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Atriotaenia sanmarci n. sp. (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) is described as a parasite of the Andean hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus chinga (Carnivora: Mephitidae), from Cusco, Perú. The new species is primarily distinguished from related species by the distribution, and greater number, of testes, i.e., 194-223 versus 40-60 in Atriotaenia sandgroundi (Sandground, 1926) Baer, 1935, 47-73 in Atriotaenia procyonis (Chandler, 1942) Spasskii, 1951, and 21-84 in Atriotaenia incisa Railliet, 1899. Also, there are differences with respect to the larger dimensions of suckers (300-371 μm vs. 140 in A. sandgroundi, 83-134 in A. procyonis, 70-140 in A. incisa, and 155-192 in Atriotaenia hastati Vaucher, 1982) and in the cirrus pouch length (204-732 μm vs. 90 in A. sandgroundi, 200-220 in A. procyonis, 100-180 in A. incisa, and 150-205 in A. hastati). The new species differs from A. sandgroundi and A. hastati in having a larger body size (122-133 mm vs. 10.6 and 10, respectively). This cestode is the fifth species of Atriotaenia Sandground, 1926.  相似文献   

Y. Takemon 《Limnology》2000,1(1):47-56
The reproductive behavior and genital morphology of a leptophlebiid mayfly Paraleptophlebia spinosa Ueno were studied in a population inhabiting a mountain stream in Kyoto, central Japan. Males formed swarms along gravel shores, caught females in the air, and mated on the ground. The distribution of the oviposition sites coincided with that of the swarming sites along the stream shore. The lobes of the male penis were characterized by a shallow pocket opening on the ventral side. The female vestibule formed a square-shaped chamber into which eggs were released from the oviducts. The number of eggs carried by females caught during copulation in the field showed a greater variation than the number of eggs of virgin females. Copula duration was strongly correlated with the number of eggs carried by the female. Significantly short copula duration with spent females (egg loading less than 20% of the estimated fecundity) may indicate that males could identify spent females. Copula duration with partially loaded females (egg loading between 20% and 80% of fecundity), however, was not shorter than that with fully loaded females. Male mating tactics with respect to copula duration and the possibility of kinematic sperm displacement are discussed with reference to the behavioral and morphological characteristics of the species. Received: September 3, 1999 / Accepted: December 9, 1999  相似文献   

A new species in the little-known digenean fauna of Paraguayan birds is described in detail, especially in relation to its terminal genitalia. The new form, Megalophallus deblocki n. sp., is a microphallid from the intestine of the snail kite Rostrhamus sociabilis (Vieillot). It is differentiated in detail from its congeners, but differs mainly in having a substantially larger phallus (e.g. in relation to the ventral sucker), a smaller ventral sucker and smaller eggs. Comments are included on the functional morphology of the terminal genitalia.  相似文献   

The external gestation of sexually ripe females of the species Exogone naidina (Polychaeta, Syllidae) is described by means of SEM and TEM analysis. The eggs, embryos and juveniles are attached in close vicinity of each parapodial complex in a position immediately below each ventral cirrus and are connected to the female by a cup like structure. The formation of this adhesive disk is linked to secretory cells scattered between dermal cells of ripe female. This adhesive disk is present only in sexually mature animals and is considered as epitokous structure. The evolutive significance of ventral and dorsal attachment found within the Exogoninae is also discussed.  相似文献   

A new species in the little-known digenean fauna of Paraguayan birds is described in detail, especially in relation to its terminal genitalia. The new form, Megalophallus deblocki n. sp., is a microphallid from the intestine of the snail kite Rostrhamus sociabilis (Vieillot). It is differentiated in detail from its congeners, but differs mainly in having a substantially larger phallus (e.g. in relation to the ventral sucker), a smaller ventral sucker and smaller eggs. Comments are included on the functional morphology of the terminal genitalia.  相似文献   

The feminine dimorph has unique structures that produce eggs, select salubrious sites for the offspring, store sperm, and void the eggs. This paper provides a time table for development of these parts in Aedes stimulans based on preparations examined at 5-hour intervals when reared at 21°C. All growths of imaginal parts proceeds independent of activities in the larval tissues. Ovaries produce the eggs in terminal follicles of the ovarioles. Besides ovarioles each ovary contains sheaths for the ovarioles, pedicels attaching them to a central canal, the calyx, ovarian sheath and muscles. Ovaries are recognizable in newly hatched larvae as caps of cells on larger masses which become part of the delivery system for eggs. Each ovary grows forward from its attachment first as a column of cells that differentiates into the several tissues by the time the insect enters pupal life. Prior accounts have considered the ovary as the whole mass of cells on each side of the hemocoel of segment 6. Only the most anterior cells recognizably distinct at the end of embryogeny are generative. The delivery system for eggs is composed of the lateral oviducts and median or common oviduct. Primordia from which the former are derived are present from the end of embryogeny and throughout larval life as two distinct parts. Two ovoid masses occur in the hemocoel of segment 6. To each of these is attached a filament extending backward to an attachment ventrally and caudally in segment 7. They are rapidly changed into definitive lateral oviducts late in pupal life. The single primordium for generating the median genital tract appears during instar 3 as a caudal ventral plate of cells in segment 8 between a pair of bilateral buds and invaginates during instar 4 to form (1) the common oviduct from a midventral pouch, (2) three spermathecae from two lateral invaginations and (3) the elaborate vaginal area. The bilateral buds form no parts of the female. The post-vaginal area or atrium with its accessory organs is derived in part from the ventral plate of segment 8 and that of segment 9. The imaginal disc in segment 9 is present at the end of embryogeny as primordial buds and ventral plate and development is delayed until early pupal life when it projects inward to form part of the atrium and pouches once to form the common opening for the duct of the accessory gland and the canal to the bursa copulatrix. The buds of this disc produce no feminine parts. During the second larval instar lateral primordia appear as a pair of shields in the anal segment. They develop slowly until pupation when they extend caudally as two flaps called “cerci” in culicid literature and this paper.  相似文献   

储西平 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):294-300
本文应用扫描电镜研究了24种食蚜蝇(双翅目,食蚜蝇科)卵壳的超微形态.描述了所研究种类卵的形态并编列了检索表.研究结果表明卵的受精孔形态是和卵壳花纹同等重要的分类特征.文中讨论了受精孔形态和卵表花纹在食蚜蝇卵分类中的重要性以及造成卵壳背、腹面花纹差异的原因.  相似文献   

A new hemiurid digenean, Saturnius gibsoni n. sp., is described from the stomach lining of Mugil cephalus L. off Oran, Mediterranean coast of Algeria. Characteristic morphological features of the new species include small size of the body which is comprised of six pseudosegments, small ventral sucker, weakly developed mound-shaped flange at the level of the ventral sucker, and eggs being large in relation to the size of the body. Saturnius gibsoni n. sp. resembles S. minutus Blasco-Costa, Pankov, Gibson, Balbuena, Raga, Sarabeev & Kostadinova, 2006 and two unidentified Saturnius spp. in the small size of the body and most metrical features. However, in spite of the presence of five transverse septa resulting in six pseudosegments and the range overlap of some metrical features, the ventral sucker in S. minutus is much larger, the ventral sucker muscular flange is more prominent, the last pseudosegment is narrower in relation to body width and more rounded, and the eggs are smaller (mean 21 × 10 vs 25 × 12 μm). Furthermore, the partial sequences of the 28S rRNA gene region (domains D1–D3; 1,195 nt) obtained from two isolates of S. gibsoni n. sp. differed by 11 nt (0.9%) from that of S. minutus. Both unidentified forms of Saturnius are clearly distinguishable from S. gibsoni n. sp. by the presence of six stout, transverse muscular septa, forming seven pseudosegments (vs five septa forming six pseudosegments). Bayesian inference analysis of partial 28S rDNA sequences based on a total of 15 species from the families Hemiuridae and Lecithasteridae depicted the Bunocotylinae Dollfus, 1950 as a strongly supported basal clade, with Bunocotyle progenetica (Markowski, 1936) as the closest sister taxon to Saturnius spp.  相似文献   

Blattisocius keegani (Fox) is a predatory mite in the family Ascidae (Acari), noted for potential biological control of Coleopteran stored product pests. Performance of B. keegani on eggs of navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was investigated. Mites completed development from egg to adult in 9.2±0.22 days at 25°C and 50-60% relative humidity, and in 6.33±0.29 days at 32.2°C, 30% relative humidity. Mites provisioned with three or five eggs consumed a median of 1.25 to 1.5 eggs, with a maximum of three eggs consumed over 24?h. Regression analyses indicated egg-laying by B. keegani was significantly correlated with the number of A. transitella eggs consumed, and female mites laid an average of 5.82±0.44 eggs over 72?h. Blattisocius keegani, developed on fresh and frozen eggs, laid significantly more eggs when provided with fresh eggs (F3,26=6.16, P=0.0026) and were able to develop on frozen Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs as an alternative host. Mites were equally fecund when fed eggs stored at 0° or -20°C. Provisioning of adult moth bodies in addition to egg prey items increased mite fecundity, although it was demonstrated that B. keegani are phoretic on adult moths as well. The results are the first experimental evidence of B. keegani as a predator of Lepidopteran eggs, as a phoretic species, and of their potential for biological control of navel orangeworm.  相似文献   

A new nematode,Pseudocapillaria (Discocapillaria) margolisi n. subg., n. sp., from the freshwater fishesPuntius conchonius, P. sophore andAmblypharyngodon mola of West Bengal, India is described. The presence of a ventral lobe-like elevation with two papillae and the absence of a dorsal cuticular membrane on the male tail are referred to as distinguishing features of the new subgenus. The parasite is also characterised by small body size, short and non-annulated stichocytes, a distinctly expanded and folded lobular rim of the proximal end of the spicule, and eggs with protruding polar plugs, all features in which it differs distinctly from other species of the genusPseudocapillaria.  相似文献   

  1. At temperature levels from 10 to 25°C animals from resting eggs produce subitaneous eggs independent on temperature. In contrast animals from subitaneous eggs produce subitaneous eggs dependent on temperature. At a high rate subitaneous eggs are only formed at temperature levels above 20°C.
  2. Below 10°C no development occurs in the juveniles. At temperatures of 30/22°C (24.7°C) the first subitaneous eggs are formed after 6–9 days, at 14/9°C (10.7°C) they are formed after 34 days. At different temperature levels the developmental rate of the young is from 10.5 to 42 days. One generation extends over 16.5 (30/22°C) to 75 days (14/9°C). The average egg production is 10–20 subitaneous eggs or 30–60 resting eggs. The maximum egg production of one individual is 50 subitaneous eggs or 84 resting eggs. 50% of the animals have just formed resting eggs, before the juveniles are hatched. Resting eggs in the first egg-batch are formed 6–20 days later than subitaneous eggs. The duration of life is between 65 (30/22°C) and 140 days (19/13°C).
  3. Young worms in resting eggs have a dormance period of at least 15–30 days.
At room temperatures (20°C) no juvenile in resting eggs hatches from water. By combining room and refrigerator (3.5°C) temperatures the hatching rate increases to a maximum of 85%. To reach a hatching rate of 50–65% the influence of low temperatures must be at least 30 days. At room temperatures 60% of the young in resting eggs hatch from mud covered with water. Combining high and low temperatures the hatching success is between 67 and 81%, where the highest percentage of the young may hatch at room temperature. Up to 90 days low temperatures cause a maximum hatching rate of 79%. It decreases to approximately 30% after 180 days. At high temperatures resting eggs preserved in 100% moist mud, survive for two months. By adding a period of low temperatures the hatching rate increases to a maximum of 52%. Low temperatures are survived for more than 6 months. Up to 30 days preservation at 3.5°C causes a maximum hatching rate of 61%, up to 12o days it decreases to 30%. At room temperature the young in resting eggs are not resistant against air-dried mud (30–40% rel. air moisture). Combining high and low temperatures air-dried mud is endured 1 month (hatching rate 5–14%). Preservation of 30–120 days at 3.5°C and 70% rel. air moisture result in a hatching rate of 43–61%. li]4. In the open air in Middle-Europe there occur 5–6 generations of M. ehrenbergii per life-cycle. The first generation hatches from resting eggs in May, where the production of subitaneous eggs is independent on temperature. All other generations up to October hatch from subitaneous eggs. The egg-production of those worms is dependent on environmental factors. In summer subitaneous egg production prevails, in autumn resting egg production. The abundance during the life-cycle is dependent on the number of animals which produce subitaneous eggs. Resting eggs are predestinated to endure periods of dryness and cold. The life-cycles of the species M. lingua and M. productum are different from those of M. ehrenbergii in length and in the number of generations. In both species 7 generations occur over 8 to 8.5 respectively 5.5 months. M. nigrirostrum only forms resting eggs. The life-cycle consists of one generation from February/March to May/June.  相似文献   

This is the first record of winter eggs of the holocyclic monoeceous crapemyrtle aphid Tinocallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy) on Lagerstroemia indica L., in Brazil. The shiny black eggs were observed since early autumn, laid on small folds and crevices of the branches. In order to evaluate and model the egg abundance and distribution, four branches from the cardinal points of 10 plants of two age groups, 5-10 and 20-30 years-old, were collected randomly and cut in eight segments of 10 cm and the number of eggs was registered, in the winter 2001. The eggs were laid mainly on the middle portion of the branch, from 40 cm to 60 cm from the apex on the older trees (54%) and on 30 cm to 60 cm on younger ones (58%). The data fit in a longitudinal regression model that expresses the tendency of the egg distribution on the branches. The number of eggs was greater on the 20-30 year-old plants (61%) than on younger ones (39%). The average number (+/- CI 95%) of eggs was 70.5 +/- 9.3 and 47.4 +/- 12.5, respectively, for the older and younger tree groups. There was no correlation between egg distribution and the cardinal positions of the branches.  相似文献   

The persistence of DNA injected into two species of adult female phytoseiids and its transmission to serial eggs deposited by them was assessed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The effect of DNA concentration on persistence and transmission was examined in Metaseiulus occidentalis. M. occidentalis females were microinjected with plasmid DNA at three different concentrations (250, 500, 750 ng L–1) and allowed to deposit one to five eggs before the females and their last eggs were analyzed. Plasmid DNA was found in 82% of the females assayed and in 70% of all the eggs analyzed (including the fifth eggs produced after microinjection). Transmission of DNA to multiple eggs was also examined in Amblyseius finlandicus. Females of this species are less traumatized by microinjection allowing analysis of transmission over a more extended number of eggs. Females were microinjected and allowed to deposit eggs until their death. DNA from every fifth egg was analyzed by the PCR. PCR products were amplified from 51% of the eggs and from all egg classes except the 30th egg. The persistence and presence of plasmid DNA in both eggs and females suggests that (1) maternal microinjection is a more efficient method for DNA delivery than traditional egg microinjection, (2) it may be possible to isolate transformants from fewer maternally-microinjected females than originally expected, and (3) maternal microinjection could be useful as a DNA delivery system in other phytoseiids.  相似文献   

Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus (Macquart) has the capacity to proliferate in different kinds of climates within its distribution range in South America. With the aim of studying local thermal adaptations of eggs, we exposed egg stocks from two climatically different localities: temperate humid pampa (Buenos Aires) and cold arid Patagonian (Sarmiento), to freezing conditions and then evaluated the effect on some features at this level. First, we thermally described the substrate where this species lays its eggs in the arid region. A typical thermal condition during winter was 10 h at ?12° C. Second, we evaluated the effect of freezing on primary hatching (vs total hatching) and embryo survival. We also compared the proportion of embryonated eggs from both populations. The proportions of embryonated eggs were not different between localities, with averages of 78% and 83% in Sarmiento and Buenos Aires, respectively. Survival was equally successful after freezing in the two localities with an average range between 94–99%. Whether or not the eggs from Buenos Aires and Sarmiento were under freezing conditions, hatching was more than 98% after the first flooding. The results suggest that eggs of Ae. albifasciatus from Sarmiento and Buenos Aires have the same ability to survive at extreme temperatures (<0° C), showing a regional thermal adaptation rather than a local one.  相似文献   

From January 2017 - December 2019, 75 out of 850 (8.8 %) great hammerhead sharks from the Arabian Gulf had skin lesions of black irregular discolorations on the ventral surface of the head. The lesions consisted of pencil-like lineations often advancing forward by about 2 mm in back-and-forth looped scribbles often forming a relatively linear bands of about 5–7 cm wide. Similar lesions were also found in the blacktip reef shark from the same area within the same period, and consisted of straight to irregular black lines, extended indiscriminately across the skin of the sharks. Microscopic examination of the skin revealed the presence of dark-brown eggs exhibiting the spindle or ellipsoidal eggs characteristic of Huffmanela sp. The morphometrics of eggs from both hosts were similar (62.9–89.9 μm long and 29.3–56.1 μm wide). The eggshells were smooth with polar plugs protruding or not, with an abruptly truncated crown-like or shoulder-like collar surrounding the plug. The eggs were only found in the epidermal layer of the skin. Based on the unique morphometrics of the eggs, we report a new species, named: Huffmanela selachii n. sp.. This appears to be the first report of Huffmanela from either the great hammerhead shark or the blacktip reef shark, and the third reported Huffmanela in sharks from the Arabian Gulf. It is also one of few species reported from connecting waters of the greater Indian Ocean. This new finding contributes to our understanding of the diversity and ubiquity of Huffmanela sp. in marine creatures.  相似文献   

【目的】探索雌性中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana胚胎组织发育过程。【方法】在正常蜂群中,用蜂王产卵控制器将蜂王限制在工蜂巢房的巢脾上产卵1 h,蜂王在工蜂巢房中产下的卵是受精的雌性卵,将有卵的巢脾割下放入恒温恒湿箱中培养。恒温恒湿箱中样本所在的位置温度严格控制在35±0.2℃,相对湿度75%±5%。把限王产卵1 h内获得的蜜蜂卵作为0 h胚胎,每隔4 h取样一次。采用石蜡切片技术,对二倍体雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程进行观察。【结果】根据胚胎发育过程中的形态特征,雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程划分为4个阶段:(1)卵裂期(0-12 h),活质体迁移到卵的表面,呈双层排列;(2)胚盘形成期(12-28 h),活质体排列为单层,并形成细胞膜;(3)胚层形成期(28-40 h),侧板覆盖中板,两者在腹中线愈合;(4)胚胎器官系统形成期(40-68 h)。【结论】本研究明确了雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程的形态变化,进行了阶段划分并明确了各发育阶段的形态特征及对应的发育时间。本项研究结果有助于开展与蜜蜂胚胎发育的相关蜜蜂生态学、发育生物学、营养学等课题深入研究。  相似文献   

Abstract. To study the reproductive potential of workers in the stingless bee Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula Illiger (Apidae, Meliponinae), we examined the morphological quality of their eggs. Worker-eggs were all placed on the inside of the upper wall of brood cells. Normally, such eggs are consumed by the queen and are therefore referred to as trophic. The provisioning and oviposition processes in queenright colonies are characterized by the occurrence of circular aggregations of workers, 'rosettes', around the broodcell opening immediately after the release of a worker-egg. The ovaries of 35% of these rosette workers contained mature, chorionated eggs. In a single worker ovary, always only one mature egg was found. Some of the eggs, dissected from the ovarioles, showed a reticulate chorion pattern. Worker-eggs which lacked this pattern were significantly bigger than patterned eggs. Scanning electron micrographs revealed that the patterned worker-eggs are similar in appearance to queen-eggs.
After a worker-egg had been removed experimentally from a broodcell, the same cell could be oviposited by a worker again. Light microscopic analysis revealed that all these worker-eggs lacked the reticulate chorion pattern and were very similar in their morphology. In a colony without a laying queen workers laid eggs which had a reticulate pattern on the chorion. Since these eggs developed into males, we assume that the pattern on the chorion is characteristic for reproductive eggs. We also assume that the queen prevents the release of reproductive eggs by the workers. However, she does not inhibit the development of this type of egg.  相似文献   

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