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The epizootia on avian flu and a measure on its liquidation are stated. The increase in number of a wild waterfowl in 2005 is marked in comparison with 2002. It is determined, that disease among poultry arose in the facilities which are taking place near of reservoirs at ride out of its contents. The complex of sanitary-and-hygienic measures are carried out with the purpose of the prevention of disease among people. Cases of disease caused by an avian influenza among people it is not revealed.  相似文献   

The operational experience on liquidation of the centers of the avian flu in separate region of Novosibirsk is considered. From 32 settlements in 7 (22%) have been registered the centers of a case of a bird. Despite of undertaken measures under the prevention of distribution of an infection and occurrence of the new centers, during first time the case of a bird proceeded because of proceeding free ride out of poultry on lakes. Carrying out quarantine and actions on mass depopulation of birds appeared effectual measures on liquidation of the foci. Taking into account features of this area (a plenty of lakes) with nesting a wild waterfowl and accepted free ride out for poultry, the conclusion about an opportunity of occurrence and development new epizootia of bird's flu is made during spring-autumn of 2006.  相似文献   

The epidemiological characteristic of avian flu among a wild waterfowl in Sargatsk region in 2005 is presented. The analysis of the climate-geographical characteristic of region and the data on migration and specific structure of a wild waterfowl, and also results of investigation of the facts of its destruction are submitted. Laboratory research with the PCR help has confirmed presence of influenza virus A (H5N1) at a wild birds. As a result of carried out in the period of epizootia in full preventive and antiepidemic measures, including quarantine contacts resulted in absence between a wild birds and poultry, with out of raid to the maintenance of poultry on farm-steads, etc., the mass destruction of poultry was absent. It is marked, that with a view of maintenance of epidemiological well-being in region high readiness for actions in conditions of an extreme situation, and also vaccination of the population should be kept.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of epizootological and epidemiological situations on avian flu in the Chelyabinsk region in season 2005 are submitted. Features of the foci of the avian flu in the given territory are marked. In particular, the struck settlements were marked by a plenty of nearby reservoirs. On all farmsteads perished on the average from 53% up to 68% of a bird contained at the moment of disease. Hens were mainly amazed. However in well isolated private enterprises the poultry remained healthy. The conclusion that the primary foci of the avian flu are connected to disease of wild birds which case was marked on reservoirs of this territory is made. The forecast for spring and autumn of 2006 on disease the bird's flu remains adverse, presence of the infected territories kept since 2005 is possible. Feature epizootic process in 2006 can be a presence of a plenty of the young growth more subject to disease that can lead to increase in a level of disease the bird's flu.  相似文献   

In article organizational aspects of carrying out preventive and antiepidemic actions at a regional level are considered at the bird's flu epizootia. Epizootic researches have shown, that infection of poultry has taken place as a result of contact to a wild bird. Serological inspection 521 persons on presence of antibodies to a influenza A (H5N1) has not revealed seropositive persons. The conclusion, that the forecast of development of a situation for spring of 2006 is made in view of a direction of migration of a wild waterfowl is unfavourable.  相似文献   

Although outdated opinions about poor avian olfaction have largely disappeared in recent decades, there has been inadequate attention paid to olfaction of other organisms that interact with birds and their nests. In particular, olfaction is likely more important than vision for many biting arthropods and for many reptilian, mammalian, and likely even some bird predators of nests (e.g. some procellariiforms, piciforms, and corvids), but crypsis (or attractiveness) of nest odors has largely been ignored in the literature. Given the pivotal importance of nest success to a bird's fitness, there has likely been strong selection to conceal inadvertent cues to nest locations, including odors. Here, I summarize what is known about this, and discuss a few important topics I deem worthy of deeper investigation.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis registered avian flu epizootia are submitted. Diseases were registered as among wild birds, and poultry. From a biological material from a poultry and wild bird of some villages of Novosibirsk region the influenza virus type A (H5N1) is allocated. Carrying out sanitary and antiepidemic measures is organized. It is established, that disease and a mass destruction of poultry have taken place after contact to a wild bird on lakes. It is revealed, that the degree of distribution of a mass destruction of poultry on farmsteads in the struck territories depends on terms of carrying out of necessary measures on localization of the foci. Occurrence of new cases of disease among wild birds and poultry in 2006 as lakes in this territory are a place of nesting of the wild birds being the reservoir of the influenza virus is predicted.  相似文献   

In this Comment, the ultimate intent is to increase survival of the anticipated global flu pandemic. The apparent failure of "medicine" to provide a completely understood and logically based biochemical prevention and treatment for all influenzas (and many other viral diseases) may be an unavoidable result of the evolving complexity of the H5N1 virus. However, clinical experience cited in all accounts, including the 2003 to 2006 period, suggest that: (i) ascorbic acid is not being administered to humans infected or at risk for influenza, and (ii) ascorbic acid is (mistakenly) believed to be a vitamin ("vitamin C"). Proper use of ascorbic acid as described here could provide effective containment for the flu pandemic.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic influenza A virus H5N1 has spread out worldwide and raised the public concerns. This increased the output of influenza virus sequence data as well as the research publication and other reports. In order to fight against H5N1 avian flu in a comprehensive way, we designed and started to set up the Website for Avian Flu Information () from 2004. Other than the influenza virus database available, the website is aiming to integrate diversified information for both researchers and the public. From 2004 to 2009, we collected information from all aspects, i.e. reports of outbreaks, scientific publications and editorials, policies for prevention, medicines and vaccines, clinic and diagnosis. Except for publications, all information is in Chinese. Till April 15, 2009, the cumulative news entries had been over 2000 and research papers were approaching 5000. By using the curated data from Influenza Virus Resource, we have set up an influenza virus sequence database and a bioinformatic platform, providing the basic functions for the sequence analysis of influenza virus. We will focus on the collection of experimental data and results as well as the integration of the data from the geological information system and avian influenza epidemiology. Contributed equally to this work Special Project of Informatization of Chinese Academy of Sciences in “the Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, E-Science Application of Research on Resources, Disease Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Important Wild Birds in Qinghai Lake Region (Grant No. INFO-115-D02), China International Science and Technology Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (MOST) (Grant Nos. 2006DFB32010 and 2007DFC30240), MOST Grant 2005CB523001 (Program 973), National Key Technologies Research & Development Program (Grant 2006BAD06A01), and a grant from NIH (Grant No. 3 U19 AI051915-05S1), the China Post-doctor fellowship (Grant No. 20070420542).  相似文献   

The organization of sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision of an integrated poultry farm during epizootia of avian flu is devoted. The unsuccessful situation demands acceptance of additional measures which provided performance antiepizootic, preventive and antiepidemic measures with a view of restriction and distribution of an infection on poultry-farming enterprise. The disinfection barriers of several levels are established. Are organized a sanitary filtrates for the personnel and regular medical supervision over workers of the enterprise and their families. It is carried out the serological control over presence of specific antibodies to a virus of influenza virus among the workers contacting to a bird. Monitoring research of tests of blood of birds on antibodies to the influenza virus was carried out since August, 2005.  相似文献   

The data on preparation of the basic documents regulating work in conditions of an extreme situation--registration of a mass destruction of poultry in personal farmsteads of citizens in Novosibirsk region are submitted. Circuits of the daily reporting on a case, on household detours, under actions of depopulation of poultry have been developed. Cited concrete works given on the periods, the order of decision-making, action of special structures and results of work for the period of avian flu epizootia.  相似文献   

Data on the population trend of the Siberian roe deer in different natural zones of the Tyumen oblast, particularly in connection with climate changes in the early 21st century, are presented. The population stability of the roe deer inhabiting southern Tyumen oblast is discussed based on the analysis of exterior and interior indicators, and its phylogenetic relationships with other populations of the species are specified.  相似文献   

Results of work of disinfection service using a complex of disinfecion's measures on a mode against virus infections are resulted. In view of absence now methodical normative documents on modes of disinfection in the centers of the bird's flu the recommendations on use of new disinfectants are made.  相似文献   

Avian influenza virus reveals persistent and recurrent outbreaks in North American wild waterfowl, and exhibits major outbreaks at 2-8 years intervals in duck populations. The standard susceptible-infected- recovered (SIR) framework, which includes seasonal migration and reproduction, but lacks environmental transmission, is unable to reproduce the multi-periodic patterns of avian influenza epidemics. In this paper, we argue that a fully stochastic theory based on environmental transmission provides a simple, plausible explanation for the phenomenon of multi-year periodic outbreaks of avian flu. Our theory predicts complex fluctuations with a dominant period of 2 to 8 years which essentially depends on the intensity of environmental transmission. A wavelet analysis of the observed data supports this prediction. Furthermore, using master equations and van Kampen system-size expansion techniques, we provide an analytical expression for the spectrum of stochastic fluctuations, revealing how the outbreak period varies with the environmental transmission.  相似文献   

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