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Immunofluorescent localization of ovine placental lactogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The localization of ovine placental lactogen (OPL) was studied using the immunofluorescence method. The placentome sections were treated by an indirect technique with anti-OPL antibodies obtained from rabbits injected with purified hormone. OPL was located in large cells of the monostratified epithelium of chorionic villi. These cells are mono- or binucleated and PAS-positive. The immunological reaction was inhibited by the specific antigen (OPL, 400g/ml undiluted anti-OPL antiserum) but not by ovine prolactin, bovine growth hormone, human placental lactogen nor by any other polypeptidic hormone tested. Reciprocally, the localization of OPL-secreting cells was unsuccessful with antibodies raised against these control hormones.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of ovine placental lactogen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ovine placental lactogen (oPL) is active in a wide range of GH and PRL assays, a property that it shares with human GH (hGH). In addition, oPL is one of a small number of hormones that bind the human GH receptor with high affinity. In order to compare the sequence of oPL to the sequences of other members of the GH family, full-length cDNA clones have been isolated. These clones predict that the full sequence of oPL contains 198 amino acids preceded by a 38 amino acid signal sequence. The mature oPL sequence includes six cysteine and two tryptophan residues and shows substantially more identity to bovine PL (67%) and oPL (49%) than to mouse (31%) or human (25%) PL or to oGH (28%) or (26%) hGH. Like the natural hormone, oPL expressed in mammalian tissue cells binds with high affinity to a soluble form of the recombinant hGH receptor. Thus, oPL binds to the human receptor in spite of having a sequence that is considerably divergent from hGH. Interestingly, the sequence of oPL differs from hGH at most of the amino acids recently found by mutagenesis studies to be important residues in the binding of hGH to the human receptor.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Ovine placental lactogen was modified by reaction with o-nitrophenylsulfenyl chloride. Fluorescence measurements indicated that one of the two tryptophan residues of the molecule had reacted. Besides, there was some reagent not covalently bound.
  • 2.2. The reagent was covalently bound to Trp-150. No evidence of modification of Trp-90 was found.
  • 3.3. Binding capacity to lactogenic as well as somatogenic receptors was diminished but not abolished upon modification, indicating that absolute molecular integrity of Trp-150 is not required for binding.
  • 4.4. This behavior is similar to that of the tryptophan residues of ovine prolactin.

Selective reduction of the disulfide bonds of ovine placental lactogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reduction and carbamidomethylation of two of the three disulfide bridges of ovine placental lactogen was accomplished by the use of 20-fold molar excess of dithiothreitol over protein disulfide content. The derivative retained its binding capacity to somatogenic as well as lactogenic rat liver receptors, although the latter was somewhat diminished. The two disulfide bonds exposed to the reducing agent are those located near the carboxy- and amino-terminus, while the larger loop remained intact after reduction. This behaviour is similar to that of bovine growth hormone, where the larger loop was also more resistant to reduction.  相似文献   

The recent claim by Gau and Chard (Br J Obstet Gynaecol 83:876, 1976) that, on theoretical grounds, it may be impossible to demonstrate the presence of human placental lactogen in placental tissue using the immunoperoxidase technique, has been reinvestigated. Placental tissue fragments fixed in Carnoy's fluid retained their morphologic identity compared with tissue fixed in formalin. Using these nonformalin fixed tissues, human placental lactogen was successfully localized within the cytoplasm of the syncytial layer of the placental villus. It is concluded that placental villi at term do in fact contain sufficient human placental lactogen to be demonstrated using the immunoperoxidase technique in contrast to the observation of Gau and Chard.  相似文献   

A hormonal servomechanism has been proposed to regulate differentiation and function of the endometrial glandular epithelium (GE) in the ovine uterus during pregnancy. This mechanism involves sequential actions of estrogen, progesterone, ovine interferon tau (IFNtau), placental lactogen (oPL), and placental growth hormone (oGH). The biological actions of oPL in vitro are mediated by homodimerization of the prolactin receptor (oPRLR) and heterodimerization of the oPRLR and oGH receptor. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of intrauterine oPL, oGH, and their combination on endometrial histoarchitecture and gene expression and to localize and characterize binding sites for oPL in the ovine uterus in vivo using an in situ ligand binding assay. Intrauterine infusion of oPL and/or oGH following IFNtau into ovariectomized ewes treated with progesterone daily differentially affected endometrial gland number and expression of uterine milk proteins and osteopontin. However, neither hormone affected PRLR, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, or IGF-II mRNA levels in the endometrium. A chimeric protein of placental secretory alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) and oPL was used to identify and characterize binding sites for oPL in frozen sections of interplacentomal endometrium from pregnant ewes. Specific binding of SEAP-oPL was detected in the endometrial GE on Days 30, 60, 90, and 120 of pregnancy. In Day 90 endometrium, SEAP-oPL binding to the endometrial GE was displaced completely by oPL and prolactin (oPRL) but only partially by oGH. Binding experiments using the extracellular domain of the oPRLR also showed that iodinated oPL binding sites could be competed for by oPRL and oPL but not by oGH. Collectively, results indicate that oPL binds to receptors in the endometrial glands and that oPRL is more effective than oGH in competing for these binding sites. Thus, effects of oPL on the endometrial glands may be mediated by receptors for oPRL and oGH.  相似文献   

Although homo- or heterodimerization are common mechanisms for activation of cytokine receptors, cross-talk between two distinct receptors in this superfamily has been never shown. Here we show a physiologically relevant example indicating that such an interaction does occurs, thus raising the hypothesis that heterodimerization between distinct cytokine receptors may be a novel mechanism contributing to the diversity of cytokine signaling. These findings were documented using both surface plasmon resonance and gel filtration experiments and show that ovine placental lactogen (PL) heterodimerizes the extracellular domains (ECDs) of ruminant growth hormone receptor (GHR) and prolactin receptor (PRLR). We also show that PL or PL analogues that exhibit little or no activity in cells transfected with PRLRs and no activity in cells transfected with ovine GHRs exhibit largely enhanced activity in cells cotransfected with both PRLRs and GHRs. Furthermore, chimeric receptors consisting of cytosolic and transmembrane part of ovine GHR or ovine PRLR and ECDs of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (GM-CSFR) alpha or beta were constructed. Upon transfection into Chinese hamster ovary cells along with reporter luciferase gene and stimulation by GM-CSF, a significant increase in luciferase activity occurred when GM-CSFR-alpha-PRLR and GM-CSFR-beta-GHR or GM-CSFR-alpha-GHR and GM-CSRR-beta-PRLR were cotransfected. In conclusion, we show that ovine PL is capable of functional heterodimerization of GHR and PRLR and that when their cytosolic parts, coupled to the ECD of GM-CSF receptors, are heterodimerized by GM-CSF, they are capable of transducing biological signal.  相似文献   

The high-resolution structure of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) and ovine prolactin (oPRL), not yet established in detail, was probed by limited proteolysis with the Glu-specific protease from Staphylococcus aureus V8. While in hGH there were no cleavage sites inside of any of the four alpha-helices, the analysis of the fragments obtained after partial proteolysis of oPL showed a site of cleavage at the putative third helix, suggesting that this helix is partially unwound at this point. The partial proteolysis of the rest of the molecule was compatible with a similar folding pattern for oPL, hGH and pGH, on the basis of the crystal structure of these last hormones. In the case of oPRL, proteolytic cleavage occurred at Glu residues which would be located at the end of the first helix and the beginning of the second in the hGH folding model, suggesting that these helices are shorter in oPRL than in hGH. In order to gain further insight on the folding of these molecules, circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence measurements were used to examine the effect of denaturing conditions on oPL and oPRL. After exposure to 6 M guanidine the unfolding of both proteins was completely reversed upon elimination of the denaturing agent. In contrast, exposure to pH 3.0 caused an irreversible decrease in the alpha-helical content in both hormones, most striking for oPL, indicating that this hormone is less stable than oPRL or hGH.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine effects of intrauterine administration of recombinant ovine interferon tau (IFNtau), placental lactogen (PL), and growth hormone (GH) on endometrial function. In the first study, administration of IFNtau to cyclic ewes for one period (Days 11-15) resulted in an interestrous interval (IEI) of approximately 30 days, whereas administration for two periods (Days 11-15 and Days 21-25) extended the IEI to greater than 50 days. Administration of IFNtau from Days 11 to 15 and of PL or GH from Days 21 to 25 failed to extend the IEI more than for IFNtau alone. In the second study, effects of IFNtau, PL, and GH on endometrial differentiation and function were determined in ovariectomized ewes receiving ovarian steroid replacement therapy. Endometrial expression of mRNAs for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and oxytocin receptor (OTR) were not affected by PL or GH treatment; however, uterine milk protein mRNA levels and stratum spongiosum gland density were increased by both PL and GH treatments. Collectively, results indicated that 1) PL and GH do not regulate endometrial PR, ER, and OTR expression or affect corpus luteum life span; 2) down-regulation of epithelial PR expression is requisite for progesterone induction of secretory gene expression in uterine glandular epithelium; 3) effects of PL and GH on endometrial function require IFNtau; and 4) PL and GH regulate endometrial gland proliferation and perhaps differentiated function.  相似文献   

The possible r?le of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary axis in regulating the secretion of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) was investigated in chronically-catheterised ewes and fetuses in late pregnancy. Intravascular administration of agents to fetuses that significantly increased fetal prolactin concentrations (chlorpromazine 6.25 mg;thyrotrophin releasing hormone, 10 micrograms), significantly reduced fetal prolactin concentrations (bromocriptine, 0.033 mg/h), or significantly reduced fetal growth hormone (GH) concentrations (somatostatin, 2.5 micrograms/min), had no effect on maternal or fetal oPL concentrations. Mean fetal levels of prolactin or GH in late gestation could not be correlated with oPL concentrations, although fetal hypophysectomy prevented the normal prepartum fall in oPL concentrations.  相似文献   

The urea-induced equilibrium unfolding of ovine placental lactogen, purified from ovine placenta, was followed by size-exclusion chromatography, far-UV CD, and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The data obtained by each of these methods showed a poor fit to a two-state model involving only a native and an unfolded form. A satisfactory fit required, instead, a model that involved a stable, partially folded form in addition to the native and unfolded ones. The results obtained from the best-fitting theoretical curves for the three-state model indicated that this intermediate state, which is the predominant species in solution at 3.6 M of urea activity, is compact, largely alpha-helical, and changes considerably the native-like tertiary packing around its tryptophan residues. These findings suggest that this stable intermediate exhibits properties similar to those that characterize the molten globule state.  相似文献   

Ovine placental lactogen and the SBU-3 antigen (derived from a trophoblast membrane preparation), two proteins of widely different structure, function and destination, were shown by ultrastructural immunogold techniques to localize in identical structures in the sheep placentome throughout most of pregnancy. Both were restricted to the ultrastructurally similar membrane-bounded granules in the chorionic fetal binucleate cell and the syncytium at the fetomaternal interface. The Golgi body from which the granules form was also doubly labelled but only in the binucleate cell, never the syncytium. This provides further evidence that the binucleate cells migrate and fuse to form the syncytium. The two proteins were homogeneously distributed in the granules and would be released together by exocytosis. Only the lactogen reaches the fetal and maternal circulations so the SBU-3 may have some more local function. In early pregnancy the SBU-3 antigen is found by itself in the granules, indicating that the association with the lactogenic hormone is not obligatory. Neither antigen was found consistently in the otherwise ultrastructurally similar interplacentomal binucleate cell granules, corroborating the presence of two functional populations of binucleate cells.  相似文献   

In the radioreceptor assay for growth hormone (RRA-GH) using [125I]iodo-hGH, hGH and human liver membrane particulate fractions as tracer, hormone standard and receptors, respectively, ovine placental lactogen (oPL) is capable of inhibiting the binding of [125I]iodo-hGH in a parallel manner with hGH and in equipotency. Similarly, in the RRA-GH by employing [125I]iodo-oPL, oPL and human liver membrane particulate fractions as tracer, hormone standard and receptors, respectively, hGH is also equipotent as oPL in inhibiting the binding of [125I]iodo-oPL in a parallel fashion. The addition of monoclonal antibodies against oPL in the assay was effective in inhibiting the binding of [125I] iodo-oPL to human liver, but could not, however, inhibit the binding of [125I]iodo-hGH to human liver. Furthermore, the addition of the monoclonal antibodies in the RRA-GH did not affect the parallelism of the oPL standard but lowered the total binding of oPL. Our studies indicate that the structure of the binding sequence in oPL which binds to the GH receptor of human liver is not identical to the equivalent sequence of hGH and that the monoclonal antibodies compete with GH receptors in human liver for the binding of oPL.  相似文献   

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