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In the course of haematological and biological investigations among Aymara and Quechua populations in Bolivia, an anthropological study of the erythrocytary respiratory function was carried out on the two groups at two altitudes: 3,600 m and 450 m. A difference in the intensity of the biological variations of the two populations is observed at high altitude. In the Quechuas, as in any lowland native, the adaptative phenomena are totally and quickly reversible. In the Aymaras, we detected the existence of more marked haematological and biochemical characters: moderate polycythemia, hyperhaemoglobinemia, microcytosis, metabolical hyperactivity with accumulation of 2-3 di-phosphoglycerate and ATP, and methaemoglobinemia with a drop in the activity of the methaemoglobin reductases. The Aymaras preserve some of those characters (methaemoglobinemia excepted) when they settle in lowlands.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare natural durability of Siberian larch heartwood grown in Siberia and Sweden as well as European larch and Scots pine heartwood grown in Sweden. The study was based on standard in- and above ground tests lasting 12 years but laboratory decay tests with white and brown rot fungi was also included. Field test results showed that Siberian larch heartwood from Siberia was the most durable among the studied heartwoods with a decay index of 60 after 12 years in Simlångsdalen (Sweden), while European larch heartwood grown in Sweden, was decayed to failure before the end of the test. Scots pine heartwood was found to perform similarly to Siberian larch from Siberia. No relationship could be established between natural durability of examined heartwoods and their water absorption behavior; however, strong correlation to the total amount of extractives was observed. Scots pine and Siberian larch heartwood from Siberia had 12.7 and 19.6% total extractives content respectively but the extractives composition differs. The study revealed also that lignin and monosaccharide content could not explain the variations in decay resistance of the studied heartwoods. No similarities in the natural durability revealed by laboratory and field tests were observed.  相似文献   

Many juvenile and adult double and multiple tests of benthic foraminifera were observed on specimens grown in laboratory cultures or collected in various natural environments. Our observations bring to light three possible causes for such abnormalities, each one referring to characteristic morphological features. Double tests may result: (1) from an anomaly in the development of a single juvenile, building two or three second chambers or two third chambers, each one possibly developing in an individual whorl; (2) from the early fusion of two juveniles, which both develop after their fusion; (3) from the attachment of a juvenile on a parental test after the schizogony followed by the young's development.  相似文献   



In the present study the physiological parameters, their comparative analysis with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were studied. This study suggests life style, environmental and genetic adaptations in the studied population.


One hundred and ninety eight subjects were selected from different towns of District Ziarat. General characteristics of the population according to their nutritional habits including, age, body mass index(BMI), systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, glycemia, triglycerides, serum low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides (TG) were measured.


Mean cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and triglyceride values were significantly higher in men than women and the values increased with increasing age in both men and women. HDL and glucose values were significantly higher in females than males. In men with various nutritional groups such as A, B and C, the mean cholesterol (P < 0.001), LDL (P < 0.014), VLDL (P < 0.031) and triglyceride (P < 0.025) levels were significantly observed among comparable groups. However, in women with various nutritional groups such as A, B and C, the mean age (P < 0.047) and triglyceride values (P < 0.033) display statistically significant results.  相似文献   

A comparison of tests for independence in the FBI RFLP data bases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P. J. Maiste  B. S. Weir 《Genetica》1995,96(1-2):125-138
Several tests of independence of alletic frequencies within and between loci have been compared, and it has been found that Fisher's exact test is the best test to use. When this test is applied to RFLP databases established by the FBI, paying no attention to the single-band problem, there is generally evidence for independence at one locus but not at two loci. When the test is restricted to double-banded entries in the databases; there is overall evidence for independence.  相似文献   

目的:观察氧化应激在高原重体力劳动过程中急性高原反应(AHAR)发生中的作用。方法:由低海拔(1500m)快速进入高原(3700m)并从事重体力劳动的男性官兵96名,年龄18~35岁。根据AHAR症状评分,分为重度AHAR组(A组,n=24)、轻中度AHAR组(B组,n=47)和无AHAR组(C组,n=25),在该高度逗留50d后下撤前及返回低海拔(1500m)后12h、15d分别测定血清8.异前列腺素F2a(8-iso-PGF2a)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA),并与低海拔(1500m)50名健康官兵(D组)比较。结果:A组血清8-iso-PGF2a、MDA[分别为(9.53±0.47)μg/L、(8.91±0.39)μmol/L]水平显著高于B组[分别为(8.34±O.42)μg/L、(7.31±0.32)μmol/L]、C组[分别为(7.02±0.48)μg/L、(6.41±0.23)μmol/L和D组[分别为(5.13±0.56)μg/L、(5.48±0.33)μmol/L](均P〈0.01),SOD(52.08±3.44)μ/mL水平显著低于B组(62.27±2.54)μ/mL、C组(71.99±3.35)μ/mL和D组(80.78±3.44)μ/mL,(均P〈0.01),B组与c组之间和C组与D组之间亦有显著性差异(均P〈0.01)。海拔3700mAHAR总计分与血清8-iso-PGF2α、ⅣⅡ)A呈显著正相关(均P〈0.01),与血清SOD显著负相关(P〈0.01);8-iso-PGF2α、MDA与SOD显著负相关(均P〈0.01)。海拔3700m50d,血清8-iso-PGF2α、MDA水平显著高于,SOD水平显著低于海拔1500m12h、15d和D组(均P〈0.01),海拔1500m12h与15d之间有显著性差异(均P〈0.01),海拔1500m 15d与D组之间无显著性差异。结论:人体在高原低氧并重体力时氧化应激和氧化.抗氧化失衡与AHAR的发病和程度有密切关系,氧化应激和氧化.抗氧化失衡越严重,AHAR越重。返回低海拔后12h有显著改善,15d恢复到正常水平。  相似文献   

We have previously observed that 11-year-old children of low socio-economic status (LSES) showed a delayed physical growth of approximately 2 years and developed lower normalized short-term power output than children of high socio-economic status (HSES) of the same age. In contrast, maximal oxygen uptake per unit of fat free mass was no different in either group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropometric characteristics between HSES and LSES prepubertal children in aerobic and anaerobic performance. To compare children of the same body dimensions, 11-year-old boys (n = 30) and girls (n = 31) of LSES and 9-year-old boys (n = 21) and girls (n = 27) of HSES were studied. Anthropometric measurements, (direct test), maximal anaerobic power (P max, force-velocity test) and mean anaerobic power ( , Wingate test) were determined. In these children having the same body dimensions: mean were the same in LSES and HSES children [1.2 (SD 0.2)1-min–1];P max and were lower in LSES subjects [154.0 (SD 33.2) vs 174.6 (SD 38.4) W and 116.3 (SD 23.3) vs 128.2 (SD 28.0) W, respectively]; the linear relationships between and fat free mass were the same in LSES and HSES boys but, in the girls, the LSES group had lower values. For anaerobic performance, the relationships were significantly different: the slopes were the same but LSES values for the both sexes were lower. These results would suggest that factors other than differences in body dimensions alone were responsible for the lower performance of LSES girls and boys. Cultural factors and motor learning, structural and functional alterations of muscle induced by marginal malnutrition have been discussed.  相似文献   

The stress response of Oncorhynchus mykiss in high‐altitude farms in central Mexico was investigated over two seasons: the cool (9·1–13·7° C) dry winter season, and the warmer (14·7–15·9° C), wetter summer season. Fish were subjected to an acute stress test followed by sampling of six physiological variables: blood cortisol, glucose, lactate, total antioxidant capacity, haemoglobin concentration and per cent packed cell volume (VPC%). Multivariate analyses revealed that lactate and total antioxidant capacity were significantly higher in the summer, when water temperatures were warmer and moderate hypoxia (4·9–5·3 mg l?1) prevailed. In contrast, plasma cortisol was significantly higher in the winter (mean ± s.e .: 76·7 ± 4·0 ng ml?1) when temperatures were cooler and dissolved oxygen levels higher (6·05–7·9 mg l?1), than in the summer (22·7 ± 3·8 ng ml?1). Haemoglobin concentrations (mg dl?1) were not significantly different between seasons, but VPC% was significantly higher in the summer (50%) than in the winter (35%). These results suggest that in summer, effects of high altitude on farmed fish are exacerbated by stresses of high temperatures and hypoxia, resulting in higher blood lactate, increased total antioxidant capacity and elevated VPC% levels.  相似文献   

Physical growth of Amerindian children living in two Aymara and three Quechua peasant communities in the Andean highlands of southern Peru (altitude 3,810–3,840 m) was studied, taking into account differences in the microclimate, agronomic situation, and sociodemographic variables. Anthropometric measurements were taken in 395 children aged under 14 years of age in a sample of 151 families in these communities, who were surveyed for sociodemographic variables as well. Data on the land system were available for 77 families. In comparison with reference populations from the United States (NCHS) and The Netherlands, stature, weight, head circumference, and midupper arm circumference (but not weight for stature) in the sample children were reduced. Growth retardation increased after the age of 1 year. Stature and weight in the present sample were very similar compared with previously published data on growth of rural Aymara children living near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Head circumference, midupper arm circumference, and weight for stature were significantly larger in Aymara children compared with Quechua children. Land was significantly more fragmented in Aymara compared with Quechua families, but amount of land owned was not different. Perinatal and infant mortality was elevated in Aymara vs. Quechua communities. Most families in Aymara communities used protected drinking water. One Quechua community had a severe microclimate, grim economic outlook, and weak social cohesion. Children in this community showed significant reductions in weight and midupper arm circumference compared with their peers in the other communities. We conclude that (presumably nutritionally mediated) intervillage and Aymara-Quechua differences in childhood physical growth existed in this rural high-altitude population in Peru and were associated with microclimate and the village economy, sociodemographic factors, and differences in the land system. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have reviewed field data and studies on the behavior and development of Siberian sturgeon at early-life intervals and related them to different ecologically relevant environmental factors that may play a role in the distribution, recruitment, and survival of young fish. Four behavioral phases (swimming-up, rheotactism, shoaling, and foraging) are observed from hatching to the juvenile phase. Each behavior is associated with an early-life interval and might allow fish to occupy different river habitats, directly influencing their distribution, survival, and recruitment. River current intensity, substrate typology, food resources, and predation pressure seem to be the most important factors affecting the distribution of Siberian sturgeon free embryos and larvae, while juveniles and adult fish disperse and migrate according to food abundance and reproduction. Mechanisms involved in regulating downstream migration during Siberian sturgeon early life stages are different than those observed in anadromous sturgeon species. In all large Siberian rivers, with the exception of the Lake Baikal, the Siberian sturgeon is represented by population continuums, and in many cases the foraging range also includes the spawning areas. Ontogenetic changes in Siberian sturgeon behavior could be interpreted as a species-specific mechanism to maintain the population continuums described in this species without significant mixture of local populations within the river.  相似文献   

Understanding transmission is a critical prerequisite for predicting disease dynamics and impacts on host populations. It is well established that Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the amphibian fungal pathogen responsible for chytridiomycosis, can be transmitted directly, through physical contact with an infected host. However, indirect pathways of transmission remain poorly investigated. We conducted a five‐week long field infection experiment at a high altitude mountain lake in the French Pyrenees to investigate Bd transmission pathways in larval midwife toads Alytes obstetricans. Uninfected naïve tadpoles were co‐housed either with infected tadpoles (direct and indirect transmission) or with uninfected ones (indirect transmission only). We found that physical contact with an infected host is not necessary for initial infection with Bd and that all tadpoles became infected after only four weeks. However, physical contact with infected tadpoles led to a faster spread within a tadpole group and resulted in higher Bd loads and subsequently higher mortality. Our findings clearly demonstrate that in A. obstetricans, Bd can quickly spread in a population even without physical contact. Our experiment therefore stresses the importance of indirect transmission of Bd zoospores in infected lakes for disease dynamics, especially when a reservoir species such as A. obstetricans is present.  相似文献   

P. Leeuwangh 《Hydrobiologia》1978,59(2):145-148
The possible role of Daphnia species in toxicity tests is discussed. In screening tests, effluent monitoring tests and legal tests daphnids are recommended as useful test organisms. They also may help to establish concentration limits for chemical water pollution (water quality criteria). As biological indicator organisms their use is limited.  相似文献   










The presence of phenotypic behavioral correlations and their connection to fitness consequences of organisms have received considerable debate within the literature. Yet, little work has been carried out to connect any behavioral correlates found within a set of laboratory studies to natural behavior observed under complex environmental conditions. To help fill this gap, individual crayfish, collected from the same local population, completed five different behavioral assays in a laboratory setting in a random order. These data were used to reveal any possible correlations for behavioral scores across all of the laboratory tests. Subsequently, these same individuals were placed into the field and video recorded for 24 hr. A separate set of field behaviors, related to the laboratory assays, were quantified from the field videos. The normalized laboratory and field behaviors were used in three stepwise statistical analyses. First, normalized data were loaded into a PCA to generate a priori hypotheses on potential behavioral correlates. These hypotheses were subsequently tested using general multiple linear regression. Finally, structural equation modeling was performed to elucidate any behavioral modules from the laboratory assays that correlated with behavioral patterns present from the fieldwork. Three laboratory‐based behavioral modules were connected to three separate field assays: exploration–avoidance, bold–shy, and aggressiveness. Yet, some behaviors exhibited in the laboratory assays were uncorrelated with any behaviors found in the field and vice versa. Results from this study provide evidence that although many different behavioral correlates may exist within laboratory settings, these same modules may not translate directly into predicting behavior under natural settings.  相似文献   

目的:观察高海拔低氧条件下不同时间大鼠海马CA1区神经细胞粘附分子的表达变化,探讨NCAM在机体对低氧应激反应中的作用。方法:将平原SD大鼠运至海拔(4100m)地区,在第2、5、9、15天取大鼠海马,常规免疫组化及RT-PCR检测高原环境下NCAM的表达变化。结果:NCAM在高海拔大鼠海马CA1区神经细胞NCAM的表达在第2、5、9天是明显低于正常(P0.05),在第15天达到正常(P0.05)。结论:高原低氧应激反应后NCAM基因表达先降低后升高,提示其在神经损伤修复过程中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):961-969
Fruit preferences of cedar waxwings, Bombycilla cedrorum, in the laboratory were compared with preferences in the field to identify fruit characteristics that influence choice by avian dispersers. Waxwings ate 12 of 13 species of fruits offered individually in laboratory tests, but in the field ate only eight of the same 13 species. When given a choice of 10 fruit species offered simultaneously, waxwings showed a strong preference for fruits that were small or red. Preferences for fruit species in the laboratory were not correlated with morphological or nutritional characteristics of the fruits. When offered food that differed only in colour, waxwings initially preferred red over blue, yellow and green. In later tests, preference for red fruit was less marked. In tests for size preference, waxwings preferred small pieces of fruit (6 mm) over medium pieces (9 mm), and medium pieces over those that were large (12 mm). Sizes of fruits preferred in the field and in the laboratory tests were approximately 6·0–7·5 mm. Thus, waxwings can discern differences in food items and they have definite preferences. The lack of complete agreement between preferences for fruits in the field and in the laboratory suggests that factors important in the field but controlled in the laboratory (e.g. abundance, location) override preferences for certain fruits. However, some fruit characteristics, particularly size, were consistently influential in the laboratory and in the field.  相似文献   

Field experiments with foraging parasitoids are essential to validate the conclusions from laboratory studies and to interpret differences in searching and host selection behaviour of parasitoid species. Furthermore, field experiments can indicate whether the parameters measured in the laboratory are relevant to elucidation of the ecological processes under study, such as adaptation or species interactions. In previous extensive laboratory studies we studied plant- and host-searching behaviour, host acceptance, host suitability; host plant preference, and learning of two congeneric parasitoids of Pieris caterpillars: the generalist Cotesia glomerata, which has been reported to attack several Pieridae species, and C. rubecula, a specialist of the small cabbage white Pieris rapae. In the present field study our aim was to verify the importance of these previous laboratory findings for explaining the performance of these two species in the field. We investigated experimentally whether parasitism on three Pieris species varied with parasitoid species and with food plant of the caterpillars. We exposed different types of host plants, infested with different Pieris species, to parasitism by natural populations of Cotesia species, by setting the experimental plants out in Brussels sprouts cabbage fields. Furthermore we made direct observations of parasitoid foraging in the field. In general, the field results confirmed our predictions on the range of host plant and host species used in the field. The two Cotesia species appear to coexist through niche segregation, since C. glomerata was mainly recovered from P. brassicae and C. rubecula from P. rapae. Although C. glomerata is a generalist at the species level, it can be a specialist at the population level under certain ecological circumstances. Our study shows the importance of variation in host plant attraction and host species acceptance in restricting host plant and host diet in the field. Furthermore the results suggest that, at least in the Netherlands, specialisation of C. glomerata on P. brassicae may occur as a result of C. rubecula outcompeting C. glomerata in P. rapae larvae. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model of the diffusive flux of methane through Peltandra virginica. Data on the diurnal changes in both the petiolar [CH4] gradient and the values of the radial bulk exchange coefficient, Er, are entirely consistent with this model and the assertion that changes in stomatal conductance regulate the rate of methane efflux in P. virginica. The differences between the values of Er calculated for daytime and nighttime conditions are -40% for the submerged condition and -54% for the emergent condition. The axial diffusivity of CH4 through the petiole of P. virginica is estimated in vitro to be 0.771 cm2 min-1. Using our model, we estimate the equilibrium rate of methane efflux under daytime (97 ng CH4 min 1 petiole-1) and nighttime (65 ng CH4 min-1 petiole-1) emergent conditions. Numerical solutions of the model equations in the time domain offer a way of providing a dynamic model of the gas exchange responses of P. virginica to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aim Organisms smaller than 2 mm appear not to follow the spatial patterns in richness and diversity commonly observed in macroscopic organisms. We describe spatial patterns in species diversity in a group of microscopic organisms, bdelloid rotifers, living in moss and lichen patches, in order to test the hypotheses of no relationship between species richness and composition and spatial gradients, suggested by previously published patterns in microscopic organisms. Location Moss and lichen patches as habitats for bdelloids, on high‐elevation peaks at altitudes between 2984 and 4527 m a.s.l. across the Italian, French and Swiss Alps, with distances among sample sites ranging from 1 m to 420 km, in comparison with lower‐elevation samples at altitudes from 850 to 1810 m a.s.l. Methods We sampled species assemblages of bdelloid rotifers living in isolated moss and lichen patches in 47 sites. We described the observed α, β and γ diversities; the heterogeneity of species assemblages; and the estimated number of species (incidence‐based coverage estimator). Patterns in species distribution were analysed at three different levels: (1) habitat, comparing species richness on moss and lichen substrates, testing differences in α diversity and heterogeneity (anova ), species composition (analysis of similarities test), and γ diversity (rarefaction curves); (2) altitude, comparing the observed richness with previously published data from locations well below 2000 m; and (3) distances between sites, correlating the matrix of Jaccard dissimilarities and the matrix of geographical distances with a Mantel test. Results Both species richness and species composition of bdelloid rotifers differed significantly between mosses and lichens at high elevations, but no difference was found in the heterogeneity of species assemblages. Alpha diversity was significantly lower at high‐elevation than at low‐elevation sites, but the estimated number of species was not reduced when compared with sites at low elevations. Geographical distance between sites had no effect on species composition in either mosses or lichens. The distribution of species was highly heterogeneous, with a low similarity among assemblages. Main conclusions As expected, bdelloids appear to occupy habitats selectively. The altitudinal gradient in species richness for bdelloid rotifers is limited to a decrease in α diversity only; such a decrease is not caused by a lower number of species (low γ diversity) being able to tolerate harsh conditions, and high‐altitude species are not a subset of species living at lower elevations. The observed values of α, β and γ diversity at high altitudes in the Alps are compatible with the scenario of a very low number of available propagules because of the low density of patches of favourable habitat. Our results suggest that the geographical distribution of animals, and therefore biodiversity patterns, may be strongly influenced by animal size, as small organisms such as bdelloids appear to show spatial patterns that differ from those known in larger animals. Differences in body size should be taken into account carefully in future studies of biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

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