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Men with classical androgen deficiency have reduced prostate volume and blood prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels compared with their age peers. As it is plausible that androgen deficiency partially protects against prostate disease, and that restoring androgen exposure increases risk to that of eugonadal men of the same age, men using ART should have age-appropriate surveillance for prostate disease. This should comprise rectal examination and blood PSA measurement at regular intervals (determined by age and family history) according to the recommendations, permanently revisited, published by ISSAM, EAU, Endocrine Society….

Testosterone replacement therapy is now being prescribed more often for aging men, the same population in which prostate cancer incidence increases; it has been suggested that administration in men with unrecognised prostate cancer might promote the development of clinically significant disease. In hypogonadal men who were candidates for testosterone therapy, a 14% incidence of occult cancer was found. A percentage (15.2%) of prostate cancer has been found in the placebo group (with normal DRE and PSA) in the prostate cancer prevention study investigating the chemoprevention potential of finasteride.

The hypothesis that high levels of circulating androgens is a risk factor for prostate cancer is supported by the dramatic regression, after castration, of tumour symptoms in men with advanced prostate cancer. However these effects, seen at a very late stage of cancer development, may not be relevant to reflect the effects of variations within a physiological range at an earlier stage.

Data from all published prospective studies on circulating level of total and free testosterone do not support the hypothesis that high levels of circulating androgens are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. A study on a large prospective cohort of 10,049 men, contributes to the gathering evidence that the long standing “androgen hypothesis” of increasing risk with increasing androgen levels can be rejected, suggesting instead that high levels within the reference range of androgens, estrogens and adrenal androgens decrease aggressive prostate cancer risk. Indeed, high-grade prostate cancer has been associated with low plasma level of testosterone. Furthermore, pre-treatment total testosterone was an independent predictor of extraprostatic disease in patients with localized prostate cancer; as testosterone decreases, patients have an increased likelihood of non-organ confined disease and low serum testosterone levels are associated with positive surgical margins in radical retropubic prostatectomy.

A clinical implication of these results concerns androgen supplementation which has become easier to administer with the advent of transdermal preparations (patch or gel) that achieve physiological testosterone serum levels without supra physiological escape levels. During the clinical development of a new testosterone patch in more than 200 primary or secondary hypogonadal patients, no prostate cancer was diagnosed.  相似文献   


Foundational activities at the international level underlie current risk and safety assessment approaches for genetically engineered/modified organisms (GEOs/GMOs). Early risk assessment considerations beginning with the OECD ‘Blue Book’ established risk/safety assessment as the characterization of the organism and its environmental release; establishment and persistence in the environment; and human and ecological effects, analyzed in principle through existing methods. Important in this context was recognition that GEOs/GMOs as a class did not represent new risks relative to products of traditional plant breeding and that any incremental risk would need to be established on a stepwise case-by-case comparative basis with existing crops and derived-foods as the baseline. Accordingly, concepts of familiarity and substantial equivalence were advanced by OECD and WHO as ways to establish a risk analysis baseline for determining whether and to what extent risk/safety assessment was needed. Regulatory implementations of this paradigm have skewed to increasingly complex portfolios of studies rather than adhering to analysis which is formulated to fit the risk/safety questions relevant to a given case. Plants produced through genome editing technology will benefit from risk analysis that implements sound problem formulation to guide the need for and nature of risk/safety assessments.


Toxic cyanobacteria became more widely recognized as a potential health hazard in the 1990s, and in 1998 the World Health Organization (WHO) first published a provisional Guideline Value of 1 μg L−1 for microcystin-LR in drinking-water. In this publication we compare risk assessment and risk management of toxic cyanobacteria in 17 countries across all five continents. We focus on the three main (oral) exposure vehicles to cyanotoxins: drinking-water, water related recreational and freshwater seafood. Most countries have implemented the provisional WHO Guideline Value, some as legally binding standard, to ensure the distribution of safe drinking-water with respect to microcystins. Regulation, however, also needs to address the possible presence of a wide range of other cyanotoxins and bioactive compounds, for which no guideline values can be derived due to insufficient toxicological data. The presence of microcystins (commonly expressed as microcystin-LR equivalents) may be used as proxy for overall guidance on risk management, but this simplification may miss certain risks, for instance from dissolved fractions of cylindrospermopsin and cyanobacterial neurotoxins. An alternative approach, often taken for risk assessment and management in recreational waters, is to regulate cyanobacterial presence – as cell numbers or biomass – rather than individual toxins. Here, many countries have implemented a two or three tier alert level system with incremental severity. These systems define the levels where responses are switched from Surveillance to Alert and finally to Action Mode and they specify the short-term actions that follow. Surface bloom formation is commonly judged to be a significant risk because of the elevated concentration of microcystins in a scum. Countries have based their derivations of legally binding standards, guideline values, maximally allowed concentrations (or limits named otherwise) on very similar scientific methodology, but underlying assumptions such as bloom duration, average body size and the amount of water consumed while swimming vary according to local circumstances. Furthermore, for toxins with incomplete toxicological data elements of expert judgment become more relevant and this also leads to a larger degree of variation between countries’ thresholds triggering certain actions. Cyanobacterial blooms and their cyanotoxin content are a highly variable phenomenon, largely depending on local conditions, and likely concentrations can be assessed and managed best if the specific conditions of the locality are known and their impact on bloom occurrence are understood. Risk Management Frameworks, such as for example the Water Safety Plan concept of the WHO and the ‘bathing water profile’ of the European Union are suggested to be effective approaches for preventing human exposure by managing toxic cyanobacteria from catchment to consumer for drinking water and at recreational sites.  相似文献   

With the evolution of genetic toxicology as a scientific discipline and the formation of the Environmental Mutagen Society (EMS), much thought was given to the study of chemicals in the human environment for their mutagenic effects. The Society's goal was to promote scientific investigation and dissemination of information related to genetic toxicology. Subsequently, the concern for chemically induced genetic damage in human germ cells and its potential impact on genetic diseases was detailed in the Committee 17 Report (1975). With new information on the involvement of genetic alterations in disease and on the ramifications of possible effects of exposures to environmental mutagens, it is becoming increasingly necessary to again focus our attention on the assessment of heritable genetic effects. Clearly, strategies for communication of genetic hazard/risk assessments to exposed individuals and to those charged with regulating environmental agents need to be developed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which the incidence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 can be predicted in human faeces, from human intake and infection via water contaminated by livestock and carrying this zoonotic pathogen in North-East (NE) and South-West (SW) regions of Scotland. In SW Scotland, there is a risk of coastal recreational waters failing EU standards for faecal indicator organisms, and this is assumed to be the main potential waterborne route of infection. In NE Scotland, the main waterborne route is assumed to be the many private drinking water supplies; these are mainly derived from shallow groundwater and surveys show that there is potential for significant levels of microbial contamination from livestock. The risk to human health from these sources has been assessed using a combination of process models, epidemiological risk-assessment methods and survey data. A key assumption in the calculations is the amount of mixing of pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli between animal faecal sources and contaminated water intake by humans. Using the probability distributions of the E. coli O157 content of individual faecal pat material (which would imply no mixing between source and human intake), based on three recent surveys of animal faeces in Scotland, led to predicted annual risks of infection slightly higher than observed human infection incidence. Using the geometric mean to represent partial mixing (which theoretically may over- or underestimate incidence with a concave dose-response curve) gave infection rates similar to those observed for two of the three faecal surveys. Using the arithmetic mean led to over-prediction of risk. This is to be expected if the true dose-response curve is (such as the Beta-Poisson curve used here) concave. Other factors that may lead to over-prediction of incidence are discussed, including under-reporting, loss of infectivity as a result of environmental exposure, immunity and the appropriateness of the Beta-Poisson curve. It is concluded that better epidemiological data for calibration of the dose-response curve, better knowledge of the degree of mixing and understanding of immunity are key requirements for progress in process model-based predictions of infection rate. The paper also explores the potential of improved farm and catchment scale management to deliver cost-effective mitigation of pollution of bathing and drinking water by livestock zoonoses.  相似文献   

Protothecosis is a potential zoonosis related to bovine mastitis. In several countries, a higher incidence of protothecal bovine mastitis that is being recorded and the resistance of Prototheca species to various factors (chlorine, high temperatures, antimicrobial and antiseptic treatments, pH variations), make it difficult to control its spread among farms. The authors aim to describe the infection caused by microalgae, focusing on the problems within cattle farms and proposing new approaches to farm management, based on Regulation (EU) No 2016/429 on transmissible animal diseases. This new flexible approach, based on risk analysis, is a further tool in protecting against Prototheca species. The list of transmissible animal diseases under Regulation (EU) No 2016/429 includes those caused by microorganisms resistant to antimicrobials, which can have important implications for human and animal health, feed and food safety. This approach would involve a series of changes to the rules used for Official Controls (Regulation (EU) No 2017/625) moving from the concept of the food chain to that of the agri-food chain.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment encourages the use of mechanistic data in the assessment of human cancer risk at low (environmental) exposure levels. The key events that define a particular mode of action for tumor formation have been concentrated to date more on mutational responses that are broadly the result of induced DNA damage and enhanced cell proliferation. While it is clear that these processes are important in terms of tumor induction, other modes that fall under the umbrella of epigenetic responses are increasingly being considered to play an important role in susceptibility to tumor induction by environmental chemicals and as significant modifiers of tumor responses. Alterations in gene expression, DNA repair, cell cycle control, genome stability and genome reprogramming could be the result of modification of DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling patterns as a consequence of exposure to environmental chemicals. These concepts are described and discussed.  相似文献   

《Biotechnology advances》2017,35(2):135-149
The increased incidence and the significant health burden associated with carcinoma of the prostate have led to substantial changes in its diagnosis over the past century. Despite technological advancements, the management of prostate cancer has become progressively more complex and controversial for both early and late-stage disease. The limitations and potential harms associated with the use of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as a diagnostic marker have stimulated significant investigation of numerous novel biomarkers that demonstrate varying capacities to detect prostate cancer and can decrease unnecessary biopsies. However, only a few of these markers have been approved for specific clinical settings while the others have not been adequately validated for use. This review systematically and critically assesses ongoing issues and emerging challenges in the current state of prostate cancer diagnostic tools and the need for disruptive next generation tools based on analysis of combinations of these biomarkers to enhance predictive accuracy which will benefit clinical diagnostics and patient welfare.  相似文献   

Noninvasive early detection of breast cancer through the use of biomarkers is urgently needed since the risk of recurrence, morbidity, and mortality is closely related to disease stage at the time of primary surgery. A crucial issue in this approach is the availability of relevant markers and corresponding monoclonal antibodies suitable for the development of effective immunodiagnostic modalities. The identification of such markers from human pathological lesions and the isolation of specific antibodies using conventional approaches remain major challenges. Camelids produce functional antibodies devoid of light chains in which the single N-terminal domain of the heavy chain is fully capable of antigen binding. When produced as an independent domain, these so-called single-domain antibody fragments (sdAbs) or nanobodies have several advantages for biotechnological applications owing to their unique properties of size (13 kDa), stability, solubility, and expression yield. In this work, we have generated phage display libraries from animals immunized with breast cancer biopsies. These libraries were used to isolate sdAbs against known and relevant antigens such as HER2, or several cancer-specific sdAbs against unknown targets. We describe the identification of one these targets, cytokeratin 19, using affinity purification in combination with mass spectrometry. Some of these sdAbs were used in several straightforward diagnostic applications such as immunohistochemical analysis of tumor samples, multiplexed cytometric bead array analysis of crude samples, or an immune enrichment procedure of rare cells. Here, we demonstrate that phage display-based selection of single-domain antibodies is an efficient and high-throughput compatible approach to generate binders with excellent characteristics for the fast development of diagnostic and prognostic modalities.  相似文献   

The challenge continues-to find better methods of screening for prostate cancer, of determining who should undergo needle biopsy, and of predicting who will fail initial therapy. Investigators are looking at the value of neural networks and an array of markers to provide improved screening and prognostic information.  相似文献   

Amino acids in the central nervous system can be divided into non-neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter depending on their function. The measurement of these small molecules in brain tissue and extracellular fluid has been used to develop effective treatment strategies for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases and for the diagnosis of such pathologies. Here we describe the separation and detection techniques that have been used for the measurement of amino acids at trace levels in brain tissue and dialysates. An overview of the function of amino acid transmitters in the brain is given. In addition, the type of sampling techniques that are used for the determination of amino acid levels in the brain is described.  相似文献   

Substantial gaps exist in our ability to accurately predict prognosis, and these gaps limit our understanding of the complex mechanisms that contribute to the greatest cancer epidemic of our time, prostate cancer. This review addresses contemporary epidemiologic and biostatistical issues in prostate cancer. It covers the science of outcome prediction and biomarker evaluation, recognition of the need to combine biomarkers to improve the accuracy of our outcome estimates and an analysis of current outcome assessment methods, including the TNM staging system and multivariate regression models. The simplicity and intuitive ease of the current TNM staging system must be balanced against its serious limitations in predictive accuracy and its loss of clinical utility. Statistical regression methods are required as we move to the new era of personalized medicine. We must implement statistical approaches that integrate the new molecular biomarkers with existing prognostic biomarkers to accurately predict which patients require treatment and to determine the optimal therapy.  相似文献   

The detection of prostate cancer, its clinical staging, and the prediction of its prognosis remain topics of paramount importance in clinical management. The digital rectal exam, although once the "gold standard," has been largely supplanted by a variety of techniques including serum and tissue-based assays. This article reviews recent progress in the development of prostate-specific antigen assays with greater specificity; molecular markers for prostate cancer (DNA ploidy, nuclear morphometry, markers of proliferation, and cell adhesion molecules); the link between vitamin D deficiency and the clinical emergence of prostate cancer; the possible correlation of serum insulin-like growth factor levels with the risk for developing prostate cancer; and the latest advances in radiologic staging.  相似文献   

Since in men androgen levels decrease with age and result in symptoms of hypogonadism, the use of testosterone supplementation to treat symptoms resulting from hypogonadism is increasing. One potential complication of this treatment is the possibility of an increased risk of prostate cancer. Although most authorities agree that androgen is involved in the exacerbation of existing carcinoma of the prostate, the action of androgens on the carcinogenic process is not well understood. Attempts to demonstrate a correlation between hormone levels and prostate cancer have yielded inconsistent results. No clear evidence exists that androgen supplementation to restore physiologic levels produces any deleterious effects on the prostate. It is highly doubtful that when testosterone therapy is administered to middle-aged or older men, any potential prostate cancer promotion effect will be clinically manifested in the absence of already established cancer. It is, however, imperative that existing or developing prostate cancer be ruled out before initiation and during androgen replacement therapy. As with any therapeutic regimen, careful monitoring of the patient receiving treatment is recommended and constitutes good medical care.  相似文献   

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