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Mosquitoes hear with their antennae, which in most species are sexually dimorphic. Johnston, who discovered the mosquito auditory organ at the base of the antenna 150 years ago, speculated that audition was involved with mating behaviour. Indeed, male mosquitoes are attracted to female flight tones. The male auditory organ has been proposed to act as an acoustic filter for female flight tones, but female auditory behavior is unknown. We show, for the first time, interactive auditory behavior between males and females that leads to sexual recognition. Individual males and females both respond to pure tones by altering wing-beat frequency. Behavioral auditory tuning curves, based on minimum threshold sound levels that elicit a change in wing-beat frequency to pure tones, are sharper than the mechanical tuning of the antennae, with males being more sensitive than females. We flew opposite-sex pairs of tethered Toxorhynchites brevipalpis and found that each mosquito alters its wing-beat frequency in response to the flight tone of the other, so that within seconds their flight-tone frequencies are closely matched, if not completely synchronized. The flight tones of same-sex pairs may converge in frequency but eventually diverge dramatically.  相似文献   

1 The two most abundant cockchafer species in Europe, the forest cockchafer Melolontha hippocastani Fabr. and the European cockchafer Melolontha melolontha L., tend to form calamitous mass breedings with casual reports on sympatric and simultaneous occurrence. 2 Both species are known to use feeding‐induced green leaf volatiles (GLV) as primary attractants (sexual kairomones) for mate finding. The attractiveness of GLV is enhanced by the sex pheromones 1,4‐benzoquinone in M. hippocastani and toluquinone in M. melolontha. Phenol attracts males from both species. All three compounds are present in females of both species. 3 In the present study, it is confirmed that only male M. melolontha perform the typical swarming flight at dusk, as has already been shown for M. hippocastani. Furthermore, whether swarming Melolontha males were cross‐attracted to heterospecific females, and whether males could discriminate olfactorily between conspecific and heterospecific females, was tested in the field. 4 Males of both species preferred females when given the choice between females and males of the other species. However, they preferred conspecific females when females from both species were offered simultaneously. 5 The results suggest that species‐specific pheromone blends contribute to precopulatory reproductive isolation in sympatric populations of M. melolontha and M. hippocastani, but are not mutually exclusive or indispensable prerequisites for mate finding as in other insects.  相似文献   

Males of swarming species of chironomids use their auditory system (Johnston's organs) to recognize a female within swarm and do not respond to male flight tones. However, in some cases the male–male interactions were observed at a high frequency. The role of acoustic behavior in this phenomenon in C. annularius was studied. The results showed that male Johnston's organs were sensitive to male flight tones from a distance of about 1–1.5 cm. The carrier frequencies of these sounds negatively correlated with male body size. Thus we would expect that male–male interactions will occur mainly between large males. Nonetheless, the analysis of caught pairs revealed that in both male–male and female–male interactions small males had an advantage. The ability of males to perceive the male flight tones is discussed with respect to swarming behavior and mating success.  相似文献   

The majority of chironomid midges mate in swarms, where males find females by their flight sounds using specialized Johnston’s organs for acoustic perception. Males of Fleuria lacustris do not swarm and copulate on the ground. Both the flagellum and antennal fibrils are shortened and the pedicel is reduced in comparison with that typical of swarming midge species. Our results demonstrate that, in swarming midge species, the number of antennal fibrils and of A-type chordotonal sensilla in the male Johnston’s organ is by 1.33 and by 21 times higher, respectively, than in F. lacustris. Though Johnston’s organ of the latter species responds to female flight tones, it is significantly (about 70 times) less sensitive to these stimuli in comparison with the Johnston’s organ of swarming species. The decrease in the sensitivity of the Johnston’s organ in F. lacustris can be explained by the decrease in the size and the number of antennal structures, whereas their ability to perceive acoustic signals is determined by the presence of a relatively high number of A-type sensilla. Our results demonstrate that F. lacustris males are not able to search for conspecific females by perception of acoustic signals produced during the flight; however, it cannot be ruled out that females produce sounds during copulation on the substrate and thus affect male behavior.  相似文献   

We experimentally demonstrated that tonal acoustic signals with a carrier frequency of 140–200 Hz had a repellent effect on male mosquitoes (Culicidae). Swarming males of Aedes diantaeus were concentrated in a small space near the auxiliary attracting sound source which simulated the flight sound of conspecific females (carrier frequency 280–320 Hz). Then, the resulting cluster of attracted mosquitoes was stimulated with test signals of variable amplitude and carrier frequency from a second loudspeaker. The direction of mosquito flight from the source of test sounds and a decrease in their number above the attracting sound source were used as the criteria of behavioral response. Pronounced avoidance responses (negative phonotaxis) of swarming mosquitoes were observed in the range of 140–200 Hz. Most of the mosquitoes left the area above the attracting sound source within one second after the onset of the test signal. Mosquitoes mostly flew up, sideways, and backwards in relation to the test acoustic vector. We presume that mosquitoes develop defensive behavior against attacking predatory insects based on analysis of auditory information. The range of negative phonotaxis is limited at higher frequencies by the spectrum of the flight sounds of conspecific females, and in the low frequency range, by the increasing level of atmospheric noise.  相似文献   

A female-dependent stenogamous condition was found in the mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus. When confined in cages, males attempted with similar frequencies to mate with wild and colony females. Wild females remained uninseminated because they actively prevented firm genital union. During simulated sunsets, swarming flights of colony males began at higher light intensities than those of wild males, and throughout these sunsets many more colony males participated in swarming than did wild males. Nevertheless, wild and colony males did not differ in their mating effectiveness. Both kinds of males were highly successful in transferring sperm to colony females, yet most of their attempted matings with wild females ended in failure. Autogeny occurred in stenogamic colony females and in eurygamic wild females.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented low frequencies of interspecific mating in nature between the invasive vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. It is also known that heterospecific male accessory gland substances transferred during mating sterilize A. aegypti but not A. albopictus females, leading to satyrization, a form of reproductive interference. This paper demonstrates that satyrization of A. aegypti by A. albopictus may occur without evidence of successful insemination. Our results show that A. aegypti females, previously exposed to A. albopictus males, are rendered refractory to subsequent conspecific mating even though their spermathecae contain no heterospecific sperm. Additional experiments demonstrating transfer of labelled semen from A. albopictus males to A. aegypti females and low production of viable eggs of females housed with conspecific males, following exposure to A. albopictus males, confirm higher incidences of satyrization than expected, based on heterospecific insemination rates. We conclude that frequencies of satyrization based on detection of interspecific sperm in spermathecae may underestimate the impact of this form of reproductive interference.  相似文献   

The response of the late second-instar male nymphs of the mealybug species (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), Planococcus citri (Risso), Planococcus ficus (Signoret), Pseudococcus cryptus Hempel Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead), to their conspecific and heterospecific female pheromone was studied. Males that exhibited the typical appearance of late-second-instar nymphs were tested. The male behavior was monitored soon after their exposure to the tested female sex pheromone in glass Petri dish arenas. Male nymph behavior toward the pheromone source was characterized based on their aggregation on the disks in the arena. Males of all four tested mealybug species were attracted to their conspecific female pheromone. By contrast, almost no interceptions of male nymphs with disks impregnated with a heterospecific female pheromone were observed. The mode of attraction of each of male nymphs of P. ficus, among most of the tested individuals (>80%), to the conspecific female sex pheromone, (S)-lavandulyl senecioate and or (S)-lavandulyl isovalerate, was the same as the mode of attraction latter on as adult. We suggest that by being attracted to the conspecific pheromone these males may direct themselves to a suitable pupation site near conspecific non-sibling mature females, thus preventing inbreeding. The repellency of heterospecific sex pheromone to males that are looking for a pupation site suggests that the latter try to avoid close contact with heterospecific females.  相似文献   

Feeding and sexual dimorphism in adult midges (Diptera: Chironomidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult chironomids feed readily on materials containing sucrose and glucose, and the addition of dyes is an easy way of demonstrating that food passes through the gut. Male and female flies are shown to make very different use of the food they take in. Males show no change in longevity but extend their flight time for an average of 160% over unfed males. Females, by contrast, show no detectable increase in flight time, but increase longevity by about 40%. Sexual dimorphism in the use of food seems appropriate to the roles of the sexes. We infer that males improve their swarming performance while females may benefit from increased longevity both in gaining time to find suitable mates and in the distance dispersed after mating. Males, and to a less extent females, are found on aphid infested trees near fresh water, and the suggested biological value of feeding is in sustaining the swarming flight especially for the males. Trichoptera adults are found feeding on aphid infested trees and the earlier findings that adult Trichoptera feed are confirmed.  相似文献   

Larvae of Aedes dorsalis Mg. were maintained at the density of 0.05 and 0.5 spec./ml. It was noted that mosquitoes from overpopulated cultures grew smaller in size. The wings became shorter and more narrow by 4 to 6%. The wing reduction occurred on account of its distal elements (veins r3 and m2). Despite the decrease in the value of characters their variability decreased too, having increased only for wing width and vein mcu. In overpopulated cultures the wing length connection with veins r3 and m2 grew weaker in males while in females only such tendency was observed. Wing bilateral asymmetry was noted: left wing of females became wider and those of males wider and shorter. Analysis of variability of qualitative wing characters, which were singled out according to the venation pattern, has shown that of 9 studied characters only two depended on density (arrangement of corners of radial and medial vectors) and only in females. The role of such wing changes for swarming, active escaping from danger, direction and distance of flight of mosquitoes is discussed.  相似文献   

The date of the beginning of mating behaviour in males and females, the rate of insemination and the increasing of bloodsucking activity of females were studied in natural environments. Over 80% of females mated on the 3-4th day after emergence; after fertilization their behaviour changed from looking for males for coupling to looking for ones for a prey. The male swarming began on the 5th day after emergence and simultaneously the appearance of inseminated females was observed. The places of mating of males and females were investigated. It was established that coupling took place in swarms with swarming males and out of swarms with freely flying males.  相似文献   

Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus and Aedes (Stegomyia) flavopictus are related species that have overlapping distributions from southern to central Japan. To understand how they interact, we studied reproductive interference between them, particularly focusing on the body size difference between the mating pair. Here, we examined the effects of conspecific, heterospecific and double mating (i.e. heterospecific mating followed by conspecific mating) on copulation duration, egg production and hatchability of eggs using mosquitoes that varied in body size. Females mated only with heterospecific males produced few viable eggs, indicating that post‐mating isolation is almost complete. When mated with heterospecific males before conspecific mating, the production of viable eggs was lower than when mated only with conspecific males, revealing the occurrence of reproductive interference. The degree of reproductive interference was larger in Ae. flavopictus than in Ae. albopictus when the female size was small but did not differ between them when the female size was large. Aedes albopictus females appear to be able to distinguish Ae. flavopictus males from conspecific males and larger females are more successful in the rejection of heterospecific males. On the other hand, Ae. flavopictus were not able to discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific males.  相似文献   

Prolonged periods of allopatry might result in loss of the ability to discriminate against other formerly sympatric species, and can lead to heterospecific matings and hybridization upon secondary contact. Loss of premating isolation during prolonged allopatry can operate in the opposite direction of reinforcement, but has until now been little explored. We investigated how premating isolation between two closely related damselfly species, Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo , might be affected by the expected future northward range expansion of C. splendens into the allopatric zone of C. virgo in northern Scandinavia. We simulated the expected secondary contact by presenting C. splendens females to C. virgo males in the northern allopatric populations in Finland. Premating isolation toward C. splendens in northern allopatric populations was compared to sympatric populations in southern Finland and southern Sweden. Male courtship responses of C. virgo toward conspecific females showed limited geographic variation, however, courtship attempts toward heterospecific C. splendens females increased significantly from sympatry to allopatry. Our results suggest that allopatric C. virgo males have partly lost their ability to discriminate against heterospecific females. Reduced premating isolation in allopatry might lead to increased heterospecific matings between taxa that are currently expanding and shifting their ranges in response to climate change.  相似文献   

The presence of a predator can result in the alteration, loss or reversal of a mating preference. Under predation risk, females often change their initial preference for conspicuous males, favouring less flashy males to reduce the risk of being detected by predators. Previous studies on predator‐induced plasticity in mate preferences have given females a choice between more and less conspicuous conspecific males. However, in species that naturally hybridize, it is also possible that females might choose an inconspicuous heterospecific male over a conspicuous conspecific male under predation risk. Our study addresses this question using the green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) and the southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), which are sympatric in the wild. We hypothesized that X. helleri females would prefer the sworded conspecific males in the absence of a predator but favour the less conspicuous, swordless, heterospecific males in the presence of a predator. Contrary to our expectation, females associated more with the heterospecific male than the conspecific male in the control (no predator) treatment, and they were non‐choosy in the predator treatment. This might reflect that females were attracted to the novel male phenotype when there was no risk of predation but became more neophobic after predator exposure. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, our results suggest that predation pressure may affect female preferences for conspecific versus heterospecific males. We also found striking within‐population, between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity: females differed in the strength and direction of their preferences, as well as in the extent to which they altered their preferences in response to changes in perceived predation risk. Such variation in female preferences for heterospecific males could potentially lead to temporal and spatial variation in hybridization rates in the wild.  相似文献   

North European Leptoceridae (Trichoptera) perform three types of swarming flight patterns: (1) swarming males of Athripsodesand Ceracleafly in horizontal zigzag patterns over the water surface, (2) the Mystacidesspp. perform vertical zigzag movements, and (3) the flight of males of Triaenodes unanimisMcLach. is a mixture of the horizontal and vertical zigzagging. Also three groups of pair formation behavior can be distinguished. In the first group, of Athripsodesand Ceraclea,the females fly into the male swarms, where they are grasped and carried to the riparian vegetation by the flying males with the females hanging upside-down in genitalia coupling. In the second group, a Mystacidesfemale is caught by a male, when approaching a swarm and both use their wings to fly in tandem to the shore where they copulate. In the third group, of Triaenodes bicolor(Curt.) and Oecetis lacustris(Curt.), the males fly searching for females sitting on aquatic plants and when a female is found the male lands and they copulate immediately while clinging to the plant. The different swarming and mating behaviors might have favored selection for three types of sexual dimorphism: (1) longer forewings in males than females in species which fly in copula, (2) larger eyes in males of the vertically zigzagging species, and (3) much smaller males in the group where males search for females sitting on aquatic plants. In the second group approaching females are detected by males before reaching the swarm and in the third group the female almost always mates with the male which is the first to find her. In conclusion, we suggest that females of Athripsodesand Ceracleahave a greater choice among swarming males than do females of Mystacides, T. bicolor,and O. Lacustris.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Analysis of video recordings of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say swarms showed that the overall swarming patterns of males and virgin females are similar, even though the short-term characteristics of their flight, such as speed and turning angle, differ. This suggests they have the same response to the visual cue of the swarm 'marker'. The swarming pattern of an individual consists of elliptical loops which, in the short-term, define an area smaller than the swarm as a whole. The foci of these ellipses drift gradually with respect to the marker; individuals do not seem to have preferred positions within the swarm, but drift at random. Male mosquitoes identify and locate females by the sound of their wing-beats. Diffuse sound at the wing-beat frequency of female C.p. quinquefasciatus (500–600 Hz) caused males within the swarm to slow down significantly. Their turning behaviour remained unchanged, so the ellipses decreased in size. The swarm as a whole collapsed into a smaller volume, centred over the marker. Apparently, the response of males to sound consists of at least two parts: initially they alter their flight speed, and then alter their turning behaviour once they have located the source of the sound.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) are renowned for their exceptional vision, but this does not preclude use of other senses. Here we provide evidence that olfactory pheromones are widespread in the Spartaeinae and Lyssomaninae, two subfamilies regarded as basal clades within the Salticidae. Pheromone use by salticids was tested in a series of experiments: males were tested with the odour of conspecific females, heterospecific females, and conspecific males, and females were tested with the odour of conspecific males. With seven of the 29 species tested, we also tested males using the draglines of conspecific females (spider absent) as the odour source. Males of all species tested were attracted to the odour of conspecific females and to the odour of the draglines of conspecific females. There was no evidence of males responding to the odour of heterospecific females or conspecific males, or of females responding to the odour of conspecific males. These findings suggest that it is primarily males that respond to olfactory sex pheromones, consistent with the apparent trend within spiders of males more actively searching for females and females placing greater emphasis on mate‐choice decisions. Compared with most salticid groups, lyssomanines and spartaeines are unusually sedentary and this lifestyle may favour olfactory mate searching. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 664–677.  相似文献   

Interspecific mating normally decreases female fitness. In many species, females avoid heterospecific males innately or by imprinting on their parents. Alternatively, adult females could learn to discriminate against heterospecific males after exposure to such males. For example, Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) females learn to discriminate between conspecific males and Turkish hamster (M. brandti) males during adulthood by exposure to males of both species. Adult females not previously exposed to Turkish hamster males will mate similarly with conspecific and heterospecific males. However, in a previous study we showed that exposure to a heterospecific male and a conspecific male for 8 days led to mating avoidance and aggression towards the heterospecific male. Here we conducted two experiments to investigate how much exposure to the heterospecific male was required for females to avoid mating with the heterospecific male (Experiment 1) and how long that avoidance lasted in the absence of continuous exposure to heterospecific stimuli (Experiment 2). Fast and durable learning would indicate the evolution of an efficient avoidance response. In Experiment 1, females were exposed to a heterospecific male for 1, 4 h, 4 or 8 days and then paired with that male. We found more avoidance of interspecific mating after 4 or 8 days of exposure than after 1 or 4 h of exposure. In Experiment 2, females were exposed to a heterospecific male for 8 days and then paired with that male either 10 min later or 8 days later. We found that after an 8-day delay females were highly sexually receptive to the heterospecific male. Additionally, a comparison between the current experiments and a previous study indicates that female Syrian hamsters do not require concurrent exposure to a conspecific male and a heterospecific male to learn to avoid interspecific mating; exposure to a heterospecific male is sufficient.  相似文献   

In the dance fly species Empis borealis (L.), females (1–40) gather to swarm at landmarks (swarm markers, like trees and bushes), and males carrying an insect prey visit these swarms for mating. We noticed earlier that some swarm sites were used for several years and that they appeared to be frequented by a similar number of swarming females in each year, although the numbers of females varied greatly among swarm sites and certain sites attracted more swarming individuals than others. To explore swarm site fidelity in this mating system, in 1993 we monitored the same swarm sites that we studied in 1989, addressing the questions, Would the same swarm sites still attract the same number of females and males after 4 years? and Why do some swarm sites attract more displaying females than others? The number of females swarming at the different markers in 1993 was approximately the same as 4 years earlier. Some of these swarm sites are known to have been used for 18 years. The swarm sites with the largest number of flies had a high sun exposure during the day and were found at coniferous swarm marker trees and in a mixed forest habitat. A swarm site with few females attending and with a low amount of insolation during the day can be predicted to be abandoned as a swarming site soon. Empis borealis swarm sites thus persist over many years and are attended by a similar number of individuals each year. To our knowledge, such site fidelity has not been demonstrated for any swarming insect species earlier.  相似文献   

During animal courtship, multiple signals transmitted in different sensory modalities may be used to recognize potential mates. In fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), nocturnally active species rely on long-range bioluminescent signals for species, sex, and mate recognition, while several diurnally active species rely on pheromonal signals. Although in many insects non-volatile cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) also function in species and sex discrimination, little is known about the potential role of CHC in fireflies. Here, we used gas chromatography to characterize species and sex differences in the CHC profiles of several North American fireflies, including three nocturnal and two diurnal species. Additionally, we conducted behavioral bioassays to determine whether firefly males (the searching sex) were differentially attracted to extracts from conspecific vs. heterospecific females. Gas chromatography revealed that nocturnal Photinus fireflies had low or undetectable CHC levels in both sexes, while diurnal fireflies showed higher CHC levels. No major sex differences in CHC profiles were observed for any firefly species. Behavioral bioassays demonstrated that males of the diurnal firefly Ellychnia corrusca were preferentially attracted to chemical extracts from conspecific vs. heterospecific females, while males of the remaining species showed no discrimination. These results suggest that while CHC may function as species recognition signals for some diurnal fireflies, these compounds are unlikely to be important contact signals in nocturnal Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

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