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Modified cortical cups filled with eserinized Ringer-Locke solution were positioned on the dorsal surface of the hippocampus in anaesthetized rabbits. There was a spontaneous resting release of ACh at the rate of 0.04 ± 0.002 ng/0.25cm2/min?1. Stimulation of the septum caused an increased release of ACh without increasing the efflux of the inert marker substance 14C-urea. No evoked release of ACh was observed when the septum was stimulated after acute lesion of the septo-hippocampal pathway, or when the caudate nucleus was stimulated. These preliminary results provide direct evidence for the existence of a cholinergic septo-hippocampal pathway.  相似文献   

Shea SD  Margoliash D 《Neuron》2003,40(6):1213-1226
The cholinergic basis of auditory "gating" in the sensorimotor nucleus HVc and its efferent target robustus archistriatalis (RA) was investigated in anesthetized zebra finches. Injections of cholinergic agonists carbachol or muscarine into HVc strongly affected discharge rates and diminished auditory responsiveness in both HVc and its target RA, changes toward an awake-like condition. HVc nicotine injections produced similar strong effects in HVc, but weaker and inconsistent effects in RA. Stimulation of basal forebrain (BF) produced an initial transient network shutdown followed by diminished auditory responsiveness in HVc and RA. All stimulation effects were blocked when preceded by HVc injections of nicotinic or muscarinic antagonists. Thus, BF cholinergic modulation of song system auditory activity acting via functionally distinct HVc circuits can contribute to auditory gating. We hypothesize that wakeful BF activity levels block sensory input to motor systems and adaptively change during behavior to allow sensorimotor feedback such as auditory feedback during singing.  相似文献   

In noncurarized and unanaesthetized rabbits, the unit activity and field potentials evoked by testing stimulation of the medial septum were studied before, during (3-10 min), and in different periods (up. to 0.5 h) after microiontophoretic serotonin (5-OT) application or n. Raphe stimulation. In most of the cases, just during 5-OT application or n. Raphe stimulation, cholinergic septo-hippocampal responses decreased. Trace facilitatory effect of native and exogenously applied 5-OT on these responses was found. Increase of efficiency of cholinergic excitatory input was considered as a confirmation of the role of the serotonergic system in hippocampal long-term posttetanic potentiation after the stimulation of the medial septum. On the whole the data obtained indicate a complex modulatory 5-OT influence on the cholinergic septo-hippocampal responses.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of an anticholinesterase agent, proserine, and an m-cholinoblocker, atropine, on the growth of Pliss lymphosarcoma in rats and on the antitumor activity of a cytotoxic drug, chlofiden. It has been demonstrated that proserine stimulates tumor growth and decreases the antitumor efficacy of chlofiden. Injections of atropine evoked opposite effects: inhibition of the tumor growth and an increase in the, antitumor activity of chlofiden. Possible mechanisms of the above effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes of conditioned impulse reaction of cortical neurons wer studied during microiontophoretic application of agonist and antagonists of glutamate and GABA transmission and their modulation by dopamine. It was shown paradoxal reaction of facilitation of impulse activity during iontophoretic application of ionotropic glutamate antagonist and depressive influences of metabotropic antagonist. Local iontophoretic application of dopamine increased background and evoked impulse activity of pyramidal neurons of deep layers of cortex and eliminated inhibitory influences of glutamate metabotropic antagonist MCPG. It is concluded that DA has stabilizing effects on activity of cortical neurons. It is suppose that these effects of DA realize through system of inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Arousal levels in the brain set thresholds for behavior, from simple to complex. The mechanistic underpinnings of the various phenomena comprising arousal, however, are still poorly understood. Drosophila behaviors have been studied that span different levels of arousal, from sleep to visual perception to psychostimulant responses. RESULTS: We have investigated neurobiological mechanisms of arousal in the Drosophila brain by a combined behavioral, genetic, pharmacological, and electrophysiological approach. Administration of methamphetamine (METH) suppresses sleep and promotes active wakefulness, whereas an inhibitor of dopamine synthesis promotes sleep. METH affects courtship behavior by increasing sexual arousal while decreasing successful sexual performance. Electrophysiological recordings from the medial protocerebrum of wild-type flies showed that METH ingestion has rapid and detrimental effects on a brain response associated with perception of visual stimuli. Recordings in genetically manipulated animals show that dopaminergic transmission is required for these responses and that visual-processing deficits caused by attenuated dopaminergic transmission can be rescued by METH. CONCLUSIONS: We show that changes in dopamine levels differentially affect arousal for behaviors of varying complexity. Complex behaviors, such as visual perception, degenerate when dopamine levels are either too high or too low, in accordance with the inverted-U hypothesis of dopamine action in the mammalian brain. Simpler behaviors, such as sleep and locomotion, show graded responses that follow changes in dopamine level.  相似文献   

Involvement of the adenylate cyclase system in cholinergic modulation of synaptic transmission was investigated in area CA1 in rat hippocampal slices. Microiontophoretic application of acetylcholine as well as addition of carbachol to the superfusate or of tolbutamide (a cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor) depressed transmission at synapses formed by Schaffer collaterals and commissural fibers with dendrites of pyramidal cells belonging to hippocampal area CA1. Both numbers of free quanta of neurotransmitter and the likelihood of transmitter release decreased following carbachol action. Atropine suppressed the inhibitory action of carbachol on synaptic transmission. Dibutyryl cAMP and forskolin increased the amplitude of synaptic potentials and suppressed, either partially or in full, the inhibitory effects of cholinomimetics on synaptic potentials. It was concluded that cholinomimetics and activators of the adenylate cyclase system exert opposing effects on neurotransmission at synapses formed between Schaffer collaterals/commissural fibers and dendrites of pyramidal neurons belonging to hippocampal area CA1.Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Pushchino. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 435–442, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   



The human placenta, a non-neuronal tissue, contains an active cholinergic system comprised of acetylcholine (ACh), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and high affinity muscarinic receptors. The cell(s) of origin of placental ACh and its role in trophoblast function has not been defined. These studies were performed to define the cellular location of ACh synthesis (ChAT) in the human placenta and to begin studying its functional role.


Using immunohistochemical techniques, ChAT was observed primarily within the cytotrophoblasts of preterm placentae as well as some mesenchymal elements. Similar intense immunostaining of the cytotrophoblast was observed for endothelium-derived nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) suggesting that ACh may interact with nitric oxide (NO)-dependent signaling pathways. The ability of carbamylcholine (CCh), an ACh analogue, to stimulate a rise in intracellular Ca++ and NO production in trophoblasts was therefore tested using the BeWob30 choriocarcinoma cell as a model system. First, CCh significantly increased intracellular calcium as assessed by fluorescence microscopy. We then examined the ability of CCh to stimulate NO production by measuring total nitrite/nitrate production in conditioned media using chemiluminescence-based analysis. CCh, alone, had no effect on NO production. However, CCh increased measurable NO approximately 100% in the presence of 10 nM estradiol. This stimulatory effect was inhibited by 1 (micro)M scopolamine suggesting mediation via muscarinic receptors. Estradiol, alone, had no effect on total NO or eNOS protein or mRNA.


These data demonstrate that placental ChAT localizes to the cytotrophoblast and some mesenchymal cells in human placenta. It further suggests that ACh acts via muscarinic receptors on the trophoblast cell membrane to modulate NO in an estrogen-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Marella S  Mann K  Scott K 《Neuron》2012,73(5):941-950
For an animal to survive in a constantly changing environment, its behavior must be shaped by the complex milieu of sensory stimuli it detects, its previous experience, and its internal state. Although taste behaviors in the fly are relatively simple, with sugars eliciting acceptance behavior and bitter compounds avoidance, these behaviors are also plastic and are modified by intrinsic and extrinsic cues, such as hunger and sensory stimuli. Here, we show that dopamine modulates a simple taste behavior, proboscis extension to sucrose. Conditional silencing of dopaminergic neurons reduces proboscis extension probability, and increased activation of dopaminergic neurons increases extension to sucrose, but not to bitter compounds or water. One dopaminergic neuron with extensive branching in the primary taste relay, the subesophageal ganglion, triggers proboscis extension, and its activity is altered by satiety state. These studies demonstrate the marked specificity of dopamine signaling and provide a foundation to examine neural mechanisms of feeding modulation in the fly.  相似文献   

J.R. Simon 《Life sciences》1982,31(14):1501-1508
Previous reports suggest the existence of a cortico-striatal pathway which might use glutamate as the transmitter. In the present study, the possible influence of this pathway on striatal cholinergic neurons was investigated. Two weeks following surgical destruction of the cerebral cortex, the high affinity uptake of glutamate and choline into striatal synaptosomes was significantly reduced whereas GABA uptake was unaffected. In acute experiments (1 hour following decortication), only choline uptake was significantly reduced while the uptake of glutamate and GABA were not altered. Acute injection (2 minutes) of kainic acid into the striatum, 1 hour after decortication, reversed the effect of the decortication on choline uptake, perhaps by simulating an excitatory input to the striatum which was presumably removed by the cortical ablation. These observations are consistent with the existence of a cortical input (perhaps glutamatergic) to the striatum and suggest that striatal cholinergic neurons can be influenced by this cortico-striatal pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of adrenaline and adenosine was examined in cardiac tissue of the flounderPlatichthys flesus.When applied alone both agents increased contractility in both auricular and ventricular myocardial strips. This positive inotropic effect was associated with a small depolarization in the tissues examined by the sucrose gap technique. Simultaneous application of adrenaline and adenosine gave an inhibition of the control responses seen with either agent alone in both auricle and ventricle.Radiocalcium flux studies on ventricular tissue showed that influx was increased by adrenaline or adenosine alone above control values, but when applied together radiocalcium influx was reduced. Radiocalcium efflux from cardiac microsomes was stimulated by challenge with adrenaline or adenosine alone. This stimulation was not seen following simultaneous challenge by both agents.The effect of adrenaline on responses of hypoxic flounder hearts was less than that seen in normoxic hearts. This situation was reversed by pretreatment with the purine receptor blocker caffeine. Caffeine pretreatment also reduced the positive inotropic effect seen in normoxic hearts challenged with adenosine.TLC studies gave strong evidence that hearts perfused with hypoxic salines produced both adenosine and adrenaline.The results are discussed as evidence for a mechanism of heart regulation which the flounder may use as a defence against severe acute hypoxic stress.  相似文献   

The data obtained have shown that prenatal exposure of pregnant rat females of 9-19-day pregnancy to N-cholinolytics as compared to M-cholinolytics produce long-term behavioural changes in pubescent rat progeny. Pubescent rat progeny had low dynamics of gaining sexual experience and decreased sexual activity with equal disturbance of motivation and coitus. The number of males with absence of sexual activity was above that of the control group. We suggest that sexual dysfunction of offspring adulthood was provoked by introduction of ganglerone (N-cholinolytic) which had been injected on 9-11 and 12-14 days of gestation, and metamyzil (M-cholinolytic) injected on 9-11 days of gestation. Apparently, regulation of neuronal mechanisms for sexual function is disturbed as a consequence of lasting change in neurotransmitter activity. It is suggested that dopaminergic activity in brain limbic structures was affected the most. The significant decrease in blood testosterone values has also been elucidated.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic receptors are expressed on neural precursor cells (NPCs) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and are known to regulate NPC proliferation and differentiation fate in this region. We now report that this optimally requires the simultaneous activation of both D1-like and D2-like dopaminergic receptors with the agonists Bromocriptine, SKF-38393 and 7-OH-pipat maleate (BSP) in vitro. This is consistent with our previous findings that dopamine stimulates NPC proliferation through an EGF paracrine mechanism within the SVZ. Furthermore this combined dopamine agonist therapy rescues NPC proliferation in the SVZ in the 6-OHDA animal model of PD and importantly significantly increases neuronal differentiation in the olfactory bulb to a greater extent than we showed previously with L-dopa. This result has implications for the use of dopaminergic therapies in PD and in the development of such therapies focusing on upregulating SVZ neurogenesis.  相似文献   

To investigate the hypothesis that the impaired respiratory drive noted in morbid obesity was attributable to altered dopaminergic mechanisms acting on peripheral and/or central chemoreflex sensitivity, seven obese and seven lean Zucker rats were studied at 11 wk of age. Ventilation (VE) was measured by the barometric technique during hyperoxic (100% O(2)), normoxic (21% O(2)), hypoxic (10% O(2)), and hypercapnic (7% CO(2)) exposures after the administration of vehicle (control), haloperidol [Hal, 1 mg/kg, a central and peripheral dopamine (Da) receptor antagonist], or domperidone (Dom, 0.5 mg/kg, a peripheral Da receptor antagonist). In both lean and obese rats, Hal increased tidal volume and decreased respiratory frequency during hyperoxia or normoxia, resulting in an unchanged VE. In contrast, Dom did not affect tidal volume, frequency, or VE during hyperoxia or normoxia. During hypoxia, however, VE significantly increased from 1,132 +/- 136 to 1,348 +/- 98 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) (P < 0.01) after the administration of Dom in obese rats, whereas no change was observed in lean rats. Hal significantly decreased VE during hypoxia compared with control in lean but not obese rats. In both lean and obese rats, Hal decreased VE in response to hypercapnia, whereas Dom had no effect. Our major findings suggest that peripheral chemosensitivity to hypoxia in obese Zucker rats is reduced as a result of an increased dopaminergic receptor modulation in the carotid body.  相似文献   

Background activity of the hippocampal neurons, extracellularly recorded in waking chronic rabbits, was analysed in control state and after systemic injection of physostigmine and scopolamine. Similar analysis was done in the hippocampus chronically deprived of ascending brain stem afferents. Cholinergic drugs controlled the number of hippocampal neurons with theta-modulation and the degree of its stability but not the frequency. Activation of cholinergic theta-rhythm resulted also in regularization of activity with suppression of delta-modulation and complex spike discharges; its blockade was accompanied by the opposite changes. Both drugs shifted the level of background activity in the majority of neurons, but the overall mean frequency did not vary between the states. Regression analysis demonstrated significant negative correlations with dominating decrease in the level of activity in high-frequency neurons ( > 25 sp/s) and its increase in low-frequency ones ( < 25 sp/s) after injection of both drugs. Stability of the overall mean frequency and uniformity of its shifts presumably indicate that the frequency, unlike the pattern of the background activity, is not directly controlled by the cholinergic septal input.  相似文献   

Footshock induced aggression (FIA) was induced in weight matched paired rats and three paradigms of aggressive behaviour was recorded, namely, the latency to fight (LF), total period of physical contact (TPP) and cumulative aggression scores (CAS). Dopamine (DA), administered centrally, and peripherally administered L-dopa (with benserazide, a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor), a DA precursor, and the postsynaptic D2 receptor agonists, apomorphine, N-n-propyl-norapomorphine (PNA), bromocriptine, lisuride and pergolide, induced a dose-related facilitation of FIA characterized by decrease in LF and increase in TPP and CAS. However, the DA presynaptic receptor agonist, BHT-920, induced a biphasic effect with inhibition of FIA being induced by a lower dose and facilitation of the aggressive behaviour produced by a higher dose. The postsynaptic D2 receptor antagonists, haloperidol, spiperone and pimozide, induced a dose-related attenuation of FIA, an effect not seen with domperidone, a peripheral DA receptor antagonist. The results indicate that central dopaminergic postsynaptic D2 receptors have a modulatory facilitative effect on FIA, while the presynaptic DA autoreceptors mitigate aggressive behaviour. However, the presynaptic DA receptor agonist, BHT-920, appears to lose its receptor specificity on dose increment. Long term administration of haloperidol, followed by withdrawal, or desipramine, induced per se augmentation of FIA and potentiated the aggression-facilitative effects of L-dopa, apomorphine and PNA. Since both these treatments are known to induce supersensitivity of central postsynaptic dopamine D2 receptors, the effects are likely to be related to augmented function of dopamine neurones. The findings, in conjunction with a recent report from this laboratory indicating an increase in rat brain DA levels in FIA, support the contention that the central DA system has a facilitative effect on FIA.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the possible role of dopaminergic mechanisms in contributing to the pathogenesis of hypertension in salt sensitive patients. Eighteen patients with essential hypertension were studied while under a diet ranging from low salt to high salt, which enabled a classification in "salt-sensitive" (SS) and "nonsalt-sensitive" (NSS) groups based on a tentative criteria of a 10% increase of mean blood pressure with high salt diet. The SS patients showed reduced urinary excretion of sodium as compared with that from NSS patients. Urinary norepinephrine excretion in all patients with salt loading was suppressed, but urinary excretion of epinephrine showed a tendency to increase in SS patients after salt loading. Urinary excretion of dopamine increased in NSS patients with salt loading, but did not change in SS patients. To further evaluate the role of dopaminergic mechanisms in salt-sensitive hypertension, metoclopramide, a dopamine antagonist, was injected intravenously to all patients. With salt loading, plasma aldosterone levels increased after injection of metoclopramide in NSS patients, but did not change in SS patients. These results suggest that salt-sensitive hypertension is modulated by dopaminergic activity, which in turn is attenuated in SS patients. Decreased dopaminergic activity induced sodium retention both by a direct effect on the kidney as well as indirectly via relatively increased aldosterone secretion. Both mechanisms would help to increase intravascular volume and blood pressure in salt-sensitive hypertension.  相似文献   

We examined the ventilatory effects of exogenous dopamine (DA)and norepinephrine (NE) administration in chloralose-anesthetized, paralyzed, artificially ventilated adult goats before and after carotidbody denervation (CBD). Intravenous (iv) DA bolus injections and slowiv infusions caused dose-dependent inhibition of phrenic nerve activity(PNA) in carotid body (CB)-intact animals during normoxia and hyperoxiabut not during hypercapnia. NE administration in CB-intact goats causeddose-dependent inhibition of PNA of similar magnitude to DA trials. TheDA D2-receptor agonistsquinelorane and quinpirole inhibited PNA, whereas the DAD1-receptor agonist SKF-81297 hadno effect. After CBD, the ventilatory depressant effects of DApersisted, but responses were significantly attenuated compared withCB-intact trials. CBD abolished the inhibitory effect of low-dose NEadministration but did not alter ventilatory responses to high-dose NEinjection. The peripheral DAD2-receptor antagonist domperidonesubstantially attenuated the inhibitory effects of DA bolus injectionsand infusions and reversed the inhibitory ventilatory effect ofhigh-dose DA administration to excitation in some animals. The-adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine had no effect on DA-inducedventilatory depression. -Adrenoceptor stimulation with isoproterenolproduced similar hemodynamic effects to DA administration but had noeffect on PNA. We conclude that DA and NE exert both CB-mediated andnon-CB-mediated inhibitory effects on respiratory motor output inanesthetized goats. The ventilatory depressant effects that persist inperipherally chemodenervated animals are DAD2-receptor mediated, but theirexact location remains speculative.


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