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调查了厦门地区棕榈科植物资源状况及其绿化应用,并结合多年来对厦门市园林植物园棕榈植物保育中心内棕榈科植物的物候期观察,选出适合厦门地区推广应用的棕榈科植物104种,同时对厦门地区棕榈科植物应用的种类、数量、分布以及应用频度等进行统计分析。  相似文献   

棕榈科植物在园林上的应用已形成多种类型的植物景观。本文运用BIB-LCJ审美评判法评价七种类型的棕榈科植物景观,研究公众对各种棕榈科植物景观的审美趋向,从而讨论如何配置棕榈科植物来营造符合公众审美的植物景观。  相似文献   

常见棕榈科植物在园林绿化中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
棕榈科植物形状优美,在园林绿化中应用广泛,可以作为道路、公园的风景树,也可用于庭院、厂区的绿化,又能盆栽观赏。本文对进一步开展棕榈科植物应用途径的研究作了探讨。  相似文献   

棕榈科植物的开发利用及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棕榈科植物全世界有198属,约2600种,主要分布于热带和亚热带地区.是热带生态系统中的特殊组成部分.现已广泛应用于园林绿化.笔者根据近年来国内外对棕榈科植物的开发、利用分析,提出在开发的同时应加强对棕榈科植物的保护.  相似文献   

对天南星科、龙舌兰科、棕榈科观叶植物的基本生态习性研究表明,三科观叶植物的适合生长温度多在18~28℃之间,当温度低于10℃或者高于35℃时,大多数植物出现寒害或热害,生长停滞。天南星科和龙舌兰科植物长势较好的遮光度分别为75%和50%左右;而棕榈科植物多数可在全光条件下正常生长。不同科植物之间对土壤水分的需求差异较大,天南星科植物要求最高(大于80%),其次是龙舌兰科,为70%,棕榈科植物要求较低,为55%;空气湿度85%~90%最有利于这几类观叶植物生长。  相似文献   

本文对厦门城市绿化主要栽培的棕榈科植物病虫害种类进行系统调查,共计44种病害,17种虫害,为厦门园林棕榈科植物病虫害的防治和深入研究提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物应用广泛,对其展开原生资源调查,有助于对其进行更为合理的保护与利用。该研究经过野外调查、收集整理有关资料,确定福建原生棕榈科资源为8属10种,其中鱼尾葵(Caryota maxima)为福建分布新记录。福建省棕榈科植物呈全省分散分布,南部种类更加丰富,以漳州市为最多(有8种),其次是龙岩、福州(各有4种)。棕榈、毛鳞省藤在福建省各市均有分布,属福建省广分布种;大叶蒲葵、鱼尾葵、刺葵、变色山槟榔、白藤仅见漳州分布,属福建省狭分布种。福建原生棕榈科植物大部分生长在亚热带常绿阔叶林中、林缘、山谷水沟旁等地,人为采伐利用或生境丧失是其导致濒危主要因素,就地保护、迁地保护、加强相关科学研究等是当前主要的保护措施。  相似文献   

一.棕榈科植物的形态概述棕榈科(Palmae)是一种既富具风趣且有重要经济价值的、属单子叶植物的乔木或灌木,其生长姿态的优美实为种子植物门中各木本植物之冠。茎:粗壮或柔弱,通常具木质、直立、无分枝的圆桂形树干;有时为攀缘状,有时则极  相似文献   

棕榈的综合利用和开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
棕榈[Trachycarpus fortunei(Hook.)H.Wendl.]是中国最普遍、应用最广的棕榈科植物之一,也是能够广泛地生长在亚热带和温带最耐寒的棕榈科植物.在中国棕榈是重要的经济植物,棕榈的每一部分都能利用,新鲜花可以吃,种子用作饲料,树干能建房.近来研究表明,棕榈的种子、叶、茎、根、花中含多种化学成分,作者及合作者已经开发出止血药"血安"和植物蜡.棕榈仍然具有很大潜力,棕榈种子和叶中含有多酚、黄酮、甾体皂苷等生物活性成分,有可能开发出治疗心血管病和肿瘤的药物.  相似文献   

刘炳仑 《化石》1995,(1):9-11
棕榈科花粉萌发孔的演化趋向与其化石花粉刘炳仑棕榈科(Palmae)属单子叶植物,共约217属,2500余种,分布于热带和亚热带地区;我国约22属,72种,主产云南、广西、广东和台湾;温带地区很少见。因而,一般都把它视为热带、亚热带气候的指示植物。在棕...  相似文献   

Cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto) go through an establishment phase during which the stem grows downward for a period of time before growing upward. We estimated the duration of this phase for cabbage palms growing in coastal forest in Florida using a matrix model approach. All data were collected over a 2-yr period (1993-1995) in coastal forest at Waccasassa∗∗∗ Bay, Florida. The minimum time projected by the model for a plant to develop an aboveground trunk was 14 yr. We estimate that the fastest growing 1, 10, and 50% of plants would develop an aboveground trunk in 33, 42, and 59 yr, respectively. The projected duration of the trunkless phase is surprisingly long but not unlike other palms with similar types of establishment growth. Our estimates are much longer than anecdotal estimates for cabbage palms grown under nursery conditions but are similar to anecdotal estimates for plants grown in field conditions. Management practices that remove cabbage palms with aboveground stems usually leave a population of palms without aboveground stems that serves as temporary reserve for relatively rapid recovery of the palm stand. This may foster the perception by many that cabbage palms are fast growing.  相似文献   

一种新的棕榈科贝叶棕亚科的属的检索方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过常规方法,即以花、果、种子来鉴定棕榈科,因单朵花的花期很短以及很多果实发育成熟期较长而受到一定限制。尤其是在鉴定棕榈科贝叶棕亚科时因某些种类需数十年才开花或是一次性开花结实而遇到了很大障碍。有时,在引种地点无法获得花、果或种子。由于棕榈植物具有重要经济观赏价值,且其引种迅猛发展,故有必要尽早地鉴定它们。通过茎和叶,可对棕榈科贝叶棕亚科进行鉴定,本文列出了属的检索表。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Although traditionally assumed that all height growth in trees occurs at apical meristems, sequential measurement of internode lengths in the palm Iriartea deltoidea suggested that stems were lengthening long after the differentiation of tissues and far below the apical meristem. This observation is difficult to reconcile with the fact that neither the water-conducting vessels nor the sugar-transporting sieve tube cells are capable of lengthening after differentiation. However, the vascular bundles in palms form a spiral within the stem and could theoretically lengthen if the spiral "straightened". ? Methods: We marked stretches of internodes on small and medium-sized palms and measured their lengths over 2 years. Additionally, we collected material from small palms with short internodes and large palms with long internodes and made cross sections to determine the angle of vascular bundles within stems. ? Key results: We found that stems lengthened (up to 12% over 2 years) below the apical meristem in small and medium-sized palms and that the spiral angle in vascular bundles of small palms was significantly larger than at the base of large palms indicating a straightening of the spiral. ? Conclusions: These results represent the first determination of "secondary lengthening" in tree stems as well as the most efficient method for height growth in terms of carbon investment. Likewise, elongation of stems allows palms to exhibit plasticity in height growth rates for more rapid growth when short-lived canopy gaps are present than they would have with apical growth alone.  相似文献   

Primates are unique among eutherian mammals for possessing three types of retinal cone. Curiously, catarrhines, platyrrhines, and strepsirhines share this anatomy to different extents, and no hypothesis has hitherto accounted for this variability. Here we propose that the historical biogeography of figs and arborescent palms accounts for the global variation in primate color vision. Specifically, we suggest that primates invaded Paleogene forests characterized by figs and palms, the fruits of which played a keystone function. Primates not only relied on such resources, but also provided high-quality seed dispersal. In turn, figs and palms lost or simply did not evolve conspicuous coloration, as this conferred little advantage for attracting mammals. We suggest that the abundance and coloration of figs and palms offered a selective advantage to foraging groups with mixed capabilities for chromatic distinction. Climatic cooling at the end of the Eocene and into the Neogene resulted in widespread regional extinction or decimation of palms and (probably) figs. In regions where figs and palms became scarce, we suggest primates evolved routine trichromatic vision in order to exploit proteinaceous young leaves as a replacement resource. A survey of the hue and biogeography of extant figs and palms provides some empirical support. Where these resources are infrequent, primates are routinely trichromatic and consume young leaves during seasonal periods of fruit dearth. These results imply a link between the differential evolution of primate color vision and climatic changes during the Eocene-Oligocene transition.  相似文献   

H+-ATPase activity in leaves and roots of coconut palms growing in 'root wilt disease-prevalent areas' was compared with that of coconut palms growing in 'disease-free areas'. The activity was found to be significantly less in the leaves and roots of palms in the disease-prevalent zone as compared to that in disease-free zone. Histochemical examination of the leaves showed results that corroborated the biochemical findings. The possible application of H+-ATPase activity as a marker for the early detection of wilt disease in coconut palms is suggested.  相似文献   

Sabal uresana was the palm most often discussed in published historic accounts from Sonora, Mexico, and the only palm mentioned from the earliest written documents to the present. An inventory of topographic maps identified 337 palm place names, thus reinforcing the cultural significance of palms in this region. Participant observation and formal interviews were used to learn how wild-harvested palms are utilized in present-day Sonora.Sabal uresana is the most economically important palm. Its leaves are employed for weaving, the major use of palms in this region, and for thatching and broom-making. Palm logs are used for construction and the fruits are eaten in certain parts of the state. The use of palms in Sonora is changing. Weaving and thatching could probably be maintained as viable crafts and sources of income with appropriate resource management and marketing.  相似文献   

A ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) has been developed for detecting Coconut cadang-cadang viroid (CCCVd) sequences. An RNA probe complementary to full-length CCCVd246 was used, terminating at nucleotide 65 in the upper conserved region, and linked to a non-viroid 5' sequence, which acted as an internal control for ribonuclease activity. Extracts from CCCVd-infected coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) and African oil ( Elaeis guineensis ) palms protected three major fragments of approximately 250, 125 and 50 nt and a variable number of minor fragments. Extracts of healthy coconut palms, Potato spindle tuber viroid -infected tomato and transfer RNA did not protect the probe. The approximately 250 nt fragment is predicted to indicate the presence of monomers and dimers of circular CCCVd246, linear CCCVd246 with the same termini as the probe and point mutants of these forms. The origin of smaller protected fragments is discussed. RPA-detected CCCVd sequences in 13 of 18 oil palms surveyed in a commercial plantation in Malaysia. Signal intensity varied between the positive oil palms and was generally lower than in coconut palms infected with CCCVd. An infection phenotype was implied but not confirmed by the observation that in a group of 10 oil palms with orange leaf spotting, 9 contained CCCVd, whereas in a group of 8 palms without orange spotting, the viroid was detected in 4. Of four coconut palms in Sri Lanka shown by dot-blot assay to contain CCCVd-related RNA, one was shown by RPA to be positive for the CCCVd246 sequence. RPA is therefore a robust and sensitive test for CCCVd sequences, and our results show that sequences closely related to CCCVd246 are not confined to the Philippines.  相似文献   

The climbing habit in palms: Biomechanics of the cirrus and flagellum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climbing palms in the Arecoideae (Desmoncus) and Calamoideae (rattan palms) both evolved cirrate leaves armed with hooks and grapnels for climbing. Some species of Calamoideae develop a different climbing organ known as the flagellum, which also bears hooks. The present study indicates that geometry and mechanical properties of the cirrus vary between species. Cirrate leaves are constructed to optimize bending and torsion in relation to the deployment of recurved hooks. Hook development, size, and strength vary along cirri and flagella and are consistent with observations of these attachment organs functioning as a ratchet mechanism: hooks increase in strength toward the base of attachment organs and always fail before the axis in strength tests. Hook size and strength differ between species and are related to body size and ecological preference. Larger species produce larger hooks, but smaller climbing palms of the understory deploy fine sharp hooks that are effective on small diameter supports as well as large branches and trunks. The ephemeral nature of climbing organs in palms provides a challenge to their life-history development, particularly in terms of mechanical constraints and remaining attached to the host vegetation; these differ significantly from many vines and lianas having more perennial modes of attachment.  相似文献   

As trees grow taller, the energetic cost of moving water to the leaves becomes higher and could begin to limit carbon gain and subsequent growth. The hydraulic limitation hypothesis states that as trees grow taller, the path length and therefore frictional resistance of water flow increases, leading to stomatal closure, reduced photosynthesis and decreased height growth in tall trees. Although this hypothesis is supported by the physical laws governing water movement in trees, its validation has been complicated by the complex structure of most tree species. Therefore, this study tested the hydraulic limitation hypothesis in Washingtonia robusta (H. Wendl.), a palm that, while growing to tall heights, is still structurally simple enough to act as a model organism for testing. There were no discernable relationships between tree height and stomatal conductance, stomatal densities, guard cell lengths, leaf dry mass per unit area (LMA) or sap flux, suggesting that these key aspects of hydraulic limitation are not reduced in taller palms. Taller palms did, however, have higher maximum daily photosynthetic assimilation rates, lower minimum leaf water potentials that occurred earlier in the day and fewer, smaller leaves than did shorter palms. Leaf epidermal cells were also smaller in taller palms compared with shorter ones. These findings are consistent with hydraulic compensation in that tall palms may be overcoming the increased path length resistance through smaller, more efficient leaves and lower leaf water potentials than shorter palms.  相似文献   

Dwarf palms and cyclanths strongly reduce Neotropical seedling recruitment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Yung-Ho Wang  Carol Augspurger 《Oikos》2004,107(3):619-633
Recruitment limitation, which occurs when species either fail to reach regeneration sites or the number of suitable regeneration sites is limited, has been proposed as an important factor that controls population dynamics and species coexistence in tropical moist forests. Dwarf palms in some Neotropical forests dominate the understory strata, and their umbrella-like architecture may intensify understory shade and make the site less suitable for seedling regeneration. In this study we surveyed seedlings under dwarf palms in four habitats at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We compared seedling recruitment in both 2001 and 2002 at non-palm microsites vs microsites under 1) tall dwarf palms, 2) short dwarf palms, and 3) short palms surrounded by dwarf palms. Light environments at non-palm and under-palm sites were quantified with hemispherical photos. Seedling growth, survivorship, density, and species richness all differed significantly among microsites, and were all greatest at non-palm sites and lowest at dense palm sites. Overall, seedling growth, survivorship, density, and species richness were 30%, 50%, 50%, and 40%, respectively, less at under-palm than at non-palm sites. The main restriction by dwarf palms occurred on post-cotyledonous and woody seedlings. Percent canopy openness differed among microsites, and was greatest at non-palm sites and lowest at dense palm sites. However, seedling responses were only weakly correlated with percent canopy openness. These results revealed significant reduction in seedling recruitment under individual dwarf palms, with greatest negative effects where a palm was surrounded by palms. Dwarf palms occur at high density (2611 individuals/ha) and cover 21% of the understory in the four habitats (alluvium, residual flat area, residual slope area, swamp) of the primary forest. Therefore, this negative impact by individual dwarf palms is significant at the landscape scale as well, based on the great dwarf palm density and coverage in the four habitats.  相似文献   

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