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Trichodesmium spp. are marine filamentous, nonheterocystous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria which are an important component of marine ecosystems. This organism has never been maintained in axenic culture, and there has remained some doubt as to the identity of the organism responsible for nitrogen fixation in Trichodesmium aggregates. By using degenerate oligonucleotide primers, it has been possible to amplify, clone, and sequence a segment of the nifH gene from a natural assemblage of Trichodesmium thiebautii. Examination of the DNA and presumed amino acid sequence shows that the gene is most closely related to that of Anabaena spp. and therefore is most likely a cyanobacterial nifH gene. The use of degenerate oligonucleotides, in concert with the polymerase chain reaction, can be a powerful tool for the cloning and sequencing of a variety of genes from microorganisms in the environment.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic characteristics of the phycoerythrin obtainedfrom the marine blue-green alga Trichodesmium thiebautii wereinvestigated. The algal sample was collected at its naturalhabitat, the East China Sea. The phycoerythrin showed an absorptionspectrum and a fluorescence excitation spectrum with three peaksin the visible wave-length region at 500, 547 and 565 nm. Thisproperty is very different from that of the cyanophycean phycoerythrin,which has a single peak at 565 nm, but it is similar to thatof the rhodophycean phycoerythrin with three peaks at 500, 550and 565 nm. (Received April 20, 1974; )  相似文献   

We report here on the occurrence and quantities of poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) in natural populations of the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii. A diurnal variation in the shape and size of PHB granules and in PHB content was observed. The highest PHB levels (2.3 +/- 0.8 mg g-1 dry wt) were recorded in the early morning and the values decreased thereafter with a minimum at night (1.6 +/- 0.9 mg g-1 dry wt). Our data suggest that PHB is a prominent cell constituent in T. thiebautii and that its synthesis takes place in the early morning whereas it is utilized during the rest of the day.  相似文献   

Abstract A modified capture polymerase chain reaction (CPCR) technique was used to isolate the entire sequence of the nifH gene and its flanking regions from a natural population of Trichodesmium sp. A set of specific CPCR primers derived from a known 72-bp DNA segment of the nifH sequence permitted isolation of both the upstream and the downstream region of Trichodesmium sp. nifH . The 882-bp nifH gene presented here is the first full-length gene isolated from Trichodesmium sp. A sequence similar to a nif -like promoter was found in front of nifH . The nifH open reading frame of Trichodesmium sp. encoded 294 amino acids. Comparative analysis of the Trichodesmium sp. NifH sequence revealed strong similarity with 23 known NifH proteins. Amino acids postulated to be involved in binding of the 4Fe:4S cluster and those subjected to ADP-ribosylation were present. An open reading frame for the nifD gene was identified 189 bp downstream of nifH . A sequence similar to the consensus of the nif -like promoter was also found in front of nifD .  相似文献   

Summary Trichodesmium thiebautii was collected, as floating bundles composed of uniseriate filaments aligned in parallel, from the Kuroshio waters off Shikoku Island, Japan. The ultrastructure of this alga had basically the same general features as the related speciesT. erythraeum first described byvan Baalen andBrown (1969). InT. thiebautii long electron dense fibers and concentrically lamellated bodies were observed which were either not reported previously, or did not occur inT. erythraeum. The peripheral wall layers were generally typical ofOscillatoria-type blue-green algae, but with a distinctive finely striated outer layer. Thylakoids per cell volume were very sparse compared to most other blue-green algae. Phycobilisomes, apparently hemidiscoidal in shape, typically occurred on the stromal side of the thylakoid surface. Large gas vesicle areas occupied the main volume of the cell, including cells which seemed to be actively growing. The gas vesicle areas were distributed throughout the cell, not only in the cell periphery as inT. erythraeum. Considerable complexity was suggested by the apparent cell compartmentation, particularly because the gas vesicle areas were delimited by one to several thylakoids. Only rarely were the gas vesicle areas traversed by thylakoids. Electron dense fibers (ca. 25 nm diameter) were always observed between the gas vesicles and were usually oriented parallel with them, but they were not rigid appearing as were the gas vesicles. The gas vesicles had a smaller diameter (ca. 45 nm) than most blue-greens. Concentrically lamellated bodies (ca. 1.0 m diameter) were observed in cells of some of the bundles. Each concentric layer was ca. 1.3 nm wide. These concentrically lamellated bodies may be characteristic of older cells. Cylindrical bodies were considerably smaller (ca. 120 nm diameter) and less complex than those reported forT. erythraeum.  相似文献   

蓝藻Trichodes mium thiebautii细胞外多糖的抗癌活性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蓝藻T .Thiebautii细胞外多糖经DEAE -sephacel纯化 ,醋酸纤维膜电泳鉴定具均一性后进行了抗腹水癌Sar coma-1 80活性 (体内 )和直接阻碍癌细胞活性 (体外 )的研究 ,显示出具有一定的抗癌活性和直接阻碍癌细胞活性。  相似文献   

Metacaspases are cysteine specific proteases implicated in cell-signalling, stress acclimation and programmed cell death (PCD) pathways in plants, fungi, protozoa, bacteria and algae. We investigated metacaspase-like gene expression and biochemical activity in the bloom-forming, N2-fixing, marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium, which undergoes PCD under low iron and high-light stress. We examined these patterns with respect to in-silico analyses of protein domain architectures that revealed a diverse array of regulatory domains within Trichodesmium metacaspases-like (TeMC) proteins. Experimental manipulations of laboratory cultures and oceanic surface blooms of Trichodesmium from the South Pacific Ocean triggered PCD under Fe-limitation and high light along with enhanced TeMC activity and upregulated expression of diverse TeMC representatives containing different regulatory domains. Furthermore, TeMC activity was significantly and positively correlated with caspase-like activity, which has been routinely observed to increase with PCD induction in Trichodesmium. Although both TeMC and caspase-like activities were stimulated upon PCD induction, inhibitor treatments of these proteolytic activities provided further evidence of largely distinct substrate specificities, even though some inhibitory crossover was observed. Our findings are the first results linking metacaspase expression and activity in PCD induced mortality in Trichodesmium. Yet, the role/s and specific activities of these different proteins remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The marine, non-heterocystous, filamentous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium shows a distinct diurnal pattern of nitrogenase activity. In an attempt to reveal the factors that control this pattern, a series of measurements were carried out using online acetylene reduction assay. Light response curves of nitrogenase were recorded applying various concentrations of oxygen. The effect of oxygen depended on the irradiance applied. Above a photon irradiance of 16 mumol m(-2) s(-1) nitrogenase activity was highest under anoxic conditions. Below this irradiance the presence of oxygen was required to achieve highest nitrogenase activity and in the dark 5% oxygen was optimal. At any oxygen concentration a photon irradiance of 100 mumol m(-2) s(-1) was saturating. When Trichodesmium was incubated in the dark, nitrogenase activity gradually decreased and this decline was higher at higher levels of oxygen. The activity recovered when the cells were subsequently incubated in the light. This recovery depended on oxygenic photosynthesis because it did not occur in the presence of DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea]. Recovery of nitrogenase activity in the light was faster at low oxygen concentrations. The results showed that under aerobic conditions nitrogenase activity was limited by the availability of reducing equivalents suggesting a competition for electrons between nitrogenase and respiration.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Li H  Post AF 《Journal of bacteriology》2000,182(6):1764-1767
A 4.0-kb DNA fragment of Trichodesmium sp. strain WH9601 contained gene sequences encoding the nitrate reduction enzymes, nirA and narB. A third gene positioned between nirA and narB encodes a putative membrane protein with similarity to the nitrate permeases of Bacillus subtilis (NasA) and Emericella nidulans (CrnA). The gene was shown to functionally complement a DeltanasA mutant of B. subtilis and was assigned the name napA (nitrate permease). NapA was involved in both nitrate and nitrite uptake by the complemented B. subtilis cells. napA is distinct from the nrt genes that encode the nitrate transporter of freshwater cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

J P Zehr  K Ohki  Y Fujita    D Landry 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(21):7059-7062
The genomic DNA of the marine nonheterocystous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB 1067 was found to be highly resistant to DNA restriction endonucleases. The DNA was digested extensively by the restriction enzyme DpnI, which requires adenine methylation for activity. The DNA composition, determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was found to be 69% AT. Surprisingly, it was found that a modified adenine which was not methylated at the usual N6 position was present and made up 4.7 mol% of the nucleosides in Trichodesmium DNA (15 mol% of deoxyadenosine). In order for adenine residues to be modified at this many positions, there must be many modifying enzymes or at least one of the modifying enzymes must have a degenerate recognition site. The reason(s) for this extensive methylation has not yet been determined but may have implications for the ecological success of this microorganism in nature.  相似文献   

The extent of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export to the deep ocean depends upon the efficacy of the biological pump that transports primary production to depth, thereby preventing its recycling in the upper photic zone. The dinitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) Trichodesmium spp. contributes significantly to oceanic C and N cycling by forming extensive blooms in nutrient-poor tropical and subtropical regions. These massive blooms generally collapse several days after forming, but the cellular mechanism responsible, along with the magnitude of associated C and N export processes, are as yet unknown. Here, we used a custom-made, 2-m high water column to simulate a natural bloom and to specifically test and quantify whether the programmed cell death (PCD) of Trichodesmium mechanistically regulates increased vertical flux of C and N. Our findings demonstrate that extremely rapid development and abrupt, PCD-induced demise (within 2–3 days) of Trichodesmium blooms lead to greatly elevated excretions of transparent exopolymers and a massive downward pulse of particulate organic matter. Our results mechanistically link autocatalytic PCD and bloom collapse to quantitative C and N export fluxes, suggesting that PCD may have an impact on the biological pump efficiency in the oceans.  相似文献   

We examined diel trends in internal pools and net efflux of free amino acids in colonies of the nonheterocystous, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii, freshly collected from waters of the Caribbean and the Bahamas. The kinetics of glutamate uptake by whole colonies were also examined. While intracolonial pools of most free amino acids were relatively constant through the day, pools of glutamate and glutamine varied over the diel cycle, with maxima during the early afternoon. This paralleled the daily cycle of nitrogenase activity. We also observed a large net release of these two amino acids from intact colonies. Glutamate release was typically 100 pmol of N colony-1 h-1. This is about one-fourth the concurrent rate of N2 fixation during the day. However, while nitrogenase activity only occurs during the day, net release of glutamate and glutamine persisted into the night and may therefore account for a greater loss of recently fixed N on a daily basis. This release may be an important route of new N input into tropical, oligotrophic waters. Whole colonies also displayed saturation kinetics with respect to glutamate uptake. The Ks for whole colonies varied from 1.6 to 3.2 μM, or about 100-fold greater than typical ambient concentrations. Thus, uptake systems appear to be adapted to the higher concentrations of glutamate found within the intracellular spaces of the colonies. This suggests that glutamate may be a vehicle for N exchange among trichomes in the colony.  相似文献   

Variances involved in estimating the abundance of the nitrogen-fixing marine cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium Ehrenberg, were evaluated by repeated sampling using bottle casts and plankton net tows at two stations in the southern East China Sea. The variance among individual samples and the variance arising from subsampling processes were separated by the method of analysis of variance, and the coefficient of variation (C.V.) of an abundance estimate based on a single subsample was calculated. For bottle-collected samples, the major source of variation came from taking subsamples from a water bottle. The C.V. of a single subsample estimate ranged from 57% to 184%. For net-collected samples, variance in abundance estimation was mainly caused by distinctive net tows, and when distributing materials in the receiving bucket into smaller containers. The C.V.s of single subsample estimates were 34% and 40%, respectively. Trichodesmium abundance estimated with bottle- and net-collected samples were further compared using data obtained from 17 stations in the East China Sea. Although a general distribution pattern was supported by both methods, the correlation coefficient between them was 0.461, not significantly different from 0.  相似文献   

Natural populations of the nonheterocystous marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii exhibit a diel periodicity in nitrogenase activity (NA). NA “turns on” near dawn and “turns off” near dusk, independent of photic conditions. Chloramphenicol (CAP) and ammonium prevented turn on of NA in T. thiebautii when added to samples collected before dawn but were progressively less effective in inhibiting NA in samples collected later in the morning. In samples collected after turn on, activities declined with time with both CAP and ammonium treatments, with ammonium having a stronger effect. In contrast, CAP added to samples collected in late afternoon prolonged NA, compared with controls, which turned off. Direct analysis of the presence of the Fe protein of nitrogenase in T. thiebautii by using a Western immunoblot procedure found a strong protein band present in samples collected after 0800 h through the late evening but little or no Fe protein in samples collected within the 2 to 4 h preceding dawn. We conclude that the diel cycle of NA in T. thiebautii results from de novo synthesis of nitrogenase each morning and from the inactivation and degradation of nitrogenase in the late afternoon and night.  相似文献   

The effect of various nitrogen sources on the synthesis and activity of nitrogenase was studied in the marine, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. NIBB1067 grown under defined culture conditions. Cells grown with N2 as the sole inorganic nitrogen source showed light-dependent nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction). Nitrogenase activity in cells grown on N2 was not suppressed after 7 h incubation with 2 mM NaNO3 or 0.02 mM NH4Cl. However, after 3 h of exposure to 0.5 mM of urea, nitrogenase was inactivated. Cells grown in medium containing 2 mM NaNO3, 0.5 mM urea or 0.02 mM NH4Cl completely lacked the ability to reduce acetylene. Western immunoblots tested with polyclonal antisera against the Fe-protein and the Mo–Fe protein, revealed the following: (1) both the Fe-protein and the Mo–Fe protein were synthesized in cells grown with N2 as well as in cells grown with NaNO3 or low concentration of NH4Cl; (2) two bands (apparent molecular mass of 38 000 and 40 000) which cross-reacted with the antiserum to the Fe-protein, were found in nitrogen-fixing cells; (3) only one protein band, corresponding to the high molecular mass form of the Fe-protein, was found in cells grown with NaNO3 or low concentration of NH4Cl; (4) neither the Fe-protein nor the Mo–Fe protein was found in cells grown with urea; (5) the apparent molecular mass of the Fe-protein of Trichodesmium sp. NIBB1067 was about 5000 dalton higher than that of the heterocystous cyanobacterium, Anabaena cylindrica IAM-M1.  相似文献   

Sandh G  Ran L  Xu L  Sundqvist G  Bulone V  Bergman B 《Proteomics》2011,11(3):406-419
Trichodesmium is a marine filamentous diazotrophic cyanobacterium and an important contributor of "new" nitrogen in the oligotrophic surface waters of the tropical and sub-tropical oceans. It is unique in that it exclusively fixes N(2) at daytime, although it belongs to the non-heterocystous filamentous segment of the cyanobacterial radiation. Here we present the first quantitative proteomic analysis of Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 when grown under different nitrogen regimes using 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS. Addition of combined nitrogen (NO3-) prevented development of the morphological characteristics of the N(2)-fixing cell type (diazocytes), inhibited expression of the nitrogenase enzyme subunits and consequently N(2) fixation activity. The diazotrophic regime (N(2) versus NO3- cultures) elicited the differential expression of more than 100 proteins, which represented 13.5% of the separated proteins. Besides proteins directly related to N(2) fixation, proteins involved in the synthesis of reducing equivalents and the generation of a micro-oxic environment were strongly up-regulated, as was in particular Dps, a protein related to iron acquisition and potentially other vital cellular processes. In contrast, proteins involved in the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) cycle, synthesis of amino acids and production of carbon skeletons for storage and synthesis of amino acids were suppressed. The data are discussed in the context of Trichodesmium's unusual N(2)-fixing physiology.  相似文献   

The Fe protein of nitrogenase in the marine nonheterocystous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii is interconverted between two forms, which is reminiscent of the ADP-ribosylation described in the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. In natural populations of T. thiebautii during the day, when nitrogenase activity (NA) is present and while photosynthetic rates are high, a low-molecular-mass form of the Fe protein is present. In the late afternoon, the low-molecular-mass form is partially converted to a higher-molecular-mass form (approximately equal distribution of high- and low-molecular-mass forms of the Fe protein subunits), concurrent with cessation of NA. Some of the higher-molecular-mass form persists through the night until the very early morning, when the lower-molecular-mass form appears. New synthesis of both the Fe and MoFe proteins of nitrogenase appears to occur at this time. The higher-molecular-mass form of the Fe protein is also produced rapidly in response to artificially elevated external O2 levels (40%) during the day. T. thiebautii is capable of recovery of NA in less than 1 h following exposure to 40% O2, which is correlated with the return of the Fe protein to the lower-molecular-mass form. Recovery from exposure to O2 is not dependent upon protein synthesis. The modification of the Fe protein is clearly involved in regulation of NA during the diel cycle of NA in T. thiebautii but may also be involved in protecting the Fe protein during transient O2 concentration increases.  相似文献   

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