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由昆明植物研究所客座研究员杨竞生先生迸行补释、考证,由著名植物学家吴征铣先生亲自审订的《南方草木状考补》一书己由云南民族出版社正式出版。《南方草木状》是世界上最早(晋代,公元306年,栋含著)的一部地方植物志,而《南方草木状考  相似文献   

《南方草木状》一书为晋代学者嵇含在永兴三年 (公元 30 6年 )所著 ,是世界上最早的一部区域性植物志。主要是记载了我国南方两广及云南的重要资源植物 ,其中还有些外来植物及其制品 ,共计5 0条 ,以极其扼要的文字 ,阐述了丰富的内容。涉及了植物学各方面的知识 ,但尤以民族植物学为突出。可以说是我国或世界上最早的民族植物学典籍。关于《南方草木状》一书的真伪存在着分歧 ,本文对此分歧不予讨论 ,仅举书中的部分内容进行一些分析 ,说明我国在很久以前就有着丰富的民族植物学的资料 ,而进一步证实了美国民族植物学专家理察得·福特 (Ri…  相似文献   

使君子(Quisgualisindica)是古今中药材中著名的驱虫药。最早记载其入药的著作是晋代的《南方草木状》(公元304年)。当时称作 :“留求子形如栀子 ,棱瓣深而两头尖 ,似诃梨勒(笔者注 :即现称诃子(Terminalischebula)与使君子同为使君子科植物 ,《唐本草》中称“诃黎勒” ,以后又称“藏青果”)而轻 ,及半黄已熟 ,中有肉 ,白色 ,甘 ,如枣核大 ,治婴孺之疾 ,南海、交趾俱有之。”可见用以治疗小儿病患 ,至少已有1600多年的历史了。后唐·侯宁极撰《药谱》始称此物为“史君子”。北宋《开宝本草…  相似文献   

<正> 蜚声晚唐文坛的文学家陆角蒙(?——约公元881年),在其《笠泽丛书》中收有一篇富有寓言色彩、寓意深刻的杂文《蠹化》。从自然技术史的角度而言,这是一篇详细描述凤蝶类桔类害虫的形态、为害状及它的天敌的技术性史料。 我国柑桔类果木栽培历史,可溯至二千二百年前的先秦。在古籍上,也有柑桔害虫的记  相似文献   

清喉咽颗粒中黄芩甙的含量测定洒丽明王殿广(江苏省药品检验所,南京210008)(连云港康缘制药有限公司)清喉咽颗粒是由1995年版《中国药典》收载的清喉咽合剂改剂型而得。该品种为地黄、黄芩等药材组成的,而黄芩甙是其主要成份之一,原标准无含量测定,现采...  相似文献   

<正> 本刊用“Guihaia”作为外文刊名,是取自“桂海”的汉语拼音,并予拉丁化缀以“a”字尾而成。 “桂海”一词,较早出现在我国南朝梁文学家江淹的《杂体诗·袁太尉》:“文轸薄桂海”诗句中,以“南海有桂,故曰桂海”。桂海是泛指南方近海地方。其后,南宋诗人范成大曾任静江府(府治今桂林市)和广南西路(今广西)地方长官,就其见闻,追述广西山川、风物、花、果、草木的名著《桂海虞衡志》,亦用“桂海”一词,概指广西地区。 本刊采用书写简便的“Guihaia”为外文刊名,仅为学术交流时,在外文文献上便于引用而已。  相似文献   

《深圳植物志》,李沛琼主编,第2卷,632页,120彩色图板,2010年;北京:中国林业出版社。ISBN:978-7-5038-5884-0,定价:299.00元(精装本)。《深圳植物志》系列丛书共5卷本,其中《深圳苔藓植物志》为1卷;维管束植物共4卷,共收  相似文献   

<正> 广东位于祖国的中南部,地处亚热带与热带地区,疆域辽阔,地形复杂,气候温和,雨量充沛,在不同的地域含不同的植被类型和繁多的植物种类,药用植物的种类与资源也极丰富。。本省民间应用植物药(药材)防病、治病及人工种植药材等都有着悠久的历史。早在晋·嵇含《南方草木状》中就记述了本省不少的药用植物种类。近年来,随着四化建设的需要,我省植物药的应用与生产也不断发展和提高,成为我国药材,特别是“南药”的主要产地之一。著名药材,如巴戟天、砂仁、益智、何首乌、桔红、广藿香、广防己、金钱草等,行销  相似文献   

<正>本刊用“Guihaia”作为外文刊名,是取自“桂海”的汉语拼音,并予拉丁化缀以‘a”字尾而成。 “桂海”一词,较早出现在我国南朝梁文学家江淹的《杂体诗·袁太尉》: “文轸薄桂海”诗句中,以“南海有桂,故曰桂海”,桂海是泛指南方近海地方。其后,南宋诗人范成大曾任静江府(府治今桂林市)和广南西路(今广西)地方长官,就其见闻,追述广西山川、风物、花、果、草木的名著《桂海虞衡志》,亦用“桂海”一词,概指广西地区。  相似文献   

<正> 本刊用“Guihaia”作为外文刊名,是取自“桂海”的汉语拼音,并予拉丁化缀以‘a”字尾而成。 “桂海”一词,较早出现在我国南朝梁文学家江淹的《杂体诗·袁太尉》: “文轸薄桂海”诗句中,以“南海有桂,故曰桂海”,桂海是泛指南方近海地方。其后,南宋诗人范成大曾任静江府(府治今桂林市)和广南西路(今广西)地方长官,就其见闻,追述广西山川、风物、花、果、草木的名著《桂海虞衡志》,亦用“桂海”一词,概指广西地区。  相似文献   

The “Iconographia Plantarum” written by Wu Chi-Tseng in the Qing Dynasty (A. D. 1848) is a classical monumental work in the literature of botany. 1714 species of plants widely-spread all over 19 provinces of our country, especeally in Jiangxi, Hunan and Yunnan Provinces, were described in this book. nan and Yunnan Provinces, were described try, especeally in Jiangxi, Hunan and Yun. In order to make the plant names coincide with the original material as possible, the author had commented upon chinese herbal in considerable detail. Most of the plants were illustrated after their habitual appearence in somewhat clear manner. As a means for identifying certain species of the plant, this work has been playing an important role in development of modern botanical science in China. In modern taxonomical books a great deal of chinese name of plants are originated from this book, and they were available for reference to numerous researchers both at home and abroad. On account of inadequate observation, a lot of mistakes or misleadings occured in this book, and often been overlooked by the later botanists. Some of the modern authors still adhere to the work “Iconographia Plantarum”and even quoting the erroneous statement from it, thus we have to correct. This paper annotates and commentates the misleading items of 36 species of plant, and calls for the attention to the future readers.  相似文献   

Schredl  Michael 《Dreaming》2005,15(1):63
In this article I review "The Mind at Night: The New Science of How and Why We Dream," written by Andrea Rock. To begin with this book is an exciting journey through modern dream research. Scientific facts, which are skillfully explained, are complemented by personal accounts of well-known researchers in the field obtained through interviews. The diversity of the themes addressed in the book (e.g., sleep and memory, animal research, imaging studies, dream content analysis, consciousness research, creativity, and lucid dreaming) clearly shows the extensive "detective work" the author has accomplished. The major problem I had--as a researcher in this field--was the structure, or the lack of structure, within the book. Because of the way the book is organized, I decided to structure this review along the following themes: REM sleep, REM sleep and dreaming, biology of dreaming, dream content findings, and the integration of dream research into cognitive neuroscience in general. Despite the lack of structure of the book, Andrea Rock has written a wonderful book about modern dream research that is stimulating for researchers as well as for interested lay persons. I recommend it to everyone who is interested in dream research, the old question of the mind-body relationship, or understanding consciousness in general. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This is the story of a textbook that students of developmental biology have used for 45 years. "An Introduction to Embryology" was released soon after a role for genes in the control of development became finally recognized but not yet well documented. Thus this book manifested the transition from embryology to developmental biology. The story of its author, Boris Balinsky, who against all odds survived to write this book, is remarkable on its own. He started his scientific career in the USSR, but due to 20th century social and political upheavals, ended it in South Africa. This article will shed light on the life of Boris Balinsky, a scientist and writer and will explore the origins of his book.  相似文献   

《Anthropological Forum》2012,22(3):251-270
In 2010, Porer Nombo and I launched a book about indigenous Papua New Guinean plant knowledge to a large audience at a university near to his village on the north coast of that country. Members of the audience commented that the book made a record of important practices. But they asked if those practices were dependent on secret magic to be effective? What gave us the right to include such secrets? Or, if there was in fact something fundamental missing from the book (magical formulae to activate the processes described), then what was the use of publishing the book? Thinking through their questions suggested the need to analyse what ‘knowledge’ is in different places, and why plants might be effective in some, but not others. In this paper I attempt an explanation that does not rely on a ‘social’ explanation of magic but instead suggest that what we call ‘magic’ are mechanisms whereby a gardener (or healer, or hunter) positions an action, or a thing in relation to other things. I liken the way myth works in these systems to the way intellectual property law provides a comparable ‘mythic’ structure that locates effect in the places that have developed ‘knowledge economies’ and I conclude by asking; if places embody their history and politics, and generate different understandings of effect, then what are the implications of calling Porer's practices with regard to plants, ‘knowledge’?  相似文献   

In 1779, the Dutch physician Jan Ingen-Housz (1730–1799) obtained a leave-of-absence from his post as Court Physician to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria in order to do research (in England) on plants during the summer months. He performed more than 500 experiments, and described the results in his exceptional book Experiments Upon Vegetables (1779). In addition to proving the requirement for light in photosynthesis, Ingen-Housz established that leaves were the primary sites of the photosynthetic process. Later, Ingen- Housz published research papers on various subjects but aside from his 1779 book, he published only one more communication on photosynthesis and plant physiology. This was entitled 'An Essay on the Food of Plants and the Renovation of Soils'. The essay was published in 1796 as an appendix to an obscure British government report, which is rare and virtually unknown. The present paper describes the 1796 essay, which is particularly interesting in that it shows how Ingen-Housz's concepts were modified by new interpretations of chemical phenomena described in Lavoisier's great and revolutionary book Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (1789). Ingen-Housz not only discovered photosynthesis, but plant respiration as well, and the 1796 essay is testimony to his remarkable insights.  相似文献   

Chaffey  Nigel 《Annals of botany》2007,100(7):1605-1606
The title of this slim book doesn't give too much away. Thesub-title ‘How plants changed Earth's history’ ismore informative. Immediately we understand that it is aboutplants; but these are plants as central characters in a dramathat takes place on the global stage, not cast in the more usualrole as bit-part players. However, the sub-title is also intriguingly– and deliberately – ambiguous; on the one handthis book is about the use of fossil plants as sources of evidencethat are changing our views of the earth's  相似文献   

Hedrich R  Marten I 《Planta》2006,224(4):725-739
In the past 30 years enormous progress was made in plant membrane biology and transport physiology, a fact reflected in the appearance of textbooks. The first book dedicated to ‘Membrane Transport in Plants’ was published on the occasion of the ‘International Workshop on Membrane Transport in Plants’ held at the Nuclear Research Center, Jülich, Germany [Zimmermann and Dainty (eds) 1974] and was followed in 1976 by a related volume ‘Transport in plants II’ in the ‘Encyclopedia of plant physiology’ [Lüttge and Pitman (eds) 1976]. A broad spectrum of topics including thermodynamics of transport processes, water relations, primary reactions of photosynthesis, as well as more conventional aspects of membrane transport was presented. The aim of the editors of the first book was to bring advanced thermodynamical concepts to the attention of biologists and to show physical chemists and biophysicist what the more complex biological systems were like. To bundle known data on membrane transport in plants and relevant fields for mutual understanding, interdisciplinary research and clarification of problems were considered highly important for further progress in this scientific area of plant physiology. The present review will critically evaluate the progress in research in membrane transport in plants that was achieved during the past. How did ‘Membrane Transport in Plants’ progress within the 30 years between the publication of the first book about this topic (Zimmermann and Dainty 1974), a recent one with the same title (Blatt 2004), and today?  相似文献   

Volume 16 of the Annual Plant Reviews series, compiled by AndrewJ. Fleming, focuses on intercellular communication in plants.This is an extremely interesting book that extensively coversten topics related to cell–cell or long-distance communicationin plants. The chapters are written in a clear style and theycompile the most relevant and up-to-date information in a mannerunderstandable for anybody seriously interested in short- andlong-distance intercellular communication. Moreover, besidesblack-and white illustrations and photographs found in all chapters,there are also six separate colour plates. I highly recommendthis book  相似文献   

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