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[目的]分析影响HIV-1假病毒包装的主要因素,建立该假病毒包装的优化条件.[方法]用单因素分析对比的方法,比较了对病毒包装效果有重要影响的转染试剂、转染试剂与质粒的数量、培养基血清类型、细胞周期阶段对于病毒包装效果的影响.[结果]对45批150盘病毒包装结果分析显示,使用PEI转染试剂成本低,转染效果好,其N/P在8-40均可以产生高活性的包装病毒;用进口血清包装时,相对于国产血清结果重复性高;细胞周期处于S及G2/M期时转染质粒相对于S以及G0/G1期有较高的病毒活性.[结论]用PEI为转染试剂可以包装出高活性的病毒,包装获取高活性病毒可以通过质粒与PEI梯度比例以及血清类型构成多个组合策略来实现.  相似文献   

研究HIV-1膜抗原部分位点的改造对假病毒形成及病毒感染能力的影响。本实验采用环形诱变和DpnΙ筛选的方法对env进行定点突变。用获得的克隆和骨架质粒pSG3△env共转染293FT细胞,收获假病毒后用TZM-bl细胞进行单周期感染试验,检测特定位点改造对功能性假病毒形成能力的影响。改造之前样品S12-42-1的免疫印记的实验结果显示弥散的条带,蛋白大小约160kD,但单周期感染试验中其S/CO(样品信号值与临界值的比值)小于1,即不能形成假病毒。将该样品第457位氨基酸由丙氨酸变成天冬氨酸后,用突变体S12-42M进行单周感染试验,其S/CO值为6.65,表示突变体能够形成假病毒。结果表明HIV-1膜抗原部分位点的改变影响假病毒的形成或假病毒感染细胞的能力。  相似文献   

HIV-1假病毒是携带一种外源性病毒包膜且仅能复制一代的病毒颗粒,其膜蛋白易于改造与检测,生物学过程易于量化、安全性高,不需要在BSL-3实验室进行研究,常用于研究HIV-1调节基因和功能、评估中和抗体、筛选抗病毒药物和疫苗以及HIV-1耐药性检测等。但HIV-1假病毒与野生型病毒之间存在必然的差异,在构建和表达过程中,HIV-1假病毒会存在复杂生物背景、质粒和转染试剂、细胞培养条件、产量和检测不均一等弊端,因此,有必要对HIV-1假病毒应用优势和弊端进行全面综述。  相似文献   

采用假病毒系统对5种具有抗HIV-1活性的天然化合物的作用机制进行研究, 建立了一种可在普通实验室进行抗HIV-1作用机理研究的实验平台。通过构建假病毒系统, 利用定量PCR实验分析感染细胞内病毒生命周期早期的特异性DNA产物, 发现5种化合物可通过不同的作用机制在早期抑制HIV-1复制。部分化合物表现出新的作用机制, 如LC-1、LC-2可抑制HIV-1的入核。通过分析药物对2种不同的逆转录病毒(HIV-1和MLV)的感染性, 发现LC-1可特异地阻断HIV-1的复制, 而对MLV无影响。同时为了检测药物是否也会在病毒的生命周期晚期有作用,利用直接转染前病毒质粒的方式进行了验证。利用以上方法, 初步确定了这几种药物的作用靶点, 构建了一个有效的抗HIV-1药物作用机理的研究平台。  相似文献   

HIV-1的表型及其感染的细胞嗜性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张驰宇 《动物学研究》2004,25(4):363-368
HIV-1的表型分为合胞体诱导型(syncytium-inducing,SI)和非合胞体诱导型(non-syncytium-inducing,NSI)。依据所用辅助受体和感染靶细胞的不同,HIV-1又被分为R5、X4和R5X4型。R5和X4型病毒分别利用CCR5和CXCR4作为辅助受体,而R5X4型病毒可利用这两种辅助受体。在病毒的复制力、细胞嗜性以及合胞体诱导能力上,SI型与X4型病毒一致,NSI型与R5型病毒一致。在HIV-1感染过程中,疾病的发展伴随着病毒从NSI型向SI型、及R5型向X4型的转变。HIV-1的表型影响和决定着HIV-1的感染、传播及AIDS的疾病进程。HIV-1的表型和细胞嗜性主要由病毒gp120的V3区(特别是第11和25位的氨基酸)决定。V3区的氨基酸序列信息,将为预测HIV-1的表型,以及病毒感染后的疾病进程提供生物信息学的依据。  相似文献   

表达HIV壳体蛋白转基因枸杞悬浮细胞的培养与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
枸杞是我国珍贵的中药材,利用枸杞作为转基因材料具有易于遗传操作,生物性状稳定的优点。将携有人类免疫缺陷病毒I型(HIV-1)壳体蛋白基因的植物表达载体导入根瘤农杆菌EHA105中,并通过农杆菌侵染枸杞叶片,诱导产生抗性愈伤组织,利用抗性愈伤组织作为材料进行悬浮细胞的培养并对转基因枸杞悬浮细胞鉴定。PCR结果表明已获得遗传转化的转基因枸杞悬浮细胞系。免疫组织化学检测结果表明HIV壳体蛋白已在转基因枸杞悬浮细胞中表达。  相似文献   

探讨HIV-1感染宿主细胞后对其宿主蛋白肿瘤易感基因101蛋白(Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101,TSG101)及ALG-2相互作用蛋白X(ALG-2-interacting protein X,Alix)表达的影响。以HIV-1感染性克隆病毒pNL4-3感染TZM-bl PM1、Jurkat细胞株和人外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs),感染24h后收获细胞提取总RNA,逆转录PCR检测在RNA水平各因子的表达差异;感染48h后收获细胞提取总蛋白,Western-blot检测各因子在蛋白水平的表达差异。结果显示:HIV-1感染对原代PBMC与细胞系表达Alix与TSG101影响显著不同,细胞系主要表现为下调,而原代PBMC主要表现为TSG101上调;细胞系中的下调又细分为Jurkat细胞的Alix与TSG101的双下调、TZM-bl细胞的Alix单下调以及PM1细胞无影响三种情况。HIV-1感染对细胞宿主分子TSG101及Alix在RNA和蛋白水平的表达均有影响,这种影响因细胞的不同而有差异。HIV-1感染调节Alix与TSG101的机制生物学意义尚有待于进一步阐明。  相似文献   

目前国内外大多数针对非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus, ASFV)的研究须在生物安全三级实验室(biosafety level 3 laboratories, BSL-3 labs)中进行,因此针对该病毒的感染过程、中和抗体逃逸机制、药物研发等研究受到了一定限制。鉴于此,本研究选择ASFV包膜蛋白中与其进入细胞紧密相关的蛋白p12、CD2v、p30、p54和pE248R,构建表达这5种包膜蛋白的真核表达质粒,利用水疱性口炎病毒(vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV)假病毒包装体系,制备多种ASFV假病毒。以荧光素酶报告基因实验(luciferase assay)检测假病毒感染水平;选择1个包膜蛋白为代表,使用蛋白质印迹法(Western blot,WB)检测其在假病毒中的表达情况;采用芫花素检测其对所建立的ASFV假病毒(p30-pE248R-ASFV-PsV)的抑制活性。结果显示,VSV包装体系以及p30、pE248R包膜蛋白质粒的组合制备方法所包装出的假病毒具有较优的感染活性,适合用于建立细胞感染模型。ASFV的包膜蛋白pE248R被有效整合到VSV-ΔG rLuc颗粒中,并包装出ASFV假病毒。芫花素可浓度依赖性地抑制ASFV假病毒感染Vero细胞,其半数抑制浓度(half maximal inhibitory concentration, IC50)为4.05±0.88 μmol/L。本研究通过建立基于ASFV假病毒的细胞感染模型,筛选获得了1种可感染已报道的一些ASFV敏感细胞的假病毒。该假病毒无复制性,可在生物安全级别较低的实验室中进行操作,并且带有海肾荧光素酶报告基因,有望用于ASFV入侵抑制剂的高通量筛选及中和活性的初步评价,为研发抗ASFV药物提供了一个安全、方便的研究模型。  相似文献   

利用体外细胞感染模型,分别检测HIV-1感染的细胞系中转录和翻译水平ISG15的表达及细胞上清中p24蛋白水平,探讨HIV-1感染对ISG15表达的影响及后者对前者的抑制效应。6种HIV-1易感细胞系中,以IFN-α 2b刺激作为阳性对照,利用HIV-1感染性克隆pNL4-3转染293T、TZM-bl和HeLa细胞;HIV-1假病毒感染Jurkat、MT-4和THP-1细胞,24h收细胞提取RNA,利用荧光定量PCR(qPCR)的方法检测转录水平ISG15的表达情况。48h后收细胞提取总蛋白,Western blot检测蛋白水平ISG15的表达情况。HIV-1感染或转染后明显上调ISG15转录水平,且THP-1和TZM-bl细胞中上调尤为显著。但除了TZM-bl细胞,其他5种细胞系中没有表现出ISG15蛋白水平的上调。ISG15真核表达质粒与HIV-1感染性克隆pNL4-3共转染结果显示,293T细胞中ISG15能直接抑制HIV-1子代病毒颗粒的产生和成熟,并且这种抑制作用具有时间剂量依赖性;TZM-bl中虽然也有显著的抑制作用,但是趋势不同。HIV-1感染明显上调ISG15转录但却无ISG15蛋白产生,预示该病毒能对抗固有免疫细胞的识别活化及其效应功能,具体机制还有待进一步阐明。  相似文献   

展鹏  刘新泳 《生命的化学》2007,27(5):392-395
HIV—1基质蛋(matrix protein,MA)在HIV-1生命周期中的侵入融合、核运输及组装等环节中起着十分重要的调节作用。其结构中的N末端的核定位信号N(nuclear localization signal,NLS)是介导整合前复合体(preintegration complex,PIC)的核运输所必需的。MA在HIV—1复制中所起的关键作用以及核定位信号区的高度保守性,使它成为寻找新的作用机制和不易产生耐药性的抗艾滋病药物的新靶点。目前已报道了多种靶向MA核定位信号区的抑制剂。该文介绍HIV-1MA的结构、主要功能及靶向该蛋白质的抑制剂研究。  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that fibronectin (FN) can bind HIV-1 envelope proteins, in particular gp120. The aim of the present study was to determine some biological effects of this phenomenon. Pretreating HIV-1 with human FN increased the infectivity of HIV-1, when a low concentration of the virus was used. In contrast, an RGD-containing pentapeptide (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser), which is a fundamental binding site of FN, reduced the infectivity of a suspension of HIV-1 at high concentrations of the virus. It is likely that FN bridges the cell surface and the virions, while the RGD-containing pentapeptide may saturate the HIV-1 binding sites for cell surface receptors. Moreover, gp120 was bound to the FN present on the surface of platelets. The specifity of this binding was confirmed by the inhibition obtained by pretreating platelets with anti-FN antibodies. The consequence of the surface modifications of the platelets could explain the thrombocytopenia that frequently occurs in patients infected with HIV and suggests also the possibility that platelets could be a vehicle for the virus in the circulation.  相似文献   

Li D  Xu XN 《Cell research》2008,18(8):817-822
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a unique T cell population that have important immunoregulatory functions and have been shown to be involved in host immunity against a range of microorganisms. It also emerges that they might play a role in HIV-1 infection, and therefore be selectively depleted during the early stages of infection. Recent studies are reviewed regarding the dynamics of NKT depletion during HIV-1 infection and their recovery under highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Possible mechanisms for these changes are proposed based on the recent developments in HIV pathogenesis. Further discussions are focused on HIV's disruption of NKT activation by downregulating CDld expression on antigen presentation cells (APC). HIV-1 protein Nefis found to play the major role by interrupting the intracellular trafficking of nascent and recycling CDld molecules.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1515-1522
Amyloid fibrils play important roles in HIV-1 infection. We found peptides derived from the HIV-1 gp120 co-receptor binding region, which are defined as enhancing peptides (EPs), could form amyloid fibrils and remarkably enhance HIV-1 infection. EPs bound to the virus and promoted the interaction between HIV-1 and target cells. The antiviral efficacy of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) was substantially impaired in the presence of EPs. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) could both inhibit the formation of fibrils composed of EPs and counteract the EP-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Our findings identify viral derived amyloid fibrils that hold potential for biochemical applications.Structured summary of protein interactionsEP1 and EP1 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP2 and EP2 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP3 and EP3 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)SEVI and SEVI bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP1 and EP1 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)EP2 and EP2 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)EP3 and EP3 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)SEVI and SEVI bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell spread of HIV permits ongoing viral replication in the presence of antiretroviral therapy and is suggested to be a major contributor to sexual transmission by mucosal routes. Fusion inhibitors that prevent viral entry have been developed, but their clinical applications have been limited by weak antiviral activity, short half-life, and the low genetic barrier to development of resistance. We examined the inhibitory activities of a series of single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) targeting the V3 and CD4i epitopes against both cell-free and cell-to-cell HIV infection. We found that all anti-V3 scFvs, including two newly constructed scFvs, showed broad neutralization activity against a panel of subtype B viruses compared with the corresponding IgGs. All scFvs neutralized cell-free infection by HIV-1JR-FL WT and fusion inhibitor-resistant mutants. In addition, all anti-V3 scFvs and some CD4i scFvs significantly inhibited cell fusion, while their IgG counterparts did not. Furthermore, scFvs-fusion inhibitors combinations, such as C34 and SC34, showed synergistic inhibition of cell fusion by both HIV-1JR-FL WT and fusion inhibitor-resistant mutants. The most prominent combinational effect was observed for 916B2 CD4i scFv with SC34. The delayed fusion kinetics of fusion inhibitor-resistant mutants partly explain their synergistic inhibition by such combinations. Our data demonstrate the advantages of using scFvs over their parent IgGs for inhibiting both cell-free and cell-to-cell infection. High synergistic inhibition of cell fusion by using scFvs-fusion inhibitors combinations suggests the possibility of intensification therapy adding this combination to current anti-HIV treatment regimens.  相似文献   

HIV encephalitis is the common pathologic correlate of HIV-dementia (HAD). HIV-infected brain mononuclear phagocytes (MP) (macrophages and microglia) are reservoirs for persistent viral infection. When activated, MP contribute to neuronal damage. Such activated and virus-infected macrophages secrete cellular and viral factors, triggering neural destructive immune responses. Our Center's laboratories have begun to decipher the molecular and biochemical pathways for MP-mediated neuronal damage in HAD. This review will discuss the salient clinical and pathological features of HAD and highlight the recent advances made, by our scientists and elsewhere, in unraveling disease mechanisms, including the role of chemokines and their receptors in the neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 encephalitis.  相似文献   

Lentiviral vectors have drawn considerable attention recently and show great promise to become important delivery vehicles for future gene transfer manipulation. In the present study we have optimized a protocol for preparation of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-based defective lentiviral vectors (DLV) and characterized these vectors in terms of their transduction of different cells. Transient co-transfection of 293T packaging cells with DNA plasmids encoding lentiviral vector constituents resulted in production of high-titer DLV (0.5–1.2 × 107IU/mL), which can be further concentrated over 100-fold through a single step ultracentrifugation. These vectors were capable of transducing a variety of cells from both primate and non-primate sources and high transduction efficiency was achieved using concentrated vectors. Assessment of potential generation of RCV revealed no detection of infection by infectious particles in DLV-transduced CEM, SupT-1 and MT-2 cells. Long-term culture of transduced cells showed a stable expression of transgenes without apparent alteration in cellular morphology and growth kinetics. Vector mobilization to untransduced cells mediated by wild-type HIV-1 infection was confirmed in this test. Challenge of transduced human T-lymphocytes with wild-type HIV-1 showed these cells are totally resistant to the viral infection. Considering the effective gene transfer and stable gene expression, safety and anti-HIV activity, these DLV vectors warrant further exploration for their potential use as a gene transfer vehicle in the development of gene therapy protocols. Foundation items: National Institute of Health (S11 NS43499); RCMI (G12RR/AI03061, USA.)  相似文献   

Infection with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) requires the presence of a CD4 molecule and chemokine receptors such as CXCR4 or CCR5 on the surface of target cells. However, it is still not clear how the virus enters the cells. Although CD4 was initially identified as the primary receptor for HIV-1, the expression of CD4 or one of the chemokine receptors alone is not sufficient to render susceptibility to infection with the virus. To ascertain whether or not adsorption of the virus needs charge-to-charge interaction between viral envelope and host cell membrane protein(s) and if binding alone promotes penetration of the virus into the cells, we have developed a chemically induced infection system targeting a CD4-negative and CXCR4-positive HeLa cell clone (N7 HeLa) which is usually not susceptible to infection with the LAI strain of HIV-1. Use of a poly-L-lysine (PLL)-coated culture plate to enhance the attachment of the virus to the cells made N7 HeLa cells infectable with HIV-1 at very low efficiency. PLL alone cannot fully substitute for the function of the CD4 molecule. However, trypsin-treated viruses, which have largely lost infectivity to CD4-positive MT-4 cells that are highly susceptible to HIV-1 infection, enhanced infectivity against N7 HeLa cells when the PLL-coated plate was used. These results provide evidence that infection with HIV-1 requires both high binding affinity between viruses and cells, and then needs a modification of the viral envelope such as cleavage of gp120/160 to enhance the infection, probably resulting in exposure of the hydrophobic fusion domain of gp41. HIV-1 infection of N7 HeLa cells was also enhanced by treatment with low pH, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and some factor(s) from the MT-4 cell culture supernatant. Not only tight viral adsorption with cleavage of the viral envelope but also some activated status of the cells may be required for sufficient HIV-1 infection in this artificial condition.  相似文献   

In our study, we identified a polymorphism (C-607A) in the promoter region of the IL-18 gene that shows different frequencies between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected children and healthy controls in a pediatric Brazilian population. The presence of the −607 C allele correlates to HIV-1 infection and confers an increased risk of infection in subjects carrying the single nucleotide polymorphism.  相似文献   

Ficolin-2 is a lectin complement pathway activator present in normal human plasma and usually associated with infectious diseases, but little is known about the role of ficolin-2 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Here, we describe our novel findings that serum ficolin-2 concentrations of 103 HIV-1 patients were much higher compared to those of 57 healthy donors. In vitro analysis showed that HIV-1 infection could enhance ficolin-2 expression. We further demonstrated that recombinant ficolin-2 protein could bind with HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120, and subsequently induce complement dependent cytotoxicity. Moreover, ficolin-2 could block the entry of HIV-1 into target cells (TZM-b1 and MT-2 cells) and infection in a ficolin-2 dosedependent manner. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the protective role of ficolin-2 against HIV-1 infection and our study suggests that ficolin-2 is an important human innate immune molecule against HIV.

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