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Twomitochondrion-specific fluorochromes,10-N-nonyl acridineorange (NAO) and rhodamine 123 (Rh123), were used todetermine the mechanism responsible for alterations in energymetabolism of transformed rat embryo fibroblast cells isolated fromdifferent locations within multicellular spheroids. Accumulation ofRh123 depends on intact mitochondrial membrane potential, whereas NAO is taken up by mitochondria independently of their function and thusrepresents mitochondrial distribution only. A reproducible selectivedissociation procedure was used to isolate cells from differentlocations within the spheroids. After isolation, cells weresimultaneously stained with one mitochondrial stain and the DNA dyeHoechst 33342, and several parameters, including cell volume, weremonitored via multilaser-multiparameter flow cytometry. Our dataclearly show a decrease in the uptake of Rh123 in cells from theperiphery to the inner regions of the tumor spheroids, reflecting apersistent alteration in mitochondrial function. However, NAO stainingexperiments showed no reduction in the total mitochondrial mass perunit cell volume. Because cells were exposed to stain under uniformconditions after isolation from the spheroid, these data indicate thatdownregulation of mitochondrial function is associated with cellquiescence rather than a transient effect of reduced nutrientavailability. This result, which is in accordance with data from twoother cell lines (EMT6 and 9L), might reflect a general phenomenon inmulticellular spheroids, supporting the hypothesis that quiescent cellsin the innermost viable spheroid layer stably reduce theirmitochondrial function, presumably to compensate for lower nutrientsupply and/or decreased energy demand.


The extracellular matrix of solid tumors presents a transport barrier that restricts nanoparticle penetration, thereby limiting the efficacy of nano-sized delivery vehicles for cancer imaging and therapy. In this study, the effect of nanoparticle size and collagenase treatment on penetration of carboxylated polystyrene nanoparticles was systematically assessed in a multicellular spheroid model. Penetration of the nanoparticles into the spheroid core was limited to particles smaller than 100 nm. Collagenase treatment of spheroids resulted in significantly increased penetration of nanoparticles up to 100 nm with only a minor increase in particle penetration observed for particles larger than 100 nm. Collagenase was immobilized onto the surface of nanoparticles for site-specific degradation of ECM proteins. Collagenase-coated, 100 nm nanoparticles demonstrated a 4-fold increase in the number of particles delivered to the spheroid core compared with control nanoparticles. Thus, nanoparticle delivery to solid tumors may be substantially improved by the incorporation of ECM-modulating enzymes in the delivery formulation.  相似文献   

To evaluate the interrelationship among the cellular energy status and the development of necrosis in tumor microregions, local ATP concentrations and the extent of necrosis were determined in multicellular tumor spheroids, i.e., in spherical tumor cell aggregates. The spheroids were grown in rotated suspension cultures using EMT6 cells that were derived from a murine mammary sarcoma. The distribution of viable and necrotic cell areas was assessed by histological investigations. The regional distribution of ATP concentrations was measured with a novel technique using quantitative bioluminescence and single photon imaging. This method makes it possible to determine ATP concentrations in absolute terms with a spatial resolution at the level of a single cell. The results show that ATP concentrations in the center of EMT6 spheroids decrease from values of 1.0 to 1.5 mM in small spheroids with 300 microns in diameter to values close to or at the background level in 750 microns spheroids. Necrosis was detectable in spheroids larger than 300 microns, and virtually no spheroid without necrosis was found at sizes larger than 600 microns. Since the emergence of central necrosis precedes the drop in ATP to undetectably low values, the data suggest that energy metabolism is not or not directly involved in the development of necrosis in tumor spheroids under the growth conditions investigated.  相似文献   

Oscillating growth patterns of multicellular tumour spheroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth kinetics of 9L (rat glioblastoma cell line) and U118 (human glioblastoma cell line) multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS) have been investigated by non-linear least square fitting of individual growth curves with the Gompertz growth equation and power spectrum analysis of residuals. Residuals were not randomly distributed around calculated growth trajectories. At least one main frequency was found for all analysed MTS growth curves, demonstrating the existence of time-dependent periodic fluctuations of MTS volume dimensions. Similar periodic oscillations of MTS volume dimensions were also observed for MTS generated using cloned 9L cells. However, we found significant differences in the growth kinetics of MTS obtained with cloned cells if compared to the growth kinetics of MTS obtained with polyclonal cells. Our findings demonstrate that the growth patterns of three-dimensional tumour cell cultures are more complex than has been previously predicted using traditional continuous growth models.  相似文献   

Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are routinely employed as three-dimensional in vitro models to study tumor biology. Cultivation of MCTS in spinner flasks provides better growing conditions, especially with regard to the availability of nutrients and oxygen, when compared with microtiter plates. The main endpoint of drug response experiments is spheroid size. It is common practice to analyze spheroid size manually with a microscope and an ocular micrometer. This requires removal of some spheroids from the flask, which entails major limitations such as loss of MCTS and the risk of contamination. With this new approach, the authors present an efficient and highly reproducible method to analyze the size of complete MCTS populations in culture containers with transparent, flat bottoms. MCTS sediments are digitally scanned and spheroid volumes are calculated by computerized image analysis. The equipment includes regular office hardware (personal computer, flatbed scanner) and software (Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, ImageJ). The accuracy and precision of the method were tested using industrial precision steel beads with known diameter. In summary, in comparison with other methods, this approach provides benefits in terms of semiautomation, noninvasiveness, and low costs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Based on biological observations and the basic physical properties of tri-dimensional structures, a mathematical expression is derived to relate the growth rate of multicellular spheroids to some easily measurable parameters. This model involves properties both of the individual cells and of the spheroid structure, such as the cell doubling time in monolayer, the rate of cell shedding from the spheroid and the depth of the external rim of cycling cells. The derived growth equation predicts a linear expansion of the spheroid diameter with time. The calculated growth rate for a number of spheroid cell types is in good agreement with experimental data. The model provides a simple and practical view of growth control in spheroids, and is further adapted to include parameters presumably responsible for the growth saturation in large spheroids.  相似文献   

The cellular function of the intrinsic prion protein (PrPc) remains largely unknown. In the present study PrPc expression was investigated in multicellular prostate tumor spheroids and was correlated to the intracellular redox state as evaluated using the fluorescent dye 2'7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA). In small tumor spheroids (diameter 100 +/- 20 microm) reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were increased as compared with large (diameter 250 +/- 50 microm) spheroids. ROS generation was mediated by the mitochondrial respiratory chain and a NADPH oxidaselike enzyme, because carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), rotenone, and diphenylene iodonium chloride (DPI) significantly reduced ROS levels. The elevated ROS were correlated to an increased expression of PrPc, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD-1), and catalase in small as compared with large spheroids. In large tumor spheroids, PrPc was predominantly expressed in the peripheral cell layers and colocalized with SOD-1 and catalase. Raising intracellular ROS in large tumor spheroids by hydrogen peroxide, menadione, buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), and incubation in glutamine-reduced medium increased PrPc expression. In small spheroids PrPc was downregulated after incubation with the radical scavengers dehydroascorbate (DHA) and vitamin E. Our data indicate that PrPc expression in tumor spheroids is related to the intracellular redox state and may participate in antioxidative defense.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric method has been developed for sorting viable, intact multicellular spheroids in order to obtain uniformly-sized populations with diameters in the range of 50-100 microns. A FACS II instrument was modified for this purpose by installing a 200-microns-diameter exit orifice and by making adjustments in the sheath flow, oscillator frequency, and number of droplets sorted. Polystyrene microspheres (44 and 88 microns diameter) and 41-96-microns-diameter spheroids could be sorted and recovered with 70-100% efficiency, an improvement over previous reports. Unstained, viable spheroids were simultaneously analyzed for small-angle forward light scatter, 90 degree light scatter, and autofluorescence using a 488-nm laser operating at 100 mW. Analysis of the data demonstrated a considerable variation in both the 90 degrees light scatter and the autofluorescence signals for a given forward angle light scattering signal. By setting narrow sort windows on the forward angle light scattering signal and either the 90 degree light scatter or autofluorescence signals, uniformly spherical spheroid populations could be recovered. These sorted populations had coefficients of variation of the mean diameter in the range of 5-9%. This represents a variation of less than one cell diameter, and is a major improvement over any other technique. There was no significant difference in the subsequent growth rates of sorted spheroids compared to the unsorted spheroids. This technique will apply when uniform populations of small spheroids are required, such as investigations of the contact effect or in the initiation of growth curve studies.  相似文献   

The inefficiency of nanoparticle penetration in tissues limits the therapeutic efficacy of such formulations for cancer applications. Recent work has indicated that modulation of tissue architecture with enzymes such as collagenase significantly increases macromolecule delivery. In this study we developed a mathematical model of nanoparticle penetration into multicellular spheroids that accounts for radially dependent changes in tumor architecture, as represented by the volume fraction of tissue accessible to nanoparticle diffusion. Parameters such as nanoparticle binding, internalization rate constants, and accessible volume fraction were determined experimentally. Unknown parameters of nanoparticle binding sites per cell in the spheroid and pore shape factor were determined by fitting to experimental data. The model was correlated with experimental studies of the penetration of 40 nm nanoparticles in SiHa multicellular spheroids with and without collagenase treatment and was able to accurately predict concentration profiles of nanoparticles within spheroids. The model was also used to investigate the effects of nanoparticle size. This model contributes toward the understanding of the role of tumor architecture on nanoparticle delivery efficiency.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells growing as multicell spheroids, an in vitro model of tumor microregions, have been shown previously to be more resistant than single cells from monolayer cultures to killing by ionizing radiation, hyperthermia, ultrasound, and chemotherapeutic drugs. Although the mechanisms by which cells in spheroids acquire these increased resistances are unknown, available evidence has indicated that intercellular contact mediates the process for ionizing radiation. This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the role of intercellular contact produced during growth of small spheroids on the sensitivity of EMT6/Ro mouse mammary tumor cells to moderate hyperthermia. Increased thermoresistance developed in small spheroids (approximately 70 micron diameter, 25 cells/spheroid), as measured by colony formation, after exposures to different temperatures in the range of 37 to 45 degrees C for periods less than or equal to 2 hr and at 42.5 degrees C for less than or equal to 8 hr. Experiments were performed to determine the relative contributions to this increased thermoresistance of 1) the extent of intercellular contact in spheroids of different cellular multiplicities, 2) differences in membrane damage influenced by trypsin heat treatment sequence, and 3) physiological changes associated with growth of cells as spheroids in suspension compared to monolayer culture. Treatment with trypsin prior to heating sensitized cells to killing by hyperthermia but did not account for the differential thermoresistance between cells from spheroids and monolayers. Spheroid multiplicity in the range of 1.16 to 76.2 cells/spheroid had no significant effect on cell survival after hyperthermia. However, cells grown in spinner suspension culture were more thermoresistant than cells from monolayer cultures and nearly as thermoresistant as cells in spheroids. From these data we conclude that the greater thermoresistance of EMT/Ro cells in spheroids is the result of cellular physiological changes associated with growth in suspension and is not mediated by intercellular contact.  相似文献   

EMT6 mammary sarcoma cells were grown in vitro as multicellular spheroids to model for the heterogeneity of microenvironments and structural changes which develop in many tumors, including micrometastases. Spheroids of 700-900 micron diameter were implanted into and recovered at different times from the peritoneal cavities of sensitized or nonsensitized allogeneic and syngeneic mice. The colony forming efficiency of spheroid tumor cells recovered at 24 and 48 h from sensitized allogeneic mice was markedly decreased as compared with those from nonsensitized allogeneic or syngeneic animals. These recovered spheroids were extensively infiltrated by both lymphocytes and macrophages, which ultrastructurally had very close membrane associations with tumor cells. Host cells recovered from spheroids exhibited cytotoxic activity in an in vitro 51Cr release assay. Thus, multicellular spheroids in vivo provide a unique experimental model to study the functional capacity of host cells within a spheroical tumor. Although lacking the stroma and the vasculature of in vivo solid tumors, this model does have many similarities to in vivo tumors and is thus suitable for studying the tumor cell-host cell interactions within the tumor microenvironment. In addition, the system offers the potential for quantitative study of the effects of treatment modalities on tumor cell-host cell interactions.  相似文献   

Cells in the inner region of multicellular spheroids markedly reduce their oxygen consumption rate, presumably in response to their stressful microenvironment. To determine the mechanism behind this metabolic adaptation, we have investigated relative mitochondrial mass and mitochondrial function in cells isolated from different regions of tumor spheroids by using a combination of mitochondrial-specific fluorescent stains and flow cytometric analysis. Uptake of rhodamine 123 (R123) is driven by the mitochondrial membrane potential and thus reflects mitochondrial activity. Uptake of 10-nonyl-acridine orange (NAO) reflects total mitochondrial mass independently of activity because this compound binds to cardiolipin in the inner mitochondrial membrane. NAO fluorescence per unit cell volume only decreased 10–20% for cells from the inner spheroid region compared with those near the surface. There was greater than a twofold reduction in R123 fluorescence in the inner region cells, however. Thus, tumor cells in spheroids alter their rate of respiration predominately by downregulating mitochondrial function as opposed to degradation of mitochondria. There was a correlation between R123 staining per unit cell volume and the growth fraction of the cells from spheroids, but not for monolayer cultures. We also show a linear correlation between R123 staining and the rate of oxygen consumption for both monolayer- and spheroid-derived cells. After separating the inner region cells from the spheroid and replating them in monolayer culture, the R123 uptake recovered to normal levels prior to entry of the cells into S-phase. This reduction in mitochondrial function in quiescent cells from spheroids can explain the long period required for these cells to re-enter the cell cycle and may have important implications for the regulation of tumor cell oxygenation in vivo. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:138–149, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Objectives: Multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS) provide an important tool for study of the microscopic properties of solid tumours and their responses to therapy. Thus, observation of large‐scale volume oscillations in MTS, reported several years ago by two independent groups ( 1 , 2 ), in our opinion represent a remarkable discovery, particularly if this could promote careful investigation of the possible occurrence of volume oscillations of tumours ‘in vivo’. Materials and methods: Because of high background noise, quantitative analysis of properties of observed oscillations has not been possible in previous studies. Such an analysis can be now performed, thanks to a recently proposed approach, based on formalism of phenomenological universalities (PUN). Results: Results have provided unambiguous confirmation of the existence of MTS volume oscillations, and quantitative evaluation of their properties, for two tumour cell lines. Proof is based not only on quality of fitting of the experimental datasets, but also on determination of well‐defined values of frequency and amplitude of the oscillations for each line investigated, which would not be consistent with random fluctuation. Conclusions: Biological mechanisms, which can be directly responsible for observed oscillations, are proposed, which relates also to recent work on related topics. Further investigations, both at experimental and at modelling levels, are also suggested. Finally, from a methodological point of view, results obtained represent further confirmation of applicability and usefulness of the PUN approach.  相似文献   

    MS imaging (MSI) is a powerful tool in drug discovery because of its ability to interrogate a wide range of endogenous and exogenous molecules in a broad variety of samples. The impressive versatility of the approach, where almost any ionizable biomolecule can be analyzed, including peptides, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, has been applied to numerous types of complex biological samples. While originally demonstrated with harvested organs from animal models and biopsies from humans, these models are time consuming and expensive, which makes it necessary to extend the approach to 3D cell culture systems. These systems, which include spheroid models, prepared from immortalized cell lines, and organoid cultures, grown from patient biopsies, can provide insight on the intersection of molecular information on a spatial scale. In particular, the investigation of drug compounds, their metabolism, and the subsequent distribution of their metabolites in 3D cell culture systems by MSI has been a promising area of study. This review summarizes the different ionization methods, sample preparation steps, and data analysis methods of MSI and focuses on several of the latest applications of MALDI-MSI for drug studies in spheroids and organoids. Finally, the application of this approach in patient-derived organoids to evaluate personalized medicine options is discussed.  相似文献   

    Summary In this report we describe a new apparatus which has been developed for the automated selective dissociation of multicellular spheroids into fractions of viable cells from different locations in the spheroid. This device is based on the exposure of spheroids to a 0.25% solution of trypsin under carefully controlled conditions, such that the cells are released from the outer spheroid surface in successive layers. Study of the spheroid size, number of cells per spheroid, and sections through the spheroid with increasing exposure to trypsin demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique. The technique has been successfully used on spheroids from five different cell lines over a wide range of spheroid diameters. We also present data detailing the effect of varying the dissociation temperature, the mixing speed, the trypsin concentration, and the number of spheroids being dissociated. The new apparatus has several advantages over previous selective dissociation methods and other techniques for isolating cells from different regions in spheroids, including: a) precise control over dissociation conditions, improving reproducibility; b) short time to recover cell fractions; c) ability to isolate large numbers of cells from many different spheroid locations; d) use of common, inexpensive laboratory equipment; and e) easy adaptability to new cell lines or various spheroid sizes. Applications of this method are demonstrated, including the measurement of nutrient consumption rates, regrowth kinetics, and radiation survivals of cells from different spheroid regions. This work was supported by grants CA-36535, CA-22585, and RR-02845 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, the National Flow Cytometry Resource (NIH grant RR-01315), and by the Department of Energy, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

    The effect of combined ultrasound and heat treatments on Chinese hamster multicellular spheroids of varying size was investigated using growth rate, single cell survival and ultrastructural damage as endpoints. Ultrasonic irradiation at 37 degrees C had no effect on the growth rate of 200-730 microns spheroids. Similarly there was no effect on the growth rate of 350 microns spheroids when irradiated during a 60 min exposure to 41.5 degrees C. However, spheroids of 200-700 mm diameter showed growth delay when held at 43 degrees C for 1 h. The effect was enhanced with concomitant ultrasound irradiation but was not dependent on spheroid size. When 200 and 400 microns spheroids held at 43 degrees C for 60 min were irradiated with different ultrasonic intensities a dose-dependent decrease in surviving fraction and a dose-dependent increase in growth delay was obtained. When surviving fraction was plotted as a function of growth delay a good correlation was obtained, suggesting that the combination of heat and ultrasound irradiation does not produce cytostasis in the surviving cells of either 200 or 400 microns spheroids. At the ultrastructural level increased cytoplasmic vacuolation was the only result of ultrasonic irradiation at 37 degrees C. Exposure to 43 degrees C for 60 min was required to elicit thermal damage. This took the form of membrane evagination at the spheroid surface, vacuolation of the cytoplasm, grouping of organelles around the periphery of the nucleus, and fragmentation of the nucleolus. These effects were enhanced with concomitant ultrasonic irradiation but other features were also noted, viz. disaggregation of polyribosomes, dilation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and blebbing of the nuclear membrane. Damage was independent of spheroid size. These results are in agreement with previous data obtained from single-cell studies. Indicating that there is a non-thermal, non-cavitational component to the cell killing in multicellular spheroids resulting from combined heat and ultrasound treatment.  相似文献   

    V 79/4 Chinese hamster cells or HeLa cells grow in Eagle's MEM supplemented with 25 microgram/ml dextran sulphate to form clonal multicellular spheroids. These cell clones, consisting of 5-10(2) cells, are easy to separate, to transfer from one culture vessel into another and grow as normal monolayer colonies on Dederon cloth circles after subculture in Eagle's MEM without dextran sulphate. A simple replica technique is described by which 500 clones can be transfered onto at least 3 replica cloth circles, 10 cm in diameter, with a replica plating efficiency of approximately 100%.  相似文献   

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