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N-terminal Nα-[13C]monomethylamino derivatives for the N-terminal serine and leucine residues of glycophorins AM and AN, respectively, were obtained by reductively 13C-methylating homozygous human erythrocytes (MM, NN). The 13C-labeled glycophorins, AM and AN, were then isolated. A unique structural state was observed in solution reductively 13C-methylated glycophorin AM that was not observed in glycophorin AM derived from 13C-methylated erythrocytes. We attribute this state to the fact that some of the glycophorin AM forms a head-to-head dimer when subjected to reductive 13C-methylation in aqueous solution. The 13C chemical shift data and pH titration data for the N-terminal [13C]dimethylamino and [13C]monomethylamino groups of glycophorin AM and AN derived from reductively 13C-methylated erythrocytes were in agreement with the chemical shift and titration data previously obtained for the N-terminal [13C]dimethylamino groups of solution reductively 13C-methylated glycophorins and related glycopeptides and peptides and N-terminal [13C]monomethylamino groups of related glycopeptides and peptides.  相似文献   

Purified detergent solubilized dimeric human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (6.3 S form) was converted to a stable monomeric 3.9 S species when treated with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. More than 60% of the enzymatic activity were recovered after this treatment. A decreased susceptibility to reduction and alkylation was observed with purified, detergent depleted acetylcholinesterase aggregates. When erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) were subjected to the same treatment, acetylcholinesterase could subsequently be solubilized as monomeric 3.9 S form and and more than 90% of the activity were recovered. Monomeric acetylcholinesterase was less reactive towards antibodies raised against (dimeric) human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase and towards antibodies against human erythrocyte membranes. The results suggest that acetylcholinesterase is present as dimeric species in human erythrocyte membranes despite the fact that fully active monomers can be obtained.  相似文献   

A water-soluble Mg2+-ATPase previously reported (White, M.D. and Ralston, G.B. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 436, 567–576) has been purified from human erythrocyte membranes. The purified enzyme has a molecular weight of 575 000; the apparent minimum molecular weight was 100 000, corresponding to a soluble protein of the component 3 region. The Km value for ATP was 1 mM and apparent Km for Mg2+ was 3.6 mM. By means of histochemical activity staining in acrylamide gels it was shown that the purified ATPase preparation could be inhibited by Cd2+ and Zn2+ salts, p-chloromercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide, known inhibitors of membrane endocytosis.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase was converted to a monomeric species by treatment of ghosts with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. After solubilization with Triton X-100, the reduced and alkylated enzyme was partially purified by affinity chromatography and separated from residual dimeric enzyme by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in a zonal rotor. Monomeric and dimeric acetylcholinesterase showed full enzymatic activity in presence of Triton X-100 whereas in the absence of detergent, activity was decreased to approx. 20% and 15%, respectively. Preformed egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles fully sustained activity of the monomeric species whereas the dimer was only 80% active. The results suggest that a dimeric structure is not required for manifestation of amphiphile dependency of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase from human erythrocytes. Furthermore, monomeric enzyme appears to be more easily inserted into phospholipid bilayers than the dimeric species.  相似文献   

Liposomes of phospholipids fully sustain the enzyme activity of the amphiphile-dependent dimers of human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase; no head group specificity exists. Diacylglycerides, glycerophosphorylcholine, or free fatty acids do not sustain the catalytic activity. It could be shown that the dimeric acetylcholinesterase with an exposed hydrophobic region can penetrate the lipid bilayer of liposomes and thus becomes stabilized by the surrounding phospholipid molecules.  相似文献   

Both negative-stain and freeze-fracture electron microscopic techniques revealed that the ultrastructure of resealed white ghosts prepared at high dilution during the hemolysis step is very different from that of resealed ghosts prepared at low or moderate dilution (pink ghosts). The negative-stained resealed white ghosts showed light halo substructures on membrane surfaces and protrusions at the edge of the ghosts. Freeze-fracturing of these ghosts showed that membrane blebbing had occurred and that fragments of the membranes resealed to form small right-side-out vesicles ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

The disruption of erythyrocyte membrane cytoskeletons brought about by treatment with p-mercuribenzene sulphonate (PMBS) has been followed by measurements of turbidity and the binding of 203Hg-labelled PMBS. After pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide to block readily reactive sulphydryl groups, incubation with [203Hg]PMBS showed incorporation of approximately 4 moles radiolabel per mole of spectrin and one per mole of actin. The incorporation of radiolabel paralleled the decrease in turbidity, and the labelling of spectrin paralleled that of actin. The kinetics were pseudo first order, and the pH dependence of the observed rate constant indicated a normal pKa value for the sulphydryl group involved. The calculated second-order rate constant for the reaction of the sulphydryl anion with PMBS, however, was several orders of magnitude less than expected from model compound studies. The results suggest that association between spectrin and actin may result in the steric hindrance of reactivity of a limited number of sulphydryl groups in each protein. Disruption of the spectrin-actin association may then be linked to the modification of the sulphydryl groups.  相似文献   

Incubation of membranes derived from sarcotubular system of rabbit skeletal muscle with increasing concentrations of Triton X-100 produced both stimulation of the AChE activity and solubilization of this enzyme. Mild proteolytic treatment of microsomal membranes produced a several fold activation of the still membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Attempts were made to solubilize AChE from microsomal membranes by proteolytic treatment. About 30–40% of the total enzyme activity could be solubilized by means of trypsin or papain. Short trypsin treatment of the microsomal membranes produced first an activation of the membrane-bound enzyme followed by solubilization. Incubation of muscle microsomes for a short time with papain yielded a significant portion of soluble enzyme. Membrane-bound enzyme activation was measured after a prolonged incubation period. These results are compared with those of solubilization obtained by treatment of membranes with progressive concentrations of Triton X-100. The occurrence of molecular forms in protease-solubilized AChE was investigated by means of centrifugation analysis and slab gel electrophoresis. Centrifugation on sucrose gradients revealed two main components of 4.4S and 10–11S in either trypsin or papain-solubilized AChE. These components behaved as hydrophilic species whereas the Triton solubilized AChE showed an amphipatic character. Application of slab gel electrophoresis showed the occurrence of forms with molecular weights of 350,000; 175,000; 165,000; 85,000 and 76,000. The stimulation of membrane-bound AChE by detergents or proteases would indicate that most of the enzyme molecules or their active sites are sequestered into the lipid bilayer through lipid-protein or protein-protein interactions and these are broken by proteolytic digestion of the muscle microsomes.  相似文献   

Quinolinic acid (2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid), an endogenous metabolite of l-tryptophan, reportedly via the kynurenine pathway, has been previously shown to possess neurotoxic properties when injected into rat striatum (Schwarcz R., Whetsell, W.O., Jr. and Mangano R.M. (1983) Science 219, 316–318) and to alter the physical state of human erythrocyte membrane proteins, as judged by ESR spectroscopy (Farmer, B.T., II and Butterfield, D.A. (1984) Life Sci. 35, 501–509). Both the morphologic and ESR studies employed nicotinic acid as one comparative control and found that the effect of quinolinic acid is significantly different from that of nicotinic acid. In the present study, we report that the effects of several structural analogues and positional isomers of quinolinic acid on the ESR parameter associated with the physical state of membrane proteins in human erythrocyte membranes suggest the following conclusions concerning the structure-effect relationship of quinolinic acid: The alteration in the conformation of membrane proteins: (1) requires the presence of two carboxylic acid groups; (2) is independent of their relationship to one another on the pyridine ring; (3) is slightly dependent on the presence of the pyridine nitrogen atom but is independent of the positional relationship of the two carboxylic acid moieties to the heteroatom; and (4) seems to depend upon the presence of restricted internal motion derived from the aromaticity in these compounds.  相似文献   

Dog glycophorin, the major sialoglycoprotein of dog erythrocyte membranes, contains either N-acetyl- or N-glycolylneuraminic acid, depending upon the strain of dog. Glycolipids also contained the same sialic acid as those found in glycophorin when both materials are prepared from erythrocyte membranes of individual dogs. The O-glycosidic oligosaccharides were released from glycophorin, prepared from individual dogs, by alkaline borohydride treatment, and purified by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The structures of the reduced oligosaccharides were determined by methylation analysis and gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The O-glycosidic oligoscharides identified were one tetrasaccharide - Neu5Ac(2→3)Gal)1→3)[Neu5Ac(2→6)[GalNAcol - two trisaccharides - Neu5Ac(2→3)Gal1→3)GaINAcol and Gal(1→3)[Neu5Ac(2→6)]GalNAcol.  相似文献   

Summary— The membrane skeleton, responsible for shape and mechanical properties of the red cell, was purified by the Triton extraction procedure in presence of 5 mM, 150 mM or 600 mM NaCl. The proportion of spectrin, protein 4.1 and actin present in erythrocyte skeletons does not depend on the molarity of NaCl used. In contrast ankyrin, protein band 3 and protein 4.2 are removed from skeletons as the ionic strength increased. Solubilization assays of membrane skeletons were used to study protein interactions inside the skeleton. Solubilization was performed by Tris, a non-selective disruptive reagent, or by p-mercuribenzene sulfonic acid (PMBS), which principally release spectrin and actin. Tris action was assessed by calculation of the percentage of solubilized proteins, which increased proportionally with Tris molarity. PMBS action was kinetically determined as the decrease in skeleton turbidity. With these two reagents, we observed a lower dissociation of skeletons prepared with high ionic strength buffer. Erythrocyte pretreatment with okadaic acid, an inhibitor of serine-threonine phosphatases, revealed a phosphorylation-induced skeleton gelation and a better resistance to Tris-solubilization.  相似文献   

Melittin and phospholipase A2-activating protein (PLAP) are known as efficient activators of secretory phospholipase A2(sPLA2) types I, II, and III when phospholipid liposomes are used as substrate. The present study demonstrates that both peptides can either inhibit or activate sPLA2 depending on the peptide/phospholipid ratio when erythrocyte membranes serve as a biologically relevant substrate. Low concentrations of melittin and PLAP were observed to inhibit sPLA2-triggered release of fatty acids from erythrocyte membranes. The inhibition was reversed at melittin concentrations above 1 microM. PLAP-induced inhibition of sPLA2 persisted steadily throughout the used concentration range (0-150 nM). The two peptides induced a dose-dependent activation of sPLA2 at low concentrations, followed by inhibition when model membranes were used as substrate. This opposite modulatory effect on biological membranes and model membranes is discussed with respect to different mechanisms the interaction of the regulatory peptides with the enzyme molecules and the substrate vesicles.  相似文献   

RBC flow cytometric analysis is usually used to quantify antigen content. Calibration systems enable antigen content determination by relating mean fluorescence intensity with the number of bound antibody molecules (equivalent to the number of antigen molecules). For that reason, antibodies must be used at saturating concentration, which may lead to agglutination when working with high density antigens. Then, forward scattering, side scattering and fluorescence will be increased, thus obtaining wrong results. In this work, the simple Langmuir adhesion model was applied. Flow cytometry was used to quantify GPA, a transmembrane protein present at high density on RBC. The fluorescence intensity of samples at different anti-GPA sub-saturating concentrations was measured. Sometimes, agglutinates were present and two peaks of fluorescence were observed, the principal one corresponding to isolated cells and the secondary one corresponding to agglutinated cells. In those cases, the principal peak was taken into account for the analysis. The GPA antigen content obtained for nine analyzed samples ranged from 3 to 13 x 10(5) sites per cell, which is similar to those values found in literature. Therefore, the Langmuir adsorption model enables us to determine the antigen content for the anti-GPA/GPA system on RBC membrane. This model could be used to quantify high density antigens in RBC and in other cells.  相似文献   

Cholesterol depletion of erythrocytes, obtained after incubation with phosphatidylcholine vesicles, induces in most of the experiments: (1) a discocytestomatocyte transformation as observed by scanning electron microscopy; (2) a specific decrease in spectrin phosphorylation of intact erythrocytes; (3) an increase in lipid phosphorylation. It is concluded that the effect of cholesterol on erythrocyte shape is probably mediated through its action on the activity o of membrane-bound enzymes, proteases or kinases.  相似文献   

Examination of the interaction of a number of structurally related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with the erythrocyte plasma membrane indicated that the presence and position of methyl groups on the lipophilic hydrocarbon nucleus determined whether the compound acted as an inhibitor of membrane function. 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, a potent carcinogen, acted as a noncompetitive inhibitor of membrane acetylcholinesterase. The inhibition depended on the anion composition of the buffer at the time of exposure of the cells to inhibitor, i.e., it was only manifest in the presence of an anion gradient. The temperature dependence of the intact cell enzyme in the presence of inhibitor was influenced by the temperature at which the compound was added prior to assay and may involve the perturbation of tightly associated lipids. Glucose exchange across the membrane was inhibited by the same compounds which inhibit acetylcholinesterase. The temperature dependence of the exchange was not grossly altered by the presence of 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene.The observed inhibition of two membrane functions by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons does not correlate simply with their theoretical octanol/ water partition coefficients, water solubilities, or ability to confer membrane stabilization against osmotic hemolysis. This demonstration of differential inhibition by compounds having the same overall hydrophobicity was unexpected and suggests a more complex mode of interaction with the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte ghost NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited in a competitive fashion by ATP and ADP whereas other nucleoside di- and triphosphates, cyclic nucleosides, as well as non-phosphorylating ATP analogs are relatively ineffective. In addition, this enzyme, measured with ferricyanide as electron acceptor, is inhibited by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation (proton-conducting reagents), the inhibition being competitive in character (i.e., the uncouplers were without influence upon maximum velocity). The effectiveness of the uncouplers was in the order of their hydrophobic character with the presence of the alkyl side chain rendering nonyl-dinitrophenol much more active than 2,6-dinitrophenol itself. Hydrophobic compounds that are not protonophores (e.g., eosin, proflavin or valinomycin) were not inhibitory. Whereas adenine nucleotides probably inhibit NADH oxidation competitively through structural similarity with the substrate, it appears unlikely that uncouplers compete at the NADH site directly. Rather, the apparently-competitive inhibition in the latter case may reflect competition for proton transfer to an acceptor residing in a hydrophobic region of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Analyses of the fatty acid composition of the outer and inner pools of sphingomyelin in the human erythrocyte membrane revealed significant differences in molecular species composition of these two pools. The sphingomyelin in the inner monolayer, representing 15–20% of the total sphingomyelin content of this membrane, is characterized by a relatively high content (73%) of fatty acids, which have less than 20 carbon atoms, whereas these account for only 31% of the total fatty acids in the sphingomyelin in the outer leaflet. On the other hand, the ratio saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the two pools is similar. Significant differences are also observed for the fatty acid composition of the sphingomyelin in human serum when compared to that in the outer monolayer of the corresponding red cell. These results are interpreted to indicate an (almost) complete absence of transbilayer movements of sphingomyelin molecules in the human erythrocyte membrane, whereas an exchange of this phospholipid between the red cell membrane and serum is either virtually absent, or affects only a minor fraction of the sphingomyelin in the outer membrane layer.  相似文献   

Malkit Sami  Christopher Dempsey   《FEBS letters》1988,240(1-2):211-215
The hydrophobic transbilayer peptide of erythrocyte glycophorin has been purified following exchange of tritium into the backbone amides, and reconstituted in egg phosphatidylcholine micelles. Analysis of tritium exchange from the backbone amides of the membrane-reconstituted peptide shows that about two of the amides are virtually non-exchangeable, about 10 are slowed by factors of 10(7) relative to free amides in unstructured water soluble peptides and the remainder of the amides (about 20) have slowing factors of less than 1000. These classes of amides are proposed to reflect the stability of the peptide with respect to hydrogen bond breaking fluctuations and the accessibility of the amides to exchange catalysts in different regions of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Purified human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase was subjected to limited proteolysis with papain. This treatment generated a hydrophilic form of the enzyme as determined by charge-shift crossed immunoelectrophoresis and by binding to phenyl-Sepharose. The hydrophilic enzyme was stable and its activity was independent of the presence of amphiphiles. Electroimmunochemical analysis showed no antigenic difference between the two enzyme forms. Although the proteolytic treatment only brought about a small change in molecular weight, marked differences in the hydrodynamic properties were encountered. The Stokes radius decreased from 8.2 to 5.9 nm and the sedimentation coefficient increased from 6.3 to 7.0 S. The results are consistent with the view that a short hydrophobic peptide responsible for the amphipatic character of acetylcholinesterase is removed by the treatment with papain.  相似文献   

Large (0.5–1.0 μm) cytoskeleton-free vesicles were obtained, by ‘budding’, from fresh human and rabbit erythrocytes incubated at 45°C and titrated with EDTA and CaCl2. This process occurs without hemolysis. The isolated vesicles maintain their cytoplasmic integrity and normal membrane orientation, and are resistant to hemolysis over the pH range 5.0–11.0 and temperature range 4–50°C. The only membrane proteins detected in vesicles from human erythrocytes were band 3 region polypeptides and bands PAS-1, PAS-2 and PAS-3. Vesicles obtained from rabbit erythrocytes were similarly simple. Because of their size and stability these vesicles are amenable to both kinetic and quantitative analysis using the same experimental techniques employed in studies of synthetic lipid membranes. The results obtained in this study indicate that these vesicles are essentially markedly simplified biological cells, and thus may be useful as a biologically relevant model membrane system for examining the molecular interactions which occur within, across and between cell membranes.  相似文献   

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