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Jenkins, D. G. & Murray, J. W. (ed.) 1989: Stratigraphical Atlas of Fossil Foraminifera. 2nd edition.  相似文献   

Palaeogene deposits are widespread in China and are potential sequences for locating stage boundaries. Most strata are non‐marine origin, but marine sediments are well exposed in Tibet, the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, and the continental margin of East China Sea. Among them, the Tibetan Tethys can be recognized as a dominant marine area, including the Indian‐margin strata of the northern Tethys Himalaya and Asian‐margin strata of the Gangdese forearc basin. Continuous sequences are preserved in the Gamba–Tingri Basin of the north margin of the Indian Plate, where the Palaeogene sequence is divided into the Jidula, Zongpu, Zhepure and Zongpubei formations. Here, the marine sequence ranges from Danian to middle Priabonian (66–35 ma), and the stage boundaries are identified mostly by larger foraminiferal assemblages. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary is found between the Zongpu and Zhepure formations. The uppermost marine beds are from the top of the Zongpubei Formation (~35 ma), marking the end of Indian and Asian collision. In addition, the marine beds crop out along both sides of the Yarlong Zangbo Suture, where they show a deeper marine facies, yielding rich radiolarian fossils of Paleocene and Eocene. The Tarim Basin of Xinjiang is another important area of marine deposition. Here, marine Palaeogene strata are well exposed in the Southwest Tarim Depression and Kuqa Depression. They comprise mostly neritic and coastal lagoon facies of the Tethyan realm. Palaeontological evidence suggests that the Paleocene/Eocene boundary here is in middle of the Qimugen Formation. The Tarim Basin was largely drained by Late Oligocene. To the east, the marine offshore Palaeogene strata are widespread in the North Taiwan and East Zhejiang depressions of the continental shelf basin of East China Sea. Abundant fossils including foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, ostracods, pollen and bivalves occur in the marine environment. Biostratigraphically, the sequence is well correlated with the international planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil zonations.  相似文献   

Doyle, P., Bennett, M.R. & Baxter, A.N. 1994 The Key fo Earth History- An Introducrion to Stratigraphy .  相似文献   

Patterns of last occurrences of fossil species are often used to infer the tempo and timing of mass extinction, even though last occurrences generally precede the time of extinction. Numerical simulations with constant extinction demonstrate that last occurrences are not randomly distributed, but tend to cluster at subaerial unconformities, surfaces of forced regression, flooding surfaces and intervals of stratigraphical condensation, all of which occur in predictable stratigraphical positions. This clustering arises not only from hiatuses and non‐deposition, but also from changes in water depth. Simulations with intervals of elevated extinction cause such clusters of last occurrences to be enhanced within and below the interval of extinction, suggesting that the timing and magnitude of extinctions in these instances could be misinterpreted. With the possible exception of the end‐Cretaceous, mass extinctions in the fossil record are characterized by clusters of last occurrences at these sequence stratigraphical horizons. Although these clusters of last occurrences may represent brief pulses of elevated extinction, they are equally likely to form by stratigraphical processes during a protracted period (more than several hundred thousand years) of elevated extinction rate. Geochemical proxies of extinction causes are also affected similarly, suggesting that many local expressions of mass extinction should be re‐evaluated for the timing of extinction and its relation to environmental change. We propose three tests for distinguishing pulses of extinction from clusters of last occurrences produced by stratigraphical processes.  相似文献   

In the present state of development of stratigraphy and of international time-correlation, it is important for the editor (a) to encourage discipline in certain data-handling matters, (b) to advise adherence to IUGS decisions on scale definitions, and (c) to allow considerable freedom in matters of correlation method, subject only to normal requirements of clear honest presentation and the statement of confidence and other limitations.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(6):415-438
This paper will address mainly industrial aspects of sequence stratigraphy since the seventies: new advances in seismic marine acquisition and large efforts for margins exploration, provided continuous 2D set of data, from platform environment to deep marine basins, revealing the importance of non-deposition periods. The seismic stratigraphy then allowed the development of the sequence stratigraphy at the end of the eighties and during the nineties. At the end of the eighties, a crucial need was formulated to quantify geology. The solution has been the use of sequence stratigraphy, as it was proven later that this tool was the key for understanding and then for prediction.  相似文献   

The microbial mats of Guerrero Negro (GN), Baja California Sur, Mexico historically were considered a simple environment, dominated by cyanobacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria. Culture-independent rRNA community profiling instead revealed these microbial mats as among the most phylogenetically diverse environments known. A preliminary molecular survey of the GN mat based on only ∼1500 small subunit rRNA gene sequences discovered several new phylum-level groups in the bacterial phylogenetic domain and many previously undetected lower-level taxa. We determined an additional ∼119 000 nearly full-length sequences and 28 000 >200 nucleotide 454 reads from a 10-layer depth profile of the GN mat. With this unprecedented coverage of long sequences from one environment, we confirm the mat is phylogenetically stratified, presumably corresponding to light and geochemical gradients throughout the depth of the mat. Previous shotgun metagenomic data from the same depth profile show the same stratified pattern and suggest that metagenome properties may be predictable from rRNA gene sequences. We verify previously identified novel lineages and identify new phylogenetic diversity at lower taxonomic levels, for example, thousands of operational taxonomic units at the family-genus levels differ considerably from known sequences. The new sequences populate parts of the bacterial phylogenetic tree that previously were poorly described, but indicate that any comprehensive survey of GN diversity has only begun. Finally, we show that taxonomic conclusions are generally congruent between Sanger and 454 sequencing technologies, with the taxonomic resolution achieved dependent on the abundance of reference sequences in the relevant region of the rRNA tree of life.  相似文献   

Brandano, M. & Policicchio, G. 2011: Strontium stratigraphy of the Burdigalian transgression in the Western Mediterranean. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 315–328. A 87Sr/86Sr analysis of selected pectinid shells has been performed to refine the stratigraphical framework of the Burdigalian transgressive event. Samples were collected from shallow water successions of the Western Mediterranean area (North‐Eastern Sardinia, Southern Corsica, Central Apennines). The Western Mediterranean is the result of the interaction between the European and the African plates. Sardinia and Corsica were extended and rifted apart from the Iberian Peninsula during the opening of the Liguro‐Provencal basin, between 30 and 15 Ma. In the outcrops of Northern Sardinia and Southern Corsica, Burdigalian deposits nonconformably overlie Varisican granites. In the central Apennines the Burdigalian deposits paraconformably overlie the Cretaceous platform. These are transgressive deposits, characterized by the presence of Miogypsina globulina, which points out early to middle Burdigalian age. The Sr isotope ages indicate that marine transgression in Northern Sardina and Southern Corsica took place between 18.6 and 18.3 Ma, which could correspond to the eustatic sea level rise of the Bur3 third‐order sequence. In the Central Apennines the Burdigalian transgression was anticipated (18.8 Ma) by subsidence input linked to the eastward migration of the orogenic system. This input allowed the Miocene carbonate ramp to develop on the Cretaceous platform substrate, while successive eustatic rise controlled the evolution of the stratigraphical architecture. The following regressive phase is recorded in both the Apennine and Corsica successions. The end of this phase is dated between 17.6 and 17.5 Ma and corresponds to sea level drop corresponding to the occurrence of the Mi 1b event. □Burdigalian, pectinids, strontium stratigraphy, transgression, Western Mediterranean  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates, their cysts and Quaternary stratigraphy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) was first colonized by modern humans at least 45,000 years ago, but the extent to which the modern inhabitants trace their ancestry to the first settlers is a matter of debate. It is widely held, in both archaeology and linguistics, that they are largely descended from a second wave of dispersal, proto-Austronesian-speaking agriculturalists who originated in China and spread to Taiwan approximately 5,500 years ago. From there, they are thought to have dispersed into ISEA approximately 4,000 years ago, assimilating the indigenous populations. Here, we demonstrate that mitochondrial DNA diversity in the region is extremely high and includes a large number of indigenous clades. Only a fraction of these date back to the time of first settlement, and the majority appear to mark dispersals in the late-Pleistocene or early-Holocene epoch most likely triggered by postglacial flooding. There are much closer genetic links to Taiwan than to the mainland, but most of these probably predated the mid-Holocene "Out of Taiwan" event as traditionally envisioned. Only approximately 20% at most of modern mitochondrial DNAs in ISEA could be linked to such an event, suggesting that, if an agriculturalist migration did take place, it was demographically minor, at least with regard to the involvement of women.  相似文献   

Chemical sediment stratigraphy of four high alpine lakes is discussed with respect to atmogenic eutrophication as well as acidification. All lakes show more or less clearly paleoindications of atmospheric, anthropogenic impacts, mainly as slight eutrophication (Schwarzsee and Upper Plenderlesee, Tyrolia, and Gippersee, Carinthia). In Schwarzsee and Goaßelesee (Carinthia), there are weak but not yet significant indications of slight lake acidification, additionally.  相似文献   

Margachitina margaritana is a distinctive, chain-forming chitinozoan taxon of the uppermost Telychian Stage (Llandovery Series) to lower Homerian Stage (Wenlock Series). M. margaritana is shown to be the end member of a morphological lineage that developed from Calpichitina densa via the intermediate Margachitina banwyensis sp. nov. A local M. banwyensis Biozone, which correlates with the upper lapworthi graptolite Biozone, is proposed for the Banwy River section. The morphological lineage described provides a tool for the enhanced subdivision of the uppermost Llandovery Series, which may prove global in extent. This research suggests also that the base of the Wenlock Series may correlate with a level below the centrifugus graptolite Biozone and it also brings into question the systematic status of Calpichitina and Margachitina, although both genera are retained herein.  相似文献   

王法岗  李锋 《人类学学报》2020,39(2):161-172
"许家窑人"化石发现于河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地西端的侯家窑遗址。该遗址20世纪70年代历经数次发掘,发现古人类化石20件、石制品数万件以及大量的哺乳动物化石。虽然已有大量关于遗址的研究成果发表,但人类化石和考古遗物的出土地层仍有些模糊,文化层时代也存在较大争议;年代数据在20 kaBP到500 kaBP的大范围间变化,影响学者们对"许家窑人"及其文化遗存演化位置的认识。鉴于此,河北省文物研究所(现河北省文物考古研究院)在2007~2012年对该遗址开展了持续的考古调查及发掘,重要目的之一在于廓清遗址埋藏的地貌部位和文化层的分布状况等基本信息。侯家窑遗址的地层包含上、下两个文化层;下文化层以下2~3 m(距地表约14.5 m)处确认了不整合接触面,其下为泥河湾层堆积,之上为河流阶地堆积。综合对20世纪70年代发掘的地层描述、新发掘地层以及人类化石保存状态的认识,"许家窑人"化石应出自遗址地层沉积序列的上文化层中,而非湖相的泥河湾层中。通过对目前遗址已有测年数据的重新梳理,我们认为,上文化层即"许家窑人"化石的时代为200~160 kaBP,主要对应深海氧同位素6阶段早期;下文化层的准确年代...  相似文献   

Coenocorrelation is the correlation of positions in a stratigraphic sequence with corresponding positions along a paleoenvironmental gradient through gradient analysis of fossil communities. By ordination of community samples, the distribution and abundance of taxa along a depth gradient can be translated into a continuous scale that accurately measures the gradient and thus makes possible analysis of facies change on a continuum. The procedure is tested using data on marine benthic invertebrates along ten time-parallel transects down an Ordovician basin slope (Trenton Group, New York). Reversals between transgression and regression revealed in coenocorrelation curves served nearly as well as bentonite beds in time-correlation of sections. Ordinations gave estimates of depositional strike in close agreement with estimates from physical indicators. Walther's Law of Facies is evidently a more rigorous, quantifiable generalization than it has been revealed to be through classificatory approaches to communities and environments.  相似文献   

Sedimentological study of 20 piston cores from the northwestern Labrador Sea shows that thin bedded distal turbidites are important constituents of the Quaternary strata on the continental slope and rise. Sedimentation on the outer shelf (ca. 500–900 m) is dominated by ice-rafting and hemipelagic deposition. Detailed study of two outer shelf cores reveals a stratigraphic record extending to oxygen isotopic stage 9. Studies of foraminifera and dinoflagellates show that subarctic surface waters penetrated into the northern Labrador Sea during the early-middle glacial stages and pollen data indicate that northward advection of warm air masses occurred at the same time. Microfossil data indicate that late glacial stages were characterized by year around sea-ice cover and arctic surface water, and by the dominance of cold, dry Arctic air masses. Transitions from glacial to interglacial stages are marked by the presence of low salinity melt water. These data support models which postulate that open water in the Labrador Sea played an important role in supplying moisture to Laurentide and Greenland ice-sheets.  相似文献   

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