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Complement component C6 deficiency is a genetic disease presenting as increased susceptibility to invasive Neisseria meningitidis infections. This disorder has rarely been diagnosed in the Spanish population. In this work we report the immunochemical and molecular characterization of complement C6 deficiency in a Spanish patient showing no detectable functional activity of either the classical or alternative complement pathways and reporting a history of several episodes of meningococcal meningitis. The levels of individual complement components C3, C4, C5, C7, C8 and C9 were within the normal range. However, C6 level was low in the patient's serum as measured by radial immunodiffusion. Exon-specific polymerase chain reaction and sequencing of the C6 gene revealed a previously described homozygous single base deletion in exon 6 (c.821delA), leading to a shift in the reading frame that caused the generation of a downstream stop codon, which, in turn, provoked the truncation of the C6 protein (p.Gln274fs). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the c.821delA mutation in the Spanish population, which has previously only been identified in individuals of African ancestry. Characterization of this mutation was thought interesting in order to elucidate its source and help understand the molecular basis of this uncommon deficiency in our population. Moreover, this report highlights the importance of complement screening in cases of repeated meningococcal infections in order to establish its involvement and to consider adequate clinical recommendations such as prophylactic antibiotics or meningococcal vaccines and, subsequently, for genetic counselling.  相似文献   

Studies reported over 30 years ago revealed that latent, nonactivated C5 binds specifically and reversibly to C6 and C7. These reversible reactions are distinct from the essentially nonreversible associations with activated C5b that occur during assembly of the membrane attack complex, but they likely involve some, perhaps many, of the same molecular contacts. We recently reported that these reversible reactions are mediated by the C345C (NTR) domain at the C terminus of the C5 alpha-chain. Earlier work by others localized the complementary binding sites to a tryptic fragment of C6 composed entirely of two adjacent factor I modules (FIMs), and to a larger fragment of C7 composed of its homologous FIMs as well as two adjoining short consensus repeat modules. In this work, we expressed the tandem FIMs from C7 in bacteria. The mobility on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, lack of free sulfhydryl groups, and atypical circular dichroism spectrum of the recombinant product rC7-FIMs were all consistent with a native structure. Using surface plasmon resonance, we found that rC7-FIMs binds specifically to both C5 and the rC5-C345C domain with K(D) approximately 50 nM, and competes with C7 for binding to C5, as expected for an active domain. These results indicate that, like C6, the FIMs alone in C7 mediate reversible binding to C5. Based on available evidence, we suggest a model for an irreversible membrane attack complex assembly in which the C7 FIMs, but not those in C6, are bound to the C345C domain of C5 within the fully assembled complex.  相似文献   

C6 and C7 types were studied in 158 Japanese patients with different types of chronic glomerulonephritis: 75 patients with IgA nephropathy (IgA-N); 49 patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN), and 34 patients with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS). There were significant differences in the C6 and C7 allele and phenotype frequencies between the patient groups and controls. A strong association was found between IgA-N and C7 5 phenotype (p less than 0.001, RR = 12.71), and between MCNS and C7 5 phenotype (p less than 0.001, RR = 14.20). A significant association between MCNS and C6 B2 phenotype (p less than 0.05, RR = 2.42) was also found. In the IMN patient group, a significant association with C7 4 phenotype (p less than 0.05, RR = 2.42) was observed. Thus, C6 and C7 phenotypes may be causative factors in the development of chronic glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

324 alleles of the beta-globin gene from unrelated thalassaemia patients native to the eastern region of India (mainly from the state of West Bengal) were analysed for beta-globin gene mutations by the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS). The major mutations that were detected are IVS-1 pos 5 (G-C), codon 26 (G-A) and codon 30 (G-C) with frequencies of 0.45, 0.33 and 0.05, respectively. Haplotype analysis revealed a very strong linkage disequilibrium of IVS-1 pos 5 (G-C) with one particular haplotype. HbE was found to be associated with two major haplotypes. Codon 30 (G-C) was associated with a haplotype that is the same as that found in the African population. Haplotype associated with codon 8/9 (+G) was the same as that found in northwest India. These findings have implications for the use of molecular diagnosis for genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassaemia in this region.  相似文献   

Complement component 3 (C3) is the central molecule of the complement system. It displays a number of polymorphic variants with, as yet, unclear functional consequences. We have investigated a number of rare C3 variants by PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism) analysis and could identify the molecular basis of a C3*S025 variant. The decreased electrophoretic mobility of this protein is caused by the exchange of a neutral serine residue to an arginine residue (positively charged). This exchange is unlikely to have functional consequences as it maps to the C-terminus of the -chain. C3 variants appear to have originated from various independent mutations as we could not detect this mutation in different allotypes.  相似文献   

微生物群落多样性是微生物生态学和环境学研究的重点之一.分子生物学方法应用于微生物群落结构分析使得对环境样品中占大多数的不可培养微生物的研究成为了可能.然而,PCR过程中的偏差(bias)会引起结果并不能如实地再现原始的群落结构,随着多个宏基因组项目的研究,发现所谓的“通用引物”并不能覆盖全部的微生物类型,即使可以添加简并碱基,也无法与通过宏基因组得到的rRNA序列完全匹配,这导致了在诸多研究中会忽略环境中的微生物群落.即使是不经过PCR扩增的元基因组和元转录组学研究方法,对于分子微生物群落也存在着一定的问题.  相似文献   

Detection and analysis of genetic variation can help us to understand the molecular basis of various biological phenomena in plants. Since the entire plant kingdom cannot be covered under sequencing projects, molecular markers and their correlation to phenotypes provide us with requisite landmarks for elucidation of genetic variation. Genetic or DNA based marker techniques such as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), SSR (simple sequence repeats) and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) are routinely being used in ecological, evolutionary, taxonomical, phylogenic and genetic studies of plant sciences. These techniques are well established and their advantages as well as limitations have been realized. In recent years, a new class of advanced techniques has emerged, primarily derived from combination of earlier basic techniques. Advanced marker techniques tend to amalgamate advantageous features of several basic techniques. The newer methods also incorporate modifications in the methodology of basic techniques to increase the sensitivity and resolution to detect genetic discontinuity and distinctiveness. The advanced marker techniques also utilize newer class of DNA elements such as retrotransposons, mitochondrial and chloroplast based microsatellites, thereby revealing genetic variation through increased genome coverage. Techniques such as RAPD and AFLP are also being applied to cDNA-based templates to study patterns of gene expression and uncover the genetic basis of biological responses. The review details account of techniques used in identification of markers and their applicability in plant sciences.  相似文献   

Ferrochelatase [heme synthase, protoheme ferrolyase (EC], the terminal enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway, catalyzes the incorporation of ferrous ion into protoporphyrin IX to form protoheme IX. The genes and cDNAs for ferrochelatase from mammals and microorganisms have been isolated. The gene for human ferrochelatase has been mapped to chromosome 18q 21.3 and consists of 11 exons with a size of about 45 kilodaltons. The induction of ferrochelatase expression occurs during erythroid differentiation, and can be attributed to the existence of the promoter sequences of erythroid-related genes. Analysis of the ferrochelatase gene in patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria, an inherited disease caused by ferrochelatase defects, revealed that molecular anomalies of ferrochelatase from 11 patients were found in 9 patients as autosomal dominant type, and 2 patients as recessive type. Diversity of the mutations of the ferrochelatase gene is also briefly described.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old girl with meningococcal meningitis lacked serum complement activity. The seventh component of complement (C7) could not be detected in her serum by either functional or immunochemical analysis. The levels of the other components were within the normal range. Her serum complement activity was restored by the addition of purified C7. Her fresh serum showed a total absence of bactericidal activity against Neisseria meningitidis, group Y, but her serum bactericidal activity was restored by the addition of purified C7. The restoration of her serum bactericidal activity was completely inhibited in the presence of Mg2+ EGTA. These findings suggest that restoration of the bactericidal activity of her serum against N. meningitidis might be mediated by the specific antibody against N. meningitidis and the reconstituted complement system in her serum. Heterozygous deficiency of C7 was found in 10 of her family members. Genetic studies showed that the mode of inheritance might be an autosomal codominant trait. No genetic linkage between deficiency of C7 and the HLA system was found.  相似文献   

The complement component C4 genes of Old World primates exhibit a long/short dichotomous size variation, except that chimpanzee and gorilla only contain short C4 genes. In human it has been shown that the long C4 gene is attributed to the integration of an endogenous retrovirus, HERV-K(C4), into intron 9. This 6.36 kilobase retroviral element is absent in short C4 genes. Here it is shown that the homologous endogenous retrovirus, ERV-K(C4), is present precisely at the same position in the long C4 gene of orangutan and African green monkey. Determination of the short C4 gene intron 9 sequences from human, three apes, two Old World monkeys, and a New World monkey allowed the establishment of consistent phylogenetic trees for primates, which favors a chimpanzee-gorilla clade. The 5 long terminal repeats (LTR) and 3 LTR of ERV-K(C4) in long C4 genes of human, orangutan, and African green monkey have similar sequence divergence values of 9.1%–10.5%. These values are more than five-fold higher than the sequence divergence of the homologous intron 9 sequences between the long and short C4 genes in higher primates. The latter is probably a result of homogenization or concerted evolution. We suggest that the 5 LTR and 3 LTR of an endogenous retrovirus can serve as a reliable reference point or a molecular clock for studies of gene duplication and gene evolution. This is because the 5/3 LTR sequences were identical at the time of retroviral integration and evolved independently of each other afterwards. Our data provides strong evidence for the short C4 gene being the ancestral form in primates, trans-species evolution, and the slow-down phenomenon of the sequence divergence in great apes.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers L38796-L38807  相似文献   

Summary We have analysed fifteen classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency families from throughout Southern Ireland and report the serologically defined HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-Cw, HLA-DR, C4A and C4B polymorphisms that characterize the inferred disease haplotypes. Additionally, we have used a combination of short and long range restriction mapping procedures in order to characterize the CYP21/C4 gene organization associated with individual serologically defined haplotypes. The results obtained indicate that disease haplotypes are characterized by a high frequency (33%) of CYP21B gene deletion and 8 out of 10 such deletion haplotypes are represented by the extended haplotype HLA-DR1, C4BQo, C4A3, HLA-B40(w60), HLA-Cw3, HLA-A3. Large scale length polymorphism in the CYP21/C4 gene cluster was found to conform strictly to a variable number of tandem repeats model with 4 alleles being detected. Disease haplotypes in which defective CYP21B gene expression is inferred to result from pathological point mutations show extensive diversity of associated HLA markers and include two examples of the extended HLA haplotype HLA-DR3, B8, Cw7, A1 haplotype, which has previously been reported to be negatively associated with 21-hydroxylase deficiency. One unusual disease haplotype has two CYP21 + C4 units, both of which appear to contain CYP21B-like genes.  相似文献   

Developed recently, high resolution melting (HRM) analysis is an efficient, accurate and inexpensive method for distinguishing DNA polymorphisms. HRM has been used to identify mutations in human genes, and to detect SNPs, INDELs and microsatellites in plants. However, its capacity to discriminate DNA variants in the context of complex haplotypes involving INDEL as well as SNP variants has not been examined until now. In this study, we genotyped an almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb, syn. Prunus amygdalus Batsch) pseudo-testcross mapping population that showed segregation of complex haplotypes associated with CYP79D16 promoter sequence. The 175 bp region in question included a 7 bp INDEL and 3 SNPs, and manifested as three different haplotypes in the parents. Thus, with one homozygous and one heterozygous parent, two relevant genotypes were identified in the mapping population. Although the population displayed monomorphism with respect to the INDEL and one of the SNPs, HRM was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish genotypes on the basis of the two informative SNPs, and the resulting data were used to map CYP79D16 to linkage group 6 of the almond genome. Thus the capacity of HRM to resolve genotypes arising from complex haplotypes has been demonstrated, and this has important implications for the design of efficient HRM markers for various genetic applications including mapping, population studies and biodiversity analyses.  相似文献   

The segregation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor ( KIR) genes was determined for a panel of 21 Caucasoid families: 23 different KIR gene patterns were found and could be assigned to combinations of 16 different haplotypes. Four loci were held in common by all haplotypes: KIR2DL4, KIR3DL2, the putative pseudogene KIR3DL3 and KIR2DL2/KIR2DL3, the latter likely being alleles of one gene. Group A haplotypes, which have a unique combination of seven KIR genes, were found at 80% frequency in the family panel, the polygenic group B haplotypes at 65% frequency. KIR gene segregation was fully determined for the nine group B haplotypes, which occurred at highest frequencies in both the family panel and a panel of unrelated individuals. The group B haplotypes carried between seven and 11 KIR genes and encoded inhibitory KIR for one, two, or all three major HLA class I epitopes. Analysis of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I genotypes revealed that most, but not all, individuals possess an inhibitory KIR for a self HLA class I epitope. The number of stimulatory KIR genes in group B haplotypes varied considerably between one and five. The data show that group B haplotypes possess a broad spectrum of KIR gene patterns, which is largely complementary to the KIR gene set of group A haplotypes. The results suggest that rapid diversification of group B haplotypes is the result of pathogen-mediated selection for KIR genotypes that have more than the set of KIR genes provided by the group A haplotype.  相似文献   

Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-acetylglucosaminylpyrophosphopolyisoprenol-dependent glycosylation, was used to study the effect of glycosylation on the synthesis, post-translational modification, secretion and function of the complement proteins that are associated with the major histocompatibility complex in humans, mice and guinea pigs. Tunicamycin blocked glycosylation of pro-C4, C2 and factor B and inhibited secretion of the corresponding native complement proteins synthesized by guinea-pig peritoneal macrophages in tissue culture. In addition, underglycosylated pro-C4 was more rapidly catabolized intracellularly than the corresponding fully glycosylated pro-complement protein. C4 protein secreted by cells incubated with tunicamycin had approximately the same specific biological activity as the protein obtained from control culture media, suggesting that carbohydrate is not required for its activity in immune haemolysis. Direct studies of carbohydrate incorporation and the tunicamycin effect suggested an unequal distribution of sugar among the C4 subunits, with maximal incorporation of carbohydrate into alpha-, and less into the beta-chain of the native protein.  相似文献   

A deficiency of the plasma protease inhibitor alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT), is usually associated with the deficiency allele PI*Z. However, other alleles can also produce a deficiency. Some of these rare deficiency alleles produce a low concentration (3%-15% of normal) of alpha 1AT and include Mmalton, Mduarte, Mheerlen, and Mprocida. Null, or nonproducing, alleles are associated with trace amounts (less than 1%) of plasma alpha 1AT. We have identified, using isoelectric focusing, the deficiency alleles in 222 patients (68 children and 154 adults) with alpha 1AT deficiency. In addition to PI*Z, we found low-producing alleles PI*Mmalton and PI*Mcobalt and four null (PI*QO) alleles. On the basis of a population frequency of .0122 for PI*Z, frequencies for other deficiency alleles are 1.1 x 10(-4) for PI*Mmalton, 2.5 x 10(-5) for PI*Mcobalt (which may be the same as that for PI*Mduarte, and 1.4 x 10(-4) for all null alleles combined. Using 12 polymorphic restriction sites with seven different restriction enzymes, we have obtained DNA haplotypes for each of the rare deficiency types. All of the rare deficiency alleles can be distinguished from PI*Z by their DNA haplotype, and most can be distinguished from each other. DNA haplotypes are useful to indicate the presence of new types of null alleles, to identify genetic compounds for rare deficiency alleles, and to identify the original normal allele from which each deficiency allele is derived.  相似文献   

Soybean seeds contain three lipoxygenase (Lox) enzymes that are controlled by separate genes, Lox1, Lox2 and Lox3. Lipoxygenases play a role in the development of unpleasant flavors in foods containing soybean by oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Null alleles for all three enzymes have been identified, lox1, lox2 and lox3, and are known to be inherited as simple recessive alleles. Previous studies determined that a missense mutation rendered Lox2 inactive; however, the genetic cause of either lox1 or lox3 mutation was not known. The objectives of this study were the molecular characterization of both lox1 and lox3 mutant alleles and the development of molecular markers to accelerate breeding for Lox-free soybean varieties. We identified two independent mutant alleles as the genetic causes of the lack of Lox1 in seeds of two lox1 mutant soybean lines. Similarly, a mutant allele that truncates Lox3 in a lox3 mutant soybean line was identified. Molecular markers were designed and confirmed to distinguish mutant, wild type, and heterozygous individuals for Lox1, Lox2 and Lox3 genes. Genotype and Lox phenotype analysis showed a perfect association between the inheritance of homozygous lox mutant alleles and the lack of Lox activity. Molecular characterization of a seed-lipoxygenase-free soybean line led to the discovery that an induced recombination event within the Lox1 gene was responsible for breaking the tight linkage in repulsion phase between mutant alleles at the Lox1 and Lox2 loci. The molecular resources developed in this work should accelerate the inclusion of the lipoxygenase-free trait in soybean varieties.  相似文献   

Complement factor C5a acting via C5a receptors (C5aR) is recognized as an anaphylotoxin and chemoattractant that exerts proinflammatory effects in many pathological states. The effects of C5a and C5aR in acute pancreatitis and in pancreatitis-associated lung injury were evaluated using genetically altered mice that either lack C5aR or do not express C5. Pancreatitis was induced by administration of 12 hourly injections of cerulein (50 microg/kg ip). The severity of pancreatitis was determined by measuring serum amylase, neutrophil sequestration in the pancreas, and acinar cell necrosis. The severity of lung injury was evaluated by measuring neutrophil sequestration in the lung and pulmonary microvascular permeability. In both strains of genetically altered mice, the severity of pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury was greater than that noted in the comparison wild-type strains of C5aR- and C5-sufficient animals. This exacerbation of injury in the absence of C5a function indicates that, in pancreatitis, C5a exerts an anti-inflammatory effect. Potentially, C5a and its receptor are capable of both promoting and reducing the extent of acute inflammation.  相似文献   

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