close to isocapnic. In contrast, in the three CBD sheep, the ventilatory response to changes in VCO2 was significantly decreased under normoxic conditions, resulting in marked hypercapnia. The results indicate that the carotid chemoreceptors exert a major influence on the ventilatory response to changes in venous CO2 load.  相似文献   

Hypoxia potentiates the ventilatory response to exercise, eliciting a greater decrease in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) from rest to exercise than in normoxia. The mechanism of this hypoxia-exercise interaction requires intact carotid chemoreceptors. To determine whether carotid chemoreceptor stimulation alone is sufficient to elicit the mechanism without whole body hypoxia, ventilatory responses to treadmill exercise were compared in goats during hyperoxic control conditions, moderate hypoxia (PaO2 = 38-44 Torr), and peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation with the peripheral dopamine D2-receptor antagonist, domperidone (Dom; 0.5 mg/kg iv). Measurements with Dom were made in both hyperoxia (Dom) and hypoxia (Dom/hypoxia). Finally, ventilatory responses to inspired CO2 at rest were compared in each experimental condition because enhanced CO2 chemoreception might be expected to blunt the PaCO2 decrease during exercise. At rest, PaCO2 decreased from control with Dom (-5.0 +/- 0.9 Torr), hypoxia (-4.1 +/- 0.5 Torr), and Dom/hypoxia (-11.1 +/- 1.2 Torr). The PaCO2 decrease from rest to exercise was not significantly different between control (-1.7 +/- 0.6 Torr) and Dom (-1.4 +/- 0.8 Torr) but was significantly greater in hypoxia (-4.3 +/- 0.7 Torr) and Dom/hypoxia (-3.5 +/- 0.9 Torr). The slope of the ventilation vs. CO2 production relationship in exercise increased with Dom (16%), hypoxia (18%), and Dom/hypoxia (68%). Ventilatory responses to inspired CO2 at rest increased from control to Dom (236%) and Dom/hypoxia (295%) and increased in four of five goats in hypoxia (mean 317%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In awake lambs we investigated the role of the peripheral chemoreceptors in producing dynamic ventilatory (VE) responses to CO2. The immediate VE response, within 15 s, to transient CO2 inhalation was studied in two groups: 1) five lambs before carotid denervation and 2) the same lambs after carotid denervation. The time course of VE responses during the first 60 s after a step change to 8% inspired CO2 was also studied in lambs after carotid denervation and in a group of six carotid body-intact lambs 10-11 days of age. Acute CO2 responses were assessed using step changes to various concentrations of CO2 + air and CO2 + O2, while VE was recorded breath by breath. Intact lambs exhibited a brisk VE response to step changes in CO2, beginning after 3-5 s. Hyperoxia altered but did not suppress the dynamic VE CO2 response when the carotid chemoreceptors were intact. Carotid denervation markedly reduced the VE response during the first 25 s after a CO2 step change, revealing the time delay required for the central chemoreceptors to produce an effective VE response. The residual VE response remaining after CD was thought to be mediated by the remaining aortic body chemoreceptors and was eliminated by adding O2 to the CO2 challenges. However, after carotid denervation, even with CO2 + hyperoxia, the onset of a small tidal volume response was apparent by 10-12 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Urotensin-II (U-II) was originally considered to be exclusively the product of the caudal neurosecretory system (CNSS) of teleost fish, but it has now been demonstrated that U-II is widely expressed in peripheral tissues and nervous structures of species from lampreys to mammals. However, very little is known regarding the physiological effects of this peptide in its species of origin. In the present review, we summarize the most significant results relating to the cardiovascular, ventilatory, and motor effects of centrally and peripherally administered synthetic trout U-II in our experimental animal model, the unanesthetized trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. In addition, we compare the actions of U-II with those of other neurohormonal peptides, particularly with the actions of urotensin-I, a 41-amino acid residue peptide paralogous to corticotropin-releasing hormone that is co-localized with U-II within neurons of the CNSS.  相似文献   

The relationship between fetal femoral arterial P02 and PC02 was evalulated in 13 fetal sheep with intact and denervated peripheral chemoreceptors. With intact chemoreceptors, a significant relationship was found between fetal Pa02 and PaC02 at the time of the first breath (Pa02 = 2.57 + 0.09 PaC02; r = 0.62, P less than 0.05)mfollowing bilateral carotid sinus nerve section (CSN) or total peripheral chemodenervation (TD), PaC02. Comparison of the intact, CSN, and TD blood gases at the time of the first breath demonstrated that a) severe hypoxemia stimulates fetal respiration even following total peripheral chemodenervation; b) fetal central chemoreceptors do not respond to PaC02; c) PaC02 acting via peripheral chemoreceptors has a minor modulating effect on the degree of hypoxemia required to initiate fetal respiration. At a PaC02 below 40 mmHg this effect is inhibitory, acting via the carotid body. At a PaC02 above 90 mmHg this effect is stimulatory, acting via both carotid and aortic bodies.  相似文献   

An analysis of the various parts of the electrical responses to the chemical and electrical stimulation of a single labellar chemosensory hair of the blowfly, Phormia regina, indicates that the recording conditions for the spike potentials approximate the intracellular recordings made in other types of sense cells. The large positive resting potential probably arises from the basement membrane of the hypodermal cells and neurilemma rather than from the neurons at the base of the chemosensory hair. The responses to polarizing currents passed through single chemosensory hairs support this analysis. The behavioral responses to similar polarizing currents are shown to result from the action of the current on the neurons at the bases of the adjacent chemosensory hairs. The reported neural interaction of the two chemosensory neurons associated with the chemosensory hair is probably due to the physical-chemical attributes of the stimulating solution rather than to any real neural interaction. Observations on the latency of the initial nerve impulse in response to chemical stimulation indicate that the chemosensory neurons are normally free from spontaneous spike activity.  相似文献   

We compared the O2 cost of breathing (VO2resp) at high levels of ventilation (HV) with that against high inspiratory pressure loads (HP) using an external elastance when end-expiratory volume, work rate (W), and pressure-time product (P) were matched at two levels of ventilation and elastic loading. Each of five normal subjects performed three pairs of loaded runs (one HV and one HP) bracketed by two resting runs. Mean O2 consumption from the pairs of resting runs was subtracted from that of each of the loaded runs to give VO2resp during loaded breathing. Matching for W and P was within 15% in all 15 pairs of runs. During HV runs, ventilation was 398 +/- 24% of corresponding values during HP runs (P < 0.01). Although there was no difference in W (P > 0.05), the VO2resp during HV runs was 237 +/- 33% of that during HP (P < 0.01) and efficiency of HV was 51 +/- 5% of that during HP (P < 0.01). When W was normalized for the decrease in maximum inspiratory pressure with increased mean lung volume, efficiency during HV and HP runs did not differ (P > 0.05). In the second series of experiments, when both HV and HP runs were matched for W but P was allowed to vary, efficiency increased by 1.42 +/- 0.42% (P < 0.05) for each percent decrease in P during HV runs but was unchanged (P > 0.05) during HP runs despite a 193 +/- 10% increase in P.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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