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Almost complete assignment of backbone 1H, 13C, 15N and side chain 13Cβ resonances for the immune-regulatory cytokine IL-10 is reported. The protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and was refolded from inclusion bodies. The point mutation C149Y was introduced to suppress incorrect disulfide bond formation and to improve protein refolding.  相似文献   

NOXO1 (Nox Organizer 1) is a homolog of the NAPDH oxidase protein p47 phox . NADPH oxidases transfer electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen, generating the superoxide anion. NOXO1 contains an N-terminal PX (phox homology) domain and is one of several PX domain-containing proteins found in the cytosolic subunits of the NADPH oxidase complex. These PX domains bind to membrane lipids and target the protein to membranes, recruiting other cytosolic components to the membrane bound components and aiding formation of a active enzyme complex. This recruitment represents a level of regulation of these oxidases. Here we report the backbone assignments of NOXO1β PX.  相似文献   

Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) belongs to the family of betaretroviruses characterized by the assembly of immature particles within cytoplasm of infected cells in contrast to other retroviruses (e.g. HIV, RSV) that assemble their immature particles at a plasma membrane. Simultaneously with or shortly after budding a virus-encoded protease is activated and the Gag polyprotein is cleaved into three major structural proteins: matrix (MA), capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid (NC) protein. Mature retroviral CA proteins consist of two independently folded structural domains: N-terminal domain (NTD) and C-terminal dimerization domain (CTD), separated by a flexible linker. As a first step toward the solution structure elucidation, we present nearly complete backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignment of the M-PMV NTD CA.  相似文献   

We report the assignment of the 110 amino acid second calponin homology domain of human α-actinin-4. The two calponin homology domains of α-actinin combine to regulate F-actin binding.  相似文献   

Summary Sperm whale apomyoglobin was expressed to high levels on minimal media and isotopically labeled with 13C and 15N nuclei. The isotopically labeled apoprotein was purified to homogeneity in a single step by reversed-phase chromatography and reconstituted with hemin and carbon monoxide gas for NMR analysis. Sequence-specific backbone 1HN, 15N and 13C as well as side-chain 13C resonance assignments have been made for over 90% of the amino acids in the carbon monoxide complex of the protein. Resonance assignments were made by analysis of a series of 3D triple resonance spectra measured on the uniformly labeled sample. These assignments will provide the basis for analyzing the effects of point site mutations on the structure, stability and dynamics of the protein in solution.  相似文献   

Summary A 3D triple resonance experiment has been designed to provide intraresidual and sequential correlations between amide nitrogens and -carbons in uniformly 13C15N-labeled proteins. In-phase 13C magnetization is transferred to the aliphatic side-chain protons via the side-chain carbons using a CC-TOCSY mixing sequence. Thus, the experiment alleviates the resonance assignment process by providing information about the amino acid type as well as establishing sequential connectivities. Leaving the carbonyl spins untouched throughout the transfer from 13C to 1H leads to E.COSY-type cross peaks, from which the 3JH co coupling constants can be evaluated. The pulse sequence is applied to oxidized Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) participates in protein folding and catalyses formation of disulfide bonds. The b′ domain of human PDI contributes to binding unfolded proteins; its structure is stabilized by the b domain. Here, we report NMR chemical shift assignments for the bb′ fragment.  相似文献   

Human regenerating (Reg) genes belong to the C-type lectin superfamily and express secretory proteins in various tissues. Reg Iα, also named lithostathine, has multiple roles in numerous biological events such as cytokines, anti-apoptotic factors and the calcium carbonate crystals inhibitor. Under physiological pH, Reg Iα becomes largely insoluble after a self-proteolysis process, and the N-terminally truncated form readily polymerizes into fibrils, which leads to neurodegenerative diseases. Reg Iα may form protofibril via lateral hydrophobic interactions with a native-like conformation. The structural basis from the native to fibril form, as well as the carbohydrate binding sites on Reg Iα, remain unknown. Here we present the NMR backbone and side-chain assignments of Reg Iα for use in further NMR investigations.  相似文献   

A triple resonance pulse scheme is presented for recording 13C-1H one-bond dipolar couplings in 15N, 13C labeled proteins. HNCO correlation maps are generated where the carbonyl chemical shift is modulated by the 13C-1H coupling, with the two doublet components separated into individual data sets. The experiment makes use of recently described methodology whereby the protein of interest is dissolved in a dilute solution of bicelles which orient above a critical temperature, thus permitting measurement of significant couplings (Tjandra and Bax, 1997a). An application to the protein ubiquitin is described.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase-basophil like (PTP-BL) represents a large multi domain non-transmembrane scaffolding protein that contains five PDZ domains. Here we report the backbone assignments of the PDZ2/PDZ3 tandem domain of PTP-BL. These assignments now provide a basis for the detailed structural investigation of the interaction between the PDZ domains 2 and 3 of PTP-BL. It will lead to a better understanding of the proposed scaffolding function of this tandem domain in multi-protein complexes assembled by PTB-BL. Christian P. Fetzer, Janelle Sauvageau and Gerd Kock contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Here we report the NMR resonance assignments for the Fc region of human IgG1 expressed in E. coli, a 51.4 kDa dimer in solution (residues 221–447). The assignments have been deposited in the BioMagResBank with a BMRB accession number of 15514.  相似文献   

This paper describes a [15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY experiment for the simultaneous acquisition of the heteronuclear chemical shift correlations of backbone amide 15N–1H groups, side chain 15N–1H2 groups and aromatic 13C–1H groups in otherwise highly deuterated proteins. The 15N–1H and 13C–1H correlations are extracted from two subspectra of the same data set, thus preventing possible spectral overlap of aromatic and amide protons in the 1H dimension. The side-chain 15N–1H2 groups, which are suppressed in conventional [15N,1H)-TROSY, are observed with high sensitivity in the 15N–1H subspectrum. [15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY was used as the heteronuclear correlation block in a 3D [1H,1H]-NOESY-[15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY experiment with the membrane protein OmpA reconstituted in detergent micelles of molecular weight 80000 Da, which enabled the detection of numerous NOEs between backbone amide protons and both aromatic protons and side chain 15N–1H2 groups.  相似文献   

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