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Three new species of Chrysobalanaceae from South America are described:Couepia bernardii, Hirtella barnebyi andH. confertiflora. TheCouepia guianensis complex is discussed, redefined and divided into three subspecies that include material previously recognized as separate species. Observations are also made on recent collections of three poorly known species ofHirtella, H. araguariensis,H. dorvalii andH. leonotis.  相似文献   

 Flower development, pollination and breeding system of the high alpine cushion plant, Eritrichium nanum (Boraginaceae), were investigated in nine populations from the European Alps at altitudes of 2700 m–3200 m. Peak flowering period lasts longer than a month, from mid-June to the end of July. In contrast to statements in the literature that flowers are protogynous and nutlets remain in their calyx until spring we found a distinct protandry and nutlets being dispersed before mid-September. Various insects from 12 families, but mostly Diptera, frequently visited E. nanum flowers, with flies from the families Anthomyiidae and Muscidae being the predominant visitors. Under optimal conditions (max. solar radiation, min. wind force), visitation rates of 200 simultaneously observed flowers reached 32.5–46.7 insects per hour, i.e. 0.16–0.24 insects per flower per hour. However, the commonly observed Anthomyiidae and Muscidae clearly preferred the white-yellowish flowers of Saxifraga exarata and Saxifraga bryoides which are abundant at E. nanum sites and which are certainly also pollinated by species of these two fly families. The flowers of these Saxifraga species offer plenty of nectar and may compete for pollinators with E. nanum, when they are flowering in its proximity. However, various other insects like Pontia callidice and Psodos sp. (Lepidoptera) as well as Andrena sp. (Hymenoptera) and especially Eristalis tenax and closely related hoverflies showed a higher degree of flower constancy to E. nanum, often flying from a blue Eritrichium cushion to the next and hence causing outcrossing. The five fornices of E. nanum flowers which obstruct the tube containing stamens and nectar, are a feature which differs distinctly from the syndrome of fly-pollinated flowers with easily accessible nectar. Consequently pollination by flies in E. nanum seems to be caused mainly by the unfavorable ecological conditions at high altitudes, where flies are the most frequent insects. Bagging experiments showed that outcrossing and geitonogamy are the prevailing pollination modes, and autogamy, although possible, plays only a minor role. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted November 23, 2001  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Zeyheria montana was studied through field observations of flower visitors and floral events, controlled manual pollinations, and observations of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration by fluorescence microscopy. Analysis of secretory areas of the nectar chamber was made by flower dissections and histology of serial sections. The flower lasted 6–8 days, but pollen exposure and stigma receptivity occurred only up to the end of the first and second days, respectively. Pollination was effected by several species of hummingbirds, especially Colibri serrirostris. The flowers present a rudimentary, non-functional disc, and secretion of nectar is performed by corolla-borne glandular trichomes. Only hand cross-pollinated and natural-pollinated flowers set fruits. Artificially self-pollinated and non-pollinated flowers dried off after anthesis without presenting any swelling of the ovary. Almost all the ovules in selfed and crossed pistils were penetrated 96 h after pollination. However, a delay in ovule penetration in self-pollinated pistils was verified, which indicates the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility.We are grateful to Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e à Pesquisa (UNICAMP) for financial support, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowship granted to the first author (this work is part of a Ph.D. thesis presented to UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil).  相似文献   

The phenology, major floral characteristics, breeding systems and fruiting success of two co-occurring species of Hirtella: H. glandulosa and H.gracilipes (Chrysobalanaceae) were studied in Central Brazil. The two species occur as trees in mesophyllous forests but H. glandulosa is frequent also in dense savanna areas. Both species flower at the end of the dry season (September) and have flowers with one-day longevity. In both species flowers produce nectar and are pollinated exclusively by butterflies. The number of visits recorded and pollination rate in each species were significantly different and indicate that pollinators prefer H. glandulosa flowers. Natural and controlled fruit sets were low in both species. The index of self-incompatibility (ISI) was 0.17 in H. glandulosa and 0.86 in H. gracilipes. Although ISI in H. glandulosa could denote an incompatibility system, the presence of fruits with aborted embryos at different degrees of development point to an inbreeding depression situation. Low pollen viability and fruit set in H. gracilipes suggested reproductive problems which may be linked to hybridization events.  相似文献   

Incubation of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1 (ACVr-HSV1), during infection of the HEp-2 cell culture, with an extract prepared from the seeds of Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch (Chrysobalanaceae) species impaired the productive replication of this virus in a concentration-dependent manner. The extract was able to inhibit extracellular virus (virucidal effect) and also interfered with a very early event of cell infection, at a non-cytotoxic concentration.  相似文献   

Floral biology and pollination mechanism of theAcaciahybrid(A. mangiumWilld. xA. auriculiformisA. Cunn. ex Benth.) growingin Thailand are investigated using light and electron microscopy.The hybrid is andromonoecious. A floral spike consists of about150 loosely arranged flowers. Flowers are cream coloured, fragrantand have no floral nectaries. The pistil has a solid style witha smooth, wet stigma and amphitropous ovules with immature integuments.The anther consists of eight loculi, each bearing only one 16-grainpolyad. The flowers are weakly protogynous. Anthesis is completeat 0500–0600 h but peak female receptivity begins at 0200–0300h and is completed that day. The stigmatic exudate is of thelipophilic type and is secreted from the stigmatic cells bya holocrine mechanism. Pollen is the main floral reward forthe insect pollinators. There are several floral characteristicswhich facilitate pollen transfer from anthers and depositionon stigmas.Apis melliferaandCeratinasp. are the most effectivepollinators because they are the most common visitors and carrya heavy load of hybrid polyads. However, their behaviour inforaging for pollen in the same tree and weak protogynous dichogamymay promote self-pollination in the hybrid. The hybrid has lowpollination success due to low pollinator number. An increasein exposure time of flowers to pollinators or pollinator numbermay increase pollination success but may not affect the rateof pollen deposition on stigmas due to the relatively smallsize of the stigma in relation to the polyad.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Acaciahybrid,Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, pollination, pistil receptivity, anthesis, pollinators.  相似文献   

Nymphaea amazonum Mart. & Zucc. a nocturnally flowering species, is visited by the scarab beetleCyclocephala mollis Endrödi in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Beetles were found in all flowers examined and some remain in the flowers during the day. The beetles are dusted with pollen in second-day flowers and carry it to first-day flowers which have receptive stigmas.  相似文献   

Indian siris, Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) has significant importance to human beings for its multipurpose use. Insects play a crucial role in the pollination biology of flowering plants. In the current study, we studied the pollination biology of A. lebbeck with special reference to insect floral visitors. The effectiveness of floral visitors was investigated in term of visitation frequency, visitation rate and pollen load during 2012 and 2013. In the second experiment, effect of pollinators on yield of A. lebbeck was studied in open and cage pollination experiments. Floral visitor fauna of A. lebbeck included eight-bees, two wasps, two flies, and two butterflies species. Among them, Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Amegilla cingulata, and Nomia oxybeloides had maximum abundance ranging from 349–492, 339–428, 291–342 and 235–255 numbers of individuals, respectively during two flowering seasons. A. dorsata had the highest visitation frequency (6.44 ± 0.49–8.78 ± 0.48 visits/flower/5min) followed by Amegilla cingulata (6.03 ± 0.43–7.99 ± 0.33 visits/flower/5min) and A. florea (3.61 ± 0.31–4.44 ± 0.18 visits/flower/5min). A. dorsata, N. oxybeloides, and Amegilla cingulata had the highest visitation rates (18.904 ± 1.53–11.43 ± 1.17 flower visited/min) and pollen load (15333 ± 336.22–19243 ± 648.45 pollen grains). The open pollinated flowers had significantly higher capsule weight (4.97 ± 0.21 g), seed weight (1.04 ± 0.05 g), seed numbers per pod (9.80 ± 0.34) and seed germination percentage (84.0 ± 1.78%) as compared to caged flowers. The results suggested bees especially A. dorsata, N. oxybeloides and Amegilla cingulata could be effective pollinators of A. lebbeck.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of Pseudoscorpiones in the soil, leaf litter, and in canopies of a monodominant forest of Attalea phalerata at different seasons in the northern region of the Brazilian Pantanal. A total of 1197 pseudoscorpions from nine families and 16 species were sampled. Olpiidae, Chernetidae, and Geogarypidae predominated in soil and leaf litter. Chernetidae was the most abundant family in canopies. Soil and canopy corresponded to distinct habitats in relation to pseudoscorpion abundance and richness, with the canopies being the most diversified environment. These habitats are occupied in different ways by pseudoscorpion populations. Geogarypus sp. occurs in the edaphic environment during receding water and dry season, but can be found in canopies of A. phalerata exclusively during high water. This alternation in the use of the edaphic environments and canopies in the same area by pseudoscorpion species probably happens due to the strong seasonality of the Brazilian Pantanal.  相似文献   

Phenology, pollination biology and breeding system were investigated in three populations of Acacia senegal located in Delhi and Rajasthan. Flowers emit a mild fragrance and produce a minute quantity of nectar. The stigma is wet non-papillate, cup-shaped and generally accommodates one polyad with 16 pollen grains. The style is solid. The mass effect created by the brush type of blossoms attracts a wide variety of insects, of which the giant Asian honeybee, Apis dorsata , is the effective pollinator. Manual in vivo pollination studies have shown that the species is self-incompatible. Self-incompatibility appears to operate inside the embryo sac. Under natural conditions fruit set is as low as 0.36%. Insufficient pollination is the main cause of low fruit set. Manual xenogamous pollinations substantially improve fruit set to 30%  相似文献   

Two sympatric Delphinium species, D. barbeyi and D. nuttallianum, are ecologically and morphologically similar. However, D. barbeyi has multiple, large inflorescences while D. nuttallianum has a single, small inflorescence. These differences in floral display should result in greater intraplant pollen transfer in D. barbeyi, leading to higher rates of self-pollination through geitonogamy. Reduced gene flow by pollen should in turn produce greater population differentiation among populations of D. barbeyi relative to D. nuttallianum. We tested these predictions by comparing pollinator behavior, breeding systems, outcrossing rates, and population genetic structure of sympatric populations of the two species in Colorado. Bumble bee and hummingbird pollinators visit more flowers and inflorescences per foraging bout in D. barbeyi than in D. nuttallianum. The species differed in breeding system; D. barbeyi produced more seeds by autogamy (9 vs. 2%) than D. nuttallianum and suffered no reduction in seed set in hand-self vs. outcross pollinations, in contrast to a 41% decline in D. nuttallianum. The outcrossing rate in one D. barbeyi population was 55%, but ranged from 87 to 97% in four D. nuttallianum populations. Genetic differentiation among population subdivisions estimated by hierarchical F statistics was >10 times greater in D. barbeyi ( = 0.055-0.126) than D. nuttallianum ( = 0.004-0.009) at spatial scales ranging from metres to 3.5 km. Spatial autocorrelation analysis also indicated more pronounced local genetic structure in D. barbeyi than D. nuttallianum populations. Fixation indices (F(IS)) of D. barbeyi adults were much lower than expected based on mating system equilibrium and suggest that differences in the degree of self-compatibility and/or the timing of postpollination selection/inbreeding depression between the two species further contribute to the genetic differences between them.  相似文献   

通过对峨眉山特有种侧穗凤仙花的开花生物学特性、花器官结构、传粉者种类和访花行为、繁育系统、花粉胚珠比(P/O)及花粉活力的研究.发现居群之间花的寿命变化比较大,它们的雄蕊期长,雌/雄蕊期比为0.12~0.17;花粉胚珠比达到4.6万,花粉在开花第一天有很高的活力(>90%);传粉者为熊蜂和天蛾,熊蜂包括贞洁熊蜂、白背熊...  相似文献   

Talh trees (Acacia gerrardii Benth.) are acacias that are native to the arid and semiarid Africa and west Asia. We investigated the flowering biology, pod set and flower visitors of Talh and discussed the role of these visitors in pollen transfer. The Talh trees blossomed laterally on the nodes of one-year-old twigs. Each node produced 21 flower buds seasonally. Each flower bud opened to a flower head (FH) of 60 florets. The bagged FHs podded significantly (p  0.05) less than did the unbagged FHs. The FHs were visited by 31 insect species (25 genera, 16 families and 5 orders). The major taxa were honeybees, megachilids, butterflies, ants, beetles and thrips. Each of honeybees, megachilids and beetles showed a significant (p  0.05) hourly pattern, while each of butterflies, ants and thrips had no hourly pattern (p > 0.05). Furthermore, some birds and mammals touched the Talh FHs. Talh trees evolved a mass flowering behavior to face pre- and post-flowering obstacles. Megachilids seemed to play the major effort of zoophily because of their relatively high numbers of individuals and species and their effective movement behavior on the FH surface. Nevertheless, honeybees and other insects and vertebrate taxa also contributed to the pollen transfer. These results greatly contribute to our understanding of the pollination ecology of acacias, especially Arabian acacias.  相似文献   

Frank White 《Brittonia》1979,31(4):480-482
A conspectus of the subgenera and sections ofMagnistipula is provided. Of the two subgenera occurring on the African mainland, subgenusMagnistipula is divided into the sectionsMagnistipula,Animalculum andPeregrinator, whereas subgen.Pellegriniella is monotypic. A Malagasy subgenus,Tolmiella, is new; its two species,M. cerebriformis andM. tamenaka, are transferred fromHirtella.  相似文献   

Colleters are secretory structure present on many families including Rubiaceae. Particular characteristics have been described about colleters secretory cells, however senescence process are still under debate. Tocoyena bullata (Vell.) Mart. (Rubiaceae) shoot apex were collected at Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, RJ/Brazil. Stipules were separated and fragments were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 4.0% formaldehyde in 0.05 m sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2, post fixed in 1.0% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer, dehydrated in acetone, critical‐point‐drying, sputtered coated and observed. For light microscopy fragments were fixed and dehydrated, infiltrated with historesin and stained with 1% toluidine blue. For transmission electron microscopy, the samples were infiltrated with Epoxi resin. Colleters are present on stipule adaxial surface. On the beginning of development, these structures are recognized as small projections. Later on, colleters differentiated and secrete by cuticle rupture. The colleters senescence occurs in a concomitant and indissoluble way of programmed cell death. Ultrastructural analyses during the process strongly suggest the senescence is based on a non‐autolitic programmed cell death. T. bullata colleters, present at stipule abaxial surface are cylindrical secretory structures. Colleters secretory cells originated as stipule projections; differentiate; secrete and senesce by programmed cell death. The secretion and the cell dead occurs in a concomitantly and indissoluble way.  相似文献   

片断化生境中滇桐传粉生物学和繁育系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外观察和人工授粉试验方法,对云南省文山州西畴县法斗分布区片断化生境中濒危植物滇桐(Craigia yunnanensis)的传粉生物学特征和繁育系统进行研究.结果表明:滇桐每个聚伞花序有2~9朵两性花,单花花期为3~4d,单花雌雄蕊在时空上有一定的隔离;杂交指数(OCI) >4,花粉-胚珠比(P/O)为1381±53;有效传粉昆虫为大头丽蝇(Chrysomyia megacephala);同株异花授粉结实率低;滇桐的繁育系统属于异交为主,部分自交亲和,传粉过程需要传粉者;自然状态下滇桐的座果率(56.67%±3.85%)和结籽率(6.26%±0.75%)均较低,而异株异花授粉均可显著提高座果率及结籽率(P<0.01),这与当前片断化生境中传粉昆虫少、效率低下等有关,表明生境片断化正在影响滇桐植株的早期生殖成功.  相似文献   

Dactyladenia, which has been universally regarded as a synonym ofAcioa for more than 100 years, is restored to generic rank, and 26 new combinations are made in an enumeration of the 27 species accepted by the authors.  相似文献   

Neotropical parrots forage for various food items such as seeds, fruit pulp, flowers, young leaves, and even arthropods. While foraging, many species wander over large areas that include both open and closed habitats. In this study, I examined parrot foraging activity during a brief synchronous and massive flowering in August 1998 in a tecoma savanna (dominated by Tabebuia aurea) in the southern Pantanal. Six parrot species, ranging from the small Brotogeris chiriri to the large Amazona aestiva, foraged for T. aurea nectar, but Nandayus nenday was by far the major nectar consumer, and the results of each of their visits, like those of the other species, was damage of a substantial proportion of the existing flower crop. Parrots foraged mostly during the afternoon, when nectar concentration tended to be higher. Nevertheless, compared to bird-pollinated flowers, which produce copious nectar, T. aurea had a smaller mean nectar volume per flower. Hence, presumably the amount of damage wreaked by these parrots resulted from their efforts to obtain part of their daily energy and water requirements. Thus, the synchronous and massive flowering occurring in such a brief period in the dry season may be related to, among other factors, the necessity of satiating predators such as parrots, which are still abundant in the Pantanal.  相似文献   

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