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《FEBS letters》1987,219(1):88-92
In conditions where the pH gradient is negligible, the rate of the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase in chromatophores of Rhodobacter capsulatus has a threshold dependence on membrane potential. The relationship is similar when either antimycin or myxothiazal or carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone is used to depress the membrane potential. The relationship is distorted when membrane potential is reduced by lowering the photosynthetic light intensity.  相似文献   

Many cellular metabolites can be measured with high sensitivity using bioluminescent techniques. These metabolites are coupled to an appropriate enzyme to produce NAD(P)H, which can then be coupled to the bioluminescent reactions. The sensitivity of bioluminescence cannot be readily applied to methods in which cellular metabolites consume NAD(P)H because of the difficulty in measuring, with sufficient sensitivity, decreases in the concentration of NAD(P)H against a high background NAD(P)H concentration. We have overcome these technical difficulties by developing a bioluminescent reagent to measure the production of NAD(P)+. Assays for creatine/creatine phosphate, pyruvate, and succinate, as well as the kinetic measurement of lactate, are described for a range of biological material. The assays are highly sensitive, quantitative, and reproducible and show no sample-specific inhibition. The range of assays and the diverse biological material tested suggests that NAD(P)+ bioluminescence has a wide potential for application.  相似文献   

This study reevaluates the potential for direct coupling of NAD(P)(+) to a carboxylate-terminating spacer arm using carbodiimide-promoted coupling in an attempt to develop a greatly simplified synthetic method for cofactor immobilization that would support the more widespread adoption of kinetic-based enzyme capture (KBEC) strategies for protein purification applications and protein-detecting arrays/proteomic studies. Direct coupling of NAD(+) to epoxy (1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether)-activated Sepharose is also described. Depending on the synthetic method used, the position of attachment of cofactor is concluded to be primarily through the pyrophosphate or ribosyl hydroxyl groups. Total substitution levels varied from 0.5 to 2 micromol/g wet weight with 28-67% accessibility. Model bioaffinity chromatographic studies employing KBEC strategies are reported for bovine heart L-lactate dehydrogenase, yeast alcohol dehydrogenase, l-phenylalanine dehydrogenase from Sporosarcina, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) from Candida utilis, and GDH from bovine liver. The NAD(+) derivative prepared using epoxy-activated Sepharose shows most potential for further development based on total substitution levels, the apparent absence of nonbiospecific interference, reversible biospecific adsorption of some of the test enzymes using soluble KBEC/stripping ligand tactics, and the relative simplicity of the synthetic method.  相似文献   

The formation of N tau-ribosylhistidine (His-R), a novel histidine derivative found in the urine of histidinemic patients, was studied. A most possible synthetic pathway catalyzed by imidazole acetic acid (ImAA) phosphoribosyltransferase was not substantiated, because p.o. administration to humans and rats of aspirin, an inhibitor of the enzyme, did not change the urinary excretion of His-R, whereas aspirin decreased the excretion of ImAA-R with concomitant increase in that of ImAA. His-R was produced on incubation of a rat liver homogenate or its membrane fraction with histidine, NAD(P)+ and MgCl2, but not with only histidine or NAD(P)+. Nicotinamide inhibited the formation of His-R. Thus the enzymes responsible for the formation of His-R were suggested to be NAD(P)+ nucleosidase, nucleotide pyrophosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

An aldehyde derivative of riboflavin was covalently attached by reductive alkylation to soluble polycationic supports. The flavopolymers so obtained were stable under operational conditions. The catalytic efficiency towards oxidation of NADH by these flavopolymers was demonstrated, and the kinetic parameters (Km and kcat) revealed an overall catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) 185-fold greater compared to riboflavin. Various factors affecting the chemical regeneration of NAD+ from NADH such as pH, ionic strength, nature of the buffer etc. were studied. The most interesting result was the highly favourable influence of borate ions which increased the reaction rate by a factor 2-4 compared to the other buffers. The flavopolymers are very effective for in situ recycling of NAD(P)+. With up to 300-fold NADH----NAD+ conversions for the system using yeast alcohol dehydrogenase and up to 1500-fold NADPH----NADP+ regenerations for the system using glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These flavopolymers are superior to previous chemical recycling systems.  相似文献   

meso-Diaminopimelate dehydrogenase (meso-DAPDH) catalyzes the reversible NADP+-dependent oxidative deamination of meso-2,6-diaminopimelate (meso-DAP) to produce l-2-amino-6-oxopimelate. meso-DAPDH is divided into two major clusters, types I and II, based on substrate specificity and structural characteristic. Here, we describe a novel type II meso-DAPDH from Thermosyntropha lipolytica (TlDAPDH). The gene encoding a putative TlDAPDH was expressed in Escherichia coli cells, and then the enzyme was purified 7.3-fold to homogeneity from the crude cell extract. The molecule of TlDAPDH seemed to form a hexamer, which is the typical structural characteristic of type II meso-DAPDHs. The purified enzyme exhibited oxidative deamination activity toward meso-DAP with both NADP+ and NAD+ as coenzymes. TlDAPDH exhibited reductive amination activity of corresponding 2-oxo acid to produce d-amino acid. In particular, the productivities for d-aspartate and d-glutamate have not been reported in the type II enzymes. The optimum pH and temperature for oxidative deamination of meso-DAP were 10.5 and 55°C, respectively. TlDAPDH retained more than 80% of its activity after incubation for 30 min at temperatures between 50°C and 65°C and in the pH range of 4.5–9.5. Moreover, the coenzyme and substrate recognition mechanisms of TlDAPDH were elucidated based on a multiple sequence alignment and the homology model. The results of these analyses suggested that the molecular mechanisms for coenzyme and substrate recognition of TlDAPDH were similar to those of meso-DAPDH from S. thermophilum, which is the representative type II enzyme. Based on the kinetic characteristics and structural comparison, TlDAPDH was considered to be a novel type II meso-DAPDH.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol:NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase (myo-inositol oxidoreductase) has been identified in bovine brain. This enzyme elutes from DEAE cellulose with 0.3 M KCl in 50 mM Tris buffer, pH 7.5. Using NADH as cofactor myo-inosose-2 is reduced selectively to myo-inositol. With NADPH the enzyme forms both myo-inositol and scyllo-inositol, however, at a lower rate. The enzyme was chromatographed on G-100 Sephadex and found to have an apparent molecular weight of 74,000. This enzyme differs in DEAE binding, molecular weight and cofactor specificity from the previously described scyllo-inositol oxidoreductase which utilizes NADPH exclusively to produce 3 fold more scyllo-inositol than myo-inositol.  相似文献   

Chromatophores from photosynthetic bacteria were excited with flashes lasting approx. 15 ns. Transient optical absorbance changes not associated with the photochemical electron-transfer reactions were interpreted as reflecting the conversion of bacteriochlorophyll or carotenoids into triplet states. Triplet states of various carotenoids were detected in five strains of bacteria; triplet states of bacteriochlorophyll, in two strains that lack carotenoids. Triplet states of antenna pigments could be distinguished from those of pigments specifically associated with the photochemical reaction centers. Antenna pigments were converted into their triplet states if the photochemical apparatus was oversaturated with light, if the primary photochemical reaction was blocked by prior chemical oxidation of P-870 or reduction of the primary electron acceptor, or if the bacteria were genetically devoid of reaction centers. Only the reduction of the electron acceptor appeared to lead to the formation of triplet states in the reaction centers.In the antenna bacteriochlorophyll, triplet states probably arise from excited singlet states by intersystem crossing. The antenna carotenoid triplets probably are formed by energy transfer from triplet antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy transfer process has a half time of approx. 20 ns, and is about 1 × 103 times more rapid than the reaction of the bacteriochlorophyll triplet states with O2. This is consistent with a role of carotenoids in preventing the formation of singlet O2 in vivo. In the absence of carotenoids and O2, the decay half times of the triplet states are 70 μs for the antenna bacteriochlorophyll and 6–10 μs for the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll. The carotenoid triplets decay with half times of 2–8 μs.With weak flashes, the quantum yields of the antenna triplet states are in the order of 0.02. The quantum yields decline severely after approximately one triplet state is formed per photosynthetic unit, so that even extremely strong flashes convert only a very small fraction of the antenna pigments into triplet states. The yield of fluorescence from the antenna bacteriochlorophyll declines similarly. These observations can be explained by the proposal that singlet-triplet fusion causes rapid quenching of excited singlet states in the antenna bacteriochlorophyll.  相似文献   

It is known that the coupling factor purified from the acetone powder of chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum shows ATPase activity in the presence of Ca(2)+, but not in the presence of Mg(2)+ or Mn(2)+. The present study deals with conditions, under which the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity is reversibly converted into Mg(2)+- and Mn(2)+-ATPase activites with the purified coupling factor. 1. Of the pH indicators tested, 6 kinds coverted the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity into Mg(2)+- and Mn(2)+-ATPase activities in the order, ethyl orange greater than tropaeolin 000 greater than or equal to metanil yellow greater than tropaeolin 00 greater than ethyl red greater than or equal to bromthymol blue. 2. Of the detergents tested, those other than Triton X-100 and Brij 58 caused the conversion described above; dodecylsulfonate was most effective, whereas dodecylpyridinium chloride was moderately effective. 3. 2,4-Dinitrophenol stimulated approximately two-fold the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity, but not the Mg(2)+- or Mn(2)+-ATPase activity at all. However, in the presence of dodecylpyridinium chloride, the pH indicator remarkably stimulated the Mg(2)+- and Mn(2)+-ATPase activities, accompanied with a partial inhibition of the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity. Methyl red and ethyl red showed similar effects. 4. All the nucleoside triphosphates tested can serve as the substrate. ATP was most effective for the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity, whereas dATP was most effective for the Mg(2)+- and Mn(2)+-ATPase activities induced by ethyl orange. 5. In the presence of ethyl orange, the ATPase activity was induced by various divalent cations in the following order of effectiveness, Mg(2)+ greater than Zn(2)+ greater than CO(2)+ greater than Mn(2)+ greater than Ni(2)+. 6. The mechanism of the reversible conversion from the Ca(2)+-ATPase activity to the Mg(2)+- and Mn(2)+-ATPase activities by pH indicators and detergents is discussed.  相似文献   

The midpoint potentials of the primary electron acceptors in chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides and Chromatium have been studied by titrating the laser-induced P605 and cytochrome c oxidations, respectively. Both midpoint potentials are pH dependent (60 mV/pH unit).o-Phenanthroline shifts the midpoint potentials of the primary acceptors, by +40 mV in Rps spheroides and +135 mV in Chromatium. A similar though less extensive change in midpoint potential was observed in the presence of batho-phenanthroline, but not with 8-hydroxyquinoline. The shifted midpoints retain the same dependence on pH.Some of the effects of o-phenanthroline can be explained by assuming that it chelates the reduced form of the primary electron acceptor. This suggests the presence in the primary electron acceptor of a metal chelated by o- and batho-phenanthroline.In Rps spheroides chromatophores o-phenanthroline inhibits the laser- and flash-induced carotenoid shift at all redox potentials, stimulates the laser-induced P605 oxidation at redox potentials between +350 and +420 mV and slows the decay of the laser-induced cytochrome c oxidation below +180 mV. These effects show that o-phenanthroline may have more than one site of action.  相似文献   

Ammonium nutrition has been suggested to be associated with alterations in the oxidation‐reduction state of leaf cells. Herein, we show that ammonium nutrition in Arabidopsis thaliana increases leaf NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+ ratio, reactive oxygen species content and accumulation of biomolecules oxidized by free radicals. We used the method of rapid fractionation of protoplasts to analyse which cellular compartments were over‐reduced under ammonium supply and revealed that observed changes in NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+ ratio involved only the extrachloroplastic fraction. We also showed that ammonium nutrition changes mitochondrial electron transport chain activity, increasing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. Our results indicate that the functional impairment associated with ammonium nutrition is mainly associated with redox reactions outside the chloroplast.  相似文献   

Crude soluble extracts of Methylococcus capsulatus strain Bath, grown on methane, were found to contain NAD(P)+-linked formaldehyde dehydrogenase activity. Activity in the extract was lost on dialysis against phosphate buffer, but could be restored by supplementing with inactive, heat-treated extract (70 degrees C for 12 min). The non-dialysable, heat-sensitive component was isolated and purified, and has a molecular weight of about 115000. Sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis of the protein suggested there were two equal subunits with molecular weights of 57000. The heat-stable fraction, which was necessary for activity of the heat-sensitive protein, was trypsin-sensitive and presumed to be a low molecular weight protein or peptide. A number of thiol compounds and other common cofactors could not replace the component present in the heat-treated soluble extract. The purified formaldehyde dehydrogenase oxidized three other aldehydes with the following Km values: 0.68 mM (formaldehyde); 0.075 mM (glyoxal); 7.0 mM (glycolaldehyde); and 2.0 mM (DL-glyceraldehyde). NAD+ or NADP+ was required for activity, with Km values of 0.063 and 0.155 mM respectively, and could not be replaced by any of the artificial electron acceptors tested. The enzyme was heat-stable at 45 degrees C for at least 10 min and had temperature and pH optima of 45 degrees C and pH 7.2 respectively. A number of metal-binding agents and substrate analogues were not inhibitory. Thiol reagents gave varying degrees of inhibition, the most potent being p-hydroxymercuribenzoate which at 1 mM gave 100% inhibition. The importance of possessing an NAD(P)+-linked formaldehyde dehydrogenase, with respect to M. capsulatus, is discussed.  相似文献   

Malate metabolism was investigated in lactate grown cells of Desulfovibrio gigas ; 3 mol of malate are converted into 2 mol succinate and 1 mol acetate. The malic enzyme (L-malate:NADP+ oxidoreductase) was purified to homogeneity and partially characterized. The enzyme is monomeric with molecular weight of 45 kDa. Its spectrum has no visible absorption and the activity is stimulated by K+ and Mg2+. The presence of an NAD(P)+ transhydrogenase, the observation of partial reduction of adenylylsulfate reductase by NADH (via NADH-rubredoxin oxidoreductase) and evidence for NADH-linked fumarate reductase activity support the involvement of pyridine nucleotides in the electron pathway toward the reduction of sulfur compounds and/or fumarate. An electron transfer chain to fumarate is proposed, taking into consideration these results and the stoichiometry of end-products derived from malate dismutation.  相似文献   

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