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Three populations of two Brazilian Ge-speaking groups, the Krahó and Gorotire, have been studied demographically and the results compared with previous investigations on their genetic polymorphisms. The Krahó population is older, more acculturated, and has a smaller sex ratio than the Gorotire. It may also have derived from a larger number of founders. Intertribal marriages occurred with relative frequency among the Krahó, but in the Gorotire the predominant picture is one of exchange with other Cayapo subgroups. The latter have a distribution range roughly 9 × larger than the Krahó. The reproductive histories of the Krahó and Gorotire are similar, leading to equivalent estimates of selection potential. But mortality may have been selectively more important among the Krahó. Wright's fixation index F is of the same order of magnitude in the two groups and intermediate between values obtained among the North American Indian Zuni and the East Indian Bhil. Despite considerable exogamy it showed positive values.  相似文献   

Data on stature, sitting height, biacromial width, and some other body measurements on 267 children and 363 adults of the Xingu Indians of Brazil have been analyzed. Adult height shows no significant decrease with age over an age range of 20–50 years, thus indicating the absence of secular changes. The average Xingu child seems to be around the twenty-fifth to fiftieth centile for height of British children (if our age estimates are correct) until about ten years in girls and 14 years in boys, but ends at below the third British centile as an adult. In sitting height, however, the Indians show substantially lower values, with children being at about the fifteenth centile until ten years in girls and 14 years in boys, while the adults are considerably below the British third centile. Other comparisons show that the Xingu are taller than Surinam Indians although of similar shoulder width. The lack of anthropometric data concerning South American Indian adults, and more especially children has been stressed. Investigations of these populations facing rapid acculturation and possible assimilation will form a baseline for the future work in public health as contacts with non-Indians increase.  相似文献   

The whole Mapuche Indian community of Blancura Centro was covered by a demographic census, with special attention given to variables of genetic interest. Afterwards a sample of it was investigated in relation to 22 genetic systems. The community can be characterized as a young group, with high fertility, but moderate mortality and endogamy. The index of opportunity for selection is relatively low (0.46). The presence of variation at the ABO and Lutheran loci suggests some non-Indian admixture, calculated as 7% in the sample studied. Unusual findings were the absence of L*NS, low frequency (7%) of L*MS and high frequency (37%) of L*Ns. They also showed low frequencies of P*1 (28%) and DI*a (3%), but high of HP*1 (74%). Similarities, but also differences, were noted with previous results obtained in this tribe in Argentina and Chile.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies of Shuara Indians in Ecuador are performed for GPT, AP, PGM1, Ak, EsD, 6-PGD, Hp, Gc, C3, Bg, ChE, Tf, Pi, Bf phenotypes, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C3-proactivator, C4 levels and acetylator phenotypes. Some systems having a polymorphism in many other populations showed a lack of some of those alleles in the population under study (C3, ChE, Tf, AK and almost absent 6-PGD, Bg, Bf).  相似文献   

A total of 397 persons living in six villages of three Brazilian Indian tribes were studied in relation to the Gc subtypes. The corresponding gene frequencies are more similar between the Gorotire and Caingang than between the Gorotire and the Krahó, despite the considerable geographical distance that separates the villages of these two first tribes and their lignuistic differentiation. An uncommon variant pattern (1C7) was observed in eight Gorotire Indians; it had been described for the first time in a Tibetan sample, furnishing additional evidence on the Asiatic origin of these Indians. The distinct Gc subtype frequencies observed in our main ethnic groups provide an important new tool for anthropological analyses. Tf subtypes were studied among the Caingang only. The frequencies of TfC1 and TfC2 are similar to those obtained by other researchers in Hessen, Germany.  相似文献   

More than half the Pima Indians over 35 years of age have non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). They have been the focus of prospective epidemiologic and metabolic studies for over two decades and the data collected during these studies are now proving invaluable in efforts to find genetic markers for NIDDM in humans. The Pima Indian model of this disease affords two major advantages. The population is genetically homogeneous compared to Caucasian populations, and therefore the causes of NIDDM are less heterogeneous, simplifying genetic linkage studies. Equally important, based on results from metabolic studies, two pre-diabetic phenotypes have been identified in the Pimas: insulin resistance and a low metabolic rate. Use of these phenotypes in genetic linkage analyses should greatly improve chances of finding genetic markers for NIDDM since these phenotypes may be more closely related to the putative abnormal gene products, and actual disease genes, than is the hyperglycemia of the fully developed phenotype of NIDDM.  相似文献   

Demographic information was obtained from 622 individuals of five communities of primarily Baniwa Amerindians living near the Içana river in Brazil. Four of these populations, plus another from the same area, were also studied genetically. The latter investigation included the blood and, in some cases, saliva of 531 subjects, variously tested in relation to 40 genetic systems. Demographically these groups are characterized by young age, high intertribal admixture, low non-Indian admixture, high exogamy but low marital distance and high inbreeding, high fertility but low variance in offspring number, and relatively low mortality. Their gene pool shows a peptidase B variant (PEPB2BAN1) and “private” polymorphism of carbonic anhydrase2 (CA2BAN1) until now observed only among them. Other distinctive characteristics are the low frequencies of LNS (0.08), LNs (0.09), Rz (0.01), RO or r (0.02), ACPA (0.08), GALTD (0.01), and the relatively high prevalences of Gm1;11,13,16 (0.05) and Gc1 (0.82). TfDehi occurs with a low prevalence (0.01). Genetic distance analysis reveals that the one Baniwa sample by history comprised of minimally admixed individuals is quite similar genetically to the Wapishana, another Arawak-speaking tribe some 900 km to the east, and that the genetic distances between the Baniwa communities reflect the amount of historical admixture in a way that indicates which should be excluded from considerations of intertribal genetic distances. Finally, the genetic relation of the Baniwa to the nearby tribes is examined.  相似文献   

A total of 562 individuals living in four villages of two Brazilian Indian tribes (Cayapo and Krahó) was studied in relation to blood groups ABO, MNSs, P, Rh, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego; haptoglobin, Gc, acid phosphatase and phosphoglucomutase types. These results were compared with those obtained previously among the Xavante, and the inhabitants of three other Cayapo villages, all of whom speak Ge languages; the ranges in gene frequencies observed in a representative series of South American Indians from all over the continent were also compiled. The Ge Indians are characterized by low frequencies ofRz, medium frequencies ofR1,R2, R0, orr,Jka andPGM11, and high frequencies ofGc2 andACPA when compared with other South American tribes. Genetic distance analyses based on six loci indicate that the intratribal variability observed among Cayapo is of the same order of magnitude as those obtained among the Xavante and Krahó, being much less pronounced than those observed among the Yanomama and Makiritare. The intertribal differences within this linguistic group are much less pronounced than those encountered among tribes that speak more differentiated languages.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of American Indians of the Strong Heart Study have demonstrated that various insulin‐resistance variables cluster, although knowledge about the genetic determination of these clusters is unknown. In an effort to explore the influences on the aggregation of insulin‐resistance phenotypes, we used principal component factor analysis to examine the clustering of these phenotypes in participants of the Strong Heart Family Study and evaluated the genetic and environmental contributions of such factors. Nine traits were chosen for principal component factor analysis: BMI, diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, natural log‐transformed insulin, natural log‐transformed triglycerides, percentage of body fat, systolic blood pressure, and waist‐to‐hip ratio. Analyses revealed three clusters: glucose/insulin/obesity, blood pressure, and dyslipidemia factors. Using a variance component approach and accounting for the effects of age, sex, center, and medication, we detected significant heritabilities (h2) for the three factors: h2 = 0.67, h2 = 0.33, and h2 = 0.61, respectively. In multivariate analysis, no significant genetic correlations among factors were found. These results suggest that heredity explains a substantial proportion of the variability of the factors that underlie the insulin resistance syndrome in American Indians and that these factors are genetically independent.  相似文献   

We estimated the frequencies of serum butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) alleles in three tribes of Mapuche Indians from southern Chile, using enzymatic methods, and we estimated the frequency of allele BCHE*K in one tribe using primer reduced restriction analysis (PCR-PIRA). The three tribes have different degrees of European admixture, which is reflected in the observed frequencies of the atypical allele BCHE*A: 1.11% in Huilliches, 0.89% in Cuncos, and 0% in Pehuenches. This result is evidence in favor of the hypothesis that BCHE*A is absent in native Amerindians. The frequencies of BCHE*F were higher than in most reported studies (3.89%, 5.78%, and 4.41%, respectively). These results are probably due to an overestimation of the frequency of allele BCHE*F, since none of the 20 BCHE UF individuals (by the enzymatic test) individuals analyzed showed either of the two DNA base substitutions associated with this allele. Although enzymatic methods rarely detect the presence of allele BCHE*K, PCR-PIRA found the allele in an appreciable frequency (5.76%), although lower than that found in other ethnic groups. Since observed frequencies of unusual alleles correspond to estimated percentages of European admixture, it is likely that none of these unusual alleles were present in Mapuche Indians before the arrival of Europeans.  相似文献   

A Brazilian Indian village divided into several settlements during the 1980s. In this article, the political ecology approach is used to account for the process whereby this occurred. Data on ecology, subsistence practices, demography, and regional dynamics are presented. Analysis of results explores the articulation between shifts in population levels both in the region and in the Indian reservation, on one hand, with environmental stresses on reservation resources. The effects on national economic development programs on the regional and local levels are also discussed. The relationship between these policies and programs, on one hand, and alterations in local production systems are made explicit.  相似文献   

Genetic stability was investigated at a polymorphic haemoglobin gene-locus in 13 124 Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. A total of 30 year-classes, sampled over 18 years, were variously sampled in 33 named localities. Regional populations showed distinctive allele frequencies, and each major cod fishery showed some degree of genetic imbalance, which was expressed as excessive numbers of homozygotes. This imbalance occurred seasonally in a proportion of the population samples in each of the major cod fisheries. The findings are attributable to migrations of distinctive genetic populations.  相似文献   

Sequence data from the first hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial DNA control region of 124 subjects belonging to three African-Brazilian and three Brazilian Indian populations were compared with information related to 12 protein genetic loci from 601 persons living in the same localities. There is high diversity among the mtDNA sites, and the most variable in one ethnic group are not the most variable in the other. No differences in gene diversity between populations within ethnic groups were observed, but the Indians showed a reduced variability. Much more interpopulation variation was observed in the mtDNA data than in the protein set. The relationships obtained for the six populations, however, are the same regardless whether mtDNA or protein loci are considered. African-Brazilians from Porto Alegre and Salvador, situated 3,000 km apart, are more similar to each other than both are to Paredão, despite the geographical proximity between Porto Alegre and Paredão, which are just 50 km apart. The tree topology in relation to the three Indians groups, on the other hand, is that expected when languages, culture, and geography are considered. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:147–156, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fourteen morphologic crown traits were observed in a sample of 1528 Pima Indians of south-central Arizona. Pima dentitions are characterized by high frequencies of shoveling, incisor winging, the hypocone, the lower canine distal accessory ridge, cusp 6, and the protostylid. They exhibit low frequencies of the metaconule and lower premolar multiple lingual cusps and moderate frequencies of the canine tubercle, Carabelli's trait, cusp 7, and lower second molars with four cusps and X groove patterns. When Pima crown trait frequencies were compared to those of 13 Southwest Indian samples, their closest affinities were to other Uto-Aztecan groups, the Papago and Hopi. The Pima are most divergent from Athapaskans and are also clearly removed from Yuman speaking groups and the Zuni. In general, the pattern of dental morphologic variation in the Southwest corresponds closely to linguistic divisions.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in population genomics, much remains to be elucidated with regard to East Asian population history. The Ainu, a hunter–gatherer population of northern Japan and Sakhalin island of Russia, are thought to be key to elucidating the prehistory of Japan and the peopling of East Asia. Here, we study the genetic relationship of the Ainu with other East Asian and Siberian populations outside the Japanese archipelago using genome-wide genotyping data. We find that the Ainu represent a deep branch of East Asian diversity more basal than all present-day East Asian farmers. However, we did not find a genetic connection between the Ainu and populations of the Tibetan plateau, rejecting their long-held hypothetical connection based on Y chromosome data. Unlike all other East Asian populations investigated, the Ainu have a closer genetic relationship with northeast Siberians than with central Siberians, suggesting ancient connections among populations around the Sea of Okhotsk. We also detect a recent genetic contribution of the Ainu to nearby populations, but no evidence for reciprocal recent gene flow is observed. Whole genome sequencing of contemporary and ancient Ainu individuals will be helpful to understand the details of the deep history of East Asians.  相似文献   

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