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Hu D  Kluger R 《Biochemistry》2008,47(47):12551-12561
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers have been sought as stable, sterile alternatives to red cells in transfusions. Problems in clinical trials using cross-linked tetramers have led to proposals that larger assemblies of tetramers may alleviate some of the problems. A study of such assemblies requires materials with defined structures and physical properties. Evaluation of cross-linked bis-tetramers with inflexible linear links between the tetramers revealed that these have very low cooperativity in oxygen binding and would thus be inefficient as oxygen carriers. New, more flexible reagents were designed to cross-link and connect tetramers in two modes: with angular connectors that permit torsional movement (1-3) and with linear connectors that resemble previously studied systems (4-6). The resulting cross-linked bis-tetramers were produced in high yield and were isolated and characterized. Digest mapping showed that modifications were specifically introduced as expected at amino groups in the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate binding sites within beta subunits. Circular dichroism showed that the secondary structure of the globin chains is maintained while the microenvironment of the hemes is altered. The bis-tetramers derived from 1-3 have oxygen affinity (P(50) = 3.6-4.7) and cooperativity (n(50) = 2.2-2.7) that appear to be suitable for efficient oxygen delivery to hypoxic regions along with increased mass that is expected to minimize extravasation.  相似文献   

We have defined the predominant site of p-nitrophenyl acetate reaction with hemoglobin. The site is involved with, at least, two modes of action: the imidazole catalysis of His beta 2 and the irreversible covalent acetylation of Lys beta 82. The effect of competitive inhibition of the reaction by 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid, the dependence of the reaction rate on the protein conformation, hemoglobin mutants, and the diethylpyrocarbonate are consistent with the assignment of the active site. In addition, the results point to small conformational differences in the NH-terminal regions of the beta chains between Hb S and Hb A.  相似文献   

Using modulated excitation, we have measured the forward and reverse rates of the allosteric transition between relaxed (R) and tense (T) quaternary structures for triply ligated hemoglobin (Hb), cross-linked between the alpha chains at Lys 99. Oxygen, carbon monoxide, and water were used as ligands and were studied in phosphate and low Cl- bis-Tris buffers at neutral pH. Since the cross-link prohibits disproportionation, triply ligated aquomet Hb species with ferrous beta chains were specifically isolated by isoelectric focusing. Modulated excitation provides rate pairs and therefore gives equilibrium constants between quaternary structures. To coordinate with that information, oxygen binding curves of fully ferrous and tri-aquomet Hb were also measured. L3, the equilibrium constant between three liganded R and T structures, is determined by modulated excitation to be of order unity for O2 or CO (1.1 to 1.5 for 3O2 and 0.7 for 3CO bound), while with three aquomet subunits it is much greater (> or = 23). R-->T conversion rates are similar to those found for HbA, with weak sensitivity to changes in L3. The L3 values from HbXL O2 were used to obtain a unique allosteric decomposition of the ferrous O2 binding curve in terms of KT, KR, and L3. From these values and the O2 binding curve of tri-aquomet HbXL, L3 was calculated to be 2.7 for the tri-aquomet derivative. Consistency in L3 values between equilibrium and modulated excitation data for tri-aquomet-HbXL can be achieved if the equilibrium constant for O2 binding to the alpha chains is six times lower than that for binding to the beta chains in the R state, while the cooperative properties remain homogeneous. The results are in quantitative agreement with other studies, and suggest that the principal effect of the cross-link is to decrease the R state and T state affinity of the alpha subunits with almost no change in the affinity of the beta subunits, leaving the allosteric parameters L and c unchanged.  相似文献   

Two hemoglobin variants with substitutions at beta 79 and beta 80 were found to have an increased oxygen affinity, but a normal response to organic phosphates. These observations are interpreted in terms of salt bridges which are affected by the substitutions.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin A, cross-linked between Lys 99 alpha 1 and Lys 99 alpha 2, was used to obtain a partially oxidized tetramer in which only one of the four hemes remains reduced. Because of the absence of dimerization, asymmetric, partially oxidized derivatives are stable. This is evidenced by the fact that eight of the ten possible oxidation states could be resolved by analytical isoelectric focusing. A triply oxidized hemoglobin population HbXL+3 was isolated whose predominant component was (alpha + alpha +, beta + beta 0). This triferric preparation was examined as a possible model for the triliganded state of ferrous HbA. The aquomet and cyanomet derivatives were characterized by their CD spectra and their kinetic reactions with carbon monoxide. CD spectra in the region of 287 nm showed no apparent change in quaternary structure upon binding ligand to the fourth, ferrous heme. The spectra of the oxy and deoxy forms of the cyanomet and aquomet derivatives of HbXL+3 differed insignificantly and were characteristic of the normal liganded state. Upon addition of inositol hexaphosphate (IHP), both the oxy and deoxy derivatives of the high-spin triaquomet species converted to the native deoxy conformation. In contrast, IHP had no such effect on the conformation of the low-spin cyanomet derivatives of HbXL+3. The kinetics of CO combination as measured by stopped-flow and flash photolysis techniques present a more complex picture. In the presence of IHP the triaquomet derivative does bind CO with rate constants indicative of the T state whether these are measured by the stopped-flow technique or by flash photolysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy, transient absorption, and fluroescence techniques have been employed to investigate the structure and dynamics of the alpha-cross-linked hemoglobin derivative, HbXL99 alpha. The resonance Raman spectra of the deoxy form of HbXL99 alpha are identical to those of native NbA (VFe-His approximately 222 cm-1), which exhibit a T-state (low affinity) structure regardless of solvent conditions. The resonance Raman spectra of the transient heme photoproduct resulting from CO photolysis from HbXL99 alpha appear to have structures intermediate between deoxy-T and ligand-bound R structures (VFe-His approximately 222 cm-1). Time-resolved resonance Raman data of HbXL99 alpha-CO show that complete CO recombination occurs after approximately 5 ms, with only a small amount of the CO-bound species reforming within approximately 200 ns (geminate recombination). Transient absorption spectra of HbXL99 alpha-O2 indicate that the extent of sub-nanosecond geminate recombination of O2 is also reduced in the cross-linked derivative relative to native HbA. The decrease in tryptophan fluorescence of HbXL99 alpha upon oxygenation further indicates that tertiary structural changes at the alpha 1-beta 2 interface upon ligation are apparently reduced, but not eliminated in the cross-linked derivative relative to HbA.  相似文献   

Human hemoglobin, reacted at the four amino termini with 4-isothiocyanatobenzenesulphonic acid (Hb-ICBS), was separated into its constituent chains. Recombination of the ICBS-reacted chains with the unmodified mate chains produced the hybrid tetramers modified at either the beta or the alpha chains: alpha 2 beta 2ICBS and alpha 2ICBS beta 2. All of the modified tetramers show a reduced oxygen affinity and reduced cooperativity; furthermore the oxygen affinity of the Hb-ICBS and alpha 2 beta 2ICBS is unaffected by 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate while the oxygen affinity of alpha 2ICBS beta 2 is decreased in the presence of this organic phosphate. The oxygen affinity of Hb-ICBS and alpha 2ICBS beta 2 is independent of chloride concentration, while the alpha 2 beta 2ICBS hybrid shows a reduced response to this anion. The tetramers alpha 2ICBS beta 2 and alpha 2ICBS beta 2ICBS show a decreased alkaline Bohr effect, which can be rationalized as being due to disruption of the oxygen-linked chloride-binding sites; in the case of alpha 2 beta 2ICBS the Bohr effect is instead (partially) maintained. The functional properties of artificial tetramers have been studied also from a kinetic point of view by CO combination and the results obtained compare satisfactorily with equilibrium data. The possibility of obtaining selectively modified hemoglobins promises to provide further insight into the properties of the oxygen-linked anion-binding sites in hemoglobin.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb), a cell-free hemoglobin derived from human erythrocytes, on blood flow distribution and tissue oxygen extraction capabilities in endotoxic shock. Eighteen pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized, mechanically ventilated dogs received 2 mg/kg of E. coli endotoxin, followed by saline resuscitation to restore cardiac filling pressures to baseline levels. The animals were randomly divided into three groups: six served as control, six received DCLHb at a dose of 500 mg/kg (group 1) and six DCLHb at a dose of 1,000 mg/kg (group 2). Cardiac tamponade was then induced by saline injection in the pericardial sac to progressively reduce cardiac index and thereby allow study of tissue oxygen extraction capabilities. DCLHb had a dose-dependent vasopressor effect but did not significantly alter cardiac index or regional blood flow. During cardiac tamponade, critical oxygen delivery was 12.8 +/- 0.7 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) in the control group, but 8.6 +/- 0.9 and 8.2 +/- 0.7 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) in groups 1 and 2, respectively (both P < 0.05 vs. control group). The critical oxygen extraction ratio was 39.1 +/- 3.1% in the control group but 58.7 +/- 12.8% and 60.2 +/- 9.0% in groups 1 and 2, respectively. We conclude that DCLHb can improve whole body oxygen extraction capabilities during endotoxic shock in dogs.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin tetramers which cannot split into alphabeta dimers, because they are covalently cross-linked between the beta chains across the polyphosphate binding site, form complexes with haptoglobin. The reaction is biphasic as measured by fluorescence quenching and peroxidase activity. A complex in which one of the alpha beta dimers of the cross-linked hemoglobin is bound to one of the sites in the divalent haptoglobin molecule, is formed reversibly during the initial fast phase. In the subsequent slower step, this product then either polymerizes, adds another cross-linked hemoglobin molecule or, in the presence of excess haptoglobin, combines with a second haptoglobin molecule. This latter complex, in which two haptoglobin molecules are bridged by a cross-linked hemoglobin tetramer, can still combine with normal alpha beta dimers at the vacant haptoglobin combining sites. In spite of the very low oxygen affinity of the cross-linked hemoglobin, combination with haptoglobin shifts if oxygen affinity to the very high value of the normal hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex.  相似文献   

The hemolysate of Mastigodryas bifossatus shows two major hemoglobins with very close isoelectric points, and four different globin chains. The stripped hemolysate exhibits a low alkaline Bohr effect (Δlog P50/ΔpH = −0.30 between pH7 and 8) and a decrease of the co-operativity from 2.3 to unity when the pH increases from 6.15 to 8.5. In the presence of ATP, large changes in the oxygen affinity and co-operativity are observed. The Bohr effect rises to −0.46 and the n50 values stay at around 3 in the pH range 6–9. An increase in temperature induces a large decrease in the oxygen affinity for the stripped hemolysate. In the pH range between 7.5 and 8.5, the values of AH in kcal/M are around 10 fold larger for the stripped protein than for the protein in the presence of ATP. Measurements of rapid kinetics of oxygen dissociation and carbon monoxide binding reflect the ATP sensitivity observed in equilibrium experiments.  相似文献   

We report the ligand dependence of the conformer distribution in the distal heme pocket of Ascaris suum hemoglobin (Hb) studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The heme-bound CO is used as a spectroscopic antenna to probe the original distribution of conformers in the dioxygen derivative of Ascaris Hb, by utilizing sol-gel encapsulation. The first step is to encapsulate the dioxygen derivative in the porous sol-gel and let the gel age, thus trapping the equilibrium conformational distribution of Ascaris dioxygen Hb. In the second step, the dioxygen ligand is replaced by CO. The sol-gel environment impedes any large scale movements, drastically slowing down the conformational relaxation triggered by the ligation change, essentially "locking in" the initial quaternary and even tertiary structure of the protein. Studying the Fe-CO frequencies of the latter sample allows evaluation of the distribution of the distal heme pocket conformers that was originally associated with the dioxygen derivative. Extending the study to the Ascaris mutants allows for examination of the effect of specific residues in the distal pocket on the conformational distribution. The choice of mutants was largely based on the anticipated variation in hydrogen bonding patterns. The results show that the sol-gel encapsulation can slow or prevent re-equilibration within the distal heme pocket of Ascaris Hb and that the distribution of distal heme pocket conformers for the CO derivative of Ascaris Hb in the sol-gel is highly dependent on the history of the sample. Additionally, we report a detailed study of the CO complex of the mutants in solution for assignment of the various heme pocket conformers, and we present a comparison of the sol-gel data with solution data. The results support a picture in which the dioxygen derivative biases the population strongly toward a tightly packed configuration that favors the network of strong hydrogen bonding interactions, and suggest that Ascaris Hb is uniquely designed for dioxygen capture.  相似文献   

Functionally distinct conformations of HbA (human adult hemoglobin) were probed using deoxy and diliganded derivatives of symmetric Fe-Zn hybrids of HbA. To expand the range of accessible structures, different environments were utilized including solution, sol-gel encapsulation, and crystals. Further structural and functional modulation was achieved by the addition of allosteric effectors. Functional characterization included oxygen affinity measurements, CO combination rates, and geminate and bimolecular CO recombination, after photodissociation. The conformational properties were studied using visible resonance Raman spectroscopy as a probe of local tertiary structure at the iron-containing hemes and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy as a probe of elements of the globin known to be sensitive to quaternary structure. The combined results show a pattern in which there is a progression of conformational and functional properties that are consistent with a picture in which the T quaternary structure can accommodate a range of tertiary conformations (plasticity). At one end of the distribution is the equilibrium deoxy T state conformation that has the lowest ligand reactivity. At the other end of the distribution are T state conformations with higher ligand reactivity that exhibit "loosened" T state constraints within the globin including the alpha(1)beta(2) interface and reduced proximal strain at the heme.  相似文献   

Two prion strains with identical incubation periods in mice exhibited distinct incubation periods and different neuropathological profiles upon serial transmission to transgenic mice expressing chimeric Syrian hamster/mouse (MH2M) prion protein (PrP) genes [Tg(MH2M) mice] and subsequent transmission to Syrian hamsters. After transmission to Syrian hamsters, the Me7 strain was indistinguishable from the previously established Syrian hamster strain Sc237, despite having been derived from an independent ancestral source. This apparent convergence suggests that prion diversity may be limited. The Me7 mouse strain could also be transmitted directly to Syrian hamsters, but when derived in this way, its properties were distinct from those of Me7 passaged through Tg(MH2M) mice. The Me7 strain did not appear permanently altered in either case, since the original incubation period could be restored by effectively reversing the series of passages. Prion diversity enciphered in the conformation of the scrapie isoform of PrP (PrP(Sc)) (G. C. Telling et al., Science 274:2079-2082, 1996) seems to be limited by the sequence of the PrP substrates serially converted into PrP(Sc), while prions are propagated through interactions between the cellular and scrapie isoforms of PrP.  相似文献   

L R Manning  J M Manning 《Biochemistry》1988,27(17):6640-6644
The ligation state of hemoglobin during its cross-linking by glycolaldehyde influences the ultimate oxygen affinity of the cross-linked protein. Thus, if the cross-linking is performed with carbonmonoxy-hemoglobin, the oxygen affinity increases slightly to a P50 of 7 mmHg from a P50 of 9 mmHg for unmodified hemoglobin. In contrast, when deoxyhemoglobin is cross-linked with glycolaldehyde, the oxygen affinity of the product decreases (P50 = 15 mmHg). When deoxyhemoglobin is first carboxymethylated and then cross-linked with glycolaldehyde, an even lower oxygen affinity is achieved (P50 = 23 mmHg). Carboxymethylated hemoglobin is very responsive to the presence of 5% CO2 with a P50 of 33 mmHg, which is lowered further to 42 mmHg when chloride (0.1 M) is also present. Hemoglobin carboxymethylated and cross-linked under anaerobic conditions is also responsive to the modulators CO2 and chloride with a resultant oxygen affinity of 27 mmHg. The type of cross-linking of liganded hemoglobin by the mild reagent glycolaldehyde is dependent upon the initial hemoglobin concentration. Thus, with dilute hemoglobin (45 microM in tetramer), cross-linking by glycolaldehyde (50 mM) results in about 75% of 64,000 molecular weight species (some of which are cross-linked within tetramer) and 25% of intertetrameric cross-linked species with a range of molecular weights averaging 128,000-512,000. With hemoglobin solutions of higher concentration (360 microM), the amount of the higher molecular weight species increases to about 65% with a corresponding reduction to 35% in the 64,000 molecular weight component.  相似文献   

The Hbs and the major electrophoretic Hb components (isoHbs) were isolated from three species of the trematodes, Explanatum explanatum (Ee), Gastrothylax crumenifer (Gc) and Paramphistomum epiclitum (Pe), that parasitise the common Indian water buffalo Bubalus bubalis. The Hbs are monomeric and resemble the so-called nonfunctional mutant hemoglobins that have Tyr at B10 or E7 positions (replacing Leu and the His residues, respectively). However, they are capable of binding with O2 and CO. O2 equilibrium studies of trematode Hb isoforms reveal extremely high O2 affinities, with half-saturation O2 tension (P50) values up to 800 times lower than those of human hemoglobins. This correlates with Tyr residues at B10 and at the distal position (E7) that decrease the O2 dissociation rate by contributing hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) to the bound O2. These substitutions also increase the O2 association rates either due to orientation of E7-Tyr towards the solvent and/or by sterically hindering the entry of water molecules into the heme pocket. The latter may account for the low rate of autoxidation of trematode Hbs. The Hbs and their isoforms from different species exhibited pronounced variation in O2 affinity, which may relate to subtle differences in the structure of the heme pocket. The O2 affinities of the composite (unfractionated) Hbs were intermediate to those of the individual Hb isoform. The P50 values of Hbs here obtained by direct O2 equilibrium measurements differed from those calculated from kinetic data already published [Kiger, L., Rashid, A. K., Griffon, N., Haque, M., Moens, L.,Gibson, Q. H., Poyart, C., & Marden, M. C. (1998). Biophys. J. 75, 990-998.] Intermediate state(s) due to slow reorientation of E7-Tyr may account for this difference. Some Hb isoforms showed slight (either normal or reverse) Bohr effects. The hyperbolic O2 equilibrium curve, Hill coefficient (n) values near unity accord with a monomeric nature of trematode Hbs. In marked contrast to vertebrate Hbs, CO does not seem to compete effectively with O2 in trematode Hbs, as evident from partition coefficient values (M) below 1.  相似文献   

Cassava starch was cross-linked with sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) on a Cerealtec single-screw extruder at different extrusion temperatures and concentrations of STMP and NaOH. The effect of variables on functional properties of the products was analysed by the response–surface methodology. The degree of substitution (DS) was influenced by NaOH and phosphorus level, and increased when their concentration increased. Extrusion temperature affected water absorption, cold viscosity and gel characteristics. The introduction of phosphate groups by cross-linking, with maximum DS of 1.5×10−4, increased the gel strength, water absorption index, resistance to high temperature and shear, and decreased gel cohesiveness, starch clarity and water solubility index. The products had different DS and degree of gelatinization and thus can be applied in several kinds of foods.  相似文献   

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