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Biopsy specimens of gastric and duodenal mucosa from 326 patients were examined bacteriologically and histologically to determine the correlation between chronic gastritis and H. pylori colonization. H. pylori was identified in 111 (66.5%) patients with evidence of chronic gastritis and in 97 (82.2%) individuals who had gastritis associated with other pathology (gastric o duodenal ulcer, carcinoma o bulboduodenitis). The spiral bacteria was found more frequently in specimens with chronic superficial gastritis (88/107) and no significant difference was observed between the grade of activity of gastritis and H. pylori colonization. Giemsa stain was the most suitable method for detecting H. pylori in histological sections. By electron microscopy the microorganism was seen on the surface of the gastric mucosa, beneath the mucous layer, and more occasionally in intercellular junctions and the gastric pit.  相似文献   

1. Optimum conditions, including the effect of media of different pH values, were determined for the incorporation of radioactive precursors into mucoproteins by pig gastric mucosa in vitro. 2. Mucosal scrapings incorporated radioactivity from [U-14C]-glucose and from [G-3H]threonine or [G-3H]serine solely into the carbohydrate and protein portions respectively of the mucoprotein molecules. 3. Of the radioactive mucoprotein 22% was water-soluble and up to 80% of the remainder was soluble in other solvents. 4. Pronase was the most successful proteolytic enzyme tested for making the mucoprotein water-soluble, up to 94% dissolving after digestion. 5. The Pronase digestion products of the mucoproteins were separated from protein by equilibrium-density-gradient centrifugation in a CsCl gradient. 6. These Pronase-digested mucoproteins were further fractionated on Sepharose 4B and the isolated fractions analysed by chemical and sedimentation-velocity methods. 7. Pronase digestion and solvent extraction of mucosal scrapings labelled with 14C in the carbohydrate and 3H in the protein showed that one type of mucoprotein was the only non-diffusible biosynthetic product of the scrapings in vitro, and that this mucoprotein was the only mucoprotein constituent of the water-soluble and water-insoluble mucus.  相似文献   

(1) Determinations were carried out on the incorporation of fucose-6-(3H) and glucosamine-6-(3H) into trichloracetic acid insoluble macromolecules which remained bound to the cells or were released into the medium of chick embryo muscle cell cultures. The radioactivity determined in the medium was corrected for unspecific binding of label to components of the medium. (2) During an incorporation period of six hours the incorporation per microgram DNA with fucose as label into cell bound macromolecules is about twice as high as the incorporation into macromolecules released into medium. With glucosamine about twice as much is incorporated into medium released into the cell bound macromolecules. (3) The incorporation per microgram DNA increased during a culture period of three days but the increase ceases at different times during this culture period when determined with fucose or glucosamine or for cell bound and medium released material. (4) An increase in cell density increases the incorporation per DNA of fucose and to a much slighter extent that of glucosamine. Reduction of cell density by addition of cytosine arabinoside to the medium does not increase the incorporation per microgram DNA. (5) The effect of changes of fibroblast/myoblast ratios on the incorporation of fucose and glucosamine were examined. No significant effect was observed for a ratio of 10-30% fibroblasts when control cultures or cultures after cell sedimentation were maintained in complete medium. Marked changes were observed after culture in medium without protein components. Under these conditions an increase in the fibroblast/myoblast ratios were observed as well as an increase in the incorporation of label into medium released and a decrease into cell bound macromolecules.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B and L activities in cancerous and noncancerous mucosal tissues from 29 patients with gastric cancer were determined with a small amount of tissue homogenate. Both enzyme activities were significantly higher in cancerous tissues than in noncancerous tissues. The cathepsin B activity was higher with decreasing differentiation of the cancerous tissues, and also with increasing depth of invasion and metastasis to regional lymph nodes. Significantly high cathepsin B activity was observed in specimens of poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas, as well as in specimens from patients with extensive metastasis to n2 or n3 lymph nodes. These results suggest that high cathepsin B activity is characteristic of gastric cancer which invades and metastasizes. Therefore, in cases of marked elevation of cathepsin B activity in cancerous tissues, relatively extensive resection may be necessary to obtain a cure.  相似文献   

Incorporation of radioactive fucose into the immunoglobulin G1 myeloma protein secreted by mouse plasma-cell tumour MOPC 21 is stereospecific for the l-isomer. Heavy chains of the secreted form of the myeloma protein carry 90% of the label in fucose residues of their carbohydrate moieties. A small but significant amount of the intracellular immunoglobulin G1 of the mouse plasma-cell tumour MOPC 21 appears to be labelled. Serum in the incubation medium supplies low-molecular-weight diffusible substances necessary to maintain continuous secretion of fucose-labelled myeloma protein beyond 2-3h, and of leucine-labelled myeloma protein beyond 6-8h. In medium containing extensively dialysed serum the secretion of leucine- and fucose-labelled myeloma protein can be restored by the addition of 250mum-d-mannose, 250mum-d-galactose and 250mum-glucosamine. Synthesis and secretion appear to be facilitated in the presence of these sugars, although secretion of myeloma protein devoid of terminal fucose residues is possible for a limited time-period.  相似文献   

The validity of using radioactive microspheres (15 +/- 5-mum diameter) to measure gastric blood flow and its partition between gastric wall layers was investigated in anesthetized dogs with a chambered segment of gastric corpus. Total flow measured by a venous effluent technique demonstrated close correlation with microsphere-measured flow (r = 0.98, slope = 0.95) in 12 dogs given histamine, gastrin, or isoproterenol. In 12 histamine-stimulated dogs, mucosal flow measured by aminopyrine clearance and by microspheres also showed good agreement (r = 0.96, slope = 0.83). No evidence was found to indicate that microspheres altered hemodynamic or gastric function. In all experiments less than 1% of the total gastric radioactivity passed through arteriovenous shunts. The mucosa always contained a statistically adequate number of spheres (greater than 400), but the submucosa and muscularis frequently did not. Microspheres of all sizes mixed adequately in large arteries, but a significant difference was found in the distribution of 16- and 26 mum spheres between mucosa and submucosa, presumably because of streaming of the larger spheres past mucosal arteries. It was concluded that, with the techniques developed in our laboratory, microspheres could be a highly useful tool for quantitating gastric regional blood flow under a variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

1. Rats were injected intracaudally with [3H]fucose and its rate of incorporation into the fucoproteins of serum, Golgi and plasma-membrane subfractions was followed for up tp 2h. 2. Incorporation into the Golgi dictyosome and secretory-vesicular fractions reached a maximum at 15 min or less, but most of the radioactivity was associated with classes of secretory glycoproteins. Incorporation into sinusoidal plasma-membrane fractions reached a maximum at 30 min, coinciding with the maximum release of fucoproteins into the serum. Contiguous and canalicular plasma-membrane fractions were labelled slightly later and at a lower rate and specific radioactivity. 3. Fluorography of fucoproteins separated by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis helped to distinguish between the major secretory and membrane-bound glycoproteins. The results show that a major biogenetic sequence is probably from Golgi dictyosomes to Golgi secretory elements to a sinusoidal plasma membrane. 4. The kinetics of incorporation make it unlikely that there is rapid and direct insertion of glycoproteins into the bile-canalicular plasma membrane. A route involving direct transfer of glycoproteins via a membrane-mediated intracellular path from the blood sinusoidal to the bile-canalicular plasma membranes is proposed.  相似文献   

Even though there is no general agreement as to the mechanism of gastric mucosal protection, the consensus is that the initial brunt of luminal insults falls on the mucus layer which constitutes the only identifiable physical barrier between the gastric lumen and the mucosal surface. The continuous renewal and resilient nature of this layer efficiently counters peptic erosion of the gel, assures its viscoelastic and permselective properties, and provides a milieu for containment of the diffusing luminal acid by mucosal bicarbonate. Disturbances in this delicate balance lead to the impairment of the protective function of mucus resulting in gastric disease. Indeed, the weakening of gastric mucosal defense is intimately associated with the diminished viscoelastic qualities of mucus, decrease in hydrogen ion retardation capacity, and the extensive proteolysis of its mucin component. Although until recently the disintegration of the mucus coat was attributed exclusively to the enhanced activity of intragastric pepsin, our studies provided strong argument that a bacterial factor, namely infection by Helicobacter pylori, through the action of its protease and lipase enzymes also is highly detrimental to the integrity of gastric mucus. Hence, agents capable of interfering with the pathogenic activity of this bacteria are becoming the drugs of choice in peptic ulcer therapy.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]fucose into cell-bound and medium-released TCA-precipitable fractions was determined in intact hearts and dissociated heart cells of the 4-day chick embryo. The amount of released label was found to be much greater in the dissociated cells than in intact hearts both in absolute quantities and in proportion to cell-bound label.  相似文献   

A Put mutant of Serratia marcescens, deficient in proline oxidase and therefore unable to degrade proline, was used to assay for an enzymatic reaction responsible for incorporation of proline into prodigiosin. The reaction had a pH optimum of 7.5 and a Km of 1.1 X 10(-4) M at 27 C. At temperatures above 27 C, the velocity of the reaction decreased with increasing temperature and little activity was detected at 42 C. Activity of the enzyme was directly proportional to the quantity of pigment formed and was inhibited by thioproline, a substrate analog. These data suggested the presence of a unique and specific enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway for prodigiosin.  相似文献   

A Put mutant of Serratia marcescens, deficient in proline oxidase and therefore unable to degrade proline, was used to assay for an enzymatic reaction responsible for incorporation of proline into prodigiosin. The reaction had a pH optimum of 7.5 and a Km of 1.1 X 10(-4) M at 27 C. At temperatures above 27 C, the velocity of the reaction decreased with increasing temperature and little activity was detected at 42 C. Activity of the enzyme was directly proportional to the quantity of pigment formed and was inhibited by thioproline, a substrate analog. These data suggested the presence of a unique and specific enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway for prodigiosin.  相似文献   

The simultaneous incorporation of [3H]fucose and [1-14C]leucine into normal rat sciatic nerve was examined using an in vitro incubation model. A linear rate of protein precursor uptake was found in purified myelin protein over 1/2–6 hr of incubation utilizing a supplemented medium containing amino acids. This model was then used to examine myelin protein synthesis in nerves undergoing degeneration at 1–4 days following a crush injury. Data showed a statistically significant decrease in the ratio of fucose to leucine at 2, 3, and 4 days of degeneration, which was the consequence of a significant increase in leucine uptake. These results, plus substantial protein recovery in axotomized nerves, are indicative of active synthesis of proteins that purify with myelin during early Wallerian degeneration.  相似文献   

Maarten J. Chrispeels 《Planta》1983,157(5):454-461
Incubation of developing cotyledons of P. vulgaris with [3H]fucose resulted in the incorporation of radioactivity into the cell wall, membranous organelles and soluble macromolecules. Fractionation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by fluorography, showed that phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was the major fucosylated protein synthesized in the cotyledons. Incorporation of fucose into PHA occurred in the membranous organelle fraction, and the radioactive fucose remained associated with the PHA during a 20-h chase of the radioactivity. Tunicamycin inhibited the incorporation of glucosamine and fucose into PHA to the same extent (65%), indicating the involvement of a lipid intermediate in the incorporation of fucose, or the attachment of fucose to the high-mannose oligosaccharide moiety of newly synthesized PHA. Digestion with proteinase K of [3H]fucose- or [3H]glucosamine-labeled PHA resulted in the formation of glycopeptides of similar size. These glycopeptides were partially resistant to digestion with endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H, even after the removal of fucose by mild acid hydrolysis. We postulate, on the basis of these experiments, that the transport of PHA from the endoplasmic reticulum to the protein bodies is accompanied by the modification of its oligosaccharide side-chain. This modification involves inter alia the attachment of fucose, and renders the oligosaccharide side-chain resistant to digestion with endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. Analogy with animal glycoproteins indicates that this modification probably occurs in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Role of cyclooxygenase isoforms in gastric mucosal defence.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A complex system of interacting mediators exists in the gastric mucosa to strengthen its resistance against injury. In this system prostaglandins play an important role. Prostaglandin biosynthesis is catalysed by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which exists in two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2. Initially the concept was developed that COX-1 functions as housekeeping enzyme, whereas COX-2 yields prostaglandins involved in pathophysiological reactions such as inflammation. In the gastrointestinal tract, the maintenance of mucosal integrity was attributed exclusively to COX-1 without a contribution of COX-2 and ulcerogenic effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were believed to be the consequence of inhibition of COX-1. Recent findings, however, indicate that both COX-1 and COX-2 either alone or in concert contribute to gastric mucosal defence. Thus, in normal rat gastric mucosa specific inhibition of COX-1 does not elicit mucosal lesions despite near-maximal suppression of gastric prostaglandin formation. When a selective COX-2 inhibitor which is not ulcerogenic when given alone is added to the COX-1 inhibitor, severe gastric damage develops. In contrast to normal gastric mucosa which requires simultaneous inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 for breakdown of mucosal resistance, in the acid-challenged rat stomach inhibition of COX-1 alone results in dose-dependent injury which is further increased by additional inhibition of COX-2 enzyme activity or prevention of acid-induced up-regulation of COX-2 expression by dexamethasone. COX-2 inhibitors do not damage the normal or acid-challenged gastric mucosa when given alone. However, when nitric oxide formation is suppressed or afferent nerves are defunctionalized, specific inhibition of COX-2 induces severe gastric damage. Ischemia-reperfusion of the gastric artery is associated with up-regulation of COX-2 but not COX-1 mRNA. COX-2 inhibitors or dexamethasone augment ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric damage up to four-fold, an effect abolished by concurrent administration of 16,16-dimethyl-PGE(2). Selective inhibition of COX-1 is less effective. Furthermore, COX-2 inhibitors antagonize the protective effect of a mild irritant or intragastric peptone perfusion in the rat stomach, whereas the protection induced by chronic administration of endotoxin is mediated by COX-1. Finally, an important function of COX-2 is the acceleration of ulcer healing. COX-2 is up-regulated in chronic gastric ulcers and inhibitors of COX-2 impair the healing of ulcers to the same extent as non-selective NSAIDs. Taken together, these observations show that both COX isoenzymes are essential factors in mucosal defence with specific contributions in various physiological and pathophysiological situations.  相似文献   

Role of cyclooxygenase-2 in gastric mucosal defense.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two isoenzymes of cyclooxygenase (COX), the key enzyme in prostaglandin (PG) biosynthesis, COX-1 and COX-2, have been identified. COX-1 was proposed to regulate physiological functions, COX-2 to mediate pathophysiological reactions such as inflammation. In particular, it was suggested that maintenance of gastric mucosal integrity relies exclusively on COX-1. Recently, it was shown that a selective COX-1 inhibitor does not damage the mucosa in the healthy rat stomach, although mucosal prostaglandin formation is near-maximally suppressed. However, concurrent treatment with a COX-1 and a COX-2 inhibitor induces severe gastric damage. This indicates that in normal mucosa both COX-1 and COX-2 have to be inhibited to evoke ulcerogenic effects. In the acid-challenged rat stomach inhibition of COX-1 alone is associated with dose-dependent injury which is aggravated by additional inhibition of COX-2 activity or prevention of acid-induced up-regulation of COX-2 expression by dexamethasone. After acid exposure, COX-2 inhibitors cause substantial gastric injury when nitric oxide formation is suppressed or afferent nerves are defunctionalized. Ischemia-reperfusion of the gastric artery increases levels of COX-2 but not COX-1 mRNA. COX-2 inhibitors or dexamethasone aggravate ischemia-reperfusion-induced mucosal damage up to 4-fold, an effect abolished by concurrent administration of 16,16-dimethyl-PGE2. Furthermore, the protective effects elicited by a mild irritant or intragastric peptone perfusion are antagonized by COX-2 inhibitors. Finally, COX-2 expression is increased in experimental ulcers. COX-2 inhibitors delay the healing of chronic gastric ulcers in experimental animals and decrease epithelial cell proliferation, angiogenesis and maturation of the granulation tissue to the same extent as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These observations indicate that, in contrast to the initial concept, COX-2 plays an important role in gastric mucosal defense.  相似文献   

Counting immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing cells in colonic mucosal biopsies can help to objectively support the differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Before a method for counting Ig-containing cells can be applied in a clinical setting, however, its reproducibility must be determined. This study investigated the reproducibility of two different methods for counting such cells. The use of a light microscope with an ocular grid resulted in a slightly better reproducibility than did the use of a projection microscope with a graphics tablet. Moreover, the ocular grid method had a higher efficiency. The counting of IgM- and IgG-containing cells had a considerably higher reproducibility than did the counting of IgA-containing cells. To determine the minimal number of cells to be counted in order to ascertain a stabilized mean number of Ig-containing cells, the running means of counts of Ig-containing cells were calculated for two observers. When at least 600 Ig-containing cells (i.e., two to four fields) were counted, the interobserver variation of the running means was less than 10% for IgA and IgG counts and less than 5% for IgM counts. Since earlier studies showed differences in the counts of IgA-, IgG- and IgM-containing cells between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease to be, respectively, 3%, 25% and 28%, the results of the present study suggest that the proposed counting method can be useful in the differentiation between these entities.  相似文献   

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